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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 20, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin, and airs trying destroys a building in the heart of serious capital, damascus, reportedly killing high ranking members of the wrong revolutionary guards and as regional tensions escalades the united states. and israel discuss gauze us post for future presidential vitamin says it's still impossible that israel's benjamin a ton. yahoo could agree to some form of a palestinian state. after the 2 leaders speak for the 1st time in nearly a month. and protests against the far right alternative for germany party are getting bigger. tens of thousands take to the streets in cities across the country,
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[000:00:00;00] the mariana evans, dean, welcome. iran has condemned the suspect. it is rarely ever striking the syrian capital damascus, which it says killed 5 members of the parent military revolutionary guard, screw your bronze presidents as t, ron will not leave the attack on, answered regional attentions, have an escalating, as israel continues as war against him, off the following the october 7th terrorist attacks this is all that remains of a full story house in this neighborhood, the syrian capital with the attack, which apparently targeted the building,
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also damaged several costs and other nearby property. while the size of the sold surfacing designs around $1030.00, we had the sounds of 3 consecutive explosions. they targeted the building here behind us. we were shocked. that was the situation, the homepage of a little. everything is broken up. defense of the building flew over and it ended, and now i could see bob. that's it. thank god, there was no one there. hold on, it's close to the glasses broken. the fridge was damaged. the wood was damaged as rescue as have been trying to find survivors under the rubble. iran. serv, illusionary god said several members of the personality group. remember that the wrong thing, israel for the strike and threatened to respond to iran has been a close a lot of syrians, president bush, a on the search. as well as the militant group has pulled out in given an adult as opposed some of which carried out the tube,
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a 7th terrorist attack. and israel israel has not claimed responsibility for the strike in damascus. it comes to stays after the revolutionary gods claimed it hit what it called, and it's really spy headquarters in the iraq whole. earlier i asked italy as dental is tito steinberg once the ronnie and revolutionary guard members are doing in syria as the guide sooner has been in syria and at least since 2011. and they have a system concern and government in its fight 1st against the protests and then against the insurgency in the country. ever since the civil war has virtually ended . they us 2 of the out of a, uh, they have about a couple of hundreds, a person now in the country. they advise the series,
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military and the syrian and the story and the intelligence services. and they have tried to build what they call the 2nd product in syria, from which to confront is right. now as we've been reporting, iran says israel was to blame for the strike. isn't likely that indeed is really forces were responsible for this killing of iranian revolutionary guards in damascus. i, personally, i'm convinced that these are, these are responsible. this really is how the tax for the roger and iranian supported melisha melisha targets in syria. and sometimes even any rock since 2017, but they have the attacks between the 1002000 times purposes. and they have already killed quite a number of high ranking high on g c personnel. so there is no doubt that these are
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at least our host also responsible in this case. and in this particular case, how big of a blow do you believe that this particular strike on these particular individuals is for iran as well. this is quite a blow, just like a many other attacks in the past. this really is kind of attacked high ranking personnel off of the few wrong and revolutionary guides. in this case, it seems as if they have, as if they have killed the head of the aisle. ology seed intelligence serve as head for syria. that's one of the high ranking, highest ranking iranians in the country. he's probably a break of the a general that's a major blow to the wrong. that was middle east analyst ito steinberg speaking a short time ago. well,
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us security sources say several soldiers have been injured after an attack on a military base in western e rack. the unnamed officials saving us as investigating whether the i'm assault air base was headed by ballistic missiles, which would represent a serious escalation by iran back militants. the u. s. military has phase dozens of attacks by t. ron allied fighters, any rock and syria, since the israel hum us war began in october. well, all of this comes and it opened divisions between israel and its closest ally, the u. s. over gauze as future when the war against him off ends is really prime minister benjamin atanya, who repeated his opposition to palestinian sovereignty and the statement issued on saturday. it appeared to contradict suggestions from us president joe biden, that natania who might accept the creation of a palestinian state. the 2 leaders,
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both by phone on friday. it was their 1st direct communication in nearly a month and is israel's military winds down is operation in the north of the gaza strip. some of the thousands of palestinians displays from areas lying job aliya are heading back only to find there is little left of the plays they call home. israel's war against thomas is want top much of this neighborhood. but those who pretend it's now a button for survival to the and everyone must pitch in to help gather the most basic of needs and much heavy if, if you have other than a hook on the middle of the board, we've had a hard time since the beginning of the war, all the basic necessities are gone and that's a human. there is a lack of everything. there is no flower fuels, sugar and almost no water. we do not say, but fetch water all day. it's
