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tv   DW News Africa  Deutsche Welle  January 20, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm CET

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the top costs for everyone who wants to know more about the topics that concern us about this story is beyond the headlines world in progress. the w cost cost versus the doesn't use africa coming up on a program, a positive, i'll look for the confidence. that's where the i am, if predicts by the knights area, for example, prizes of food. and i've a basic needs of skyrocket that's making the cost of living for many unbearable and even gonna people. i also feeling that you cannot make pains with some communities trying to stay afloat by reading for the use in communal money boxes. plus, we visit survivors of the massive via of the hijacked building and johan is big. yeah, now he makes, if cell to which they say is not safe and ivory
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coast is the place to be for all of the 3 of us will be after a couple of nations reports i and i'll be just as the ceo of device the i d mike, i junior and you welcome to the program. africa is set to be the 2nd fast as go in economic region in the wild with 4 percent growth forecast this yeah, that's according to the international monetary fund i am at now. wow, that sounds like good news. it's not guaranteed. african countries are still suffering the effects of the cobit, i'm that make rush as well. and ukraine on the east or all how mass conflict. let's not forget issues like climate change, increased food insecurity and political instability creating fab, i selling. just even gnostic as largest economy,
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nigeria has not to be inspired from high inflation correspondence police that truthful amount in lagos, nigeria went to find out how people are struggling with the high cost of living. this is for you, but my kids a pop up with markets in lagos, nigeria, just so you had to go, i could buy all these items for $10000.00 that right, that's about $10.00. this yeah, the same amount that only gets me this much is not only for the price is that that skyrocket soon because of what our basics likes us, what they're showing people in housing. i've also shut up many and i didn't say the situation seems to be getting worse by the the decision of go my, we have to buy it bought. this might be my mall 6000 my era asked if we've got 55000 please. how do we pull this all the items you can get uh, the costs of 200. now right now is $500.00 nearer everything besides the $500.00 besides includes. i wouldn't even say 100 visits includes one reason why
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inflation you saw by the nigeria is because of the local currency has continued to lose value. i don't know a president that rates this time last year. one that i could get approximately 500 never just the yeah, later, one go like equals 1090 or the rugby, the valuation of denial. right? east unprecedented here. and that's nigeria and thoughts. most of each goods, the cost of living has shut off with people standing remaining the same. it has become even more difficult for many nigerians to make ends meet on some of these various because everything is closed. i'm working in my business because it's basically me because what i do is i realized most experts project that made us economy will be most people this year. but for many on the streets, it's hard to see who are the end of the
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a it's a similar situation in gonna, a country was seen as the model of african development. to put things into perspective, the economy grew by 8 percent in 2019 making it one of the fastest growing economies in the world. fast forward to 2022, got his car and see the city plants against the dalai and inflation shops to recognize about 50 percent. that results in economic crisis false gone out to seek financial aid from the international monetary fund. now as a government bottles, the sky, high cost of living and some communities are trying to stay afloat financially. the outputs in a fresh spin on traditional savings schemes, maxwell soup reports from north and gonna he a miles away from the copy 1000 grow. we may have developed a way to deal with economic hardships as thoughts. we just lived in a box. in the northern village of nimble, this group of attaching women has formed,
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incorporating to save money among themselves. every week, the women bring whatever money each kind of pay and put it into their books. the amounts at k for the recorded members can go to the money to finance the business projects or the needs. then the payback loan with a list of interest and the fund goes no interest is charged on those for school fees or hospital bills that labs william i b i, as i said to wait. and whenever i am in a difficult situation to open the door, i want to do business as i talked to, not a when i come to borrow from this body, isn't that dead zone and food? if it's for business, let me know. i will pay back gradually with my profit set guys until i pay off the debt and then into then into in the end. the business i totally belongs to me with
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that in mind that the saddle will decide needed to ensure accountability. the group set time deal with rules in the books is too old, which the padlocks and the keys i've given to 3 different members. when anyone comes forward to borrow money, all members, mazda consorted, the books, this book named some correct, meaning, or that the close to one has to pay off the afford that. before we begin. and you called crude lang close, or is teaching the woman financially trustee. hesitating to ensure everyone benefits to family savings like this becomes a bit tough, hoping that companies in seems really in the midst of this hardship. because we can always rely on the savings that is done by the group. and then we can ship out that one is that the, the saved many of the families have no clue to try to get laws from the bonds.
