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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 23, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from the outlet. israel suffers, it's one day of casualties since the invasion of gaza began. $24.00 troops all dead, including $21.00 in a single incidence. 5 minutes to lesson yahoo calls that as often as the soldiers are ready. both are coming up on the program a new round of strikes on who's the targets and yet in the us and u. k. one second major way of joint attacks and votes is in the us state of new hampshire. begin choosing a candidates for the white house, the best balance of the cost and the state prime rates seen as the last best jones for nikki haley to still donald trump from becoming the republican. nominated dw
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new speaks to baptist confidence, the manuscript making it very well. welcome. 24 is right. the soldiers were killed in the gulf this trip on monday. now this marks the highest single day is riley death toll since the war against hum us again. most of the soldiers, $21.00 and total were killed in an explosion in central gaza, according to his ready military officials, 2 buildings, but they had mind for demolition, collapsed off to hamas miller since fi it. a nearby tank is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu cooled at one of the most difficult days to his country. he added that israel will not stop slicing until absolute victory. see as the w correspondent, tenured, save my injury,
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slim was more on how this happened. it has been described to and this really made us a deadly stay for the is really groups of fighting in this war in garza. so from reports here, um, what is being known at this point is that apparently currently the is where the army is clearing of what they call structures and buildings along the permit to the israel goals of food to, to allow at some point. and the is really communities to return back at the living close to the border. so they're trying to create apparently a buffer zone and where planting lines and explicit the instructors. so an r p g from one of the militant groups that was apparently shot and a, one of the instructors, a soldiers were working in planting those mines and explosives. i exploded their
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talks about the devastating seen that a search and rescue others on the way. so 20 them a soldiers are confirmed or killed in this incident, bringing the overall desktops of tubes and garza to 20910. and of course we're seeing or kind of also reactions here from the political level of pulling and saying that, you know, this incident should be taken that the war on golfing needs to be needs to continue . and these really all me says that it is pushing deeper into southern gaza and that it has now and circled the city of han eunice. the hum us run the health ministry and gaza said that almost 200 post indians were killed in the past 24 hours alone, bringing the overall desktop to almost 25 and a half 1000. now the us and u. k. have carried out new joint strikes on who's the targets in yemen, including on the capital. so now the pentagon says they hit 8 locations,
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an underground storage size, as well as locations associated with the groups missile and asked the valence capabilities is the 2nd time the 2 allies have coordinated with tax targets. in yemen, who sees had previously vowed to continue their attacks on shipping. in the red sea versus foreign minister, david cameron gave a statement on what prompted this latest round of strikes have left? since we last took action 10 days ago, that has been the 12 attacks on shipping by the who sees in the red sea, these attacks on legal acceptable. and what we've done again to send the clear as possible message that we will continue to degrade their business as a carrier is tax. also sending the clear as possible message that we back woods and i'll mornings with action tomorrow and this week across straight to a correspondent in london, the getting off above it. what else do we know about these most, most recent attacks by the us and the u. k, we have
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a pentagon statement and that says that 8 targets in yemen where hit with what they call precision precision strikes. they also say that it's aimed at underground storage and as miss all and surveillance capabilities. now when it comes to the justification for these strikes, you've already had the u. k. for an secretary, david cameron, he further slashed out in his statement that she does not believe the who's the narrative, the disorder and retaliation to the war and gaza. and he remains that he sees, has indiscriminately targeted shipping to the notes of overall from the us and the okay. and the general coalition that are behind the strikes as this is to protect international shipping, to protect the red sea, that's the vital for global trade. this is the 2nd time that the u. s. and
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u. k of conducted these coordinates of military strikes against the whose these is the supports. so these attacks, generally in the u. k. this is interesting. a recent poll did show that there was overall support by the british public. and also there is generally cross party support when it comes to, to the conflict in the middle east. and it will say about these, these attacks. there is a little bit of this quite that the a position the, the wasn't brief before the strikes, but generally there is cross policy support. that doesn't mean that the and also critical voices on the left of the labor party mainly, but also by some experts and the reason regions. so they say that overall should be his strategy of de escalation. as one research reports it with a, with a ceasefire. it cause a, at the heart of this, the escalation strategy. and i would say that the overall support for the strikes
