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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 23, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news live from the lead. israel suffers its worst day of casualties since the invasion of gauze with again, 24 trips all to the 1st victims. paul, already being very prime minister benjamin netanyahu calls it dissolves to we'll say, coming up on the program, a new range of a new round of strikes on who's the target in yemen. the us and u. k. launch a 2nd major wave of joint attacks, plus spaces in the us states of new hampshire, begin to think account of the fault of white house plus pallets. the cost in the states primary scene is the last and best charms. the nikki haley stopped on trump for becoming the republican nominator dw speaks to back because of those confidence
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and the republican nominate dw speaks to back because of those confidence the menu is making them. thanks for joining us. israel has suffered its biggest loss of life on a single day since the war and goes with began. 24 soldiers were killed most in an explosion in the central parts of the strip. the army says 2 buildings mind for demolition collapsed when how much militants fly to the nearby tank. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has quoted a tragedy, but has vowed that israel will not stop slicing until absolute victory is achieved over how come us, which many countries classify as a terrorist organization. the families and
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friends of some of the soldiers killed on monday, gather at the national cemetery in jerusalem to pay their final respects in. the military says, an investigation is underway to determine what caused the highest single day death toll. since israel launched it's counter offensive in gaza, initial reports suggests the majority $21.00 reservists were killed after a rocket propelled grenade fired at an is really tank set off a secondary explosion that brought down the buildings they were in it. okay, hold on the the, what the scenes. it's an op g messiah was fired by terrorism. that's a ton. that was guiding the false william carlo. heave up. there was an explosion of $22.00 story buildings. i mean, the structure is collapsed as a result of this explosion at the time when most of the soldiers with inside them inside diamonds. nearby, the buildings likely exploded as a result of mines that our forces have planted inside in order to destroy the
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buildings on the terrorist infrastructure in the area. the, it's really prime minister said it was one of the hardest days for his country. since the start of what he called an unjust war is an impulse is that we bow our heads to the memory of our fallen. and yet we do not for a moment stop striving for an irreplaceable goal. the achievement of absolute victory, all coming together, we will fight as well and together we will wait and then upset a sentiment echoed by many on the streets of jerusalem on here in the news of the soldiers. you know, when it's our sons, it's our brothers. it's, it's terrible, but we've got to do with a new to so that the october 7 doesn't happen. again. it's very said, but i think the, you know, we are a strong nation with a strong army. we're not supposed to, to, to,
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to be down. i am sick that we're losing these wonderful young men. we need the a live in israel. we didn't want this war. we have to fight for israel. but one doesn't have to travel far to find an opposing viewpoint. across the street, a crowd is gathered, demanding israel switched tactics in gaza and reach a deal which would allow the remaining hostages to come home shalom let know what to 7 consecutive is ready. prime ministers between 199-2016. now he's with the atlantic council think tank. i asked him for his reaction to the news of the death of so many as is really soldiers in one day. those rallies are obviously understandably shaken up by the largest single big casualty count since october 7th, and the and so when building collapsed i think and 1000. we're looking at $21.00. there were a couple of more details, i think about 25, and it was a small country with a citizen army. i don't think there's anybody here who doesn't know somebody
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directly affected a family member neighbor. um, so there's obviously, you know, a lot of consternation today. i think that some are that upset. they're still pretty much a broad consensus here so that the campaign should continue. that obviously they don't offend spots over. settings should never be allowed for people to solve. so people are, are pretty much determined to continue with that. um, what you have seen on the sidelines, i would say that was maybe an exacerbation of preexisting conditions concerning. maybe the best way to go about pursuing or objective is some sort of a sequencing among them. the priorities so you know, that tension is, is surface thing. not so much, you know, to train people from continuing. but lots of questions about what that might look like living for mr. living. i wanted to ask you about a new meanness and you know who's come into this was one of the most difficult days for israel. and so is this likely to affect israel strategy and the will again come us? well again,
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let me lose the questions they've been open. they become louder. i think after, after events like these. and there's been this ongoing discussion between the, the nature of the 2 primary objectives to the government has set forth um to bring about the defeat of cost. and so also what fun when they read about the ways of also just being held in gaza governments and arguing that those goals are that the principal of the like that will be if the pressure is, is ratcheted up. so we know those 2 things continue. um, at the same time, you know, you hear level races on the other side suggesting that side the festivals did not actually cause this very well. and that, um, you know that uh there should be a sequence to that. and that given the fact that the hostages, i mean, you know, held in captivity for a 100 over a 100 days, already that, that goal should be put every other one, even if it requires little sort of to put the uh, pursuing campaign in continuing phases onto the back burner, so you know that that's certainly on the table as well. and that's just another
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factor. in fact, the question of the intensity of which this campaign is being presented and that will show them lift not from the atlantic council station to mail it loudly. now us and british forces have carried out a new round of strikes against whose the militants, based in yemen. washington says the action is in retaliation. so repeated who's the attacks on the merchant ships in the red sea? the militants say, are all tax targeting vessels linked to israel. joint attack on who's the targets? the 2nd, in less than 2 weeks, us and u. k. officials call it a proportionate response to the revel groups attacks in the red sea. the who's the say they're acting in solidarity with palestinians in gaza. the attacks have disruptive global shipping and stoked fears of inflation. they have also deepened
