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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 21, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the new use live from berlin. prime minister benjamin netanyahu bases mounting pressure within israel, over his handling of the war. thousands of israelis riley didn't televi to demand an end to the fighting. and joseph and fresh elections guaranteed government protest came after nearly 15 weeks of war between israel and how much also coming up around and threatens to retaliate after i suspect it is rarely airstrikes hit some serious capital damascus, killing high ranking members of k ranch, revolutionary guard and more and more and bigger demonstrations against germany's
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far right. hundreds of thousands take the streets and cities across the country to condemn the far right. f t party. following reports of secret mass deportation. meet the neg spicer welcome to the program. the government of benjamin netanyahu faces mounting pressure with an israel because of the ongoing conflict in gasoline and the increasingly dire humanitarian situation. there. this was the scene in tennessee by saturday were thousands of people gather to protest against the countries leadership. they're calling for new elections. it's now more than 3 months since is relaunched as counter offensive in gaza after the cross border attacks by some ass on october, 7th to mass of course is classified as a tear organization by several countries. the earlier i spoken dw correspondent
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rebecca rivers in jerusalem, who told me more about what the demonstrators are demanding. so last night, a number of protests across the country, not just the one until available though that was the biggest protest. and as you mentioned, there, people really angry at the government and angry at the handling of particularly the hostage situation. many people who been coming out week after week with the same message a now getting urgent saying that the government simply isn't doing enough to try and free the hostages, that it isn't high enough, only governments in gender, and in fact, they're all the military games. a more important that of course, things to destroy from us as an entity or is a threat to israel. now, course these are not conceded piece pro protest as such, there is still an overwhelming support here in israel for the aims of the minute tree. but the hostages, they say, and the people protesting saying that the hostages should come 1st. and in fact,
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i spoke to somebody else. sorry, some protest isn't hosted family saying that though really they're willing to give anything now to him off in order to get their family members back. we saw a protest so anti government protests to the north in haifa. and caesar rear, which is where a prime minister benjamin netanyahu has a private residence and pay for protesting directly in front of his house. we're seeing growing pressure and growing of hatred. even you could say for many people across the country, even from within his own little cabinet and people calling for him to stand down and have fresh elections for more than 25000 people have been killed in gaza. according to the commerce controlled health industry and there are growing fears of widespread famine and disease among those still chapter united nations as calling for the urgent scaling up a few minutes, hearing aid and basic supplies, there's only 15 bakers are still functional across the strip. one group of
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volunteers is working to try to fill the gap. it was a stable before the war. now, brad is the main source of food for guidance, but it's in short supply. these international volunteers in rafa have set up a make shift bakery to help fee displace people. still they can keep up with the demand. the bakery produces $22000.00 loaves of bread at the end of the we're currently in the process of establishing 2nd bakery to double that production. but as i said, a large enough displace people in the gaza strip around 1000000 people have fled to rafa. to escape is really bombardments, according to the united nations ralph, as border crossing with egypt is the main lifeline for basic supplies like food and water. but only a fraction of what's needed is getting in as famine
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looms, parents feel helpless with the nu. what matters most for a child has to eat with do it because the warranty, more than 23 or 4 times a day. because they play outside the tent in this tunnel day and come back hungry will up over the dungeon. oklahoma, according to the you in the nutritional needs of children and pregnant women are not being met. most babies and toddlers are surviving on just bread and milk. sizing and gaz is hampering vital a deliveries. humanitarian groups are appealing to israel to speed up inspections of a convoys and to reopen the border crossings that were closed in the wake of the october 7 terror attacks by him us as it ran is threatening retaliation following a suspect. it is rarely ever strike in syria. the attack which flattened the building in the capital, damascus, killed 5 members of tyrants, paramilitary,
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revolutionary guard. the rest president accused as israel of spreading instability in the region and says the attack will not be left unanswered. israel has not claimed responsibility, but the strike comes just days after around struck what it called and is really spy headquarters in northern or rack. and the u. s. military says several of its troops were injured in another attack on an air base in western iraq. us central command says ran back militants launched multiple missiles and rockets at the low side of air base us led coalition facility is most of the projectiles were intercepted. but some struck the facility us as its troops station station to interact and syria have faced more than a 140 attacks by 10. it ran out loud fighters since the start of the israel hamis war in october. and to try to understand all this, let's welcome i have known around
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a professor of international politics of the middle east at city university of london. i'm sorry, we have air strikes, interact, syria, which we just mentioned, but also lebanon. and yemen recently, is there a risk of an original war? do you think? as i think there is certainly a risk for regional at this point where we're seeing that most of the players involved in ron is rob united states, or runs proxies. who's been around the house, these are trying to keep the conflict underneath the threshold, full blown. however, if we look at the trajectory over the last month, we've seen that the conflict has each closer to a regional been backing away from it. so we're not there yet. but the dangers considerable and there's a been a split as you know, better than i between israel, united states, on the future of guys and the 2 state solution with joe biden. and premonition didn't. yeah. who not seeing right at all? is that disagreement feeding into the overall regional tension somehow?
