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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 21, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm CET

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the, the, this is due to the news live from berlin. prime minister, benjamin nathan. yahoo faces mounting pressure within israel. over his handling of the war, thousands and thousands of his rallies rallied and tell him be to demand an end to the fighting in gas and fresh elections. the anti government protest came after nearly 15 weeks of war between israel and from us. also coming up around threatens to retaliate after a suspect. it is really air strikes. it's serious capital, damascus, killing high ranking members of care as revolutionary guards and more and more and bigger demonstrations against germany's far right. hundreds of thousands take to
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the streets and cities across the country to condemn the far right of the party. following reports of a secret mass deportation needing the next by sir, welcome to the programs the government of benjamin netanyahu faces mounting pressure within israel because of the ongoing conflict in gasser and the increasingly dire humanitarian situation. there. this was the scene and tell them the right saturday were thousands of people gathered to protest against the country's leadership. they are calling for new elections. it's no more than 3 months since israel launched is counter offensive, and garza after the cross border attacks by from us on october. the 7th has of course, being classified as a terrorist organization by multiple countries as talk to
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a correspondent in jerusalem, rebecca, bidders, rebecca, thousands of people protesting against israel. leadership what, what, what do they want? yeah, that's right. and we saw last night, a number of protest across the country, not just the one until available, though that was the biggest protest. and as you mentioned, there, people really angry at the government and angry at the handling of particularly the hostage situation. many people who've been coming out week after week with the same message and now getting urgent, saying that the government simply isn't doing enough to try and free the hostages, that it isn't high enough on the government's agend are. and in fact, they're all the military games, a more important that of course, things to destroy from us as an entity or is a threat to israel. now, course, these are not conceded piece pro protest as such, there is still an overwhelming support here in israel for the aims of the minute
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tree. but the hostages, they say the people protesting saying that the hostages should come 1st. and in fact, i spoke to someone else, sorry, some protest isn't hosted family saying that though really they're willing to give anything now to him off in order to get their family members back. we sold protests so anti government protest for the north in haifa. and it saves a rear, which is where a prime minister benjamin netanyahu has a private residence and paper, protesting directly in front of his house with thing, growing pressure and growing of hatred. even you could say from many people across the country, even from within his own little cabinet and people calling to him to stand down and have fresh elections. okay. and if he can focus on the military developments for a moment, why our agencies are reporting these really military is found a tunnel in hon eunice, which is in, in gas, according to the army 20 hostages were held there. well, what else do you know or yeah, that's what they're saying. there was
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a statement last night by the spokes person of these really made a trade, i know a gallery explaining just the length and depth of this particular tunnel. they said they found it a couple of days ago. they did give some exclusive media access down there. they said that it was around about 20 meters below ground when it was below that makes the entrance of it was below must come on this house that it ran around about 800 meters in length. and towards the end of the tunnel, there was a room where they believe hostages were being held around 20 or so were being held captive there. they said as evidence of that, some of those hostages were part of the release of hostages in november, when more than a 100 hostages were released in a safe fire and prisoner exchange with him. us some of those hostages, they do believe still in, in garza and in tunnels. and it just goes to show that i'm also still able to move those people around when they feel necessary when they feel the need. and just
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going to show you what, uh, what a extensive and huge network of tunnels they have on the nathan fact it was a report earlier last week to suggest that there were even more tunnels than previously thought. they felt there about 400 kilometers of tunnels. underneath the entire goal is a street which is astonishing. actually they believe that to be slightly higher now . so a huge effort being put in to try to deactivate many of those tunnels to blow them out to, to do whatever they can to make them unusable. but that's a very big job ahead. okay. rebecca rivers in jerusalem forest, thanks so much. i us more than 25000 people have been killed and gaz. uh, according to the from us control the health ministry. and there are growing fears of widespread famine and disease among those still trapped. the united nations is calling for the urgent scaling up a humanitarian aid and basic supplies. it says only 15 bakeries are still
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functional across the strip. one group of volunteers is working to try to fill the gap as it was a stable before the war. now, brad is the main source of food for guidance, but it's in short supply these international volunteers. and rafa have set up a make shift bakery to help fee displace people still they can keep up with the demand. and the bank reproduces $22000.00 loaves of bread at the end of the we're currently in the process of establishing 2nd bakery to double that production. but as i said a large enough to displace people in the gaza strip around 1000000 people have fled to rafa. to escape is rarely bombardments. according to the united nations, rough as border crossing with egypt is the main lifeline for basic supplies like food and water. but only a fraction of what's needed is getting in as famine
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looms, parents feel helpless with up to at if it doesn't knew what matters most for a child has to eat, will do it because she would run with the warranty more than 23 or 4 times a day because they play outside the tent in this tunnel day and come back hungry will up over the dungeon. oklahoma, according to the un, the nutritional needs of children and pregnant women are not being met. most babies and toddlers are surviving on just bread and milk sizing and gaz is hampering vital 8 deliveries. humanitarian groups are appealing to israel to speed up inspections of a convoys and to reopen the border crossings that were closed in the wake of the october 7 terror attacks. by him us they run his threatening retaliation following a suspect. it is really air striking in syria. the attack which flattened the