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the system is within the went on to pop to financial recipients. do the same as books as that are. i'm doing right now has his own business making a selling share, but they may i borrow money from the savings box to pay my children school fees, then i pay back the loan after making sales, which helps to sustain my better business village savings initiative. i don't, you know, if we go buy a gun is correct, because i mean, was me schemes lied to sound credible, becoming more relevant. i will be speaking to the amount of responsible for managing down is economy in a moment. but before that, let's find out what some people are gonna think about the states or the economy and the finance minister. my f as easy as not, is not in so far as the information is too much,
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business is getting worse and there's no getting better. so why he hasn't seen one the prices of use and services wasn't done in such a way that the prices of losing services has been reduced. or do he was able to stabilize the cds for some time that countries for you. and then get to the best i will not get what actually to very difficult. what is the nice thing is that to prove at this point now says the dollar rate, as we choose, why don't we also reduce the price is to meet the cost of living for this. this is a have gone up to what is the stable and to be able to and from joy. yes, very cool. that's so that's chance. if it's doable, less than all. welcome gone, is minutes stuff will finance and economic planning can before we add to to the program, who was listening in from the well,
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the comic photo in dallas. hello and welcome to the program. say we just had some guardians, say in the still suffering from the high cost of living. you recently said down is economy is, gets and back on track. so why are people not speeding back in the pocket? yeah, i mean there's, there's no question that we've been through some very difficult circumstances under headwinds as to the, but that's one of the respondents mentioned, you know, we really hit to low of 54 percent inflation at the end of 2022. and also the currency, you know, plumber to, um, to 50 for sense i am during that period. but this is really sort of come in on the back of an economy. and that was pretty strong of inflation in single digits also. but what we've been able to do this year, as we looked at the tax code, it is,
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as you can see, inflation has come down to 23.2 percent. so as the gentleman said, and as the issue of trying to tackle prices, and then we also saw the currency depreciated by 50 percent. and this year since february, 1 of the gentleman also said so another currencies been strengthening. right? so been able to tackle the issue of prizes, who will continue to do that, and keep the currants to staples, and make sure this for an has changed for us to continue. but we have seen a very strong resilience because the i am a predicted at 1.5 percent growth. and we've been able to choke on with a 3.2 percent of costs. you'll go in today. i am a seeking overall about $3000000000.00. that's increasing, gone is that isn't that because now we have at that's of at least $50000000000.00
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is is the growing that's a major consent to the countries economic recovery. and i'm the question um i really am that we have access through this restructuring transaction that we have done. we basically reduce in on that portfolio. we also in this negotiations have agreed to gradually bring gunners that down to 55 percent. so this is much cheaper that restructuring to cut some of that off and then get to a position overall 55 percent debt to g d p ratio, which is a good for us. so it's a program ok of that restructuring that with an able as get to a sustainable level. so you have at the end of the day, i'm show your work and to is that you do all you can to make sure that gotten in.
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i'm not seeing the pain just of much, you know, to cushion the effect of, of the financial, you know crenshaw economic meltdown, so to speak. so what is your message to guardians, who are still struggling to see lights at the end of the tunnel? yeah, yeah. i think, you know, even in this program and the way we did well to ensure that our support to the live live with them, palm and program is literally doubled. we also made sure that a computation and school feeding went out as one of the key issue areas of innovation is really food and agriculture. and you can see that even though for the installation that is coming down and we need to stuff important. and therefore, the economic enclaves that we are putting together so that we can become secure in the area, so for rise in mays, etc. and then the new agriculture in minnesota is working. how does that?
