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tv   The 77 Percent  Deutsche Welle  January 21, 2024 10:30am-11:00am CET

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when we say they're about never giving up every weekend on dw hello and welcome to another episode of the 77 percent. sho, my name is he to see money. and this week we are coming to you from the various capital monrovia on this week very special. so we explore the coastal capital together. c and find out what makes librarian you take. here's what we have prepared for you. we meet the pilots who made a very impressed atlantic trip aboard a single engine plane would find out why so many young people are timing to the synthetic drugs course. and in our she said sweetly bates and it was very,
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very heated. we have some controversial views about the role of women in liberia. and who begin right here in the house of the capital and hold to 1000000 people. now, despite liberia being one of only 2 countries to not stuff of colonialism in africa is still whole some of the porous populations on us. and right now i'm about to try and make sense of why this situation. his soul tie us for young people. let's go. the monroe via is a beautiful city on the stunning peninsula in west africa. however, despite its natural beauty, it's one of the least developed countries in the world due to years of civil war and the people that make the we want to learn more about monroe vs. so we need to come around, i read you present a to busting markets, one of the best places to chat to about the economy. oh gosh. i want to get it
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because it's something that i will never find anywhere else in the world. i think so, i mean, hold on one that's, that's a $100.00 notes to come on. now you can give me a disco and why is the state of the economy the way it is? you know, liberia has been independent for many, many years, many decades. and one might think, well, this should be the example for the rest of africa. yeah. so on, i mean, the old as with all like we've had some problems. you've had the civil war for 2 years, a one civil unrest. we had it for allow we've had the pool navaros and a couple of rough shown, you know, i mean, it's always in a few questions. i mean, i can't imagine how to survive all of that. you know, you said, well, ebola corona, i know we have an economic crisis here. how does it affect your society, particularly women? a lot. um so you know, if you look at this market, we look at where we spend a lot of the sellers, you see that women and
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a lot of them. um, so this is because, um a lot of the public thats the offices, the jobs and the offices and big jobs um on the z off. um, let's say you went to the, i always demand out, you know, the always the ones in the offices either that's women so much um and i would think is because of the less the qualification i think a lot of women are qualified. a lot of them i think we hold is a lot of i have high school graduates, women a significantly under represented in all areas and fees, high levels of gender inequality, which is comfortable to countries like a funny son. and he t, the number of men holding a uni, visits degree, is twice as high as that to women. even when women study, the often struggle to find employment and may end up working in jobs like those in this market. we've looked at the end of our shopping trip, actually the ends, but oh no you explaining to me the role of women in this society,
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how would you describe it? would you say the women a generally empowered, you know, is not the way i think um, the women i imagine the lives in the legislature is fine, women slicing women striving but yet against it and will follow eastern leading hearts with them. well, 5 to thank you so much for your time this morning. i really appreciate it. yeah. and on that topic of women, that's actually where we're headed right now. we've got a group of young liberians and we want to find out from them. what exactly is the role of women in this culture that's coming off when i was 50 bates breakfast? i'm going to change to answer this question, we gather some young people at the beach club outside monrovia. preparing for a street debate is always challenging and requires a big crew. and of course panelists with the opposing views. yeah,
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they switch you right. i know there's a way, some route on the thing. nice to be like 3 to the most of what we say with these to be just yourself and the hello and welcome back to the seventy's of epithets trick debate. this week we are a library of the capital of monroe via now you might be familiar with the expression strong african woman in this country. they suddenly having had a female president, elizabeth johnson. but the strength in women is sometimes discouraged when he comes through a magic relationship,
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particularly the applicant context. and today we want to find out why, who better to answer this question for me that some late periods. and we're going to start with the couple on the panel. we have a couple this so loved up austin insurance. hello. thanks for joining us. so let's start with the basic question of your day to day when you wake up in the morning giving me a little clue about who does what in the morning, what's your morning routine, like since how you're really signing themselves? well, thank you. um in the morning i wake up around 55 like 530 a get my kids ready for school wide. he's dead getting ready for work. okay, so what do you say that's your domestic responsibilities. uh sort of equally splits between the 2 of you. yeah, it is. yeah. physically i'm able to wake up early morning and get hot water for the kids. i'm able to be bidding the little girl while she has to be ferrying cobra or something. so yes, i think is good and i enjoy doing you abraham. where are you?
