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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  January 20, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm CET

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of course, we say they're about never giving up every weekend on d. w. the exceptional tottenville fed zakowski from finland is just $23.00 and already a star conductor. excursions how the average german likes to spend their vacation with it. we get prototypes on which thoughts to pair with which pasta the stories and more coming up on your own max, the finish conductor, tottenville pet zakowski, is the rising star of the classical music world. at 23. he's already at the helm of
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the lab, the national symphony orchestra. we met him to find out about his past to the podium, the that was 11 years old. and i happened to watch a huge video of the very end the i involved and it was implemented for each other. i mean, it's such a crusade, but it was kind of a 22 year old tom upheld zukowski has found success as the will. the youngest conduct to his country enrica, the capital of lexia, with which i thought now also once directed on wagner was german pulse of kosky. as finish enrica is conducting the luckily enough no since new york.
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and just so happens that they are rehearsing fucking, it's kind of and on a to be here and do his music. came here for the 1st time in january of 2022. well, i'm still in the beginning, so i'm getting to know the people on the place. is one of the lord visions for you in the history of the baby hosting 60. the very same wagner opera that tell to kosky was 7 fold by as a boy. now he's conducting it himself the everything needs to come together for the performance in 2 weeks. every tempo extends and of course, the chemistry or conducted the age of 20. 2122. it's
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really, it's very a young while i don't see leon. but he spends the half of his life in music. i do my thing and musician soft professionals. he is old news. i know music. i can come dark side. that's what i do. everything is absolutely clear for him. what is he doing? why is he doing that? true, i hope they do their best as well. and if they don't, then i might say a few words and he can do mold and conduct. tell him about the cost of the 1st night and name for himself. as a pianist, he began playing when he was 850, been him to logging for musical comedies. but wagner is complex. operators have always held a special place in his own style. i had bought and that's really
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open the door for me. and i went crazy from that point on, i was 11. i was in 5th grade of school and then i started seeing in german. this was the faith and good, the difficult. everyone's thoughts. i was crazy. no fellows, pupils of course, but also teachers and the problem with my parents as well. that ensues. the aspect finish boy has become an internationally renowned conductor who stood on stages and been in housing key. how come to run to the nice he's appearing and faces a town in northern, not fia, who's traditional? somebody festivals attract classical fans from all over the baltic. the on the program. this time is a concert performance on wagner. 68. the offer that help launch pulse the cost of
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his career as a conductor. the reason why i ever wanted to become a comes off, so it was fun. and i'm just looking for it again and i hope to do it many, many times in my life. in different places and these sorts of things will keep me going for the 2 who are in the news conducted tomo pelting those pieces to child who to be in our series, the average german we look at stereotypes that are at least statistically true. we've seen our average german, me child miller going about his day and he likes next up. we're finding out how he
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likes to vacation. this is michelle mueller, and we're following him to see how jim ends doing things or miss the an average gentleman is finally going on holiday. what's on his itinerary? where is he going into gemini? really talks, stokes and sandals. looks like we're going on. average german holiday, the germans loved to travel so much so that they really hold size of the mindset, which basically means champions. and it makes sense. full time work is in germany are entitled to a minimum of 20 days holiday. again, with a many taking the germans like fun to be fair to be organized. 70 percent the main vacation, 2 months in advance and $0.22. okay. 6 months in advance. beach holidays are the
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most popular holidays for germans. so where exactly is michelle going? the that's right folks, he's in the lyric. highland on one of the most popular foreign holiday destination, the may ok. it's so beloved by the germans, that it's been nicknamed the 17 gym and states. although we're not quite sure how the spaniards feel about that the may say is on holiday with his friend thomas, or told me who was floating in from department may say alexis to go to bed early so he can wake up, well rested for his favorite holiday. activities he plans on having an active day
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tomorrow the it was a belief that germans violently raised each other in the morning in order to reserve a son. that's the majority of german say they don't actually do this. the most mostly say that they never west sucks and sandals. if you can believe that the point 17 i'm send them do admit, however, is the key to holiday happy. this is good value for money. the hold on vacation, germans enjoy spending time in nice night. the,