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so that's key, getting a good choice of productivity in place. and then moving on to value so that we import less. and i think once we, we grew in each for 3 girl as a nation, we will be able to then control of these escalating prizes. okay, interim, we are going to do our best to make sure that prices that contain us information goes as we, our witness. which is far enough from again, many guardians, which and now when you say you're going to try to get it down to meet at the costs of live in mall, bearable, what timeframes you'll guardians we're looking at because it's easier said than done. obviously, they're still speeding defense. what's your message to the view? i found a beauty of what we have is that we are all witnesses to the work we are doing to get inflation down. so moving from 54 percent to $23.00 i target is that by
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the end of the year it will be 15 percent. and then the following year, i would come to the 8 plus or minus 2, which we were on cost with before they call that issues. so yes, i send the proof isn't what do we have done already? and the target 15, i believe will be able to achieve that and also stabilize the currency, which is also evidence to everyone. so yes, very difficult situation, but i think we all witness to the right direction in which we are moving. ok can also we have to get as many stuff will finance and economic planning. thank you very much for your time, sir. thank you. really appreciate this. so don't forget to median travel as one on any for his final season. post in the daily
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show. know, and the shows team to the award in the category outstanding talk series as a historic when making no the 1st or 2nd and fast black person to win in that category, since its inception in 2015. no, i said it was quote, amazing being part of the shows jenny, the emmy awards are the most for studios on us in the us television industry. you want to indeed of the news off a gas bill to come football fans from around the world have gathered to witness the continental talk, football stars as they compete for the competitive ask a couple of nations trophy, the fast just africa where the commission of inquiry into the massive file, if you building in downtown john his bag resumed last august, more than 70 people were killed in the central marshall town. district was ablaze that swept through an abundant 5 story, a boat in which was being occupied and rented out immediately. locals referred to
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these buildings as being hijacked. the file focused attention on the problem of derelict buildings on the deans at the post, the people living inside them. one of africa's which is cities that he's asked. i also left thousands of families homeless. many have been relocated to a new new builds mix of cell to that d. c is told to be unsafe. it'll be a correspondence. diane hawk visits at the site. this form of parking lot is now home to over 100 survivors of the marshalltown fire. one of south africa's west recent tragedies they were relocated to denver assuming industrial area, with hardly any shops or schools. the new temporary homes have no power or indoor plumbing residents, so i'm happy with the conditions. before we came here, we thought this would be
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a good place, but this is not a good place to stay. when you look at the hygiene and health, it's a problem. simbie. so in delilah is a single mother, and he's worried about her safety and that of her children will call me by my god, hold in that. it's that night we often hear gunshots. there are many gunshots, and it makes me afraid. yeah, i also don't feel good about the hygiene here. we have children and it should be clean. back to the residents tried to table to anyway, when i moved by come on, they should and stole drains and let them know about when i know my, my thing, the lack of drains create a big problem that in mind for the sake of them into floods on days, okay, the raid the card was between the corrugated iron checks on narrow and in some cases 4 or 5 people live in
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a single tiny room. this is one of just for taps that's available to the residents in this area. if you look behind me, the seems to be a rubbish dump that's building up. and this poses a key, a health risk to the people living here as well as 2 children were playing around this area. more concerning is that this tap today has no water coming out of it and raise it and say the taps here regularly run dry. they have taken the municipality to quote, to force it to prove conditions. when we went to court, we went just asking the court to stop what was going on. assume the quote to recognize these a president's human rights that they actually entitled to dignity. and this was not dignified. of the city of johanna said, usability says it has done what is required in know in an emergency you will to navigate it through the accommodation, the a new way and as
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a short days of, of housing into a c t which we have at least which is no and so we are doing the best with the lives of resources that you have. the kemp could double in size, the municipality wants to add more effects to accommodate the remaining 5 survivors . as authorities at mit, janice book has a major housing crisis. the city attracts thousands of people from across the country and continent looking for work, leaving hundreds of thousands in search of affordable accommodation. and that's what's lead to a situation like the marshal tom tried to do people with no way else to go immediately occupying unsafe bully despite the dangerous many of the people who were relocated to denver, say they'd rather live in the, in the city than here. with
