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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 23, 2024 12:00am-12:16am CET

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that's why we listen. we chose every weekend on d, w, the business, the, the news life from berlin. tonight's a possible breakthrough in the war in gaza. these are all these set to be offering, how mosley 2 month boss and the fights and rejects that. are groups conditions for reducing hostages, leniency these are all, and the i launch the heaviest, more embodiments of the seats. you'll find unice since the innovation began. also coming up the final push for votes on the eve of the new hampshire primary. it seen us the last invest transponent. you have to stop. donald trump from becoming the
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republican presidential nominee. and india is prime minister integrates the temple built on the ruins of the most the most destruction in 1992 sparks riots in this county 1000. the i am eddie micah junior and you are welcome to the program that could be a possible concession in the war in guys the u. s. news websites, access is reports and that these are all has offered him us a 2 month break in the fights and in exchange for the release of all hostages, still being held in gaza. the reports comes as well. the thing is that see the city of hon. unice has seen the west bombardments since the stats of the war. the mazda bron health industry, and the guy that says, at least 50 people have been killed in more than 100. 1 did many countries classify
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how much as the terrorist organization smoke billows of the guns. a southern city of con eunice as israel's ministry continues its plumbing campaign, is like to strike forcing dozens of the wounded into hospitals that are overwhelmed and under resort children and babies are among those injured or killed. talk to say they're struggling to treat patients not problem, but we'll let and i'm telling you the hospital is on the brink of collapse, but we will not. we're not, we're running out of medical staff and supplies. nothing is reaching us in order to does nothing in the hospital to treat patients with. no painted us. no, no anesthetics, no medical resources. that means what your model of the is males ministry has been focusing. it's offensive on the southern city where it's battles against him, off by to our intensifying explosions and gunfire echoes through the refugee camp
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in the gaza strip. most of the population had had to move more than once to find safety. now, where do we go? this is the 17th time i've left my home. where am i supposed to go to rafa? reference just one street. what did they want from us? do they expect 2300000 people to live in an area that's no wider than 200 meters and copied zone, but then a killing me to what is this good? pressure is mounting on israel's permanent is benjamin netanyahu off the he rejected times offered by him us to end the war in gaza in exchange for the release of hostages. the as opposed to the creation of an independent palestinian state and relative independent palestinian state. and relative itself is really hostages
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. in garza disrupted a parliamentary committee meeting, quoting for their loved ones to be freed. this comes as you lead is meeting brussels to discuss the situation in gaza. and what will happen officer the wall. while they were all the divisions on calling for a ceasefire, many including the use foreign policy cheese still think establishing a 2 state solution is the only way forward. i think that we have to stop talking about the bees bees process and start talking more completely about the 2 state solution process. because piece it could be many different pieces. what kind of would be, as you were talking about for, let's talk about what we want to do. we want to do is to build a 2 stage solution. meanwhile and gone so many a trying to find a place that's not on the siege in order to bury their loved ones as a number of casualties and displays. people continues to rise. now to some
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breaking news, the united states, the united kingdom have carried out new joining strikes in yemen, including the capital son uh, according to these statements, the targets that include the underground storage site and locations associated with a quote with these mess file on civilians capabilities is the 2nd time the 2 allies have coordinate that to attack who the targets in yemen? the who these are the vows to continue with the tax on shipping in the red sea will be monitoring that and give you more information when we have it. you know how the u. member states have reached the preliminary agreements to launch a military operation in the red sea to secure match on the shipping. the use top of the monster stop a route announced the new state to invest foreign ministers maxine brussels. retreat force would only be used for defensive purposes, will appear in washington. one in systems will be deployed to repel attacks by governments with the medicines. the patient is expected to begin next month.
