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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 23, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CET

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the the you, i think you'd have, your name was coming to live from berlin. any round of strikes on who's the target in yemen. us and you pay launch a 2nd major wave of the joint attacks saying they've hit 8 locations, including missile sites. also coming up on the shelf as well as military says 21. troops has been killed in gaza. it's biggest single day das toll since the war began. the empire richardson welcome the us and you have carried out new joint strikes on
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who's the target and young men, including on the capitol. so not dependent on, says they've hit 8 locations at underground storage site as well as locations associated with the groups of missile. and air surveillance capabilities. what is the 2nd time the 2 allies have coordinated to attacks with the targets in young men who fees have previously vowed to continue their attacks on shipping in the red sea? british foreign minister david cameron has given a statement on what prompted this latest round of air strikes. let's listen to what he said. since we last took action 10 days ago, that has been for the 12 attacks on shipping by the who sees in the red sea, these attacks on legal acceptable. and what we've done again to send the clear as possible message that we will continue to degrade their validity, to carry out this tax. also sending the clear as possible message that we back, i'll words and i'll mornings with action. and i also spoke earlier to our
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correspondent derek at mass in london. she told us more about what we know about the recent attacks and, and if there's any additional information about the targets, the targets. we know if you just the alluded to that can about, depending on the statements, say, we know that's a target seen last august. and the last around a strikes 8 targets in yemen says, depends, again, it took about precision precision strikes and that they were trying to particularly target on the ground sites. and also those associated with miss out and a s, a valence capabilities. we have also state and separate run by the us central command and they add that they were trying to reach deep the battery weapons storage facilities. so old is designed of close to home the who to use capabilities of a further strikes so on, on, on vessels and in the red sea that was due to these back up must there. so
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considering that passed a strides, do not seem to have deterred the who. these will, these most recent strides by the us and the u. k. i earlier put that to sorrow buzzard bond, a fellow at the giga institute of middle east studies and homework. it's unfortunate the know the short answer is no, because of when looking at the who is, he's under actions in that region. one needs to really reflect on the idea of logical framework that they are working with in under political project. the ideological framework is that they are exactly like every other as long as drive, because those movement that we've seen in that part of the world and globally, in fact, they are off the establishment of the worldwide is low, make culture fit with its capital being based insurance and so they have multiple goals to achieve. the most important is to destroy the state of israel. and if they believe that the pulse to achieve that ultimate holy goal is a long lasting war. and they are proposed on they have shown that resilience and
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pad missed before that they are not going to step down from the ambition their political project is also to establish is they the, is she a do a logically, a structured political establishment like they had for hundreds and hundreds of years in north a pm and until 19 sixty's, when eventually they were at dismantled. so this temporarily might contain that tax. but in the long run, we're dealing with a very the interest ideology. and it's, it's very hard to contain it. that was sorry about the warranty is a lot to do. you get institution of middle east studies turning to israel now where the military says 24 soldiers were killed during fighting and causal on monday or king. the highest a single day is rarely death toll since friday began in the territory more than 3 months ago. daniel had already a spokes person for the military says, most of the troops were killed after him. off bulletins, fired
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a rocket propelled grenade at a tank. glass costs 2 buildings to collapse. some of the soldiers. your motto should have these correspond atanya cramer told me more about how this happened. as it has been described to it, and there's rarely meet as the deadliest day for the is ready groups of fighting in this war in garza. so from reports here, um, what is being known at this point is that apparently currently the is where the army is clearing of what they call structures and buildings along the permit to the israel goals of food to, to allow at some point. and the is really communities to return back around living close to the border. so they're trying to create apparently a buffer zone and where planting lines and explicit the instructors. so an r p g from one of the militant groups, it was apparently shots,
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and the a one of the structures a soldiers were working in planting those mines and explosives exploded their talks about the devastating seen that a search and rescue this on the way. so 20 them a soldiers are confirmed or killed in this incident, bringing the overall desktops of tubes in garza to 20910. and of course we're seeing or kind of also reactions here from the political level of pulling and saying that, you know, this incident should be taken that the war on golfing needs to be needs to continue . antonia, i also want to ask you about these reports that israel is proposing a deal with him off so that would see the freeing of is really hostages. need to be held in gaza. what details can you tell us about that or? well, these are reports at the moment. of course, nothing is really uh, officially, uh, confirmed. uh, as you know,
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all these mediation efforts taking place behind closed stores. but it seems that isabel has submitted a new proposal to katara in egypt. the main immediate is here um to release uh the remaining uh hostages. about a $136.00 hostages or relief to be still heard in garza. some of them are presumed, uh that have been uh, killed in the meantime. so from what we understand, according to this proposal, is what we would offer a 2 month a holding of secession of facilities. so hold the fighting for a phased return of those remaining hostages in exchange for palestinian prisoners that are held in is rarely tales as so of how most a has to respond to that they have set until now they would not release any further hostages until a total hold or total end to the war in gusto. and also of course you have to
