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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 23, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CET

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the, the, you're watching, you know, the news coming to you live from berlin and your round of strikes on who's the targets in yemen. the us and u. k. want a 2nd major wave of joint attacks saying they've had 8 locations, including missile sites. also coming up the show as well as military says 21. troops have been killed in gaza. it's as big as a single day desktop since the war began. plus voters in the us state of new hampshire, begin shooting a candidate for the white house. the 1st of ballots are cast and the states primary seen as the last, and the best chance for nikki haley to stop. donald trump from becoming the
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republican nominate. you'd have the names of a speech to backers of both candidates and the critics love her. so with an oscar nomination follow, we'll take a look at the red hot career of actress is on just to the player richards and welcome the us and u. k. have carried out new joint strikes on who's the targets in yemen, including the capitol. it's not, the pentagon says they've had 8 locations underground storage site as well as locations associated with the groups missile and error surveillance capabilities. it is the 2nd time the 2 allies have coordinated to attack, who's the targets in yemen? who sees have previously vowed to continue their attacks on shipping in the red sea? what's bringing w? corresponded becket, mass,
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and london. i tell us more about what we know about these recent attacks by the us and the u. k. is there any further information about the targets, for example, to the targets? we know if you just the alluded to that cat and about the pentagon statements say, we know that's a target seen last august. and the last around a strikes 8 targets in yemen says, depends upon it. let's talk about precision precision strikes and that they were trying to particularly target on the ground sites and also those associated with miss out and a s, a valence capabilities. we have also statements separate run by the us central come on and they added they were trying to reach deep the battery weapons storage facilities. so old is designed of close to home the who to use capabilities of a further strikes so on, on, on vessels and in the red sea. and have we seen any reaction from the who sees
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a to these latest attacks as far as i can see, no reports about damage. they haven't really said anything about that that have posted statements on next. and they also can you about retaliation that, that was inevitable. and that's this new aggression would not go on. punish. so from what we so what we see so far, these new strikes will not have brought an end to the 40 strikes and young men. but the question is whether these new strikes could actually harm the villages and to what extent they are possibly able to home them and say that really is the question . because this is the 2nd time the us and the u. k. have conducted coordinated military strikes against the who is he's a why do you think that they deemed this further action to be necessary as well? because they, they see that the roots are still defiant,
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and then not of it any stretch giving up attacking vessels in the red sea. and we have the foreign secretary, the u. k. for an secretary, david cameron, he says that it's basically unacceptable that a there's a tax on international and national shipping. and also he says that the u. k. does not accept that this has got anything to do with garza also about escalation. he says it's not the west the escalates, but it's the who teach themselves well, escalating. thank you so much for that update. and that is indeed of these correspondent and back at most in london. so considering that these past strikes don't seem to have deterred the who sees will these most recent strikes by the us and the u. k. how about effect? i bought this to sarah of visor bundy, who was a fellow at the giga institute of middle east studies and how black so unfortunately the know the short answer is no. because of when looking at the who
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is, he's under actions in that region. one needs to really reflect on the idea of logical framework that they are working with in under pro political project. the ideological framework is that they are exactly like every other as long as drive, because those movement that we've seen in that part of the world and globally, in fact, they are off the establishment of the worldwide is normally color fed with its capital being based interest so they have multiple goals to achieve the most important it is to destroy the state of israel, and they believe that the pulse to achieve that ultimate holy gold is a long lasting war. and they are proposed on they have shown that resilience and pad missed before that they are not going to step down from the ambition their political project is also to establish is they the issue uh do a logically, a structured political establishment like they had for hundreds and hundreds of
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years in north a pm and until 19 sixty's, when eventually they were at dismantled. so to this temporarily might contain that tax. but in the long run, we're dealing with a very dangerous ideology. and it's, it's very hard to contain it. and we should say that iran also plays a, an important geo political role here. what kind of reactions you think that we might see from tyrone is a widening of the conflict in its interest at the moment? i am, yes, iran has been investing for a very long time and who is these? i'm trying to align them on their emissions with its own a strategic emissions and with its own in fact i do a legit call on this just because let's not forget that one of the reasons that brought these to to get that is there that i do i'll let you, i'm their world vision, and the way that they perceive the changes in the global framework needs to be done
