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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 23, 2024 7:00am-7:16am CET

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the, the, you're watching, do you have the news coming to live from vertebrae and you rounds of strikes on who can you target india and then the u. s. and you pay launch a 2nd major wave of joint attacks. thing they hit 8 locations, including missile sites, also come out to show a possible breakthrough in the war in the casa or us media report suggests israel is offering a deal that would see a 2 month pause in the fighting and the release of hostages housing, gaza and voters in the us state of new hampshire, begin choosing a candidate for the white house. the 1st all us are cast in the states,
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primarily seen as the last and best chance for nikki haley to stop donald trump from the companies, the republican presidential nominee, the empire richardson, welcome the us and u. k. have carried out new joint strikes on who's the targets in yemen, including on the capital center. and the pentagon says they've hit 8 locations, an underground storage site, as well as locations associated with the groups and missile and air surveillance capabilities. it is the 2nd time that to allies have for data to attack the targets in yemen. who fees have previously vowed to continue their attacks on shipping in the red, c. d, w is corresponding benjamin as isaac river has been following developments for us from washington. washington hopes that the strikes will the great big capable of
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you who is these have to continue their attacks on us and also in your case ships, but also on international commercial shipping. in the red sea and the gulf off at the end, the hoops began attacking these vessels in november. they say that they are responding to israel as offensive in gaza. that is something the washington denies, says is no relation between a, these 2, a conflict it but the who these vibes to continue a targeting shipping until israel and the war. and they know also after this it strikes, it also said that there will be a bench during the white house press briefing and present, implied, and said that the stress will not stopping the who sees, but also set that the us would keep targeting the group anyways. and it's clear that's hoping to degrade the capabilities of the who, the, it's not course and then it to stop. the administration says that they are well equipped also by iran and unlikely to continue the attacks on a, the shipping of these ships. and one of the most important is shipping lanes
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worldwide, and that will be you asked that u. k. that also has conducted this strikes today. the other western nations that are supporting this coalition has a geo political interest encountering around the use of the who are things as a proxy without direct the risking its own assets. that let's be frank. i mean the war in, in yemen is a forgotten war. next, but it's also see this as an opportunity for the who see to want to rehabilitate the reputation at home to present themselves as the defenders of police, damian's, and of the people of gauze the even the washington says that it's not related. so the goal to try to beat the who sees militarily without addressing any of the or a demand. so what they saying is not working, neither for the united states, no, for saudi arabia that has been fighting it, who faced for many years the so now broader conflict in the region is definitely something the president biden does not want to see. and this election years of support is also fading due to washington's unconditional support for israel. it
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says our correspondent benjamin alvarez group are in washington now e u. member states. i've reached a preliminary agreement to launch a military operation in the red sea to secure merchant shipping. the top diplomat just burrell announced the initiative as foreign ministers met in brussels. military force would only be used for defensive purposes. european war ships and warning systems would be deployed to repel attacks by governments with the militants. the operation is expected to begin next month. and there could be a possible concession in the war in gaza. the u. s. news website actually offices reporting that israel has offered him off a 2 month break and the friday and exchange for the release of all hostages still being held in gaza. the report comes as palestinians save a city of hon. unice has injured the worst bombardment since the start of the war. the i'm also on health ministry and also says at least 50 people has been killed and more than a 100 wounded. several countries classify him, us as
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a terrorist organization, or smoke still those other dogs of southern city, of con eunice. as israel's ministry continues, its plumbing campaign is like to strike forcing dozens of the wounded into hospitals that are overwhelmed and under results. children and babies are among those injured or killed. talk to say, the struggling to treat patients. not problem, but we'll let and i'm telling you the hospital is on the brink of collapse. but we will, uh, we're running out of medical stuff and supplies. nothing is reaching us in order to does nothing in the hospital to treat patients with no pain. give us no, no anesthetics, no medical resources. that means what your model of the is male. it's been a tree has been focusing. it's expensive on the southern city where it's battles against him, off by just are intensifying explosions and guns via echoes through the refugee
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comes in the gaza strip. most of the population has had to move more than once to find safety. now, where do we go? this is the 17th time i've left my home. where am i supposed to go to rafa? reference just one street. what do they want from us? do they expect 2300000 people to live in an area that's no wider than 200 meters on company? longer than a killing? me to what is this good? pressure is mounting on israel's prime minister. benjamin netanyahu of the he rejected times offered by hum us to end the war in gaza in exchange for the release of hostages, the and opposed the creation of an independent palestinian state and relatives of his ready hostages in guns disrupted at parliamentary committee, meeting, quoting for their loved ones to be freed. this comes as he usually does meet in
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brussels, to discuss the situation and gauze us and what will happen after the war. while there are deep divisions on calling for a ceasefire. many including use foreign policy cheese still think establishing a 2 state solution is the only way forward. i think that we have to stop talking about the bees bees process. and this started talking more completely about the 2 state solution process. because page, it could be many different pieces. what kind of would be as you were talking about for let's talk about what we want to do. and we want to do is to build a 2 state solution. meanwhile, and gone so many a trying to find a place that's not on the siege in order to bury their loved ones as the number of casualties and displace people continues to rise. let's get across the jerusalem,