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the nature isn't just the looking at germans like to get into it to you guess that the favorite holiday activity is taking the germans also like shopping, sightseeing. and of course, like writing the sales and like to bring home souvenir, awesome germans like to bring home fridge magnets and which easier to better the clothes and half of them and say they like to try local cuisine when they're on vacation. and it looks like tell me, and michelle found someone will send to the 40 percentage of the on vacation. they normally usually would. 26 percent say they
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drink this seems to be true, at least. but tell me the for a quarter of jem and say they've been embarrassed by all the germans while on holiday. i'd love to stay here with thomas and michelle, but unfortunately, i don't get vacation days. anyway. what's michelle up to next? will he be able to adjust spec to life in germany? like and subscribe for more average? you'd like more euro max visit us on youtube. find out everything you've ever wanted to know. i've had 0. we built into traditions, work and culture shock. price points to get to grips with
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europe and subscribed to dw your max on youtube. pasta. hardly any country has as many varieties as italy and for italian knowing which pos to appear as well with which sauce is almost a scientist. here are some pro tips from an italian food blogger. the subject i think is the selection tonight. did you know that there are hundreds of different tests or shapes in it today? just as many sources. today i'm going to show you some of the best coming damage and we'll see to make it from settlement, given you some of the 9 a category content creates a feed blog and it's hot in cooks and i love the task. i'm going to show you my favorites souls and past the complex. i think that this thing we don't, we don't think there's between a long pass though. the short pastor and 15 of which is mostly used to see this and the forget it, john ever eaten has that's traditional past the varieties,
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the most feasible source depends on the shape for them to sort of void with. there are 2 types of cost during the weight of $79.00 and a test to like target 10. it will fit which you need, but it all should have enough. you can tell a good pass device ruffles. i have to say this makes this whole script well been like on this, the guessing which makes present the 3 mutations for casual, evident, went up off the walls. i'm coming along past the is the guess we don't just the guys to go with read google a news on? is it not? not really the news i noodle or like this stuck me a tenant? go back to it with that wall. well, it isn't going from been, it's rock and rustic. the perfect match is that you might be more in your benefit, but the one of the most popular combinations is i guess the audio audio i your, or you, if it's super easy and quick because she's just kind of fish,
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is also known as of midnight. it's because she's forget the pure calling equals forget the mid sent all the and you started control was talking easily. so it's often an optic policy from eastern, with frances, when you get hungry again around smith, not instead of the the cold. yeah. me just make that up within the preferably so you just put the time in the middle of the table. it and everyone dixon the trailer out of the pads and one the i'm sorry, guess on it's the tony and traditionally it's made with honestly janice example from of the year. we have 2 of tomatoes, the levels, a good shot, a bacon and a good amount of pep. pasco, mom that a foster nearly always cook test to alden tay. i'm interested in the sound was you can still see this wide strive here. us with them because yeah, one moment in the water and that has to will be just right. so if i'm not going to
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make a mistake because i don't want to see me new, but you're also in that kind of channel. so this was made, same a nature which is sick and shorter than we get totally now know, most of us also goes wonderfully with its tomatoes. excellent, because as sonata, the variations are endless, he got thrown on the market of china. you go, tony is perfect for i'm going to shanice source because the ridges of very good for absorbing the source corporate office system and the import. it will go, okay. yeah, i'm no longer fits of debate in cuba foot right into the noodles hope to dig one charlotte commitment at the end. so i don't know if, but if for some, in some of the offices here, we have an example of regional passed a typical of liquidity on a little stick. yamato prophy is a company by pesto, a genovese, which is made with a 1000 tech reno, parmesan cheese oil calling on your and pine knox and send me the pin all ready to
