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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  January 22, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm CET

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it's all stuff and what is this nonsense? i want my son to become a doctor to in the clouds. it's time to to them when generations class this week on d. w. the hello and welcome to a new and they shall know it. cool africa. talk lean to climate crisis, take skills and the modulation. it means transforming the way with think about everything. and for that, we need people with vision and people with know how i am privileged coming to you from lagos, nigeria, and sandra holmes, the 3 nobody will joining you from composite. well, we've got some great reports from across the continent this week. last,
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explore what it takes to change. again, here is what we have coming up. how a culture is boasting to the security and living started in nigeria. how the shoot industry in brazil is going great. find out how and i like is somebody's is fighting energies poverty, but we still do the show right here in uganda. we are heading a little east all the coffee. so to visit a fema somebody who is showing just how much can be achieved with self confidence expertise and a function for showing it, allow me to introduce this week for equal hero, a woman who has good energy. and so many ideas to spam is not just stuffing. the potential view gunned us young people bought the quotes and invitation to feed them
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while it my name is not in my inbox. i'm a bit more proficient on the mazda y. if some of that indicates on, on for the 3 years old. oh yeah. wearing up village working so district can you got the new stuff is that if i can just put food on my table. but what i did, i did it so well that i had more than i needed to eat, then i said it's sending. so i became successful in that when i'm like, okay, wait a minute. what if i pass on this morning to my community? no, not to, it's all coming, but if it's not going to be more of the like,
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know the people. that's right. so the open did so many people and i'm happy that i've been able to print as many pos possible use women and children of open the school ever send you. and yes, cool, i'm the tories. if so satisfying, it's very satisfying. when someone calls you saying, i came to you from, you told me this, now i have this by many people, close boxing, they have put in that table. and i'm part of that. the, i love animals. so i took animals, i listen to them, i care for them being at home. it's a noble job because as a farmer, i don't keep my animals,
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i don't keep the calls and get, we've got 2 of them. i don't think i don't get vegetables and everything. the new people wouldn't be able to use the the, the teacher. i wasn't too sure about school actually in this school for their level of practical. so am i speaking is closed for my son from technology. all vision is to make sure that every child top it shows potential sort of funding. it's an almost cool with the bus or because that's what we use if we talked about the switch, some few, often to the rental, but we're not sending them to become from them. but we're giving them skills because finding mixer patient, there's so much like a form of being a found law is something that i don't know she,
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there's so many skills there that so many vice and their team building responsibilities. they have this plan. they're going to look after they have this chip, they're looking up that to the end the i see what was going through with the children there. what are we not sure of them? that confidence they touch, they feel they understand the if i had to pause to make sure every school is like less cool of what shape so many i'll call it and know what as a family things i've never thought our best form on 2014. when i get back to my last born, she has no fault. so i've just come on to voice $3.00 to $3.00 days out of hospital
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. i receive a phone call from for the job assigned you think while you're in the office, a full price 2019 and so on. this is something, you know, it's not a complete issue and you're doing or they are watching you and you know, so it was something nice i believe in myself and i have this thing, but sorry for man. well, why didn't mind couldn't do the woman can do 3 times a bit. so what i mean for us, the woman n one with a clear message, there is simply no way around it. we need to become more self sufficient if we want to reduce or ecological footprint. that means adapting to current climate
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conditions, node links to assure ourselves healthy, odd, simple food supply does right, sandra here, you know, i to area. there are efforts underway to do just that. some regions of set of domestic fish funds. it's a way to not only reduced the needs to import supplies, the shop to transport the routes are also much better for the environment. these caught fish needs to be fed several times a day. when i know has been raises fish for decades and now has full funds full of them. and he's not alone. is south west an idea we're not far from land goals. some $1200.00 farm is work together to operate the launch everywhere fish farm for them . reading the popular caught fish is a solid business. we actually spoke about alternatives on 5000. this is an important, so i'll stop with the points. we'll make sure that we do feed them like 3 to 4