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a whole lot of these items says this problem of the cook, just once a day to consider the unlimited supplies and this is all around them. the threats of famine and disease grow your thoughts to the devastating impact of this will get home and the many they no longer hear a lot on the cool moments. all of my cousins are dead. my wife's family is dad. 36 people died in one swoop. well, none of my children get any sleep. we lie and say that what they here are and birds goes off of you for this or that tough. it's a knock on the door. even if for our kids for more turns are falling, we tried to reassure them that stone easy to do when surrounded by the scars of conflict and would know this is where he used to sleep. now it's impossible to sleep. the cold is killing us. now, when we got back home, i saw that my room, toys and bed had burned down. oh,
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i don't have anything less when it gets issue. now, did you know just the buildings that lie in ruins? well, good hope for the future. news is also crumbling. as fundamental differences remain, post will future palestinian. so, when i, and casa who up on the, in the a quick look now it's some other headlines from around the world police of clash with anti israel protesters and the northern italian city of a 10, some officers and used water canada on demonstrators who fire and smoke bombs and slayers less when groups organize a rally to demonstrate against the participation of these really exhibitors at a jewelry tree fair in the city. well, fresh farmers from across the south west of the country have dumped garbage on public buildings and blocked
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a highway and protests of the government's agricultural policy. the farmers say they're overburdened by taxes and excessive regulation. frances largest farm union says is considering nationwide protest. so united nations, as the republic of congo urgently needs age after the worst flooding and 6 decades . it says um 350000 people require humanitarian assistance. months of extreme rainfall have caused little bunky river to versus banks, and many villages can only be reached by boat and the neighboring nation of congo. president felix just a katie has been sworn in for a 2nd term following chaotic and contested elections. he was an underrated in the capital. can shaw saw in his ceremony attended by some 20 african heads of state just acadia and his party won the vote by a landslide bond to pulling was large by fraud allegations and logistical disruptions. his rivals have urged their supporters to voice their opposition on
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integration day. well, the w correspondence unit is guaranteeing who has been following the ceremony in kinshasa gave us his assessment of president, just a katie's reputation among voters. yeah, on the one hand, people really appreciate some of the measures. so for example, he abolished the primary school fees and g abroad. if you ever see back to the international diplomatic, seen your truck, it investors started lots of projects. but the thing is, if you started looking into the communities, talking to people, then manual, the things this doing that realized. and so this is where the actual problems are, especially if we go to the rural areas. but i'd say that in the end of the day, many people still believe that she is the best among the options that's already been decided to give him a 2nd chance. that was the, the correspondence unit in scaring in contrast to a well,
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tens of thousands of people across in germany have joined protests against the far right in frankfort and estimate of 35000 gathered in the city center. the protest follow revelations that members of the alternative for germany party attended a secret meeting to discuss plans for the mazda for a patient of immigrants, as well as german series citizens, a foreign origin. the city of hamburg also saw a huge turn it on friday with many protesters calling to band the of the party entirely. the streets of hamburg overflowing with protest stairs, giving voice to the posts for chairman promise of never again to right wing extremism. perfectly suited the ones i'm actually demonstrating for the 1st time in my life that i myself find a threatening issue. can i know stories from the nazi or from my grandfather?
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and i don't want that to happen again. these protests are happening after is to marriage that alternative for germany, members, a new nazis meant to discuss plans to deport millions of people with migrant routes, including german citizens. the parties leadership has tried to distance itself from the so called master plan, but the revelation has sparked nationwide a rage, even prompting chancellor, who loves schultz to join a protest nearby or lead. and he said the plan for must deportations should send a shiver dying people spines. so i guess i'm not saying it clearly and bluntly, i think for this rightly extreme is our attacking our democracy to them. they want to destroy all cohesion, find like a home comfort, a secret conference. these extreme is discussed how they could expel millions of people from our country on the pipe, or did snow empty threats. cooling shows the party in 2nd place,
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a worry for many head of state elections this year. more demonstrations are taking place this weekend as calls to band, the party entirely grew louder and louder and now to space where attorneys 1st astronaut, has joined a trip to the international space station as part of a 4 man crew. the astronauts arrived after a 36 hour journey organized by the private company, actually on space, the teams and floated their way into the i ss where they were greeted by members of the stations. regular crew to go spend about 2 weeks conducting experiments with many of them focusing on how space find affect human health. thank you to all participants and welcome aboard x m 3 station. we're now some heavy astronaut fair . you're up to date on the w news coming up next, our series reporter looks into the crisis and francis overseas territory of may on
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amorianna ever seen. i'll have more headlines for you at the top of the hour, but in the meantime, don't forget you can get lost for news and information on our website events, dw, dot com or on our social media channels like instagram and x. thanks for watching the people in trucks in judge when trying to see the city center the straight screen, the around the world more than 130000000 people us we


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