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understand there's a lot of frustration among the relatives of these hostages. a lot of pressure on the government right now to bring those hostages home. thank you so much. that is the, that these correspond tanya kramer for us. that's turned out as another world news headlines. rescue operations are underway in china is western sion, john region following a major earthquake. several people are reported to have been injured in the magnitude 7 point one quake. presidents have been evacuated to temporary shelters after dozens of homes collapsed. us australia hasn't post actions on a russian hacker for his role. and one of the countries worst ever data fast. the government says the man behind a cyber attack on the medi bank health insurance company. in 2022, nearly 10000000 people were effected. this is the 1st time australia hasn't posted cyber sanction powers and nato secretary general. yeah. and stalls and burke has
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signed a 1100000000 euro contract for our salary. an issue shows this comes as russian born ukraine has become a bottle for ammunition. the european union had promised to deliver 1000000 shells by march of this year, but european parliament lawmakers say only 300000 have been delivered so far. ukrainian officials say at least 6 people have been killed by russian missile attacks on cuba and har keys thousands more were reported. the wounded, including children and caves, mer of italy crush, go with calls on people to stay in shelters. as air defense have been engaged in for of helping the attack. explosions have been reported in cubes and the surrounding area and keeps. administration said several apartments and cars were on fire. i heard from our correspondent nick connelly in case you gave me the latest from where he is. it was very, very loud here this morning at about 7 o'clock in the morning. local times. that was most likely the defense is working. and most of these 5 seem to be from bits of
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debris of destroyed themselves, pulling to the ground, then catching phi hooting, cause there are reports of casualties here in cuba. but it seems to be much worse. and if i give you credit, the 2nd big cities of see much closer to the russian border, it's only about 35 to them, which is direct line. and so they obviously often enough to really get much of warning themselves of foster, then it is possible to put out that fair rate warning, and there are reports that of casualties significant casualties. douglas cavities including children, and pretty striking images of a high rise residential building, basically destroyed on one side. so the expectation that those casualty figures will arise significantly in the outcome. and is this an issue of ukraine's ability to continue to repel such attacks as we're approaching almost 2 years into this for well, certainly, that is a big fear here in ukraine that for all the western hardware that has been supplied in recent months and years that soon enough,
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they might run out of the munitions to use them, especially for the patriot missile system, which is crucial for accepting ballistic missiles as the false dismissal is that really basic, a fly, a kind of trajectory that sees them dropping to the ground, a huge speed and we can do these things and today they were pretty good at getting rid of russian christmas holes that us. busy uh, are and easy to upset, but the ballistic missile is a much how to target. that is also the question of what russia has to attack and crane that having to, to use those big attacks. lots of different results and one go to try and get posts, ukraine's defensive even attacking hot. today with an empty ship, missiles that shows you that even russian now is really having trouble trying to find themselves, but we'll get through and that will hit targets. thank you. so much for bringing us up to speed that that is a correspondent economy reporting from cuba a camera and has to come the 1st country to roll out a new malaria vaccine. inoculating young children against the disease spread by mosquitoes is expected to save thousands of lives as other african countries are
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planning to bring in the vaccine this year. a historic day in the fight against a disease that has killed the millions come a ruinous starting the wills, 1st, malaria vaccine program for children, a milestone in the decades long effort to cut the disease for months. and this is julia joining point. we have been working on demand media vaccine, photo bodies, on time. it has taken 30 years. people come on at the end of the game and one is one of the countries with the incidence of highest don't. so we decided to start there because it's simply a script. the vaccine can have a huge impact and there's like some bible on impact present to the job will be offered free of charge and systematically to all children under 6 months old. according to the world health organization, malaria coast, more than half a 1000000 people every year, 9 to 5 percent of the dads occur in africa. the vast majority of the victims are
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young children, under 5 years old. in larry vaccines have been shown to reduce clinical malaria cases by more than half in the year after vaccination, and that level of advocacy goes up when the vaccine is provided. seasonally, in that case, it prevents about 3 quarters or 75 percent of malaria cases. soon, many more children could get vaccinated throughout the continent. the pressure serum is on its way to over a dozen african countries offering a solution that could help contain the disease. or dr salons off site and do those, the national immunization program manager and cameron w asked him if he thinks this campaign marks the beginning of the end for malaria as one of the world deadliest diseases. it is a good opportunity, but there is
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a lot to do and meetings with even more in um, korean start up as you go to now like a distribution of competitive and very ment i brought alongside to vaccine that i've been diagnostic and that they give judgment for my area is the combination of all this and that kind of sort of activity that the my, the munition in africa vaccine is in the winter. me that i've, i've, i've seen this giving you a bit who and not be enough to eliminate malaria. and that's why we would focus again on what do we are doing to reduce big burden of my area. i saw countries one on its way to the country in punch in the woods. that'd be a mod done. 70 percent of the grow by them, by the button. and just before we go, reminder of our top story, see us and you have carried out a fresh wave of strides against lucy targets inside young men. officials say 8 sites were hits, including missile systems, launchers, and underground storage,
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location, the amenities ranch up at this hour. i'm sir richard sent me for then. i mean the whole time, the whole team. thank you so much for joining us. the name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold the bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. that's what it being nosy bay like good. everyone to king. check out the award winning called called don't call back.


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