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concerns about a regional military escalation industry to some of the capital of human support for the who would fees is strong about how the strikes do not scare us and really not to handle a heads. we have stepped fast and support palestine from us in our hearts. so the dire to with the palestinians has proven so popular that the whose these have been able to recruit new fighters was otherwise we will fight the american british enemy in the red sea. i swear that we will go to the sea with our rifles, and we will sink them into the sea. got to where the us strikes over the past month have failed to stop who the attacks against shipping. the revel group says it will continue until israel's war and gaza stumps. i'm
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going to take a look now some of the other stories making headlines around the world and rescue workers in china all searching for most of alive as an us quaking the western sion janet prevents dozens of homes collapsed while residents were inside. many have now been evacuated to temporary shelters. australia has impose sanctions on a russian have to over damaging cyber attack. the government says the mantel gets hit, the medi bank health insurer and 20228010 1000000 people were effected as the 1st time australia has impose cypress functions. ukrainian officials say several people have been killed and dozens more injured in russian. ms. all attacks, explosions, rocks keys and the surrounding areas with apartments and call assess on fire. at least 3 people died in khaki. pressure said it targeted military facilities and they serve sex for general young adult and the cosigned to $1100000000.00 euro contract for artillery shells less than allies of struggle to ukraine supplies
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without munition. european union has promised to deliver 1000000 childs by march. little may could say less than the 3rd have arrived so far. us out in the us, the republican presidential race is now a one on one baffle with nikki haley making a final push for those ahead of the new hampshire primary. haley is. donald trump last remaining major rival for the policies nomination. this south florida governor rhonda santas dropped out of the running on sunday and threw his weight behind. donald trump pulls off, suggesting trump will win new hampshire by a comfortable mountain dw. use washington bureau chief in his port has been speaking to some forces of both candidates ahead of the vote. the new hampshire primary could be the last stand for the anti trump fraction with in the republican party. it's nikki haley cannot make a strong showing in the state that the majority of the republicans are known to the
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liberal johns as elsewhere, and the country would be significantly diminished with the med global implications . normally elections are decided by domestic issues such as the economy or border questions. but this time here at the primaries in new hampshire, they might be different because nikki haley, installer trumpet very different approaches when it comes to foreign policy. for example, the question should be u. s. keep funding ukraine, and what about the future of nato? therefore, we went to rochester in new hampshire, to talk to trump supporters. we have to admit the trop has not taken us to war when he has a problem. it's a strategic attack. he took out all back, daddy. he didn't bring us to war with ukraine. that was a bite. and we're in regards to nato. no, i think we should abolish it because we're the one who's funding the majority of it . if all the countries that are members paid equally, their share, then it would be effective, but unfortunately,
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it's not and funding ukraine who's not even a member of nato. we need to protect our own borders 1st, really to close our borders, and we to protect our own people and help our own vets and our own people in need. i've thinks ukraine is corrupt, so is russia. both of them are corrupt and we should back out of that we should be done with that off the run the census last, the race who move his supporters go to halley or trump. trump definitely launch wraps. why? why trump the key? because uh, the santa says trump jr. a little later in the day, not far away, and access are in new hampshire. nikki haley supporters are coming together. we want to know how they feel about the differences in foreign policy. i really admire her courage that she's standing up for ukraine because it's very unpopular with republicans why the republicans have been fed a lot of misinformation additional information. so as far as supporting nikki haley
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we, we supporter because not just our foreign policy, she does definitely have a very strong foreign policy because she was the union bassett or so i think it is important to support ukraine. there are an important country and i i back her waiver all are decisions. a 100 percent backer. if dollars from that would be the know i mean a for the republican policy. would you vote for him? not in your lifetime. no no. the outcome is still open, but one thing is clear, the volt in these primaries, is it what would on how republicans see america's place in the world? we're going to stay in the us because the nominations for this is us, cuz i've just been announced in los angeles now as a more international flavor to the list. this here was foreign films featuring more than usual in the main category, a category that was good news for gemini sondra is nominated for the best that for
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us award for her role in the french film. and that's to me is a full, it's the 1st time a german woman has received such a note from the academy since 1937, christopher nolan's, oppenheimer as also along the front run. the runners with multiple nominations is film examines the life and moral baffles of robots, oppenheimer, the creator of the atomic bomb, and brussel go wigs. blockbuster comedy, bob. he tells the story of how the famous plastic for tiger, this leaves bobby land to find history. so like this piece is a little too much beach for you can 5, this is a reminder of our top story. flea. israel's military says 24 of its troops have been killed in gaza. this is the single biggest loss of life on the is really side, since the invasion of the territory lost all type of the us and u. k. has carried out fresh way of the strikes against who's the target inside the
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evidence, i think will say 8 sites will hit, including missile systems launches as an underground storage location. and that is your news roundup coming up next place on the looks of the consequences of the world and got them on monday. thanks so much for being with us. the can you hear the, we are all set we are watching to see all the to bring you the story behind the news. your own about com biased information for free might do to name.


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