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correspondence, rosie bad child has been following the foreign ministers meeting in brussels. she told us more about the planning commission. well, if you're trying to come up with some sort of response to this spiraling filings in the midwest, know what burrell side is, that nothing has been fully decided yet. what we've had of this means it could be you ministers is an agreement in principle, in facts. but when i asked him, so when will this happen and what exactly what it looked like? well, he actually proceeded to waste of a series of things which still have to be decided, for example, which country would have built this mission a when exactly will be deployed. however, we do have some insights because we've been in, i've been into for me, i think 3 things on the plan this on you to come up to table. still to be discussed over the next few weeks. and what we're talking about here is basically a pond to send you repeating warships through the red sea region to try and protect merchant vessels, so to protect the cargo, to accompany them, and to defend the no,
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not all you countries will take parts. of course, there are so many countries which are long volts and therefore don't have major 80 sort of been with 3 enabled military assets at the disposal. but there are also some countries that have said they will not take part. for example. spade, we do expect belgium to send to forget, unlikely germany will be participating as well. of course here of in response to those ongoing attacks by creating rebels against the cargo ships, trying to navigate and ship goods through the red sea. a w correspondence by scratch that in vessels that let's look at some more stories, making global headlines for loans, new prime minister, donalds, whose cause about to continue was or support for ukraine during his past visit. the keeps ends taken office last month, just said, the country's hope to produce weapons together is talked with ukraine's presidents the lensky way in battle ground in west and supports on i'm going by various new presidents up here to almost faint, doing his integration ceremony. simmons and 9 year old just of what kinds rose
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several times and had to be supported by aids doing his at swearing and made in speech. the episode was blamed on heat exhaustion. the us presidential races heating up nikki haley has been making a final push for votes in the states of new hampshire haley, his donald trump last year meeting major rival for the republican nomination. i only have to florida governor on desantis dropped out of the race on sunday. i suppose to suggest that trump, for when you have said by you comfortable margin, i to easily went in the iowa caucuses. any of this it's more on that let spring indeed of use, gentle doom allowance as a matter of mac in the state of new hampshire. ahead of the republican presidential primary. hello janelle, all eyes on the new hampshire primary. what, what a victory. the mean for a republican candidate a. well,
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it really depends on which republican candidate we're talking about. as you said, there donald trump is coming fresh off his record breaking victory in iowa. a victory that basically denied momentum to any of the other candidates. another decisive win here in new hampshire. good to basically mean a very short primary race and an outcome in his favor. very early, determined now for nikki haley. however, a win here in new hampshire would mean that she lives to fight another day. the new hampshire primary is all a very heavily covered event and a winner here would mean that she gets more media coverage. she gets more money from donors. and these are things that she would really need in order to be able to improve her chances against donald trump in her home state of south carolina. when the voters there go to the polls in late february. now it's important to note that new hampshire is actually a very tiny state. it only has $22.00 delegates in the republican part,
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reprocess that represents less than one percent of the total number of delegates that eventually go on and vote. and the republican convention later this year, but at this stage, it really does look like a lot is riding on new hampshire for nikki haley. it could determine whether her bid to become the republican presidential nominees has any kind of future, or whether donald trump is destined to coast towards that nomination. yeah, talking about destiny. a new poll shows trump has a double digit lead, or by nikki haley in new hampshire. is a game over for haven't well, if she has chances anywhere, then it would be here in new hampshire. this is an electorate that has the potential to be very receptive towards her. the state has a lot of college educated voters. it has a lot of moderate voters. it has a lot of undeclared voters, voters who neither identify as republican or democrat. she does do well with these
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groups, but she really needs them all of them to coalesce around her. and she is going to get ahead of donald trump, or at least narrow his lead over her to the single digits. the way it looks. however, pulling does still put donald trump far ahead of the hailey, depending on which poles you look at that lead is anywhere from 11 points to, to 20 points. and those sorts this will be very much an uphill climb for her to be able to narrow. okay, use geno, do my lowering? thank you know, indian prime minister and that ends remedy has integrated a hindu temple. built on the ruins of the mosque, the opening of the temple in the c t o by your the outcomes as multi campaigns. we fat to him as a prime minister. it fulfills a key campaign, pledge to him do nationalist, and it has symbolic value. the destruction of the 16th century mosque in 1992
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sparked religious riots and thousands of people, mostly muslims, wakefield for many can do the bodies, the construction of this temple. for since a long time dream. this man in the power foot time and us turn that and then would be has to meet the team, come to that is not a monument to mark the birthplace of the drum. a god to him does believe was born here 7000 years ago. i got my hodges overjoyed, i'm really happy. i don't know what to do was to have to have back this temple the the gems that all of loads that all most place. faithful india. it. so something amazing. but for a desk victim, police, that reminder of a violent episode, the chip, the foundations of secular india,
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that on that boat has been constructed on the disputed side of defense. the school would be most devoted to see about 500 years ago, almost came in to beat the most overcomes. but please, in 1949, 2 years after india, as independents from british through lupin offer shields loose the most. after non descript houston site. many hindus believe that i just appeared by divine intervention for tickets after movies put a ticket about the pope kitchen and the party joins campaigns for the construction of with them. but on the most site, tensions up with the site came to our head in 1992 when the boppy mosque was destroyed by him. dom up to demolition cricket tribes that get at least 2000 people . mostly most plans across india. sorry god me. sometimes when you are deeply hurt, you need to speak more cry. we have not emerged from the situation. the pain and
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trauma of demolition with i was like honestly there is no one to protect us or give us justice if this feeling has been there since december 1992 until today. it does not bond with outlook, of the legal processes for the construction of campus, went on for tickets, and that's the meet the site was handed over to him to groups. it's one to february moves that makes menu from diaz to 100. begin with claims, fee under trip, especially since move you can do national, his body came to board in 2014. the, the fear that this given manned and all the affiliate is they want to wipe out all traces of most of them. i style mix civilization from the country on the one side of the world which in names or fall to to use whichever muslims sounding name on the other side. they want to get rid of what attribute every musk and the course that happy to accept petitions on what they were per text. the fish,
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how many gums just months ahead of a national election. which movie is widely expected to win? that's all the news for now. coming up next, i look at the meaning of marriage, that's in half. it's a series that tells the stories of women formation, sharp the mist best. i am eddie micah junior. thanks for watching stage and we have more coming up the shows either insane. and see you the same way. the big 6 and one different thing is home life than your parents. i just want to pursue what that's nice on the side or you think your kid is 2 different, risky,
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irresponsible, reasonable stopping port is nonsense. i wonder if my son to the doctor, joe in the clubs it's time to to vehicle your generation with a sleep us. i'm the.


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