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building and the capitol damascus, killed 5 members of 2 rounds paramilitary revolutionary guards are, as president accused as israel of spreading instability in the region. it says the attack will not be left quote unanswered. israel has not claimed responsibility, but the strike comes just days after iran's truck what it called and is really spy headquarters in northern iraq. let's look at some more news making global headlines. kindergartens, have opened in subway. stations in the training city of har, keith, following, allowing children rather to return to the classroom for the 1st time since rushes invasion. almost 2 years ago, facilities opened in 5 stations accommodating up to a 1000 children. assembly has regularly been used as a shelter a mid russian air strikes in peru. protesters have taken to the streets to oppose matthew peach. you ticket sales from being privatized many local residents and tour
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operators are against the change. protests comments. ticket numbers for the ancient ink and heritage side are set to rise in a bit to revive tourism after the coven pandemic. hundreds of thousands of people across germany are protesting against the far right. the demonstrations follow reports that members of the alternative for germany party the a f. d, attended a secret meeting to discuss plans for the mass deportation of immigrants and german citizens of foreign origin. many protesters are calling for an outright ban on the party, which is now 2nd in nationwide pools chanting altogether against fascism. tens of thousands of people gathered in the central frank fits forcing the support for germany's post will promise of never again to right wing extremism. zillow, does it,
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does it seem as if i had expected that i would not be alone here, but that there are so many of them and not just here, but all the way down the street. it just feels good to know that we are the majority. 7 but many protesters say they will grow here by fear. the nationwide outrage was sparks by revelations. that right, we extremist submit to disgust opposing millions of people with migrant backgrounds, including german citizens. members of the fall, rise alternative for gemini policy were present at the secret meeting. a safe day has since distanced itself from the plan. the policy has seen strong support in germany coming 2nd didn't recent opinion polls. some protesters say the country's democracy is at stake. smack me. so i'm so upset that was slipping back into a situation where protesting against the rights is necessary. that's how it feels. it feels like the apocalypse in slow motion motion demonstrations are planned for
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the lien and other cities on sunday. as close to the band the a if the pause he entirely pro loud a democratic republic of congo, president. that is just a katy has taken the oath of office for a 2nd 5 year term. he was re elected last month, but his opponents refused to recognize the result saying the vote was barred by widespread irregularities. the occupation took place in a state impact with supporters, a display of unity that belies the deep divisions in africa, the 2nd largest nation. the new york goes president felix to secure the soaring and for a 2nd term. the now gratian ceremony took place, in contrast as national stadium more you see fit good. why just to give you supporters celebrate it is success in the last
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months elections, the q up position candidate, martin for you. lou said that the elections were sham. what you like, why did they organize the strong genetic? so for us, i'll stop here. there was no election and we need to get back together. all the parties involved to tell us how we can organize good elections with a reconstituted commission. i think in sydney flash has broke out between the police and opposition supporters and the got to keep and show us up after the bull in december. for testers had demanded that the election we agreed on felix cheer, security has destroyed this country. the comb go well and we will dine. people young girls like us have nothing to show because this country is not doing well. officially the president has won a 2nd term with an overwhelming majority of the country struggling with persistence on clifton poverty. making the job of holding the nation together. one of the
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continents biggest challenges to have season is officially underway in the netherlands. thousands of visitors from around the world gathered in amsterdam to mark national to update the official start of the countries to live season. the new the lens most famous flower is officially in blue. rows of colorful tulips fil amsterdam, museum pine. and it got an arranged a month the beginning of chip season around $200000.00. she lips are on display with budding florist able to pick the best of the bunch to take home with them. i think they're very beautiful and considering how cold and gray is then i think it's very nice to bring color and so the house, the wild tulips, grown in green houses blooming now. it will be several months before firms across
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the new villains transform into a sea of color. each hue is see to have its own meaning. read is all about love. while yellow re present happiness and hope. sure lips believed was originated and the ottoman empire, but would take into the netherlands in the 16th century. they became a status symbol, and at times with a small fortune these days, the new, the lens produces more cheer lips than any other nation in the blooms bring visitors from across the globe. well, it's like a beautiful flowers and it's not. it's very rare to see because he doesn't have that in the philippines. so that's really a really makes us happy to see the 2 lives and experience by ourselves here. 2 legs can be found in vases across the netherlands for the next few months until the
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season ends in mid may. and that's all the news for now. stay tuned if you like for deep dive into the world of synchronized swimming unexpired. thanks for watching the fateful encounter. in the late 19 seventy's former concentration comes in my general, most smiles now i met the man who had to maintain him goose stump, bog, known as the beast of sylvie bar. shame on you. tell the truth. to use nicer, wagner was dead and investigation concluded that it was suicide.


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