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by the british public doesn't mean that there is no say, i think value to you about the conflict in the middle east, of course. but also about the strikes say, there is, of course, the risk of, of this, this could generally escalate the conflict. and this is something that i think the british people are all aware of. okay, thanks so much for bringing us up to date. that's the w's book at mos in london. now it's long be known that the who sees have a key ally in the region, and that is iran, under arms influence stretches and all the directions as well. the clerical regime and terror on is using a network of proxies stretching from israel border with lebanon to a rock, syria, and the red sea. this is a positive of strategy against israel and its main ally. the united states is ready troops on the advance footage from israel as minute tree shows its
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policies fighting in the gaza strip. 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu has repeatedly framed to this as a struggle between israel and around which back. so mass of israel has long been locked into shut a wall with 2 ram conducting k, but strikes and targeted killings. it was believed to it being behind this striking, damascus at the weekend. but nothing yahoo essays country is not meant direct conflicts with around me. i'm on the person who says why not detecting you ran we are attacking into the run is the head a deal to this and you can see its tentacles all around. a round box and network of militant groups throughout the middle east, among the goal, was to undermine his royal and drive out to american influence. these proxies have become more active following the october 7th tyro tax in lebanon to run supports in arms hezbollah, seen by some countries as a terrorist organization,
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is fight as fire rockets into israel. on an almost daily basis is re elizabeth hunting for you. these images released by these rarely ami, but while the situation, hey, at the border, is tense. so you, for each side is being careful to avoid an escalation. iran also on the who face and on group and human super bowl, which is east control of large parts of the country, including the carpet to send off. now the who's these are we're talking commercial ships in the red sea. they released this video showing them boarding and seizing a cause or best so they say the thing is sort of dire, would say with the palestinians. well yeah, yeah, man is bravely standing against israel. thank god for your beautiful efforts. brave, mighty and proud jim. and is defending the oppressed and strong palestinian people the most competitive for this theme. the united states and others have sent warships to the region and launch strikes on who's the targets to another friends
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in iraq and syria, way around appears to be encouraging is malicious. to attack us military bases, washington has responded with his own strikes. others are israel as president, is calling for global response to the east challenges care? there is an empire of evo emanating from to her, on the proxies all over the region. quietly, larking, toronto mine, and the peace process and, and the stability of the world. and that is exactly what we are saying, and they have to be faced by very strong coordination. for the moments garza is the most active friends in these railways, cold war with around. but turnarounds proxies are becoming more heavily involved, each to strike and count to strike could bring. besides closer to open conflict. he does find the cause, the middle east, that special, the german institute for international and security, a says here in bell,
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and he joins us now. good c, e o a. what do you think is behind this growing involvement as a ron's proxies? i mean, is this suddenly about the war and garza or so it's more about the run itself. who runs aim is is to gain a germany in the region. there are 2 main obstacles in its way. one is israel, a small country, but it needs the power. and secondly, it's the united states and it's military presence. and therefore, did use us the opportunity to show that it can hit is rarely and american target all over the area. can you or i can syria and south la from south to the gaza, the end in yemen. but it was, it does not want of full blown conflict right now. i believe because it thinks it might be 2 weeks at the moment. okay,
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so obviously trying to straighten the balance. do you think these womic republics will take further action then? and if yes, what might that look like? for the republic already does take further action, and there is always the danger of escalation for the time being mainly relies on the strikes by its proxies as by the level of the who sees in human. she, i'm really shows in the, in iraq and syria a but i believe that to it already exams the tax on his rarely and possibly jewish targets. the broad simply because the leadership of these funding republic is under pressure by its own hard liners and to react how much has happened in recent 2 weeks and months, especially the direct attacks by israel on its personnel, leading personnel, the revolutionary guards inserted. okay,
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so the benefit then to iran, if this conflict spreads out for the even if there is an all out war across the middle east, what does that benefit? exactly? it was the wrong sort. the time being does not one this major a contract in simply wants to show these. where is this holdings and the americans, that it is able to hit targets all over the, the middle east whenever it was that it is a major power in the region. it does not want to make the escalations simply because it's a week of the weaknesses in the country. we have seen that in the early january, the major a terrorist attack in come on on the fall of the month. it mainly if she is the revival of the protest movement in the country. not so much the women in checked wrong, but the protests in the,
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in the border areas in color as tom and below just are. and then who's as tom with the minorities live, and that is part of the reasons why these, that the republic does not want the major escalation right now. okay. and just clarify fi clarify for us. again, how has the runs regional policy shifted since the status of the war and gaza while it has shifted to and so far as it has mobilized virtually all of its proxies, do all of its proxies. uh i would say in, in, in the whole region it has not shifted so far as from the beginning. you rod did not all the major con, uh, confrontation, but it has a, it has older its prophecies to step up the test. that was the 1st level on which attacked israel barely on the war uh from uh, from,