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where journalist assigned me sancho is following developments for us, as i mean we heard in our report there that is rails prime minister benjamin netanyahu has rejected how mazda is conditions for an agreement to release more hostages. how does he intend to, to achieve this goal instead? yeah, was the, was the how was so it's been suggesting is the end of the war. a for the is really with the big guys, this 3. it really so the prisoners that were engage in via fax. so the 7th of october, and the thing i was saying that is will come up to accept this and then said he has me, the whole thing is for photos, you know, this proposal does not mean the end of the board, but rather a supplier that was from 6 today, i'm doing this since prior, and the is ready to swing with from some areas of the gulf stream. we've been
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something that is towards the north, and it's the same time being agreed. hostages in the stages and is know, it's hard with the leasing, so they probably put in prison and, and where to the families of the hostages place the housing cause of fit in here. uh, what we want as we've, as, as we've seen in that report, many of them are extremely frustrated with the is really government effort so far. so yes, the lead. ringback problem these are say is up. they don't believe that nathan. yeah, is actually seeing the question of the hostages as a priority, and the new oh, seeing the continuation of come paying again, i'm on to the store yet. how wants to destroy the capabilities of mas as being, is main, they've gone. and they seem to agree with kind of a contradiction,
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because the use of prisoners needs a fire. it needs a release of a palestinian prisoners. and so they're not going into the exact details of who should be the form of this kind of agreement would come off, but they're saying that the government is not prioritizing the topic. they went into the connection. yes. the way i was there we're seeing is that the finance commit these kind of business as usual i'm. they're saying that the connected is not for your day is the the issue of the release of the hostages. i is so the, the other institutions of the state, the reason i'm not putting is number one. and finally, i'd like to take a quick look at, as well as military operations and gaza. before i let you go, is really forces and pushed deeper into the city of hon. eunice, can you tell us a little bit more about the fighting there?
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yeah, well 1st of all i want to come up with the news that has come out from the gulf stream, which is the best of the 21 is really. ringback yours, in a massive explosion that took place in the area, which is a loan, the border between israel and we're down the strip we, we bought in area the team and provide me with able to guide us through with these really mean the theories. the main thing, a perimeter by destroying homes and the houses own along v garza street. and then one of these they've been doing a big sports explosives in order to deal with up. there were certain just the size of been d when it was mine. and this big thing was the pack a by a police thing in the, i'm off the fighters with an r p g. and this both a,
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both a massive explosion is really, is that and seeing it think is disaster during this so or with $21.00. so years it'd be kim, thank you so much for bringing us up to speed there. that is a journalist, tammy sokol in jerusalem. return to the united states. now we're voters in the state of new hampshire. have a good casting ballots for a republican presidential candidate. voting began in the tiny village of dick's phil notch, 6 registered voters here, cast their ballots at midnight on tuesday. all of them voted for former un ambassador nikki haley. haley has been making a final push for republican votes in the state of new hampshire. she has donald trump's last remaining major arrival for the republican nomination. us. and we have dw, is janelle de malone and mary mack, in new hampshire with some analysis on what candidates stand to gain from a victory in the states. well,
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it really depends on which republican candidate we're talking about. as you said, there donald trump is coming fresh off his record breaking victory in iowa, a victory that basically denied momentum to any of the other candidates. another decisive win here in new hampshire could basically mean a very short primary race and an outcome in his favor. very early, determined now for nikki haley. however, a win here in new hampshire would mean that she lives to fight another day. the new hampshire primary is all a very heavily covered event and a winter here would mean that she gets more media coverage. she gets more money from donors. and these are things that she would really need in order to be able to improve her chances against donald trump in her home state of south carolina. when the voters there go to the polls in late february. now it's important to note that new hampshire is actually a very tiny state. it only has $22.00 delegates in the republican part,
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reprocess that represents less than one percent of the total number of delegates that eventually go on and vote. and the republican convention later this year, but at this stage, it really does look like a lot is riding on new hampshire for nikki haley. it could determine whether her bid to become the republican presidential nominees has any kind of future, or whether donald trump is destined to coast towards that nomination. it is our correspondence analogy. milan from snowing, merrimack, new hampshire, and we do have time to bring you a reminder of our top story before we go. us and u. k. have carried out a fresh wave of strikes against the target inside government. officials say 8 sites for hips, including missile systems, launchers and on undergrad and storage location. this fall is repeated a task by the who's the level group, i guess the shipping in the rest, the and that is
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a new show for now. so don't forget and can always find this online at w dot com or were also on social media atkins. i'm glenn richardson and ask for lynne green the hosting team. thank you so much for joining us. the cost for almost a bundled zeros on it's one of the same weapons and he knows how to use it to me and pretend this guy knows about energy in a way that these of my structures have no idea. it's been pretty clear, especially of way the energy often can be the printer symbol. that's what
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menu deals for warnings. so fix.


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