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times in a day to keep costs this, the collective process is waste that he buys from me produces the farmers use the ways to produce, wants to thousands of fish food each day, or up to 6 times during the peak periods, it's cheaper and more eco friendly funding for the west products. we use a gulf kitchen, we just purchased from a flat spot to buy from god notes. we don't, byproducts won't put you, which is what you knew it has gotten when what you were supposed to prove. those are process of the they haven't processed the approval. the was in process. we have to push out. we just go from, from the cool. we have a full flow on it, just go, go to inform us about to use a simple sustainable method. the benefits everyone that was also the idea behind the fish farm. when it was founded 20 years ago, everywhere from vintage began as a project of my joys, open state and local communities to come back,
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poverty in the regions, and help people on a stable income. and it, what the fish bomb is now make a good live in the water in the palms is changed every day, but that doesn't pose a problem. there's enough water in the region to go around a while. the waste, more taste buds directly into the everywhere river. it's not yet clear whether or not it's having an impact on the local environment. see everywhere, fish for themselves around 5 tons of fish. every day of the month is wise and denied us continued. population grows. experts beneath apple coaches to play an important role in achieving food, secure to hear the labels, the community to produce variety of food items
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such as the fish. so that could enrich the food base for requirements whereby the community will have an array of valuable food materials to make this kind of agriculture more sustainable and widespread various international projects of launched in the country everywhere from vintage. again, taking parts and one such project in 2020 twos and holes trading sessions on site. the focus is on echo from the farming methods and offering alternatives to commonly used chemical antibiotics. thoughts on some of those things. uh, some. uh, some vegetables, some leaves. uh, good antibiotics um, devices that the natural it helps. so it shows us that we are not doing something towards it to the environment and to the fish on to the people that show well that
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no one's age to become an accountant for being the fish pharma has proven and lucrative alternative for him. and many of those, i mean future, the collective would like to use it's waste water for crop for me. making uncle culture even more sustainable to africa has a problem with this called the textiles sent to you from other parts of the weld, offered a full quality the compass. so done, markets and pilots, the land seats full was having c. yeah. environmental impact. what can be done with all those shirts, janes and plows as well? a startup is south africa, may have the solution. of these young to interpret nerves are on the missions to defend the environment against never ending textile waste. they snatch up off good fabric and
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a role pieces and sold inventory and sold and rejects and give them a 2nd chance at life. this is an example of some of the one way to recycle. and she said right now, so these are the products that we actually eventually want to me. the global self is becoming the textiles dump of the global north. every day, almost $200.00 tons of textile waste a dump a landfill was an african countries. these 200 tons are equivalent to more than 10000 african elephants decomposing fabrics. we lease harmful greenhouse mustaine gas, well, toxic chemicals and dies sip into the ground water and soil. but it's safe to st. go and her friends have vowed to do their beat with we will been inspired by their own home town and major manufacturing hub. we have about 300 as so closing
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manufacturers operating in south africa, about half of them on the list in case. so you wanted to set something to solve that problem, but at the same time create jobs. but at the same time, so create an innovative solution. their initiative, make sure be what textiles end up in landfill, spike collecting clothing tended for dump sites from manufacturers and selling them to recyclers who process the material into fiber and thread for fabric production. we will then also use the fiber to make footwear and different kinds of tech styles . the company collects 70 tons of tech, so waste a month is just one percent of western cape waste. the teen safe finding recycling missionary in south africa is a big challenge. still plans to expand to other provinces and continue to clean up the pollutant textile industry to hold. doesn't love a new pair of shoes. what have you ever thought about that? the logical foot prints from south africa. we're heading out to south america and
