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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 23, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news live in from berlin tonight, it is real. the human cost of the war in concept 24 has really troops killed when a building collapse, the deadly estates since the war began. and the 1st victims are already being buried. also coming up tonight, the republican rates for the white house gets underway in new hampshire. the haley taking on donald trump with the former president. well ahead in the polls, will assess the outlook in the 1st state primary of the 2020 for us presidential election. the
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board top is good to have you with us on this tuesday is real, have separate. it's the biggest loss of life. on a single day since the war in garza began, 24 soldiers were killed. most of them in an explosion in the central part of the gaza strip. the army says the 2 buildings mine for demolition collapsed when hamas militants fired. at a nearby tank is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has called it a tragedy, but has failed. it is real, will not stop fighting until absolute victory is achieved over how mos a moss is classified as a terrorist organization. by many countries, the families and friends of some of the soldiers killed on monday, gather at the national cemetery in jerusalem to pay their final respects in. the military says, an investigation is underway to determine what caused the highest single day death toll. since israel launched it's counter offensive in gaza,
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initial reports suggests the majority $21.00 reservists were killed after a rocket propelled grenade fire debt and this really tank set off a secondary explosion that brought down the buildings they were in. okay, hold on. even know what the themes, it's an option to messiah was fired by to have a result that's a ton that was guiding the false william carlo. give up. there was an explosion of 22 story buildings and the, the structure has collapsed as a result of this explosion. at the time when most of the soldiers with inside them inside diamonds, nearby the buildings likely exploded as a result of mines at our false. is it planted inside in order to destroy the buildings on the terrorist infrastructure in the area? the, it's really prime minister said it was one of the hardest days for his country since the started what he called an unjust war about getting him or is it we bow our heads to the memory of our fallen? and yet we do not for
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a moment stop striving for an irreplaceable goal. the achievement of absolute victory coming together, we will fight. and together we will wait a minute sale a sentiment echoed by many on the streets of jerusalem on here in the news of the soldiers. you know, it's our sons, it's our brothers, it's. it's terrible. but we've got to do with a new to so that the october 7 doesn't happen again. it's very said, but i think that, you know, we are a strong nation with a strong army. we're not supposed to, to, to, to be down. i am sick that we're losing these wonderful young men. we need the a live in israel. we didn't want this war. we have to fight for israel. but one doesn't have to travel far to find an opposing view point. across the street a crowd has gathered demanding israel switched tactics and gaza and reach
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a deal which would allow the remaining hostages to come home. the w, as rebecca rivers is age of race 11. i asked earlier how people in israel and been reacting to news of the dead soldiers, a swell. brenda is being shock and sadness, and even anger is you heard in that report right across the country in the single deadliest 24 hour period for soldiers. since this offensive began, the president isaac her head folks. it said it was an unbearably difficult news to wake up to this morning and we had also the prime minister been met. and benjamin netanyahu has spoken out cooling at a tragedy, but vowing to push on until victory is achieved, still maintaining his line. but victory will be a shaven 10, be a change that, of course, spain complete eradication of from us. we so more is gathering the for the funerals . this was as you've been reporting the single, deadly a say with 21 people. 21 soldiers. i should say being caught up in one single
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attack. now being in the military have done a preliminary investigation. they found that the soldiers to has went protected and off. they said they would learn the lessons from these incidents. and that even though this was in an area that was pretty much, has been taken by the audience and it's pretty much it showed up that it's too very difficult to stop these pockets of how my site is coming out and shooting at them. and what do we know, what, what's the latest on the flight again. gotcha. as well, the ideas of the military, they say that they've completely surrounded the southern city of han eunice. now that has a, a focal point for some weeks now. so we know that it is a strong hold the of, of some k how much brigades, and that has been a particular target of these riley miller trays. they worked their way south. now we know that hospitals are coming on the coming on a particular target in the last 24 hours on the last few days, even uh, the, the bombardments are really a continuing. you need one of the hospitals,
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the amount of hospital and the red crescent, the stuff that they run that hospital the say they've actually lost contact with stuff at the hospital now. now the really the, the biggest hospital is still functioning in gaza. vanessa hospitalized also on the stage with one doctor riding on facebook that he was fearing for his life, and that the smell of death was everywhere. so, so the hospitals a particular target at the moment, we know that the as around minute tre, say that i'm us use hospitals as come on senses as bases for a cat to carry out their operations. and so they have been a particular target throughout this offensive database. rebecca peters with the ladies tonight from jerusalem. rebecca, thank you. the world program this morning. the parts of garza are at risk of famine . united nations agency says, very little food has made it pass southern gaza since the conflict began. israel claims that it has placed no restrictions on a deliveries, but aid workers accused is really forces of blocking access to some areas. the
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homeless run health authority and gaza says more than 25000 palestinians had been killed in the war. the earlier we spoke with william sean board, he's with the international committee of the red cross and gauze, and we asked him to tell us what the displaced people who are sheltering in rough or what are they facing right now. the situation in rough uh is alarming there over one and a half 1000000 displaced civilians but have moved primarily from the north of the gauze and strip to the south. access to health is extremely limited. there are already 2 functioning hospitals across the goals of strip, which are county proximate to where they're all very heavy, ongoing hostilities about to coupled with the fact that with the cold weather, with the rain civilians that i can shelter. there is very limited access to clean