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from southern level. um it has florida more than a 100 attacks by she, i believe shows on the american targets in iraq and syria. and most recently, it has well as it has a hold of the facilities to attack and to attack my routine traffic in, in the red sea. it's a dangerous policy, but it's not a policy designed to lead a major war against the united states. the leadership in tech wrong is well aware that the good news of such a kind of war and it could lose its paula the country. it is mainly motivated by its desire to stay in power to either steinberg middle effects, but from the german institute to international and security. assess, peter, thank so much for your insights. hey,
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we're going to take a look at some more stories making global headlines today. and search and rescue work continues in showing those westons in gen proven softer. a 7 point one us quick struck the region. the quite collapsed thousands of homes and left. many injured residents have been evacuated to temporary shelters. ukrainian officials say several people have been killed and dozens more injured in russian missile attacks, explosions, rocks keys in the surrounding area with several apartments and cause assessments via at least 3 people have been reported killed in hockey, according to local authorities. russia and ton set it successfully targeted ukraine's military production facilities. and they to the secretary generally and show them the cosigned to 1100000000 euro contracts for artillery, amunition shuttles. now this comes as you read as russians war and ukraine has become a baffle amunition. the european union had promised to deliver 1000000 shelves by
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march this year, european parliament little macon say, only 300000, have been delivered so far. now in the us, the republican presidential race is now a one on one. the battle with nikki haley making a final push for the head of the new hampshire primary. haley is donald trump, last remaining major rival for the policies nomination. this is off to florida, governor rhonda sound has dropped out of the running on sunday, throwing his weight behind them. trump polls suggest trump will win new hampshire by a comfortable margin. dw is washington bureau chief and his pool has been speaking to support as of both candidates ahead of the vote. a new hampshire primaries could be the last stand for the anti trump fraction with in the republican party. it's nikki haley cannot make a strong showing in the state that the majority of the republicans are known to the liberal johns as elsewhere in the country would be significantly diminished with
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the med global implications. normally elections are decided by domestic issues such as the economy or border questions. but this time here at the primaries in new hampshire, they might be different because nikki haley, installer trumpet very different approaches when it comes to foreign policy. for example, the question should be u. s. keep funding ukraine, and what about the future of nato? therefore, we went to rochester in new hampshire, to talk to trump supporters. we have to admit the trop has not taken us to war when he has a problem. it's a strategic attack. he took out all back, daddy. he didn't bring us to war with ukraine. that was a bite. and we're in regards to nato. no, i think we should abolish it because we're the one who's funding the majority of it . if all the countries that are members paid equally, their share, then it would be effective, but unfortunately, it's not and funding ukraine who's not even
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a member of nato. we need to protect our own borders 1st, really to close our borders, and we to protect our own people and help our own vets and our own people in need. i think ukraine is corrupt, so it was russia, both of them are corrupt, and we should back out of that we should be done with that off the run the census. that's the race who move his supporters go to halley or trump. trump definitely launch rap. r y trump, the not just the key because uh the santas is trump jr. us a little later in the day. not far away. next is are in new hampshire, nikki haley supporters are coming together. we want to know how they feel about the differences in foreign policy. i really admire her courage that she's standing up for ukraine because it's very unpopular with republicans why the republicans have been fed a lot of misinformation additional information. so as far as supporting nikki haley
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we, we support her because not just our foreign policy. she does definitely have a very strong foreign policy because she was the union bassett or so i think it is important to support ukraine. they're an important country and i i back or wherever . all are decisions say a 100 percent backer. if the old from the be the know i mean a for the republican policy would you vote for him? not in your lifetime. no, no. the outcome is still open, but one thing is clear, the vote in these primaries is hold on how republicans see america's place in the world. and some alarm to it. now, by far as form and professor of politics and director of the politics section at bought college, the land high boris. so what's, what's your take? who's got the best chances or well, i mean the polls are pretty clear with the trunk has been leading quite
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substantially. nikki has been able to gain some momentum of new hampshire. but it looks like uh like a long shot for her to with the point she's been trying to make is that um, you know, i was only 15 percent of the reps to republicans turned out, which is a small fraction of the voting population. so it shouldn't be a symbolic as it is, but you know, symbolism in, in politics matters. a lot of the momentum seems to be a heading in trump's direction. okay, so trump, the most likely candidate, but i mean, you know, it is still open. so what, what will victory means to either trump or nikki haley today? yeah, i mean many people have been pointing out that because you really need some kind of an upset, a window or at least a very close outcome for her to continue or contin. and then it, so it's a $1.00 to $1.00 race now, so it is true that, you know,