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brazil, where the footway industries making big strikes to with substance abilities. the 1st step is bitching, let the made from optimal heights. for now 99 percent of the letter produced worldwide is from livestock. whether amo alternatives that may have a, these materials come from some very unexpected sources. let's find out more casual. comfortable, elegant leather footwear. many of us can't imagine life without it. the brazilian footwear sector alone produces around $800000000.00 parents each year. it's a huge branch, but how sustainable is that? the tanning process requires vast quantities of hazardous chemicals such as tenant chromium and aluminum. 10 or east can leave workers with health problems and they take a heavy environmental tool. there's
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a big disconnect between what the market wants and the market doesn't want to model the destruction people on shoes. they want to have that they don't want started amazon. but the environmental organizations stand on earth as a stablish. the major international brands are partly responsible for the destruction of the amazon. it examine the supply chain, have $100.00 companies around the world. in 2020 to around 12000 square kilometers of amazon rain forest were cleared primarily for cattle ranching for beef and leather production. the so the incentive and that's why we did just to punch and study was to connect the dots to the actual brands. because the brands couldn't make the strong demand of their suppliers and trickles up the supply chain eventually to the ground around. so one of the sales leading footwear manufacturers is keen to prevent deforestation
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. a few years ago, the company launched the alma brand, which replaces mother with cotton and synthetic materials. all right, so still use this leather for its other brands, but it's products to source in the stain of li mei. so we have the writing project which runs until 2026, 2033. it focuses on level traceability that to ensure that the lights are used by a rep. so it was agreed ramos is not involved in deforestation, and research into alternatives to leather is booming of vague and hide grown with the help of bacteria because already been produced in the laboratory. it takes just 3 weeks to produce it, and no animals are harmed in the process. fibers extracted from food, such as pine, apple are also being used to make products that have a texture, very similar to leather fund guy fashion. shoes made from mushroom leather. it's
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been growing demand. the material is made from my sylium, which is basically trans from the root structure of fungus to the production process doesn't even require chemicals. rando, so just presume, shoot manufacturing hub. the industry generates $83000.00 jobs efforts to make it more sustainable are underway. the company urban flowers, for example, doesn't use whether it makes high quality beacon footwear let me 1st opened the factory. breaking into the footwear industry was very challenging. that same thing. it traditionally uses level that's made from various animals. this is my duty eyes while we don't, but we broke with that and created our own business based on a new id is quite as long as it is. all of the footwear is hand crafted. 60 pairs
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are made each day, in addition to maintaining high quality standards, reducing waste is a key priority. se, the savings, the fabric, we use industry surplus, you know, so we using materials that would otherwise go to way a sign in. we collected and we use it to make our shoes called at alpha dot glue as well to base that one. i know so it doesn't have chemical components. the environment. it also means it's easier to clean the foot way and makes it more durable and somebody doesn't mind, myers. but i believe that urban flowers, customers are making a conscious decision not to buy leather, a choice that's becoming more popular all over the world. the more sustainable the footwear industry becomes, the lighter our environmental footprint. we operate to use the charging of phones, wayne loretta, but when the 2 bought,
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imagine leaving on an island with no electricity, what would you do when your battery runs out? so that's just one of the challenges people face who lost access to energy. it's a major problem for marginalized communities around the world. that is very true crease our report to visit the lowest of bell region 8, somalia. to find out how an innovative solar installation project is talking energy poverty and making the lives of low cost. much easier you estimate those monies please, especially since she's only drawing water from this well today to show how hard it used to be just to fetch the precious resource for use at home. the on the i'd be on that on the we used to walk more than 3 kilometers from home, looking for water,
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and i was using it and we bring jerry cans to carry it now. so i hope that the water was susie and dirty. like on that, on the food wash clothes or the well, the yeah. okay, what are you in a big changes, i've come to the little village of buy ducks and the 1000 residents of the spinning slot. at the gates of somebody's copy till mogadishu finally have electricity. it's even on a pallet or was it under our wireless charging? our phones used to be a big problem. i knew we'd walk a long way to, to 0 to charge them and pay $50.00 us cents. some of the poor couldn't afford that to fix that data, but now our homes have power 24 hours a day. most people on the peninsula leave from fishing. like mohammed double up d, heidi is got used to spoiling the heat before he could take it to the marketing. mogadishu, the solar pod for uses. how's the fees? stay fresh, low now. how do you go then?
