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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  January 23, 2024 1:15pm-1:45pm CET

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the war uh from uh, from, from southern level um it has florida more than a 100 attacks by she really shows um on american targets in iraq and syria and most recently, um, it has well as it has a hold of the facilities to attack and to the attack my routine traffic in, in the red sea, it's a dangerous policy, but it's not a policy designed to lead a major war against the united states. the leadership in tech wrong is well aware that the good news of such a kind of war and it could lose its paula in the country. it is mainly about evasive by its desire to stay in power. it is fine, but middle east expert from the german institute, the international and security assess. peter, thanks so much for your insights, stay we're going to take
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a look at some more stories. making global headlines today, and search and rescue work continues in selling those westons in. jen proven softer . a 7 point. one us quick struck the region. the quite collapse. thousands of homes and left many injured residents have been evacuated to temporary shelters. ukrainian officials say several people have been killed and dozens more injured in russian missile attacks, explosions, rocks keys in the surrounding area with several apartments and cause assessments via at least 3 people have been reported killed in hockey, according to local authorities, russia into set it successfully targeted ukraine's military production facilities and they to the secretary generally and show the cosigned to 1100000000 euro contracts for artillery munition, shell's not this comes as you read as russians war and ukraine has become a baffled munition. the european union had promised to deliver 1000000 shelves by
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march this year, european parliament little macon say, only 300000, have been delivered so far. now in the us, the republican presidential race is now a one on one. the battle was nikki haley making a final push for the head of the new hampshire primary. haley is donald trump, last remaining major rival for the policies nomination. this is off to florida governor rhonda sand. his dropped out of the running on sunday, throwing his weight behind them. trump polls suggest trump will win new hampshire by a comfortable mountain dw, use washington bureau chief and his pool has been speaking to support as of both candidates ahead of the vote. a new hampshire primaries could be the last stand for the anti trump fraction with in the republican party. it's nikki haley cannot make a strong showing in the state that the majority of the republicans are known to the liberal johns as elsewhere in the country would be significantly diminished with
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the med global implications. normally elections are decided by domestic issues such as the economy or border questions. but this time here at the primaries in new hampshire, they might be different because nikki haley, installer trumpet very different approaches when it comes to foreign policy. for example, the question should the u. s. keep funding ukraine and what about the future of nato? therefore, we went to rochester in new hampshire, to talk to trump supporters. we have to admit the trop has not taken us to war. when he has a problem, is a strategic attack he took out all back, daddy. he didn't bring us to war with ukraine. that was a bite. and we're in regards to nato. no, i think we should abolish it because we're the one who's funding the majority of it . if all the countries that are members paid equally, their share, then it would be effective, but unfortunately, it's not and funding ukraine who's not even
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a member of nato. we need to protect our own borders 1st, really to close our borders, and we to protect our own people and help our own vets in our own people in need. i think ukraine is corrupt, so it was russia, both of them are corrupt, and we should back out of that. we should be done with that. also on the sensors and that's the race who move his supporters go to halley or trump. trump definitely launch wrap or wide uh, trauma. not just the key, because uh the santas is trump jr. us a little later in the day. not far away. next is we're in new hampshire. nikki haley supporters are coming together. we want to know how they feel about the differences in foreign policy. i really admire her courage that she's standing up for ukraine because it's very unpopular with republicans why the republicans have been fed a lot of misinformation additional information. so as far as the party mikaela we,
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we support her because not just our foreign policy. she does definitely have a very strong foreign policy because she was the union bassett or so i think it is important to support ukraine. they're an important country and i i back or wherever . all are decisions say a 100 percent backer. if the old from the be the know mean a for the republican policy, would you vote for him? not in your lifetime. no, no. the outcome is still open, but one thing is clear, the vote in these primaries is hold on how republicans see america's place in the world. and some alarm to a nearby bar as pullman professor of politics and director of the politics section at bought college. the land high boris. so what's, what's your take? he's got the best chances or well, i mean the polls are pretty clear with the trunk has been leading quite
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substantially. nikki has been able to gain some momentum in new hampshire. but it looks like uh like a long shot for her to with the point she's been trying to make it. ready is that, um, you know, i was only 15 percent of the registered republicans turned out, which is a small fraction of the voting population. so it shouldn't be as symbolic as it is . but, you know, symbolism in, in politics matters. a lot of the momentum seems to be a heading in trump's direction. okay, so trump the most likely candidate, but i mean, you know, it is still open. so what will victory means to either trump or nikki haley today? yeah, i mean many people have been pointing out that you really need some kind of an upset, a window or at least a very close outcome for her to continue or contain. and then it. so it's a $1.00 to $1.00 race now. so it is true that you know,
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with the momentum can change for you fast part of fixing to us is very fast paced. so who knows what happens that, but it's also true and that is what other commentators have pointed out that the primaries were coming up in the next couple of weeks. it doesn't look that good for nikki area. so what, even if she worked with new hampshire, what would that be the meaning of the long term? it looks like it's going to be difficult for her. she's also another ticket. they did a very clear vision of what her policies would look like. she's been tracked took to a road of a trump legacy, and i think that that is a problem for okay. if we can have a quick look at the republican policy itself, so 2 candidates left to, to cite for the nomination. of course, haley, i'm from have very different visions for america's foreign policy. don't like those . i mean, how split has the policy or oh yeah, i think that's absolutely true. i mean, the to have is much more in the tradition of the republican party and it's
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internationalism. or at least let's say, selected internationalism and support of institutions like nato. whereas trump is much more into 0. some of the logic where international relations is about transactional relationships and to the $2.00 to $4.00 tab. so it's a very different outlook on the international uh on the international affairs. but one should also say not just the right is split into us. it's on the left of the split and dividing. a administration has some problems, especially with a young vote. after that, you spoke pendant style conflict. there, there is a new, a fracture within the last that is equally hurting biking. up the same time. our solomon professor of politics from bob college. berlin, thanks so much laura. so bring us up to date. thanks.
