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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 20, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news live from berlin, an air strike. it's a building in the heart of serious capital, damascus, reportedly killing a high ranking members about iran's revolutionary guard. rescuers are searching for people who could still be tracked down to the level and as regional tensions escalate the united states and israel distressed gas as a postwar future. president joe biden says it is still possible that israel's benjamin netanyahu could agree to some form of a palestinian state after the 2 leaders speaking for the 1st time in nearly a month. the
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next by sir, welcome to the program. high ranking members of a rance paramilitary revolutionary guard have reportedly been killed in a suspect. it is rarely airstrikes in syria reunion and syrian state media, se a commander and one of his deputies died in the strike as well. as 2 more members of the force, it hit a building in the capitol, damascus. rescuers are still searching for people trapped inside the revel. regional tensions are escalating, as israel continues as war and from us in response to the october 7th terror attacks. a few more on this now from dw special correspond to abraham in jerusalem . can you confirm this was an has rarely attack. i know we can't confirm that because there has not yet been any comment from israel regarding a dot uh error stripe and that's not unusual for strikes. believe to be a gift to have is real behind them in the region earlier this month
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and legit is really jerome straight killed a senior. how much advisor in a b route. these really is never confirmed nor denied or taking any responsibility for it. although it is widely believe that it was and is really a tax. so it's not unusual, not to have comments so soon after a strike or to never get comment at all. this information is um, you know, about the strike is, has been announced on iranian state. a media that's according to the reuters news agency. and what do you know about the people who were targeted? we know, again, according to the iranian state media, these were for a revolutionary and guard advisors, military advisors that were in damascus, advising the government of president bush,
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charlotte side who is closely allied with iran. one of the few strong backers of the syrian regime internationally. and there is, there also reports that a 5th person has been killed, although the nationality and the details of that famous person are unclear. and it, i understand all the caviar, it's about israel is acknowledging or denying strikes. but is it unusual for israel to actually strike targets and syria? i know this is a long followed is really a strategy, a bombing iranian targets in syria. and these strikes have become deadlier since the october 7th her attacks. and in december of last year, 2 guard members were killed by and is really strike in damascus. ok dw special
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correspond to abraham in jerusalem. thank so much and those strikes in syria come a mid, an apparent risk between israel and it's closest to ally the united states over guys as future with the war ends. us president joe biden says he spoke with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu about possible solutions for the creation of an independent palestinian state. when asked by reporters, if a 2 state solution was impossible with it and yeah, who in office when barton said there's no, it's not the 2 leaders both by phone on friday. the 1st direct communication in almost a month before the 28th and the quote for shipping. as israel's military wines down it's operation in the north of the gas a strip. some of the thousands of palestinians displaced from areas like the jamalia are heading back only to find there is little left of the place they call home. israel's war against thomas is what top much if this neighborhood.
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but those who pretend it's now impossible for survival to the and everyone must pitch in to help gather the most basic of needs on much heavy if, if you have other than a hook on july, the other that i know how long we've had a hard time since the beginning of the war, all the basic necessities are gone. human, there is a lack of everything. uh, there is no flower, fuels, sugar and homeless. know what are we doing? nothing but fetch water all day. it's a whole lot of these items such as family cook, just once a day, to consider the unlimited supplies and this is all around them. the threats of famine and disease grow your thoughts to the devastating impact of this will get home and the many they no longer hear a lot. i'm the cool moments. all of my cousins are dead. my wife's family is dad. 36 people died in one swoop. well, none of my children get any sleep. we lie and say that what they here are and birds
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goes off here for the, for the tough. it's a knock on the door and even pay for ok. it's about more turns are falling. we tried to reassure them, but that's still an easy to do when surrounded by the scars of conflict and would know this is where used to sleep. now it's impossible to sleep. the cold is killing us. now, when we got back home, i saw that my room, toys and bed had burned down. oh, i don't have anything less when it gets issue. now, did you know just the buildings that lie in ruins will go home for the future. this is also crumbling. as fundamental differences remain, i post will future palestinian. so when i casa who up on the, in the, the, for more on this, the spring and chain, a low from the norwegian refugee council,
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which operates in java. she's joining us from jerusalem. as you know, we just saw in our report a family that decided to go back to the north of the gaza strip. is it safe to do that? you know, it's, it, it, most likely you have a safe to go because even a possibility you have subsided or sees in northern garza, there's the risk of unexploded ordinances. reports have been that as many of 9 out of 10 bombs have not exploded. so when you have families returning to northern garza before you, when are humanitarian agencies have been able to go through and ensure that an area is safe, you run the risk that people returning home who, who is managed to survive over the last 15 weeks, could, could end up returning home and finding that their unexploded ordnance is in their homes and, and facing uh, consequences such as, uh those, those bombs being triggered and,