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i don't worry about the 2 fish i caught because the solar company tomorrow so brought the freezer where the fish will remain until the driver comes to pick them up. but they have also had a mike, i'm sending them to market and expect to sell them for $30.00. each of those to the electrification program here would serve as a model for positive changes in the country on the horn of africa. so maria was long viewed as a field that this is a developing country recovering from the security on the civil war around with the um, if somebody is sending and this needs to be exploited, there are a lot of companies. so a lot of private companies that have already started to invest in solar energy. the company to our muscle is now promoting one of these projects in a,
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by ducks. and these many groups sold a plant with a 10 kilowatts capacity life of the hot feats. it should provide all of the roughly 150 houses. we can increase the t and she's making sure that the total goes to plant 100 is a trained electrical engineer. the plant provides the village with electricity around the clock, even if the sun is in china. during the day it would be tucked into but there is an give on energy to the coolant system that we support the show. and the for showed us the people that nobody had with on during the night. it was of like the village with electricity that's we have the news you're using the website. it's no, it's even easier to get to water. and electric pump draws water from this. well, on the mainland to the peninsula, where it's select cindy's water tongue and is distributed to the household. no, the water comes right out of the top. the fire estimate ultima no longer needs to
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lift it all the way when she wants to cook. so how many of 7 and what does i will do that? is it a 5? no, i can get some rest and have temp water in my home by solar power used to fetch water and carry in here from far away. now i have clean water to drink. okay. i like on to the next installation. the many good companies for technicians plus a method skeptic to some doubted where the solar power was as good as conventionally generated electricity. although he was superstitious and see it, the technology was from the uh, this was simply worried about the cold. and that's why when the 1st 2 months, we didn't have one of the people the of the best, we decided that we want to take on his finishing money from the people who would just take the monthly expenses. that's a $10.00 per month. this family decided to jump on the bundle of a lifestyle is being installed and the 1st 10 eviction is new horizons.
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well, in the last 30 years, we didn't know what was going on in the outside world. but after we installed solar power and started watching tv at home, that's changed for the many good costs about $70000.00 us dollars. international donors contribute 60 percent via africa enterprise challenge fund. the world bank covers the remaining 40 percent of the loan. the many grid will turn a profit clips or muscle in 2 years time. we'll mohammed these training use sort of technicians for the company, such experts of items they needed us to money. a 48. he's increasingly counting on solar energy at sundown, socializing, all those used to come to an ending up a duck some times to the electricity is towed into many groups. bit feet, there is no light up to duck and
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a lot of activity. wow. let's look at the top now tomorrow. so gives us electricity and installs lights on the roads. all of our children and old people are playing and chatting out doors the way but shadowing. we are grateful we best that are not the solar project on update duct. see you subbing as an example to the region. 300 mil house was nearby on getting the until the poland. many great. thank you for joining us here today. we hope the program give you something to think about. i am sandra, go home is that we know view and saying good bye from here in comp. hello. you've gotten to by sandra. see you next time. add to all of us all day. do you have any thoughts or ideas on ways to build a better future? right. share them with us. we'll always love hearing to you. i'm chris alone saying
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so long from lee goes by jerry. yeah. the
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thinking as a network thing, as one it show about the vision raised and the project, the challenges that can be tackled together for a future. what is working for a more united 1230 minutes on d, w. d. 8th and average concise set that died start make sense for me anymore. i've
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the news
12:00 pm
. this is dw news life from berlin. israel's prime minister rejects conditions set out by her boss for the release of hostages. the hostages families are keeping up their protests meantime, putting pressure on benjamin netanyahu. and then the as prime minister inaugurate a hindu temple on a site with a history of bloodshot, the temple in georgia is built on the ruins of an ancient mosque. its destruction in 1992 sparked rioting in which thousands died. and rhonda santas drops out of the us presidential race. the republican says it is clear to him that most pardon.


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