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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 20, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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and the, this is dw, use live from berlin. an air strike hits a building in the heart of serious capital, damascus, reportedly killing high ranking members of a ranch. revolutionary guard. rescuers are searching for people who could still be tracked under the rubble and as regional tensions escalate. the united states and israel discuss a g as the posts for future. president joe biden says it is still possible that israel's benjamin netanyahu could agree to some forward palestinian states after the 2 leaders speak for the 1st time in nearly a month. and congo is president sworn in for
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a 2nd term phase. choose the katie remains at office after a landslide victory, but the opposition to accuses him of fraud the next by sir, welcome to the program. high ranking members of a ranch para military revolutionary guard have reportedly been killed in the suspect. it is rarely air strikes in the syrian capital, damascus arabian, and syrian state tv say a commander and one of his deputies died in the strike. as well as 2 more members of the force regional. tensions have been escalating, as israel continues its war on from us in response to the october 7th terror attacks. k ran has condemned the attack and says that reserves the right to respond for this. we're joined now by middle east that unless daniel cadillac, who is with the magazine zenith, which is the editor and chief,
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and the specialized on the air of sonic world. what were a ranch revolutionary guards doing very, in the 1st place? well, it runs the revolutionary god course present, and serious since the onset of the syrian civil war, more visible since 2012, 2013. so the agency are advising the syrian government, which means in fact that they have troops on the ground. there uh they are conducting operations, they're having miller shows which are guided by iran, but not necessarily composed of uranium nationals. so iran is very present as a what comes close to military ally of syria. these strikes. i'm not new. yeah. is there a has attacked iran constantly in syria? however, the magnitude of the strike, the violence of the strike and the city of damascus, the number of, of, of casualties is something extraordinary. and i think this is another level of escalation we have gotten used to be surprised, but this is something a bit more violent, right at this level. taking out spite chief, it appears as, as,
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as israel struck as high before in syria. but um, yes, uh multiple occasions and on the 1st day of christmas, the 25th of december. uh israel assassinated a high ranking uh i or just single monitor in syria. his name was that as well. so we, and this was so far, they, according to intelligence, the information he was one of the key coordinators of operations of the wrong in syria. with you may need malicious the syrian government and at the same time as well. i wonder, to what extent iran is going to respond to this because around united state run has been taking many of those strikes. yeah, of course there is a shadow wall going on between his running around. but this happens in, in a interesting view for the, to a context because they have been a number of uranium operations in the neighborhood, which the radiance brenda's entities are operations using drones and, and also missiles. but at the same time, there is a very interesting secure re shuffle of the security apparatus in damascus itself, which happened yesterday. so maybe it's coincidence or maybe it also there's a,
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there's a connection between these events. and to what extent is this link to the war? israel is, is way down how mass and gather it is connected because of course, iran considers home us a member, a part of it so called excess of resistance against israel in the us. however, the arrangements have made it quite clear that the uh, what happened on the 7th of october was how most, if there was a palestinian attack and they had no hand in this. and i think we have basically put a number of measured by those standards, not very bellicose statements of the uranium government, and particularly the foreign minister who seemed to want to de escalate not be drafted to this war any further. the same of course, applies to the us um, but what we see on the ground is something different than i wonder to what extent the reading is not going to perceive this as a pro location. the readings have struck a target any ron a few days ago, a new rock and neighboring a rock for the 1st time in our b of a few days ago. and they said they had hit a massage cell like a cell of these really intelligent service that was illegally operating out of the
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iraq against the reading and secured interest. so in a way the reading is, might take this as an official, an, as an official response by the is realized. but that would at the same time mean that the ears are these admit they were hit by the striking, the rock. they were present as this, at least this is how the reading is going to each other, to the tit for tat that i don't know when, when, when, when it ends right? well, it's being taken to a different level now, and i think i, we should be really, really worried about this because the shuttle was been going on for some time. but it seems that both sides want to show we're not afraid of entering a direct confrontation. and it seems that the 10 year old government in particular is really pushing towards it, is adjusted to the radiance to say we is realized, we're ready for everything. but of course, nobody in the region would be delighted about the major exploration escalation, let alone of the americans or the gulf states, or anyone who would suffer from it. and then the last thing people need at least tennis daniel cadillac. thank you so much. i could and those strikes in syria come amid an apparent risk between israel and its closest to ally the u. s. overcast
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future when the war ends. us president joe biden says he spoke with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu about possible solutions for the creation of an independent palestinian state. when asked by reporters if a 2 state solution was impossible with making yahoo in office by consent to no, it's not. however, the israeli prime minister has frequently rejected calls for a palestinian state in the past 2 leaders, both by phone on friday. their 1st direct communication in almost a month was an issue. as israel's military winds down its operation in the north of the gas a strip, some of the thousands of palestinians displaced from the areas by jamalia are heading back only to find there is little place, little left rather of the place they used to call home. israel's war against thomas is what top much of this neighborhood. but those who pretend it's now a buckle for survival to the and everyone must pitch in to help gather the