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alright, here's a quick look at some of the news headlines from around the world. and the columbia navy has sees the submarine containing nearly $27000000.00 worth of copay, and some 800 kilograms were on board along with 3 men who have not been arrested. columbia is the world's biggest cocaine producer. australia has impose sanctions on a russian hack of his role and one of the countries was west of a day. so if that's a government says that mine was behind a cyber attacks on the many bank health insurance company in 2022. and the 10000000 people were effected as the 1st time that australia has imposed cyber function powers. unlike barriers, new presidents appeared to all most faints. during his inauguration sermon, a 79 year old joseph fell. chi froze several times and have to be supported by aids during his swearing in his policy is blaming the episode on some success. it's now the nominations for this. he is also goes awards.
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all due to be announced in los angeles. laces is a 3 films are expected to baffle this house. so the top prize is christopher nolan's. oppenheimer is among the front runners that film examines the life. i'm more robust holes of robot, robert oppenheimer, the creation of the, of tomic, bone, and other film in the running is killers of the flour moon, by hollywood, investor and martin scorsese robot, to narrow leonardo dicaprio still in the 3 and a half hour crime ethic. i'm the coolest press ago. it's blog busta, comedy. bobby could also receive a collection of nodes. the film tells the story of how the famous plastic protagonist leaves bobby land. to find that for yourself. right now can beat you off with you. anybody can anyone who wants to be trim oper? this is a quick reminder for you of the top stories of this iowa is rails military says 20
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full of it's pretty well killed in golf. that's not including $21.00 in one single incident is police to be the single biggest loss of life on these really side, the invasion is gone. the emulation of the us and u. k. have carried out a fresh wave. it strikes again since the target inside the admin official site 8 sites were hit, including missile systems launches and underground storage location. you all want taking the w news live from violin. we're going to leave you with some pictures now of 500 dogs to joined an annual flooding competition in the austrian town of bass and bang marshes from lazy are joined the race which is celebrating its 25th anniversary. enjoy the
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the, the
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inside gaza. it's been more than 100 days since the most here attacks on israel dw, or puerto mohammed collude lives and works in the gaza strip. he has been documenting life there since the outbreak of the war. the humanitarian situation is catastrophic. the war and its consequences. close up the next on d, w. go india. one to known as the city of a 1000 leagues. now the water is stares and the sources that remain are polluted to
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nature may be able to provide the solution. address pollution coming from face to have to be equal in 60 minutes on d w. the people in trucks inject, when trying to feed a city center and more refugees are being turned away as the board families, planes on the tags in syria credit on entering this way to get straight to people. excuse me, 200 people around the world. more than 100 concession seeking rest, we should have to the
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over 100 days of war in gaza. according to the most controlled health authorities over 24000 palestinians have died as a result of the is really offensive. the majority of them, women and children israel took military action as a response to the terra tax carried out by him. austin israel. on october 7th,
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2023. approximately 1200 people were killed. most of them civilians. and over 230 people were abducted the guns as hostages. these really governments declared goal is to eliminate from us in the gaza strip. we asked a colleague who was already living in guns that before the war to document everyday life there for us. mohammed ca flute is a reporter who works for deutsch development. he himself has been displaced in the war repeatedly having to flee from the air strikes. he's been sending us both videos and voice messages since the war began the connection. you know what we're experiencing today is the worst and most violent war we've ever had in gaza. so what for civilians? and for us, journalists, the the destruction and suffering raise the question of what the future might
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hold for guns, a and the region. a variety of scenarios are being discussed, but are any realistic options? the sure age or 3 months is really forced, has had been waging war in gaza. a tens of thousands of bombs and missiles have struck the narrow coastal strip, which has been sealed off since the most terror attack on israel. i most innovated israel 3 months ago with the brutal atrocities of october, 7th and in response we set 3 goals to destroy him, us, to return all of the hostages, and to make sure that the gaza can never again, pressing people is really, society sees the attacks by him, us designated by many countries as a terrorist organization,