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i know that you have a biblical name and also an old fashion stands on the concept of equality and relationships. tell me a little bit about that. for me. i come with uh, african quarter background. uh and they are. ruth described to me both men and women. i believe that most of the 1st choices in our african context, uh uh, the responsibility of the women. but the make them be of help. so let me tell you, i'm laughing because the women behind me are really saying you subject something then? yeah, i would, i would like you to complete it please. so you started by telling me women's responsibilities in their relationship. i have to remember to one do all the health choice? no, i said, most of the res response, most of the 1st choice is the woman's responsibilities. so what does the man do then? you know, will i be when setting is the head of the home? he's responsible to, to, to provide for the home. okay. tell me what you're thinking, the always,
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the female is a feminist and an activist. yeah. knowing that liberia was set on the basis of peach. iraqi just explains why they are a no saying these different things. but when you look at who said those rules, who's who give the responsibilities of a woman take in charge of the firm and doing the choices, you would know that the men said those rules and wish we'd be lead for very bias, right? because women's potentially is way be your own. just taken care of who i want to hear from some people at the back. right. let me get some reactions. come closer to me, please. i'm a decent analyst. nice then against the ego woman having you go right. remain home and woman was based on mississippi and nobody still happy like that. the reason why we have similes loving women, the i to visit that because of the other. why that edition? okay, so quick question. i'm a woman here who's doing this job of asking questions,
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and moderating. i would say i'm independent. does that bother you? yeah, it. well ma'am, you know, african culture must not be dependent. what if i told you that in my culture, women actually the heads of the home by so culture in our gods and that was said yeah, in the back onto the women that there was something missing. ok. so let me come back to the couple of the even holding hands. let me tell you we are feeling so single today on this. so when you hear some of these a sessions, i can imagine that there must also be people in your family who also have hold similar views. they told me that this, this the letters you woke up and, you know, washed the dishes, you're the man you woke up, just get ready for work and move on, you know, and then you start to follow that. i don't get a was you do that? so i woke up early morning and what is going to shop people? is that the moon you as a me, you benefit
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a lot. if those equality in the who your mother comes to visit you and dentist, easy. washington dirty clothes. she's like, why is my phone? well, she's very close. let me hear from my dealing for a 2nd because we haven't spoken to her. you just want to investigate this idea of the head of a home. because because no one has talked about partnerships in the contemporary, well that's we live in today. do we still need that classical head of a home? well, i have no interesting relationship anymore. it is because of what i went through when i was a relationship. so i had to quit 2019 because i had an a b will save 5 know what? while it protective and he was very abusive. so i went to it. i held my god like king. i have to look up in the morning and what so what sucks bucks are in? what it will be? i mean, we have to be trained to we have to be sweet. sweet, sweet sweet. i need to understand is what do you mean put stokes?
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but what, what, what, what helps him dress up in the morning like a child was what, when extra martin, you know, helping to my relationship. okay. and so i have a question for you as he was treating him as a king, as he was saying, which by the way, absolutely, was he treating you as a queen as well? he was abusive. he was really abusive. so he has actually to mid me until lost interest in having relationship. and when i see people are like, you know, couples and you know, i feel like they're not being true to each other. yeah. okay. so obviously not all relationships which have that dynamic will end up in abuse. yeah, let's just be clear about that. however, it can, because these a power dynamic that has not been addressed. so how do you bring, how do you navigate this? so for me, people are always brought our have
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a negative connotation. when it comes to head, are we not saying that the woman should be the one to address you is not, is that it will most responsibility to address you. if that is happening, that's abuse. knowing your rules is different from being abused, but i'm saying that the i ascribe for men and women who hold them very clearly. okay. i mean, that's your position and that's perfectly fine. we've had many things rights including this additional is to think that's we mentioned, even be educated. let me hear from, oh, i am so afraid to bring the microphone to you. but let's hear you say your point is in need of go back to our tradition. all we must have missed it, but it was the record on that have to do everything. and that's why we're having to debate and, but it's like, how do you send me this? but it's all about why you want edit, because now we made us find a new home. okay,