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in order to have a ultimate youtube in a global system that they have in mind. and iran is an important supporter for, for who sees that happen. various pieces of evidence leaks, evidence that indicates that it's not a good public. revolutionary guards have been training the hosting for said they have, they have basis to support and to consult with the, with the forces inside them. and they have been delivering arms and munitions to them. so one is not going to also backups a back down from that support for, for the who does. in fact, this conflict is a god given gift to the radian regime because there was a lot of problems at home. there is a lot of pressure specific. the domestically economically socially you roam, is going through a very dangerous pension on banking crisis. both systems are on the verge of
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collapse and bankruptcy, and co maintaining the public. the sentiment in this, a state of anxiety, whether the iran is going to enter into a world whether or not what's going to happen it's, it's a very good way for the resume to, to control the society as well. so sorry if i was to find a, a follow up to get institute of middle east studies and homework speaking to me earlier. and as we just heard of the who's these have a long enjoyed iranian backend. they're not the only once the clerical regime into honda is using a network of proxies stretching from israel's border with lebanon to a rock, syria, and the red sea. all part of a strategy against israel and its main allies. united states is ready troops on the advance footage from east rails ministry shows its policies fighting in the gaza strip. 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu has repeatedly framed to this as a struggle between israel and to run which backs him us. israel has long been
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locked in a shot, a will with 2 round conducting co but strikes and targeted killings. it was believe 2 of being behind this striking damascus at the weekend. but nothing yahoo is safe . his country is not in direct conflict with around me. i'm looking for someone who says, why not attacking you ran we are attacking you do on the run is the head a deal to this? and you can see its tentacles all around. a round box, a network of militant groups throughout the middle east, among the goal, was to undermine his rail and drive out to american influence. these proxies have become more active following the october 7th tiro attacks in lebanon to run supports in arms hezbollah, seen by some countries as a terrorist organization is fight as fire rockets into israel. on an almost daily basis is re elizabeth hunting fall. yeah, these images released by these really on me. but why was situation, hey i,
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the border is tense. so you, for each side is being careful to avoid an escalation, a round, also alms the who phase and on group and human super bowl, which is east control of large parts of the country, including the carpet to send off. now the who's these are, we're talking commercial ships in the red sea. they released this video showing them boarding and seizing a congress. so they say they, i think it's sort of dire, would say with the palestinians. well yeah, yeah, man is bravely standing against israel. thank god for your beautiful efforts, brave mighty and proud jim and is defending the oppressed and strong palestinian people the most competitive for this thing. the united states and others have sent war ships to the region and launch strikes on who's the targets. another friends is in iraq and syria, way around appears to be encouraging is malicious. to attack us military bases, washington has responded with his own strikes. others are israel as president is
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calling for global response to the east challenges care? there is an empire of evo emanating from to her, on the proxies all over the region, quietly, larking, dwanda, mind any piece process and any stability over the world. and that is exactly what we are seeing. and they have to be faced by very strong coordination. for the moments garza is the most active friends in east rayos. cold will whip around but surrounds proxies are becoming more heavily involved. each a strike and counter strike could bring. besides, closer to open conflict is riley military's as 21. soldiers were killed during fighting and gaza on monday, marking the highest a single day is rarely despoiled since fighting began in the territory or than 3 months ago. daniel had already a spokes person for the military and says that some of the troops were killed after
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hamas militants fired. a rocket propelled grenade at a tank blast caused 2 buildings to collapse. the model of or let's get more on this for me to have these correspond antonio kramer joining now from jerusalem. tanya, tell us a little bit more about why we have seen so many israeli soldiers a killed in just one day. yeah, it has been described to in the really me does the deadly a stay for the is ready troops of fighting in this war in garza. so from reports here, what is being known at this point is that apparently, currently the is where the army is clearing of what they call structures and buildings along the permit to the is really the goal. so for to, to allow, at some point to the is really communities to return back around living close to the border. so they're trying to create apparently
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a buffer zone and we're planting minds and explicit the instructors. so an r p g from one of the militant groups was apparently shot. and the a, one of the structures associates were working in planting those months and expenses . i exploded their talks about the devastating seen that a search and rescue this on the way. so 20 them a soldiers are confirmed or killed and this incident bringing the overall desktop off tubes and goes to $2910.00. and of course we're seeing or kind of also reactions here from the political level of pulling and saying that, you know, this incident should be taken that the war on golfing needs to be needs to continue . antonia, i also want to ask you about these reports that israel is proposing a deal with him off so that would see the freeing of is really hostages. need to be held in gaza. what details can you tell us about that as well?