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i'm not sure which speeding into the regional tension at the moment, but certainly it is a major flash point between the united states and israel. and it is definitely a, making it more difficult for his role to achieve as well, despite the use of really devastating military force by is around a pretty, very large amount of munition and so on. it is difficult to see what strategic goals these relatives have achieved so far, and there is one criticism within his route that without a clear vision for the day off the school there, it will be difficult to translate military maneuver into a successful political aims. certainly the ones that was suffocated by these variable cabinet. and what space is there and left for diplomacy? now it feels like things i have gotten very military and tit for tat and an escalating? yes, i think there is still
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a really for diplomacy the united states and fonts are trying to find some kind of resolution for the ongoing skirmishes on these really the new folder. some sort of deal which will involve is relevant has been uh uh, finding some middle ground and his law offices be withdrawn to the, to the point of these really boulder and his role in return. i mean, just some sort of concessions on these really liberties. buddha, but so far there hasn't been a breakthrough and more of these raney's are entrenched in deposition has by law has rejected. so for the american and french proposals, and these really government is on the growing mounting internal pressure to enable 80000 over at citizens which have been effectively evacuated from the northern boulder to return to the house. and he went with his, but that is impossible from a security point to view. sure. everybody's entrenched,
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everybody i think is looking for who if you likes lynch 1st, there is still some roof and see, but the space is being reduced. understood and thank you for that insight and on around a professor of international politics of the middle east joining us from london. let's have a look out some more news making global headlines to. kindergarteners have opened in subway stations in the training and city of har. keith, allowing children to return to the classroom for the 1st time since rushes evasion almost 2 years ago. facilities opened and 5 stations accommodating up to a 1000 children subway has regularly been used at the shelter. a mid russian air strikes in peru, protesters have taken to the streets to oppose met you. pietro, ticket sales being privatized, many local residents and tour operators are against the change. the protests come as ticket numbers for the ancient inc. and heritage side are set to rise in
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a bit to revive tourism after the coven, 10 demik. french farmers from across the south west of the country have dumped garbage on public and rather on public buildings. and they have blocked a highway and protest against the government's agricultural policy. they say they are overburdened by taxes and excessive regulation. frances largest farm union says it's considering nationwide, protests police have cost with anti israel protestors and the northern italian city . as a tensor, officers used water cannon on demonstrators who fired smoke funds and players left wing groups organize the rally to demonstrate against the participation of is really exhibitors. at a jewelry trade fair in the city. hundreds of thousands of people across germany are protesting against the far right. the demonstrators follow rather, the demonstrations follow reports. the members of the alternative for germany party, the f. d attended a secret meeting to discuss the plans for the mass,
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the port taishan of immigrants and german citizens, a foreign origin. many protesters are calling for an outright ban on the party as a consequence, which is now 2nd in nationwide pulse or the chanting altogether against fascism. tens of thousands of people gathered in central frankfort forcing their supports for germany's posts will promise of never again to right wing extremism. is the guy said that i had expected that i would not be alone here, but that there are so many of them. i noticed here, but all the way down to the street, it just feels good to know that we are the majority. now, how many protesters say that were brought here by feel? the nationwide outrage was boxed by revelations, but right, we extremist submit to disgust opposing millions of people with migrant backgrounds,
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including german citizens, members of the fall rise alternatives. the gemini policy would present at the secret meeting. a safe day has since distanced itself from the plan. the policy has seen strong support in germany coming 2nd didn't recent opinion polls. some protesters say the country's democracy is at stake. smack me. so i'm so upset that was slipping back into a situation where protesting against the rights is necessary. that's how it feels. it feels like the apocalypse and so in motion motion demonstrations are planned for the lien and other cities on sunday. as close to the band, the a if the policy entirely grow louder. finally, to look season if it is officially underway in the netherlands. thousands of visitors from around the world uh, gathered in the capital amsterdam to mark national to the, to the start of the season. visitors to the colorful garden festival of museum
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square are invited to pick a bunch of flowers for free smell. some 200002 lips of different varieties are on offer. the flower has been a dutch icons since it was 1st brought to the country in the 16th century. and a reminder of our top stores as the government of benjamin nation. yeah. who is facing mounting pressure within israel amid the ongoing conflict in gaza. thousands of people gathered in tel aviv saturday, calling for an end to the fighting and fresh elections and ran and threatening retaliation. dr. a suspected is really our strike on the syrian capital, damascus to read, says the attack killed high ranking members of its parent, military revolutionary guard, and has found his will respond to the attack. and that is all the news for now. next up, our show reporter looks at the crisis and francis overseas territory of maya or crime and poverty are on the rise and locals to see
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a band. i'm next buys are for me in the entire news team here in berlin. thanks for watching. the name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold the bad. a lot of people do that. as soon as i was saying it loud, you guys would have been nosy bay like get everyone talking to me. check out the award winning called called the called back trash fashion as an environmental 9 a clothing graveyard in the chill.


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