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a worry that'll be forgotten by officials. all eyes our ivory coast asked the country hosp the 2023 african a couple of nations football. well, it's a competition with funds from across africa and beyond. have all got that towards the consonants. talk footballs. fast. bunch of it out for supremacy only time will tell which team will be crowned african, chunky, and i wish i was of as a witness all the excitement. but since i am not, let's talk to someone on the ground. freelance journalist assumption nobody is covering the forgot combinations in abby's out. hello, thompson. i ever you right now you ceiling all the vibes over the tell me what's the full? yeah. like this story out here is on tag just to say the least. i mean, behind me is the hope that you're on the stadium on much day this place is
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completely different because you have a lot of excitement from football frontier. you know, the cause of whites is a football loving, crazy country. and you've got got, finds we've got wood salads and some of them i drink in the national colors, all the country and for visiting teams also have lots of funds to come in around. yeah. i'm beyond yet. there seems to be putting going on virtually every day and most part of the city. i mean, you agree here the restaurant to go to the restaurant. you hear a sound of music blasting through the speaker. you know, i'm old and everybody seemed to me about couple of nations, eddie. yeah. icon to, to me get that. are you talking about meeting the mood, the so called on the adult teams? i've also been in the mood, i mean, we've seen some very surprising results. tell me, what are these results on the games so fast say about the state of african football . so that's has been the talking points soon as this game started on saturday, january 13 here,
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a couple of why you go to annual the press conference is that they're talking points. you will speak with coaches, you speak with given class, everybody's saying look, there's no more or less sponsored team in africa because what was the, what the results come into? you look at gun up, for instance, how would you ever think that capt. bread would be gone out to one. you look at also, nigeria almost struggling with the good to keep it. you're getting it back in the end of $11.00 on the cost of the media around almost $8.00 or 5 places. don't compare to the cut that it goes up to these. yeah, the model of the desk shows the, you know, the talking points on the, on the high points of these after a couple of nations. so i can tell you about them. there's no more less than 15. there's no more, you know, as an applicant, football on this, i've got a couple of nations have shown so much. i'm not positive that by the day i totally agree with you. i don't know why you have to remind me that gun on the bad, so i have a beef to speak with you on that will let us slide for now about face before that's
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automatically done with before the end be done the way some organizational concerns, right what can you tell us about the organization so far? you don't know any of that before the start. i'm in. stop. it is called the $2223.00. i've got a couple of nations. what that means was that it is a fact that it see what's worse and expect to have taking place between the trees on the top menu 2020 for the reasons i bought. for example, i'll very much for us. and that's because, i mean, what the wedding so prepared in terms of the stadiums that were going to be list that to be used for their matches. the city is waiting for bed on all of those. but i've been here now for about 2 weeks and i can tell you that the non stop delta, an additional level a to a level where things seem to be going smoothly. i mean, the stadium is well constructed. the ones i've been to, the one behind me here is over 60 s board, but it's being reno beat that completely given the whole may cool. but just for the
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reasons all back a couple of nations politically. so i can tell you are starting to be stuck, but let me pick out some watch i stadium which speaks for about 60000. um spectate . this is one of the best right now in the off the go. and then of course, the roads, i mean, the roads i'd be giving a lot of attention. they also have a beauty which i've been things that i'm on. so it's been a whole lot. okay. well, could you by, in terms of infrastructure and of course, organization. okay. good, quick one before you go. what has impressed you so fast? i think i think even look at security here. it is. it is really tough. not because the fonts can get into the stadium with water bottles, we added bowls and all of that. so they're taking security talk much, i think it's something i like to commend the organizations or the look organizing committee or be often conformation sort of. i mean it's really big,
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but unable to people asking better receptive. i mean, you go to the bad news, you go to different places that walk, you mean of course ready to accept you and of course give you directions as much as you want to. okay, i would love to swap places we do, but it's all good. so i'm send them all of you and i'll be down back to you, but it's at. i thank you very much sadie. that's it for now. is it all to check out all the stories on d, w dot com slash africa. all on social media will leave you with images from either coast on the pride of african football. we'll see you next time. go score your own goals and 5 for now. the,
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business, dw, news, live from berlin, iran blaine's israel for an attack on the syrian capital, damascus, which killed several members of the ruins. revolutionary guard group also coming up israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu repeats as authorization to palestinian sovereignty. that's after the 1st phone call with you as president joe biden, in nearly a month. and protest against the far right alternative for germany party are getting bigger. tens of thousands tanks of the streets and cities across the country. the
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