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so let me just, are you working for example? and you must of feel boss is how do you respond to that? oh, of having a bus mean a female is going to come to get it because i really don't see her being submissive . sometimes she just, she just was point, know how to man, and that is the high supposed to be so well not being a bus that can be from abusive to me. oh, okay. i, i honestly cannot believe that i am hearing these words in 2023 but but, but i, but i mean you'll, you'll, you'll view points, let me get one last one here with me. i am power one. yeah. etiquette telling me line this aside to become better because come on with kyra children in our rooms for 9 months, which is huge. so new on dustin relationship because we've gone with them for 9 months when they come outside of a boat within it. even the hoss wanting to, oh, we sometimes think of them as babies. yeah. alpha as boss is already come on, the babies managed to support. we mean,
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then what could be able to be the home and it society better. all right, normally at this point of the debate would be asking people for solutions. but after hearing all the diverse opinions, i'm not sure that there is such a thing as solutions. we started with a couple, i'd like to end with them. we've had so many view points here. do you think that the kind of relationship that the 2 of you have with some people might see us aspirational is on the threats? we woke up in the morning as a man and getting ready for work. when you stand before that mirror, jesse a human being, when you see your wife see a human being sheed her that way, man, you are going to be happy. if you bring the woman dot equal point, you're going to be happy because we're just equal and we have this agreement on odds and wish when we've been here. it depends the idea that we're pushing we have up, which is a better idea. we go about that. thank you. that is a beautiful place to rock this debates. we have had some very controversial remarks
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today, but also what a nice way to wrap it up. think 1st and foremost of your partner as human the, the morning after the street, the beach in monrovia, i'm still preoccupied with the topic compared to my hotel and they will be, will be a seems more conservative. unfortunately, the issue will be quality will continue to be heavy in my mind for a long time as we meant to have a long way to go before we can achieve true equality. but right now my focus is on an incredible person we've just learned about. so something interesting about the young lady here in the action is still using facebook is not incredible, and that's exactly where we found the story of the you'll need. here's the one we're hoping to meet at the airport just now. he's a librarian based in the you with a pilot who has made a new same journey across the atlantic on a single engine clay and the young, the flu from mary land usa to liberia. you made several stops along the way,
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including canada, greenland, iceland, u. k. friends, speed morocco, more retain the semi go and sierra leon. finally on november 23rd, he arrived. you may be where he was welcomed as the hebrew contests, though not too long ago, and we can't wait to hear what inspires him and why he even decided to do that. let's go. we meet him and his friends at the old one rosier airport. an inspiration for young life periods. is it to on the piece it? oh wow. he's fans have a gift for him. been looking for you. well, thank you so much. okay. a model of his aircraft. someone has to do something to inspire. the younger dies is spinning. the story of his journey has become a hot topic. you monrovia, and by the way, did you have to fly alone the whole time i had to that must have been very lonely.
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um, i mean this option, so it's no longer something i enjoy doing. yeah. okay. do you have a special name for your plane or especially nancy scene met 1st mercy? oh, nice to meet you fancy nancy. nancy, nancy is a 1976 beechcraft sundown that cost him around $70000.00 when he purchased it in 2001 the one of the most concerning aspects of his trip was the high cost of fuel. the i t engineer has to make a few sacrifices to finances. jenny, i'm a motor sport kind of guy. i love to go 5 routing motorcycle and i got disney fine t t r and i'm sitting looking at it. i'm like, this is an express, this trip. i got to sell this car. it was the hardest thing to do. this my dream
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cock, i saw it, but then it can help build up. another kid's dream. i mean, it sounds to me like it's really important to you the, to inspire people here and you show them that it's possible. why is that in africa, if we see cortez taking place and it's in all countries and my mindset is we capable as well from the library. we are capable people, we've table and we have smart people. we can make things happen. i've not still have some fuel left and he offers me a special surprise. were about to go on off like the cost, which views exceptionally cramped, the narrow ceiling, loud noises and numerous instruments. make it hard to believe that adam the travels across the 3 continents in this tiny gap in
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the but the view outside is exceptional. did you get scared at any point? absolutely, in temperature or negative 12 degrees fairly high. and there was a wall of klaus i'm talking like for typically like more and i'm sitting there going on. this is not good. there's nothing you can do. you can turn around me or wait and no you don't have that much the so i guess get pushing. yeah. all right, thank you very much. 6 it's so beautiful up there. i have to agree with you. i really be and definitely needs to see that. and guys, i promise you, you will not appreciate if, if it's a, from any better view than that. i can pick the good. okay,