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as an existential thread. the shock from october 7th is still palpable. every day we hear new details. many times the feeling is that each new story is worse than the last. and then in addition to that, we have the war going on. and so every day there is, there are soldiers being killed, their families who are bereaved. and those of us who are paying attention are also devastated by what's going on and gaza, knowing that this war is causing such apocalyptic damage and gaza, that everybody there is suffering. 2.3000000 people live in the gaza strip. one of the most densely populated areas in the world. on october, 13th, 2023. the is really defense forces issued a call for civilians to leave northern guns for the south. over a 1000000 people tried to plead to safety. among them were mohammed and his family and athena, transitional benefits. and i left garza city and northern gauze after the is really
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army announced that these areas, we're now combat zones, and all residents there would be in danger in the end as well. and then i had to move to the south of gauze that with my father and my sister fun with the escape route from north to south was very dangerous. someone kind of put in a couple of them. and there was non stop showing all of it in front of them. thanks to god, i got there safely. in spite of all the dangers from delay on in front of the agent because they only settled center mohammed would regularly send us. it is clearly showing the extent of these rarely bombardments the most led ministry of health and guns that updated the rising official desk told every day. nobody knew how many dead were still buried under the rubble. more and more people were mourning relatives. since i outcome, what does the house was destroyed? she and her baby son had been staying with relatives and hon. eunice. according to my 3 eldest children, went downstairs in the yards and her phone. suddenly i felt the walls floating
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around me. i had them cried, come, then sold and break apart like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. i saw the light coming in through the crack up and we was sent flying to the yacht, lost consciousness during the attack. after waking up and hospital, she was told that her husband and 3 of her children had died according to the control of my children, a dad, she's the best thing to be married for 7 years and i had 4 children in this time. about 3 of them died and while i have nothing to remind me of them, my husband is dead, but my children are dead. the house has gone on my phone with photos of them on it . what i had the whether or not as to what she does have at least one picture sent by friends and is the only child she has left him, i believe is how the, how the son was. i'm the only one left for n quotes. we live in a state of fear, but then we couldn't every night,
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i sleep with him on my lap. so if i miss style strikes, it will he to spoke to me either will die together or survive together. he has no one except many of them, and i have no one except him. what will happen to me if he dies? and if i die, who will bring him up? the large number of civilian fatalities has drawn international criticism. talking to deutsche about loves government spokesman, a long levy justified the actions of israeli forces. so if you could briefly introduce, we are seeing scenes of widespread destruction because how most spent the last 16 years deliberately redesigning garza city, escape in order to hide its military assets. on the civilian areas, this is how most human shields strategy but is defeating how much a realistic goal. a question that a growing number of israelis had been asking to. the government, an idea if they didn't know is that they, we, we continue with the war fee and the collapse of combust regina and the total
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destruction of combust spread and many other capabilities. but you cannot really achieve those goals. if uh, if uh you will not be, you know, we put something wrong because, well, these really government has not yet said when, or whether it will be withdrawing its forces from cancer. it's a little after the elimination of a mass, the guy so strictly demilitarize them. the under is really security control and no element in it will either threaten us or teaches children to destroy us. that's what the thing is really troops had been stationed in college. so since 1967 but withdrew in 2005, after how much to power israel imposed a partial blockade of the territory. is it an imposing? does that have been so you should do, but i think people, but i'm basic things that we didn't have clean water in guys. so presumably with
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people had they looked very sick, only 6 hours a day and the everything that's good got into goods or less does it have to be controlled by isabel. and we had a levels of up to 70 percent of the population on the line of poverty, and more than 80 percent of the younger do get to people who were unemployed. so is that it was what you're buying. guys are in a different way. and now they want to sustain their military occupation. and so i've got a permanent military occupation of guns that would be rejected internationally. most importantly, by israel's most powerful ally, the united states. i made it clear to these relays, i think it's a big mistake for them to think they're gonna occupy casa tank. gosh, i don't think that works well is really ground troops advanced in northern gauze at the end of october, more and more palestinians sought refuge in the south, clean water and food soon became scarce and sanitary conditions intolerable. a
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deliveries were reduced to a trickle. this effort to move a force, palestinians to the south to keep them with minimal amounts of food and water, creating a desperation among palestinians so that you know more and more are going to die unless they get out and are able to access. um, you know, support from egypt is a man made a forest population transfer or in january 2024 a far right minister of netanyahu's government called outrage with his plan for guns, a, a, me a call on the prime minister and the new foreign minister of the, this is an opportunity to orchestrate an immigration project and to encourage the migration of residents from gaza to the countries of the world i saw in for some of
