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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 21, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw, use live from berlin. prime minister benjamin netanyahu faces bouncing pressure within israel, over his handling of the war. thousands of israelis rallied in tel aviv to demand an end to the fighting and gas and fresh elections. the anti government protest came after nearly 15 weeks of war between israel and also coming up around threatens to retaliate after a suspects it is really air strike had serious capital, damascus, killing high ranking members of k ran's revolutionary guard. and more and more and bigger demonstrations against germany's far right. hundreds of thousands take to the streets and cities across the country to condemn the far right and the parties
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following reports of a secret mass deportation meeting the unexpired. welcome to the program. the government of benjamin nation, yahoo face as mounting pressure within israel because of the ongoing conflict in guys had any increasingly dire humanitarian situation there. this was the scene in television like saturday where thousands of people gathered to protest against the country's leadership there. calling for new elections, it's now more than 3 months since israel launched his counter offensive and gaza after the unprecedented cross border attacked by a mass on october 7th. a mass is classified as a terrorist organization by multiple countries. earlier i've spoken dw correspondent, rebecca rivers in your this one who tells me more about what the demonstration
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demonstrators are demanding. so last night, a number of protests across the country, not just the one until available though that was the biggest protest. and as you mentioned, there are people really angry at the government and angry at the handling of particularly the hostage situation. many people who been coming out week after week with the same message a now getting urgent saying that the government simply isn't doing enough to try and free the hostages, that it isn't high enough, only governments in gender, and in fact, they're all the military games. a more important that of course, thing to destroy from us as an entity or is a threat to israel. now, course these are not conceded piece pro protest as such, there is still an overwhelming support here in israel for the aims of the minute tree. but the hostages, they say, and the people protesting saying that the hostages should come 1st. and in fact, i spoke to some host. uh sorry,
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some protest isn't hosted family saying that though really they're willing to give anything now to him off in order to get their family members back. we saw a protest so anti government protests to the north in haifa. and caesar rear, which is where a prime minister benjamin netanyahu has a private residence, and people protesting directly in front of his house. we're seeing growing pressure and growing of hatred. even you could say for many people across the country, even from within his own little cabinet and people calling for him to stand down and have fresh elections. and for more on this we can speak now to be honest, she is an american is really living in tel aviv 2 members of her family were killed in the october 7th terror attack. 3 others were taken hostage to her release, but one is still being held hostage in gas abbey. thank you so much for taking the time to speak to us. um, can you tell me more about what happened to your family or thank you for having me?
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yes, on october 7th, um in the middle of the chaos we understood from family text messages on one side that are generally with hearing the fire and airbag and people being killed around them and that they were scared for their lives. and later that evening, when the military finally got to your office to keep us in which they lived, there were 5 family members were unaccounted for. and our, our working assumption was that they were missing or been taken hostage on october 8th. we have video confirmation of my cousins, son in the hands of him also is the video to come us, indeed uploaded. and so then we, we went to really what the, the notion that they haven't taken hostage tended into the war. we got confirmation that 2 of the bodies had been found not on the keyboards. and that my 8 year old cousin carmella down and her 13 grand daughter has been ordered back from us and 52 days into the war during the big exchange of prisoners for hostages. my husband's 2
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children, 12 year old arrows and 16 year old returned, but their father of there was 53 remains on day 107 and a category. okay, well thank you for sharing that store. i know it must be incredibly painful to, to keep keep reliving it. um uh, just as regards the freeing of the hostages and the pressure that's coming along onto the government and these big demonstrations we were just reporting on. do you think that the government is going about freeing them in the right way? does there need to be a change in policy somehow? i think that there are some sort of split in. we're kind of people who believe that the hostages should be the 1st priority, and people who believe that the right occasion to come out should be the 1st theory . i think i or as a member of a hostage family, as someone who lives in his room. okay, bringing hostages home has to be the 1st period. there's no waiting,
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there's no success, which i don't think there's winning in the situation any way, but there's no way for, for israel without the release of every single one of the hostages. a lie that day and as regards the, probably the protest and the hostage families, i was reporting myself recently in israel, and these have families are in emerging political force that the government can't really ignore. do you think they're going to be able to have an effect on a government policy as i continued to demonstrate himself? i mean, we're, we're after a year of protesting in this country with regard to the usual forum. and i think in the aftermath of october 7th, we saw a lot of unity with which hadn't been the case. and i think now we're seeing this split again, which is these families are saying you have to punch the hostages. you have to put our family members 1st and, and the call for natalie does not reside in for elections. i think that as,
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as early as we're in one of our hardest moments because we, as a country law piece, we want a 2 state solution. we want to live next to a path to me and they that is being run by a government to acknowledges is always ready to exist. and the main challenge of that is that we don't have a partner at that table. you talk of a 2 state solution. i know president joe biden has been saying that he's still thinks that's a viable thing and he thinks that prime minister bitten netanyahu believes that as well. however, newton you know, just came out shortly after speaking with buying and the phone and saying that's not an all the case. as an american citizen. would you like to see your american government do more to, to pressure israel to bring it around to that to that perspective you're describing, oh, i see. so i think it this like that. and then yeah. who's the only one that's gonna be able to come to the table to, to make an agreement, to release the hostages, to this point. right. and so if by him and his government can help us get there,
