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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 21, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CET

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the, the, this is indeed a new news live from berlin. at least 25 people killed by showing an eastern new crate authorities in the russian occupied city of didn't yet claim ukrainian forces for the attack on a busy market area. also coming up israel's prime minister, benjamin nathan. yeah. who is under growing pressure at home? thousands, riley and televi demanding an end to the fighting and gas it and fresh elections. add more demonstrations against germany's far right. hundreds of thousands take the streets and cities across germany to condemn the a if the party following reports of
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a secret mass deportation needing the next by sir, welcome to the program. and we begin with breaking news from ukraine. we're 25 people have reported they've been killed in the east of the country in the russian occupied city of dunn. yes. the kremlin installed authorities, blame ukrainian forces for selling a busy area with many shops and a market. there has been no immediate comment from the government in keys. and let's get more on all these developments from dw correspondent nick connelly in the ukrainian capital. nick, what more can you tell us? so we have seen from sources from rushing up to the thought or file thought event, and yet they are talking of the 20 plus casualties and assume the number wounded.
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we are not able to verify those numbers. as you mentioned that that hasn't been any comment yet. from the ukraine inside, it has to be said that this is pretty unusual if it were to look at in terms of the numbers. and it's pull the fact that it is basically on the front lines that has been so since 2014 seems relatively light civilian casualties, special competitive grants, just like car. and the pro, this seems to be of being in a market on the west and sun city center was the front lines. um and uh right now there are some pictures doing the rounds on social media. so the expectation is that will know bit more than the outcome. okay, nick, i want you to stay with us, but there was another incident i'd like to talk about in russia, a suspect ukrainian drone attack has caused a fire at an oil storage depot in the baltic sea, the terminal owners, that the blaze was caused by what they called external influence and that some operations had been suspended. the port is located just outside of st. petersburg,
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ukraine, and claimed responsibility for 2 separate attacks on russian oil depos earlier this week. and we will go back down to nit connelly standing by and key force. what do you know about the suspected you craning drone attacks inside rush of which this is going to be a part, i suppose. as we already have had ukrainian special service sources quoted in the press here, taking responsibility. that's the same as the official kind of hands up, but certainly that is the belief here in cuba. i think these targets have long been on the list. if you look at what russia has done to ukraine, in terms of closing off, we're trying to close of the black sea, destroying the terminals need to feed crane to explore it's grain. and that by we can cranes economy its ability to pay for some of the tree. i think it's been clear for a long time, but ukrainians would try to do the same thing. and it's kind of take important. given facts, rushes exports of oil and gas by pipelines have basically been very haunted by
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sections but the export by sea of oil, but also of the gas for this b looks like that is still going and is crucial to the criminal finances. so that certainly has long been so many of you kinds of tried to do and it does seem like this was more successful than previous attacks. we've seen attacks when maybe a 5 was very localized. you'd have one reservoir, a fuel burning, but people more or less working in power though a few 100 meters way that definitely doesn't seem to be the case based on the images on social media. we're seeing from that since, you know, still go and, and what strikes me, nick is just how far this is inside russian territory. it's a 1000 kilometers away from to you to go to to st. petersburg one. what does that tell us? i know it's early days about ukraine's ability is if it constructs so deep inside russia, that certainly also has been something that's been worked on a lot, something that was clear to the crane side would have to happen. attracting places alone, ukraine's frontier is, is comparatively easy, but it is also less politically dangerous. the criminal,
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but reminding russians as far away as pittsburgh. and he said, almost a 1000 comes away from ukrainian church street that they are living in the woods. and that is something that is going to be crucial for me to create a perspective for changing the mood and russia to get people could start. and this is something that could damage then. and that isn't just some kind of colonial rule somewhere far away. but also in terms of the ability to slow down versus one machine, if you cranes on your pricing and that kind of 100 some to strip it on its borders, then that doesn't really make much of any of an impact, but most of versus infrastructure. it's economy isn't that european part of the country that it has within about a 1000 kilometers of ukraine. so certainly this makes a big difference. and there have been huge fundraising drives by ukrainian volunteers to try and come up with new tongues that okay, for making that kind of distance. and it seems potentially that this is what okay. nick connelly reporting for us from keith. thanks so much for those insights. the government of benjamin nation,
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yahoo face as mounting pressure with in israel because of the ongoing conflict in gaza and the increasingly diary humanitarian situation there. this was the scene and tell of a freight saturday for thousands of people gather to protest against the countries leadership. they're calling for new elections. it's now more than 3 months since israel launched as counter offensive and gas it after the unprecedented cross border attacks by her mask on october, the 7th. and her mouth is of course classified as a terrorist organization by multiple countries. earlier i spoken dw correspondent rebecca rivers in jerusalem, who told me more about what the demonstrators are demanding. so last night, a number of protests across the country, not just the one until available though that was the biggest protest. and as you mentioned there, and people really angry at the government and angry at the handling of particularly the hostage situation, many people who've been coming out week after week with the same message