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most basic of needs and much heavy if, if you have other than a little hook on the know how long we've had a hard time since the beginning of the war, all the basic necessities are gone and that's a human. there is a lack of everything. uh, there is no flower, fuels, sugar and homeless. know what are we doing? nothing but fetch water all day. it's a whole lot of these items such as family cook, just once a day, to consider the unlimited supplies. this is all around them, the sweats of famine and disease, grow the thoughts, tons, the devastating impact of this will get home and the many they not no longer here. nicole, alone with all of my cousins are dead. my wife's family is dad. 36 people died in one swoop. well, none of my children get any sleep. we lie and say that when they here are in birds
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goes off here for this for the top, it's a knock on the door. and even if for all kids or more attorneys are falling, we tried to reassure them. but that's still an easy to do when surrounded by the scars of conflict and then it would know this is where used to sleep. now it's impossible to sleep. the cold is killing us. now when we got to back home i so that's my room, toys i'm bad had burned down. i don't have anything less money to get issue. no, no. now did you know just the buildings that lie in ruins? oh, good. for the future, this is also crumbling as fundamental differences remain. post whole future for palestinian. so when i garza who up on with the in the, the tough for a quick look now it's some other headlines from around the world. so, united nations says the republic of congo urgently need a doctor,
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the worst flooding in 6 decades. it says some 350000 people require humanitarian assistance. months of extreme rainfall have caused the bank and river to him. first it's banks, and many villages can only be reached by boat. french farmers have dumped the garbage on public buildings and blocked a highway in protest of the government agricultural policy. they say they are overburdened by taxes and excessive regulation. frances largest farm union says it's considering nationwide protests the u. s. world tourism organization says global travel is projected to return to pre pen demik levels this year. it says the increase is being fueled by increased travel to and from asia. here in europe, some attractions, such as the eiffel tower. welcome to more visitors last year. then in 2019, before the coverage. 19 pandemic. acura alec baldwin is once again facing immense
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motor charge over a fatal shooting on a film set in 2021. baldwin was holding a gun during rehearsals when it went off killing the film cinematographer. he has denied pulling the trigger. a grand jury indicted baldwin on friday months after the original case against him. it was dismissed, burned into your mind. congress president has been sworn in for a 2nd term following chaotic and contested elections. cities such as the katy was inaugurated in the capital consent and the ceremony attended by some 20 african heads of state. just acadia and his party won the vote by a landslide. but pulling was marred by fraud allegations and logistical disruptions is of rivals have urged their supporters to voice their opposition on integration to it's yona skirting is following a swearing end of the president of the democratic republic of congo in the capitol . contrast, of course, you'll know, since it's been
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a big ceremony today in the stadium, what do you mean seeing and hearing so around the stadium, the was really cheerful at most fear of people were coming and mouses, they were, they were singing, they were waving flags and brass bands were playing and so this was the really nice up most c a but there was also quite a security post known. so when i went down to the extra city until contessa, it was pretty much empty. i was quite surprised because it's normally a place which is very crowded. it's a place where you put much of traffic jams, so apparently the support of just the tv, the wind and mazda as to the stadium. but because of the society, the roger decided to stay at home. and how would you describe the uh, the, the mood of the country since the controversial re election on the one side they are. and through the 65 people that are very into the 6. so if
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you watch the television, for example, if you'd speak with people in the government offices, but also with the support of just the give you the really believe that this is the man will bring the country forwards. but if you talk to other people, especially in the poor and neighborhoods, many of them they receive these the elections, they didn't really trust all of the results. they said it was very talented. but i would rather states general thing that many people that have made the experience that politics generally use some theft for them to solve the problems. and how does his political track record look and how much confidence is there that he'll be able to fix the country's problems? now on, on the one side, they are people who say that he could shift a lot. so for example, if you look at some of those major things, such as bringing down the costs for primary education, he brought the d o c,
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back to the international diplomatic seem you try to get investors. but if you look at the new terms, many of the things big house and get interior lights. um, so this is something again, if you look into the communities, if you could give you speak to people in, especially in the road area, it is, you don't see so much so much impact on the boeing they used to still raging economic problems. so rise, inflation is very high, but at the end of the day of candidates in the thirty's said that we're going to give this presidents a 2nd chance. and it just briefly, if, if you don't mind us, the opposition doesn't want them to have a 2nd chance called as call the election to shana is calling for more protests. how is this all going to end? do you think they'll continue keeping up the pressure the thing is it's not very likely that they will be able to, to chief big things to be. first of all, they didn't go to the constitutional court and they didn't ask it to question the election. so what remains the street and they already off to the support us to go
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to the streets twice, but every time, not many people followed them so there's not much things to be expected either to be expected, either be all right, thank you for that insight, dw, correspondent, illness, girding, reporting for us from kinshasa. thank you. or they are often called man's best friend. but one dog in the us state of michigan turned out to be a genuine life saver. the dog's owner fell through a frozen lake while out for a walk, but he was saved. thanks. it is very, is 4 legged friend. and a quick thinking policeman, the officer managed to get the dog to bring rescue equipment to its owner. once the equipment was safely in the men's hands before release were able to pull them out of the freezing water and across the ice to safety in fear on the road.
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the dog in deed. and that's all that is for now coming up. next choices tells the story of one man and move by who left his banking job to try it a career and comedy. joking, unexpired, thanks for watching. the name is the calls back. said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. that's what it being nosy bay, like good. everyone to king. check out the award winning called called the called back. the my parents expect me to have a very like if it feels
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