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then, and i can tell you is american the, our government's and united states has done everything possible to make is also supported to make american families of hostages feel supported criminal. my cousin that was my, it was an american as well, and they have shown up with full force. and i see american has always been strong partners and this is a time to continue to pressure israel to work in the right direction. and for me, as a citizen of both countries, that direction has to be the freedom of hostages, no matter what right now, that's the only step forward. and i think that's what has to be both to parity for united states and 1st of all. okay, i'd be thank you so much for your time and for sharing your story. i have the honor of talking to us from tell of these things. more than 25000 people have been killed in gas uh, according to the how much controlled health industry. and there are growing fears of widespread famine and disease among those steel traps. here,
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united nations is calling for the urgent scaling up of humanitarian aid and basic supplies. it says only 15 bakeries are still functional across the entire strip. one group of volunteers is working to try to fill the gap as it was a stable before the war. now brad is the main source of food for guidance, but it's in short supply. these international volunteers in rafa have set up a make shift bakery to help fee displace people. still they can keep up with the demand. the bakery produces $22000.00 loaves of bread at the end of the we're currently in the process of establishing 2nd bakery to double that production. but as i said, a large enough displace people in the gaza strip around 1000000 people have fled to rafa. to escape is rarely bombardments. according to the united nations raf,
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as border crossing with egypt is the main lifeline for basic supplies like food and water. but only a fraction of what's needed is getting in as famine looms, parents feel helpless with the new what matters most for a child has to eat with do it because she was the warranty. more than $23.00 or 4 times a day. none the because they play outside the tent in this tunnel day and come back hungry will up over the dungeon. oklahoma, according to the you in the nutritional needs of children and pregnant women are not being met. most babies and toddlers are surviving on just bread and milk sizing and gaz is hampering vital a deliveries. humanitarian groups are appealing to israel to speed up inspections of a convoys and to reopen the border crossings that were closed in the wake of the october
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7 terror attacks by him us now around is threatening retaliation following a suspect. it is really airstrikes in syria. the attack which flattened the building in the capital, damascus killed 5 members of tyrants, paramilitary revolutionary guard. and ranch president accuses israel of spreading instability in the region and says the attack will not be left unanswered. a multi story building, 10 to rubble and serious capital around says 5 members of its revolutionary god died here in a target to miss all attack on this tightly garbage residential domestic is neighborhood. and how are they sat around 1030? we heard the sound of 3 consecutive explosion and said that way they targeted the building here behind us. we were shocked and shaken as rescue as an emergency teams where to find those fit trapped under the deputy around late the
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plane for this attack, which also killed the number of city in forces family at israel. still on it is on the tip off that you have the brands president's abraham. right. you see saying it would not go unanswered in a statement. read out on a rainy and state television, lots of wild vowing to retaliate talk. he has to cast money out of israel, has no claim responsibility for the destruction in damascus that has been intensifying its attacks on the radio link targets inside sylvia. in recent weeks, around is a close ally of syria's president bush. alice sat and also support thomas, which carried out the type of 7th terror attacks against israel, of hundreds of thousands of people across germany are protesting against the far right. the demonstrations follow reports that members of the alternative for germany party, the f d. attend of a secret meeting to discuss plans for the mass deportation of immigrants and german
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citizens of foreign origin. many protesters are calling for an outright ban on the party, which is now 2nd in nationwide pools chanting altogether against fascism. tens of thousands of people gathered in central, frank fits, forcing the supports for germany's post will promise of never again to right wing extremism. is the guy said that i had expected that i would not be alone here, but that there are so many of them. i noticed here, but all the way down to the street, it just feels good to know that we are the majority. now, how many protesters say they were brought here by fear? the nationwide outrage was boxed by revelations, that right, we extremist submit to disgust opposing millions of people with migrant backgrounds, including german citizens. members of the fall, rise alternative for germany policy would present at the secret meeting. a half day
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has since distanced itself from the plan. the policy has seen strong support in germany coming 2nd didn't recent opinion polls. some protesters say the countries democracy is at stake. smack me. so i'm so upset that was slipping back into a situation where protesting against the rights is necessary. that's how it feels. it feels like the apocalypse in slow motion motion, the demonstrations of planned for the lien and other cities on sunday. as close to ben the a if the policy entirely grew louder. and that is all the news for now. coming up next our program dock to meet some of the digital gold diggers. rushing to bring crypto currency to latin america next by so for me, the entire news team here in berlin. thanks for watching the,
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the goldsmith. i'm not seeing in the late seventy's shlomo smiles. now make good stuff, but not the man who had to maintain him. 2 years later, vulcano was date, was it suicide? the evidence raised has done what really happened starts january 27th on dw the el salvador.


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