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a now getting urgent saying that the government simply isn't doing enough to try and free the hostages, that it isn't high enough, only governments in gender, and in fact they're all the military games. a more important that of course, things to destroy from us as an entity or is a threat to israel. now, course, these are not conceded piece pro protest as such, there is still an overwhelming support here in israel for the aims of the minute tree. but the hostages, they say, and the people protesting saying that the hostages should come 1st. and in fact, i spoke to somebody else, sorry, some protest isn't hosted family saying that though really they're willing to give anything now to him us in order to get their family members back. we saw a protest so anti government protests to the north in haifa. and caesar rear, which is where a prime minister benjamin netanyahu has a private residence, and people protesting directly in front of his house. we're seeing growing pressure
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and growing of hatred. even you could say from many people across the country, even from within his own little cabinet and people calling for him to stand down and have fresh elections. more than 25000 people have been killed and gas that according to the mass controlled health ministry. and there are growing fears of widespread famine and disease among those field trap their united nations as calling for the urge and scaling up a few minutes. hearing aid and basic supplies, it says only 15 bakeries are still functional across the entire strip. one group of volunteers is working to try to fill the gap as it was a stable before the war. now brad is the main source of food for guidance, but it's in short supply. these international volunteers in rafa have set up a make shift bakery to help fee displace people. still they can keep up with the demand. the bakery produces 22000 loaves of bread that we're
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currently in the process of establishing 2nd bakery to double that production. but i said a large enough to displace people in the goal is to strip around 1000000 people have fled to rafa. to escape is rarely bombardments, according to the united nations. rough as border crossing with egypt is the main lifeline for basic supplies like food and water. but only a fraction of what's needed is getting in as famine looms, parents feel helpless with the nu. what matters most for a child has to eat with the warranty. more than 23 or 4 times a day, because they play outside the tent in this tunnel day and come back hungry will up over the dungeon. oklahoma, according to the un, the nutritional needs of children and pregnant women are not being met. most babies
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and toddlers are surviving on just bread and milk sizing and gas is hampering vital . 8 deliveries, humanitarian groups are appealing to israel to speed up inspections of a convoys and to reopen the border crossings that were closed in the wake of the october 7 terror attacks by him us. it's now around his threatening retaliation following a suspect. it is rarely air strikes in syria. the attack which flattened a building in the capitol, damascus, killed 5 members of tyrants, parent military, revolutionary guard. and france, presidents accuses israel of spreading instability in the region and says, the attack will not be left unanswered. multi story building 10 to revel in serious capital around says 5 members of its revolutionary god, died here in
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a target to miss all attack on this tightly guarded residential, damascus neighborhood. and how on the side, around 1030, we heard the sound of 3 consecutive explosions. that way they targeted the building here behind us. we were shocked and shaken as rescue as emergency teams where to find those fit trapped under the debris. late the plane for this attack, which also killed the number of city in forces family at israel still on is on the tip off that with the brands president's abraham raw, you see saying it would not go on on sits in a statement read out on a rainy and state television, lots of well vowing to retaliate talk. he has to cast money out of israel, has no claim responsibility for the destruction in damascus. it has been intensifying its attacks on the radio link targets inside sylvia. in recent weeks, around is a close ally of syria's president bush. alice sat and also support thomas,
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which carried out the type of 7th terror attacks against israel. let's take a look now. some of the other stores making use around the world, the congress president. so it is just a katy has been sworn in for a 2nd term after chaotic and contests of elections. just acadia and his party won the vote by land slide. the polling was marred by fraud allegations and logistical disruptions. kindergartens have opened and subway stations in the ukraine in the city of har, key, allowing children to return to the classroom for the 1st time since rushes invasion . almost 2 years ago, facilities opened, and 5 stations accommodating up to a 1000 children subway has regularly been used as a shelter a mid russian air strikes in peru, protesters have taken to the streets to oppose metro peach. you ticket sales being privatized. many local residents and tour operators are against the change. protests comments, ticket numbers for the ancient in can heritage site are set to rise in the bid to
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revive tourism. after the cobra pandemic, hundreds of thousands of people across germany are protesting against the far right . the demonstrations follow reports that members of the alternative for germany party the a f. d attended a secret meeting to discuss plans for the mass deportation of immigrants in german citizens of foreign origin. any protesters are calling for an outright ban on the party, which is now 2nd in nationwide opinion polls. chanting altogether against fascism, tens of thousands of people gathered in the central frankfort forcing the support for germany's posts will promise of never again to right wing extremism. still does it, does it seem as if i had expected that i would not be alone here, but that there are so many of them and not just here but all the way down the street. it just feels good to know that we are the majority of the height. 7 the
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many protesters say they will grow here by fear. the nationwide outrage was boxed by revelations. that right, we extremist submit to disgust opposing millions of people with migrant backgrounds, including german citizens. members of the fall, rise alternative for gemini policy were present at the secret meeting. a half day has since distanced itself from the plan. the policy has same strong support in germany coming 2nd didn't recent opinion polls. some protesters say the country's democracy is at stake. smack me so i'm so upset that was slipping back into a situation where protesting against the rights is necessary. that's how it feels. it feels like the apocalypse in slow motion motion demonstrations are planned for the lien and other cities on sunday. as close to ben the
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a if the policy entirely grew louder. us and we'll be bringing you live reporting from the demonstration in berlin in the next show. that's all the news for now. up next to technology show shift focusing on digital loneliness unexpired. sir, thanks for watching the same view the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue what that's nice on the side or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stop in port is those nonsense? i want my son to the doctor. joe, in the clubs. it's time to, to your generation with the sleep us i'm that.


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