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send to you. but it's really what you're dying. so it the funding. um, what are listed all here locally with best a is like on a call when you think of either of their instructor he didn't meant that one percent the opus the author off. yeah. so noted as that on the zone it was, it started on the package, it says boiled for 12 movies, but i set the time for 10 because i take it out and took it in the sauce here for the last time. it is a medical used to me is what mean? ok. if i come up with or this off with the army, the 6 thoughts from the past of what was a coach the pasta. and that will give the amazing premiums to their on board should have been to have to push the around on your equations. that's perfectly fine, quite a good faith. the quest, the bobbsey houston. so as to be the basis of how to address matches, not with a pass to shape because we've seen a few recipes, but i have to say to not be able to present. so is my favorite interest at all yet . so in the near perceptron trying them again, one of the details,
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a lot of missile that was, the indiana is renowned for its many impressive landmarks. the austrian capital attracts millions of travelers from around the world each year. but it's not just visitors who enjoy this city, those who call it home due to in fact, vienna has repeatedly been selected at the most livable city euro max reporter honda home on went to see why was it like to spend a day in the most livable city in the world. let's find that. i'm in vienna, the austrian capital. this amazing city is full of incredible buildings. my day is going to be filled with architectural highlights, local cuisine and the world's oldest virus. we'll also be meeting a little cold to find that y b a now has been voted the most livable city in the
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world by the economist. i'm starting my morning at the stephens tool or st. stevens cathedral. it's a major landmark in the city and isn't it gorgeous? the gothic cathedral sits in the heart of the inner city and is the tallest church in australia. i basically have to crane my neck to see the spires. so let's continue with. i have a walking tour of the city taking some more of the amazing architectural highlights here. like the huge offer a house in the city center and multiple palaces. the whole book is just a few minutes away. its the former principal imperial palace at the hattiesburg, tennessee. you can also visit shouldn't one pallet as the main summer residence of the house berg family. this crazy looking hired is an absolute must visit,
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covered head to toe and greenery and shrubbery. its a little waste in the middle of the city, the one that vasa has. let's go check out the the honda and plus a house is an apartment complex, completed in 1985 after the idea of wall street artist savings. but i just wanted to pass up, i've worked up quite an appetite after all that walking around. so i'm heading to the national market for lunch. this market has around a 120 stalls with all kinds of faith. okay, there's so many different types of food tiers offer in italian is really thoughts faxing for some for the needs. so the nurse and it so as i've been branded and pan fried cartlett traditionally was
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view let's see if the the new set. so taste better and on the now i metering not to pick a local who grew up here to find out why vienna is the most livable city in the world. for example, um the public transport system indiana has the best fits especially appealing to young people. yeah. every single spot you can reach with public transport in like 40 to 60 minutes. yeah. and what are your favorite things about the city? not only you can go to pocket and try to nature in some of the times like this. yeah. that there also so many things like cultural things like newton seals or an object traditional stuff like that. yeah, that is one of the pop. see that in, you know, there's a coffee of specialty which is college. you know, the last. yeah. it's like a little bit like
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a couple of chino human logic means like when he's mixed and the cd the and it's tough to mix of different areas, different people from all over the place. and this, this, this differences are what makes the city so enjoyable and so exciting. for me, it's a good metaphor. it's early afternoon i, which means is the perfect time to visit one of the cultural institutions that coffee has. although most traditional ones are a pretty busy see my son in the queue for a bit coffee. html has been around since 1786. it's a leverage, it's traditional and to be honest, it's pretty expensive. it is amazing to see, but there are also many other wonderful copies that aren't quite as busy or pricey . i try the vin, i'm alone and split. leonard recommended and get some type of mine to scrambled pancake. delicious. no, for my final stop of the day. pass ha,
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a huge public park that used to be where royalty went to hunt. no one corner of it has been turned into an amusement park. did you know that this is the oldest terrace we are in the world? seems like the perfect and so wonderful. let's go. this is so or as a trend, you can see the whole city from up here. it's just such a beautiful city. i can a 100 percent c y b and so i can spend days. this whole thing from coffee highs to coffee has walking through the street in martin the architecture perfect. the few people are theater. just spend time outside when it's scorching hot or freezing cold, but that's exactly when the artist of christopher lemon is in his element. he