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these are reports at the moment. of course nothing is really uh, officially, uh, confirmed. uh as uh you know, all these mediation efforts taking place behind the stores. but it seems that isabel has submitted a new proposal to katara and edith, the main immediate us here. um to release uh the remaining uh hostages. about a $136.00 hostages are relieved to be still hugged in garza. some of them are presumed uh that have been killed in the meantime. so from what we understand, according to this proposal, is what we would offer a 2 month a holding of secession of facilities. so hold the fighting for a phased return of those remaining hostages in exchange for palestinian prisoners that are held in is rarely tales, as so of how most has to respond to that they have set until now they would not
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release any further hostages until a total hold or total end to the war in gusto. and also of course you have to understand there's a lot of frustration among the relatives of these hostages. a lot of pressure on the government right now to bring those hostages home. thank you so much. that is the, that these correspond tonya kramer for us. we do have time to bring you up to speed with some other world news headlines. rescue operations are underway in china is a western nation, jen region. following a major earthquake. several people are reported to have been injured in the magnitude 7 point. one quake presidents have been evacuated to temporary shelters after dozens of homes collapse. to australia hasn't post sections on a russian hacker for his role in one of the countries of worst advert data. fast,
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the government says the man was behind a cyber attack on the medi bank, health insurance company in 2022. nearly 10000000 people were affected. just the 1st time australia has impose at cyber sanction powers. the columbia navy has seized a submarine containing nearly $27000000.00 worth of cocaine. some 800 kilograms were found on board, along with 3 men who were arrested columbia as the world's biggest cocaine producer . and the library as new present appeared to almost fainted during his inauguration ceremony. 79 year old and joseph a boy. chi froze several times and have to be supported by aids during his swearing in his party has blamed the episode on exhaustion. ukrainian officials say at least 6 people have been killed by russian missile attacks on kiff and hard to thousands more were reportedly wounded, including children. the kids nervous holly clutch coast called off people to stay
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in shelters as air defenses has been engaged and repelling the attack. explosions been reported in cuban and the surrounding area and cubes. administration has said that several apartments and cars were on fire. look at the very latest from the, the use may connelly, enjoying me now from the cube keyboard. excuse me, nick, what can you tell us from where you are? it was very, very loud here this morning at about 7 o'clock in the morning local times. that was, most likely the defense is working, and most of these 5 seem to be from bits of debris of destroyed themselves pulling to the ground, then catching phi hooting cause there are reports of casualties here in cuba. but it seems to be much worse. and if i give you credit, the 2nd big cities of see much closer to the russian border, it's only about 35 to them, which is direct line. and so they obviously often enough to really get much of warning themselves of foster, then it is possible to put out that error a warning,
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and there are reports that of casualties, significant casualties. douglas cavities including children, and pretty striking images of a high rise residential building, basically destroyed on one side. so the expectation that those casualty figures will arise significantly in the outcome. and is this an issue of ukraine's ability to continue to repel such attacks as we're approaching almost 2 years into this for well, certainly, that is a big fear here in ukraine that for all the western hardware that has been supplied in recent months and years that soon enough, they might run out of the munitions to use them, especially for the patriot themselves. system which is crucial for accepting ballistic missiles as the foss dismissals that really basically fly a kind of trajectory that sees some droppings to the ground, a huge speed. and we can do these things, and today they were pretty good at getting rid of russian christmas. all is that a slower and easy to and step with the ballistic missile is a much call to target. that is also the question of what russia has to attack and crane that having to, to use those big attacks. lots of different results and one go to try and get posts
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. ukraine's defensive even attacking hot. today with an empty ship, missiles that shows you that even russian now is really having trouble trying to find themselves that will get through and that will hit targets. thank you so much for bringing us up to speed that that is a correspondent economy reporting from cuba. so turning to the united states now where the republican presidential race is now a one on one in battle with nicki hayley for making a final push for both ahead of the new hampshire primary. haley. as donald trump last remaining major rival for the parties nomination after florida governor run descent as a dropped out of the running on sunday, he threw his weight behind donald trump upholstered dress. trumbull will win new hampshire by a comfortable margin. indeed of these washington bureau chief n, as paul has been speaking to supporters of both candidates ahead of tuesday's votes of the new hampshire primary could be the last stand for the anti trump fraction
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with in the republican party. it's nikki haley cannot make a strong showing in the state that the majority of the republicans are known to the liberal johns as elsewhere in the country would be significantly diminished with the med global implications. normally elections are decided by domestic issues such as the economy or border questions. but this time here at the primaries in new hampshire, that might be different. because nikki haley and donald trump very different approaches when it comes to foreign policy. for example, the question should be your as keep funding ukraine, and what about the future of nato? therefore, we went to rochester in new hampshire, to talk to trump supporters. you have to admit the trump has not taken us to war. when he has a problem, is a strategic attack he took out all back, daddy. he didn't bring us to war with ukraine. that was a bite. and we're in regards to nato. no, i think we should abolish it because we're the one who's funding the majority of it