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drinking water or food, and the situation is becoming ever more desperate for people that simply do not have the means to cope and survive. that was williams hilbert speaking with this earlier us and british forces and carried out a new round of strikes against who the militants, based in e. m in washington says it was in retaliation for repeated. who was the attacks on merchant ships in the red sea? the milton said that their attacks or targeting vessels linked to israel joint attack on who's the targets. the 2nd, in less than 2 weeks. us and u. k. officials call it a proportion that responds to the rebel groups attacks in the red sea. we are not seeking a confrontation. we urge the who sees and those who enabled him to stop being illegal and unacceptable. a time for this saturday,
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the united kingdom will not hesitate to respond again in self defense. we cannot stand by and allow these attacks to go unchallenged in action is also a choice the who's the say they're acting in solidarity with palestinians in gaza. the attacks have disruptive global shipping and stoked fears of inflation. they have also deepened concerns about a regional military escalation, industry to some of the capital of human support for the who sees is strong about how these strikes do not scare us and we're not to hand overheads. we a step sized and support palestine from us in our hearts and bundle galvan. so there are 2 of the palestinians has proven so popular that the whose these have been able to recruit new fighters was otherwise we will fight the american british and any in the red sea. i swear that we will go to the sea with our rifles,
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and we will sink them into the sea. go to the la of us strikes over the past. months have failed to stop. who's the attacks against shipping? the revel group says it will continue until it's rose war in gaza, stops. all right, let's take a look down some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. rescue workers in china are searching for more survivors of an earthquake in the western sushi and john province. dozens of homes collapse, or residents were inside. many have been evacuated to temporary shelter. so you creating the officials say that several people have been killed and dozens more injured in russian missile attacks, explosions, rock keys, and the surrounding area with apartments and cars set on fire. at least 3 people died in har. keith. russia said that it targeted military facilities. nato secretary general, you in stoughton bag, assigned a 1100000000 you
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a contract for artillery shells semester now lies. struggle to keep your brain supplied with ammunition. the european union has promised to deliver 1000000 shelves by march, but lawmakers say less than the 3rd have arrived so far. for testing, farmers in the south of france have dumped slurry and other waste outside a local government office. they also blocked roads and pro chest overpay, and other grievances. one woman was killed when her car crashed into one of the farmers road blocks. overnight. in the united states, the new hampshire primary is underway, voters are heading to the polls. they are the republican presidential race, is now a contest between 2 donald trump and dickie haley haley as trump's last remaining rival for the nomination, florida governor randa sanchez dropped out of the running earlier this week, throwing his weight behind truck holes. give trump a wide lead over hayley. she needs
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a strong showing in new hampshire before the next contest in her home state of south carolina, where trump also dominates the opinion a whole lot as the w's janelle to rely on is in concord. new hampshire long after what a primary, when there would mean for the victor? well, it really depends on whether we're talking about donald trump or nikki haley. now donald trump, if he gets another decisive victory here after the decisive victory that he already got in iowa, then that would mean a very short primary race. and basically a nomination with his name written all over it. now for nikki haley, a when he or at least a narrowing of trumps lead over her into the single digits that could determine her ability to stay in the contest. it would get her more media coverage. it would get her more donor money and she needs those things in order to be able to go head to head with trump in her home stage of south carolina,
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which is which of course is something that she wants now worth noting. new hampshire is a tiny state that only has 22 delegates in the republican primary process. that is less than one percent of the delegates that eventually go onto the republican convention to vote for the not many there. but it really does seem like all the stakes are here in new hampshire, at the moment of the primary, the primary election outcome here to determine whether nikki haley is a bid for the republican. not presidential nomination is over at this point or, and whether she'll have to drop out and see the nomination to donald trump, or whether she will in fact, find a way forward. are you going to use janelle doom allowing their reporting from new hampshire? the nominations for this year's oscars have been announced and los angeles, and there's a more international flavor to the list this year with 4 in films featuring more than usual in the main categories. there was good news for germany's sandra ruler,
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who was nominated for the best actress award for her role in the french film anatomy of a fall. it's the 1st time a german woman has received such a nod from the academy since 1937. christopher nolan's oppenheimer is also among the front runners with multiple nominations. the film examines the life and moral bevels of robert oppenheimer, the creator of the atomic bomb. and read a girl weeks blockbuster, comedy barbie tells the story of how the famous plastic protagonist leaves barbie land to find. these are true for yourself if i wasn't severely injured. i would beat you offer right now. this is a reminder now of our top story. israel's military says that 24 of its troops were killed in gaza today. it's the single biggest loss of life on the israeli side. since the invasion of the territory last october. you're watching dw news coming up next. choices looked at the obstacles facing a drag queen in the indian capital building. i'll be back in the top of the hour
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with more world news followed by the day. i hope to see you there. the can you see is what old cars have to do with the production. here's a hands on the real media watch. now on youtube. we have already made it to site for ridiculous a made into funny stigma as meaning to brian and.


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