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and killing remaining of those seeking thinking safety and seeking shelter. and another danger experts are warning of is hunger and famine, which they say could kill more people than the actual war. and the following bonds are what's being done to prevent that this is something that we've been concerned about for, for many, many weeks. even even before the spread of disease, as we've seen happen, the wind has already reported over a 1000 cases of hepatitis a that have been reported due to people being in unsanitary conditions. really, what we need to see is a massive scaling of aid and assistance. going into gaza in order to save off starvation, ensure that people are getting the food that they desperately need the clean water that they desperately need. the medicines and medical supplies that they desperately need. unfortunately, what we've seen is that israel has prevented some of those essential uh aid items,
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including water dee dee, dee sal innovation, the mit machinery, uh and, and uh, flooring tablets to purify water from entering garza. and so this is something that's going to perpetuate this health crisis. and so what we desperately need is the lifting of these obstructive obstructions and restrictions from allowing all necessary to enter garza and just briefly, if i'm a, why is israel blocking the aid? you know, i think the be a great question to ask is really, authorities that there are claims that some of the aid could be dual use. but in terms of medicine, clean water. these are things that are necessary for the civilian population to survive. israel as the occupying power and gas, and since 1967 have an obligation to provide for the basic needs for survival of
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the occupied people. what we've seen is that they have not been abiding by that obligation. and they haven't been allowing 3rd states and an a, an, an independent and g o's, international and deals from entering and providing that assistance if they're unwilling to do so. okay, shayna low from the norwegian refugee council. thank you so much. thank you. let's have a quick look now at some other headlines around the world. united nation says the republic of congo urgently needs a aid. after the worst flooding and 6 decades, it says some 350000 people require humanitarian assistance. months of extreme rainfall have caused the banking river and burst its banks, and many villages can only be reached by boat. the wise world tourism organization says global travel is projected to return to pre depend demik levels this year. it says the increase is being fueled by increased travel to and from asia there in
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europe. some attractions, such as the eiffel tower, welcome to more visitors last year than in 2019, before the cold. with 19 pandemic. acura, alec baldwin is once again facing of manslaughter. charge over the fatal shooting on a film set in 2021. baldwin was holding a gun during rehearsals when it went off killing the film cinematographer. he has denied pulling the trigger. a grand jury indicted baldwin on friday months after the original case against him was dismissed, turned into your mind thousands of legal opponents, rather thousands of opponents of legal abortion have marched through the american capital. the annual march for life in washington comes as a search and anti abortion laws has become a major campaign issue. in this year's presidential election debate has increased since the supreme court's historic decision to overturn abortion rights, which had been guaranteed since 1973 germany has held
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a memorial service for football, great friends beckon bower, who died earlier this month at the age of $78.00. among the $50000.00 guests at the barn unix stadium were retired and current players spans and public figures including german chancellor, old actuals buying minix alien serena was the venue for gemini, so that will to its greatest ever football fan 2nd ballot was saluted with these favorite piece of italian music. most of the rest in new york, while former chimney coaches down to use the current by munich squad, um famous players from various areas. pay tribute to the men known as dec kaiser. the emperor, a top public figures were also in attendance. sophia, in byron, for he was a role model for so many feelings. it was a great stroke of luck for all of us. and so this is also how we bid farewell to
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great german. and that is why today as president of germany, i say expressly on behalf of all of us. thank you. tons back and power. thank you for everything. back about when a raft of trophies with buying in the 1970s, including 3 european cups. i'm a central to west jimmy lifting the 1974 will cope on home soil. he was one of the only 3 men to win the world cup as a play it and coach in 1990, but was late at don't buy corruption allegations over jimmy hosting the 2006 told him and one of his players says he remains a hero, legacy only being a fantastic player, a great coach. she bought the board coach to serve as a 6 you mentioned, but she bought for the body level of happiness. the the we started loving the game and because of that can go back and borrower is widely regarded as the best defend it. to in the play, the men's game. many experts viewed johan christ,
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diego mcdonough, pele beach, out and beck. and bella is the best 5 players of the 60 seventy's and eighty's. now the man who will, number 5 has joined them all in passing away. jimmy's tribute was a fitting end. feel at once other as they're often called man's best friend. but one dog in the united us state of michigan turned out to be a genuine life saver. the dog's owner fell through a frozen lake while out for a walk, but he was saved thanks to his 4 legged companion and a quick and quick thinking. i'm a policeman. the officer managed to get the dog and bring rescue equipment to its owner. once the equipment was safely in the man's hands, police were able to pull him out of the freezing water across the ice to see the router valley there on the road.
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and that's all the news for now. coming up next to our magazine ship exports, digital. loneliness next, spicer for me and the entire new scene here in berlin. thanks for watching the devices. got any issues with a lot say what the the, the is it is supple is power and key more people than ever on the move world wide is.


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