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the that is not, is there any government policy? we are a lively democracy with many ministers who have many opinions and those opinions do not reflect the policy if the state of is wrong. every day that the war continues, the sheer mass of bombs and missiles hitting the narrow coastal strip increases the prospect of guns that becoming uninhabitable. these explosives that have been used are in now on the ground so i out of the decimated buildings are toxic made of toxic materials that's now part of the soil. it's degraded the environment and think that we don't even have any equipment left in guys or to remove and start to think about clearing this up of october 20th mohammed and members of his family 1st moved on eunice, in southern gauze like hundreds of thousands of other palestinians, bad,
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most of the day after i arrived in southern gaza, i took my father and my sister to the red crescent building in the city of con eunice. and i went to the master hospital in the han units region. i'm off to be some of the in st. louis anyone's able a ceasefire between israel and from us beginning on november 24th, enabled the exchange of hostages for palestinian prisoners negotiations. led to the release of around $100.00 hostages is really forces estimate that $136.00 are still being held in gaza. and there was growing and patients among ordinary israelis. there is pressure within is really society to reach another temporary spire in order to release hostages. but at the same time, you know, the majority of israelis are still supportive of the war. there is a bit of a contradiction there, but the cause of releasing the hostages is certainly the most unifying, causing israel right now. during the ceasefire, mohammed documented the situation and the refugee camps and han eunice. the war is
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taking a particularly high told on the children have gone to the beginning of the children and fell asleep as soon as we arrived here. now they haven't slept for 2 weeks. they were so exhausted. why? and i swear to god. yeah, they just lay down and went straight to sleep. they had no more food. and then when they woke up, they had a little smile on their faces because there was no more noise from the artillery in the plains and was for yeah, minutes. but been as zigzag and no nightmare is that they die the next morning. just imagine the children's greatest wish was that the sound of the drones and plains would stop. one local initiative in hon. unice aims to lift the children spirits 2 of them. one, hey, how do we want to read the children who are being displeased from the north of the south of gaza with all of these children have suffered so much under the is really your straight. well that kind of how when the palestinian working women society for
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development is trying to alleviate the psychological burden. and i'm, i'm happy that the accounts to come to see us we come play because of the booms. but when the comes came, we played with them and our friends, we don't split them and they gave us lots of toys. on december 1st, the ceasefire came to an end and the bombing resumed from both sides. in northern guns at the is really military continue to occupied further territory, reportedly destroying how much infrastructure, including parts of the extensive tunnel system. numerous amongst combatants were killed with many other palestinians arrested. in early december, mohammed sent us a series of pictures and a distressed text message, the,
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the 1st 7 people in the one photo he said for his brothers and cousins. and it was a lot of sorted out. i was surprised to see a picture of my brothers and cousins circulating on the internet in the saudi on the front of the show because then i didn't know where exactly it was taken in by. but he and northern gaza. a. i witnesses that the is really storm of the area and, and all the young men there and puerto arrested on that and most of the month before the arrests were justified shortly afterwards by his really government spokesman, a long levy. we're talking about military age men who are discovered in areas that civilians were supposed to have evacuated weeks ago. we've been calling for an evacuation of those how strong holds in order to locate the homeless, october 7th monsters with minimal home to civilians. now those individuals will be questioned and we will work out who indeed was a, how much terrorist and who is not on the, on the, on the hosting, of course,
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i asked my brothers cousins and uncles that they wanted to come to the south with us. but they refused, and it has an older home, and they said there were dangers and strikes everywhere. and then everyone had to suffer their own fate of missing and the whole thing in this legal plan for you. in the 2nd half of december, the netanyahu government started bombing southern guns, a to with increasing intensity. among the buildings hit was the nicer hospital in han, eunice, where our report of mohammed was stay. one of them on the i had to leave the natural hospital last night after it had been hit twice in the morning and of the evening for the whole thing in the building next to where i was sleeping came under attack and nothing was the can't the where the consumer of guns is $36.00 hospitals only a handful.


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