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with the momentum can change for the fast part of fixing to us is very fast paced. so who knows what happens that but it's also true and that is what other commentators have pointed out that the primaries were coming up in the next couple of weeks. it doesn't look that good for nicky 80. so what, even if she would win new hampshire one with that really mean in the long term, it looks like it's going to be difficult for her. she's also another ticket. they did a very clear vision of what her policies would look like. she's been tracked took to a road of a trump legacy, and i think that that is a problem for okay. if we can have a quick look at the republican policy itself, so 2 candidates left to, to cite for the nomination. of course, haley, i'm from have very different visions for america's foreign policy. don't like those . i mean, how split has the policy to oh yeah, i think that's absolutely true. i mean, the to have is much more in the tradition of the republican party and it's
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internationalism. or at least let's say, selected internationalism and support of institutions like nato. whereas trump is much more into 0. some of the logic work international relations is about transactional relationships and a tit for tat. so it's a very different look on the international uh called the international affairs. but one should also say not just the right is lived in the us. it's on the left with the split and dividing. a administration has some problems, especially with a young vote. after that, you spoke kind of conflict there, there is a new, a fracture within the last that is equally hurting biking. up the same time. our solomon professor of politics from bad college. berlin, thanks so much. laura's to bring us up to date. thanks.
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all right, here's a quick look at some of the news headlines from around the world. and the columbia navy has sees the submarine containing nearly $27000000.00 worth of copay, some 800 kilograms, were on board, along with 3 men who have not been arrested. columbia is the world's biggest cocaine producer. australia has impose sanctions on a russian hack of his role. and one of the countries was, was ever they said that the government says the mine was behind a cyber attacks on the many bank health insurance company in 2022. and the 10000000 people were affected is the 1st time that will strangely, it has impose that cyber function powers. unlike bare is new presidents, appeared to almost faint steering his inauguration ceremony. 79 year old joseph fell. chi froze several times and have to be supported by aids during his swearing in his policies flaming the episode on some 6. it's
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now the nominations for this. he is also cuz awards odds used to be announced in los angeles later. this is a 3 films are expected to pull this out. so the top prize is christopher nolan's oppenheimer is among the front runners. that film examines the life. i'm more robust tools of robot, robert oppenheimer, the creation of the, of, to make another film in the running is killers of the flower moon, by hollywood, investor and martin scorsese, rather to narrow leonardo dicaprio stuff in the 3 and a half hour crime ethic. i'm the coolest press ago. it's blog bust comedy. bobby could also receive a collection of nodes. the film tells the story of how the famous plastic protagonist leaves bobby land to find the hutch for yourself. right now can beat you off with you any day. can anyone who wants to be turned off? this is a quick reminder for you of the top stories of the solace is rails military says 20
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full of it's pretty well killed in golf. that's not including $21.00 in one single incidence is believes to be the single biggest loss of life. on the israeli side, the invasion is gone. the emulation will tell you that the us and u. k has carried out a fresh wave. it strikes again since the target inside you have an additional say 8 sites where hits, including missile systems, launches and underground storage location. you all want taken dw news live from violin. we're going to leave you with some pictures now of $500.00 dogs that joined an annual flooded competition in the austrian town of bass and bang marshes from olivia are touring the race which is celebrating its 25th anniversary. enjoying the
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the the
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they also will be stopping pounds and they make fuel lines. the aches and pains. why do we have any useful and how did they arrive? what were the. ready hey, i hope cetera. these are available news from mountain pain research in good shape.
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next on d. w. inside gaza. it's been more than 100 days since the last tier attacks on israel dw reporter mohamad can move lives and works in the gaza strip. he has been documenting life there since the outbreak of the war. the humanitarian situation is catastrophic. the war and its consequences slow stopped. in 60 minutes on d, w, the states will encounter in the late 19 seventy's former concentration camp inmates, shlomo smiles, not met the man who had to maintain him custom fog. now, 2 years later, vaux now was dead. was its suicide. rise to down?
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what really happened? the goldsmith banassi starts january 27th on d. w. the it can see like getting hit with a sledge hammer, a constant revise and pressure being squeezed and the vice it takes many phones, the pain. it tells us something's wrong with our buddy. or was us to be careful still many people long for life that's free of pain. so where can help be found here and in good shape the .


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