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paints outside and says the harsh or the environment, the more powerful the heart. take a look. no matter how hot the storm blows. how remote the place is. oh, how hot the sun beats down. berlin, otter's christopher name for it. always pains in the open air and they will mend voice. all right, and ken for on the times when i come work on site or the happy is once for me, i do this tunnel. i'm not an experienced this kind of ram and reality i that's nice to feel the temperature and the light on my skin is a life of ops and is your the sounds of the city and the surroundings are vital. important to my work said the station line. one of his works is a 5 pod panorama of gym and he's capital. he paints a dizzying heights on the roof of building shadow ticks in its main building. he's fascinated by the lights and the movie said create
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and that's extend. do they constantly change and then hopefully of the light and shade. create these extreme spatial data on the mid ground might be and shadow, but then it opens up again, let us then you're in a kind of continuous dialogue. and so you always have to consider the changes, or really because appliance chords is not a good and important for the workers to should i included or leave it out. all these questions come up, i'm identifying the artist has been working and natural facing for other 25 years now. he can't imagine painting of the studio, christopher name, who is an extreme painter, often working in defiance of the forces of nature as he did in 2014 on germany's nazi unintended. go down and you know, con you what i feel the tempest. that's an incredible resistance that i have to work against. and i can use unbelievable quantities of paint to create something to stand up to it. then the more stream the conditions,
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the more expressive and abstract what turns out to be through the ex perceive app, abstract of any back in 2017 iceland volcanic wilderness pushed langford to his limits. within 2 weeks he painted 12 pictures under the most advanced conditions. the root cause of all kenneth create a rational pains and canvases, 200 meters up, and then did my painting and tracked everything back down again. after that, you're totally exhausted. it's monday enough fetish fetish document in june. he works a c 5 maces above the city's roof tops for this project name full and the case. it's an ac kilograms of oil paints the face of logistics in itself. to fix drugs of paints, make his work seem almost 3 dimensional. implies the paint directly to the canvas with his hands. he says, brushes create an unnecessary distance dentist has had a,
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it's just fabulous, but the paint is so warm but not hot and sometimes of summer have the problem that the pain is so hot that it burns my hands committee and his natural networks of products of the moment it only takes him about 4 hours to finish the 1st 3 parts of his bill and kind of run the a fand also result as an x i really, we live in extreme times system. you have to find a way to express that into either side. i think every age has its farm is coloration. right? it's a motion. yeah. oh, in, within oh mean this article, these extremes are all about these emotions. so he's able to say the works of an artist, 2 pieces to apply his vibrant colors in 6 ways. so sick it can take months for them to try and that's all from us here at jerome, ask for more exciting stories from europe and check out our social media channels.
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take care plan until next time. the
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or it shouldn't be this warm here. it's like summer conditions in the middle of april. it's hard not to feel that something really is happening here. what is happening in chagrin and size? a team of climate researchers a store and on task for put in place the into the ice. in 15 minutes on the w, another 77 percent coming to you from monrovia checking on the relationship between this r n a and how i teach,
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it's recently based. we have some controversial views about the role of women in liberia. yeah, ruth, a surprise middle men and women women potentially it's way beyond just taking care of the 77 percent in 90 minutes on the w the west page. now i know that i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport costs. thank strength amounts, but there's no actually about move. joining us as we travel around your, facing the history of everyday upset, and that's something right around the wells. and i need to talk to you back, just as subscriber id, listen to pop, gosh, then we'll take you along to the right. so
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you don't thing to do the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents do. i just want to pursue what that's my thought desired or you think your kid is to just for risky, irresponsible. reasonable stopping port is nonsense. i want my son to become a dr. joe in the clubs. it's time to to vehicle your generation with a sleep us, i'm them. when generation as class this week on the dw says kind of fun, it feels like therapy the
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this is dw, use live from berlin. an air strike hits a building in the heart of serious capital, damascus, reportedly killing high ranking members of a ranch. revolutionary guard. rescuers are searching for people who could still be trapped back to the revenue and his regional tensions escalate. the united states and israel discuss guys as posts for future, or is it a joe biden says it is still possible that israel's benjamin netanyahu could agree to some form of color, skinny and state, after the 2 leaders and speak to the 1st time nearly a month the.


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