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. if all the countries that are members paid equally, their share, then it would be effective, but unfortunately, it's not and funding ukraine who's not even a member of nato. we need to protect our own borders 1st, really to close our borders, and we to protect our own people and help our own vets and our own people in need. i think ukraine is corrupt, so it was russia, both of them were corrupt, and we should back out of that we should be done with that off the run the census last, the race who move this support is go to haley or trump. trump definitely launch wraps. why? why trump the key? because the santa says trump jr. a little later in the day, not far away. next is we're in new hampshire. nikki haley supporters are coming together. we want to know how they feel about the differences in foreign policy. i really admire her courage that she's standing up for ukraine because it's very
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unpopular with republicans why the republicans have been fed a lot of misinformation additional information. so as far as the party mikaela we, we support her because not just our foreign policy. she does definitely have a very strong foreign policy because she was the union bassett or so i think it is important to support ukraine. they're an important country and i i back her wherever all are decisions say a 100 percent backer. if the old from the be the know i mean a for the republican policy would you vote for him? not in your lifetime. no, no. the outcome is still open, but one thing is clear, the vote in these primaries is hold on how republicans see america's place in the world. and the nominations for this year's oscars of wars are due to be announced in los angeles later today. 3 pictures are expected to bundle it out for the top
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prizes. christopher nolan is oppenheimer, of course i'm on the front runners. the film examines the view life and world bottles of robert oppenheimer, the creator of the atomic bomb. another film in the running is killers of the flower moon, by hollywood veteran martin scorsese robert de niro in the, in order to caprio star in the 3 and a half hour the crime epic and regret. a girl was blockbuster comedy. barbie could also receive a collection of notes. the film tells the story of how the famous plastic photographer leaves barbie land to find her true self because i wasn't severely injured. i would beat you off for right now. can somebody the end of the best actress? category one, name waking the rounds is xandra, who for her performance in the court room drama. anatomy of a fall. an oscar nomination would be the next big step in a career that's already propelled her to the top of her profession. i'm sorry to interrupt, i'm sorry, but strong combative women from such roles suit, santa hoola,
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replaced them with great intensity who, some way it was and what we were going through in anatomy of a fault. she plays a successful author who's suspected of murder. did she push her husband out of a window after an argument or not? the movie leaves that question unanswered. the sense of who is acting performance help the film when a panama dos in ton 2023 was her last year. the zone of interest with her and the leading role was also honored in can. she plays the wife of our shirts, commander who dies 1st was portrayed as a loving mother who can also be cold as ice, with no scruples about wearing
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a for code of a murder, jewish woman in a film highlighting the banality of evil and the shadow of the desk kept sounding over. there is an exceptional talent working in european film. she inhabits her rules with great passion, but remains true to herself, self confidence, and politically active. even off the screen, the future is female. so let's go. nothing more to add some stuff to gain worldwide. same after playing a stressed out business woman and the award winning film 20 element in the movie, the characters cookie father turns her life upside down. eventually, in fact, the case of any recently seen a few weeks ago who was named best actress by the european film award for her role in anatomy of a fault. here too, she made a political statement. i am fortunate to be able to work in peace.
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you are fortunate to work in peace and some people are not working in peace right now. not even living in peace right now. is this something that we collectively have to achieve? the next step in her career could follow. now, who is highly tipped for an oscar nomination at the moment? anything seems possible for her to hear, and that's right. it's just, just before we go, let's get reminder of our top stories of the us and u. k. have carried out a fresh wave of sprites against lucy targets inside young officials say 8 sites were hits, including a missile systems, launchers and, and underground storage location, as well as repeated attacks by the who's the rep. them grew up against shipping in the red sea. and israel's now latrice as 21 troops and been killed in a millisecond attack in gaza. is always to be the single biggest blocks of life on, because rarely side, since the invasion of casa in late october, the update for now eco applicant is coming up next. so stay
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tuned, or you can check us out online at dw dot com. we're also open social media as to the unit and quite richardson, franklin many thanks for watching the
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you go advertised some 4000 pon catch fish, a large fish farm and nigeria is making a successful investment in a sustainable future. possible culture is becoming increasingly important when it comes to feeding the country's population. next on dw, inside gaza. it's been more than 100 days since the last tier attacks on israel
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dw reporter mohammed collude lives and works in the gaza strip. he has been documenting life there since the outbreak of the war. the humanitarian situation is catastrophic. the war and its consequences close up in 45 minutes on d, w, the the, the, the, it is some of the current key, more people than in such a passion life crisis within pod from the company. that's the
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