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maybe let's go grab a copy now the, the residence of one rubia creve success stories. well, the city is sending the beautiful when viewed from above. many young people remain unemployed on the ground and end up in the less glamorous side of town. so far we've seen some incredible stories coming out to one rover yet. but the truth is that there is a drug here which has ravaged some of its use. push it, i think that's a drug was to originate and co position is still not fully understood, but it's become a gus popular drug for distribution to youth who have nothing to look forward to that. so we're going to speak to some of them to understand why the interest rate and what it means cause the sites on the on
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told these rulings how's at least $300.00 people. almost everyone here smokes goose for about 4. you as now it's been severely affecting, they'd be as useful it's hard to predict the west of what i witnessing because it's not anything that i've ever experienced before. every room with a 2 x in 2003, and i'm fissions and this prison i'm on the phone, 3 entities crush like crack delivers a brief yet powerful, high wind smoke. the sensation quickly fades, leaving the use a in a kind of home. i mean william cooper, who's smoking a single penny to push for $0.50. yes, we need to get some time. you know, in mid june for the 5 need you to be able to forget what a warranty? i don't think i've been bothering you. so when did this, you loud yourself was
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a time when you're waiting to get it's already body is going to be do where you see or give out in the street the morning to get saw, a damn bob. so to consume the individuals addicted to drugs and this area referred to as so goes to a keen to zombies, the ruins, also shelter many women to support their drug habits. some of them engage in commercial sex work. i've seen a few women. yeah. for pregnancy. what happens when they will get breath? said it just some people get ready, which i knew was in danger here for you as women? no, no, no. all of you took the money and did you have the free run or when it was going to give you the money? does that happen to you? yeah, the yeah. all right, thank you. of the conditions here characterized by re drug
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abuse, violence and drums tends to be shocking and hot, breaking people. here we go to various means and money, some so food, while others work at the beach plumbing concrete. drug addiction has incapacitated menu. the recently, cuba close has claimed the lives of 2 residents. i mean this too low cost of raising funds to support the affected the how did it become such a penetrative drug in liberia? why do you think the government has been slow to respond? i think the reason is because of some of the very good officials in goldman. i thought of this. it didn't go drugs you yep. i did. it didn't go drugs eating. yeah . some of the other problem is i also evolved into the drug view. so they would not want to put the view it on to you. yeah. if they use a bare with the goal,
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not really nothing many. and that's the politicians are benefiting from drug trafficking. a claim we hear from human resources and plan to investigate the re, the reason that i was the family was involved with the bible have morning known i can now who, when a girl i'll be like go or loving things. but when i agree, okay. so our really leg for that helped to top tv. i mean it did that in the, in the fall. and i can begin to help to this addition to guys. thank you so much for the opportunity this house and the people you need to leave me both stunned and heart broken. it's a stuck reminder of how society can neglect its own. these individuals cannot
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overcome their challenges without support the of the man without drop. so deep dive into monrovia, it's absolutely gorgeous. a real gym in west africa, right on the atlantic. it's got this rich eventful history due to twined with numerous challenges. yet there remains a strong sense of hope for a better future. with a nearly 600 kilometer coastline, one rubia definitely offers many spots to relax like this one. and that's where we are wrapping up this special edition of was 77 percent show. we hope you enjoy this . you can always see more of us on youtube is to ground for 6 dogs. and as usual we're leaving you with. come on safe with me now. a big to
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send me the
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and the cause inspires the election. lability is the name of the game. fast with a twist and a whole lot of fun. the innovation is combining the effects of yesterday with the finance stuff today to get started. so wait. let's begin. in 30 minutes. on the w, the
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download it now for the. you don't feel the same way you expect. and one different thing is from life than your parents do i just want to pursue was that's my thought. or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stop in port in those nonsense? i was under the dr. joe in the clubs. it's time to to vehicle your generation with a sleep us. i'm them wind generation as class this week on dw is kind of funny. it feels like therapy the
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. this is dw news of life in berlin, prime minister benjamin netanyahu face as mounting pressure within israel, over his handling of the war. thousands of israelis rally didn't tell a beat on saturday, demanding an end to the fighting and gaza and fresh elections. the anti government protest comes after nearly 15 weeks of war between israel and how much also coming out. iran is threatening to retaliate after a suspect. it is really here, strikes, hits serious capital, damascus, killing high ranking members of k. ron's revolutionary guard and demonstrations.


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