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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 23, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm CET

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the, the, this dw, do use, live it from berlin tonight. it is real. the human cost of the war in gaza. 24 years really trips killed when a building collapse, but definitely escape for is real since the war began. the 1st victims are already being buried also coming up tonight, the us and u. k. launch more strikes against the targets in the m. and then they say they'll act again if there are more attacks on commercial shipping in the red c plus of the battle of the blockbusters as the oscar nominations line up in the pink corner is barbie starring margaret robbie. up against nuclear drama oppenheimer with no fewer than 13 nominations.
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the fiber drop down review was watching on tv as in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome. tuesday was the deadly use day for israel's military. since the war and gaza began last year, 24 soldiers were killed most in an explosion in the central part of the gaza strip . the armies as 2 buildings mine for demolition collapsed. went home us militants fired at a nearby tank is rarely prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has called it a tragedy. but he has vowed that israel will not stop fighting until absolute victory is achieved over her mos. maybe countries consider her most to be a terrorist organization. the families and friends of some of the soldiers killed on monday, gather at the national cemetery in jerusalem to pay their final respects
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to. the military says an investigation is underway to determine what caused the highest single day death toll. since israel launched it's counter offensive in gaza, initial reports suggests the majority $21.00 reservists were killed after a rocket propelled grenade fired at and this really tank set off a secondary explosion that brought down the buildings they were in the get hold on even know what the scenes, it's an op to messiah was fired by terrorism. that's a ton. that was guiding the false william carlo heave up. there was an explosion of 22 story buildings, and the district has collapsed as a result of this explosion. at the time when most of the soldiers went inside them inside diamonds, media by the buildings likely exploded as a result of mines at our false. is it planted inside in order to destroy the buildings on the terrorist infrastructure in the area?
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the, it's really prime minister said it was one of the hardest space for his country since the started what he called an unjust war about getting him or is that we bow our heads to the memory of our fallen. and yet we do not for a moment stop striving for an irreplaceable goal. the achievement of absolute victory, all coming together, we will fight and together we will wait. and then a sentiment echoed by many on the streets of jerusalem. upon hearing the news of the soldiers, you know, when it's our son's, it's our brothers it's, it's terrible. but we've got to do with a new to so that the october 7 doesn't happen. again. it's very said, but i think the, you know, we are a strong nation with a strong army. we're not supposed to, to, to, to be down. i am sick that we're losing these wonderful young men. we need the,
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a live in israel. we didn't want this war. we have to fight the res real. this one doesn't have to travel far to find an opposing view point. across the street, a crowd has gathered demanding israel switched tactics in gaza and reach a deal which would allow the remaining hostages to come home to w, as rebecca raters interest live. and i asked her earlier, how people in israel had been reacting to news of the dead soldiers has been shock and sadness. and even anger is you heard in that report right across the country in the single deadliest 24 hour period for soldiers. since this offensive began of the president isaac, who headsets, it said it was an unbearably difficult news to wake up to this morning. and we had also the prime minister been met. and benjamin netanyahu has spoken out cooling at a tragedy, but vowing to push on until victory is achieved, still maintaining his line. but victory will be a shaven 10. be a change that,
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of course, spain complete eradication of a mouse. we so more is gathering the for the funerals. this was as you've been reporting the single deadly of say, we 21 people, 21 soldiers i should say being caught up in one single attack. now the, in, in the military have done a preliminary investigation. they found that the soldiers to has went protected and off they said they would learn the lessons from these incidents. and that even though this was in an area that was pretty much, has been taken by the audience and it's pretty much it showed up that it's too very difficult to stop these pockets of how much fight is coming out and shooting at them. that was rebecca, but there was a reporting from israel. the united nations secretary general has condemned israel's rejection of a 2 state solution with the palestinians, calling it unacceptable of speaking of the un security council meeting. antonio gutierrez said nothing can justify the collective punishment of the palestinian people. he also said you in 8 agencies need better access to gaza to prevent the
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spread of disease and to distribute food to civilians. the rights of the policy need. people to deal with that on fully independence states must be recognized by all. and then it is useful to accept the 2 state solution by any part of the must be firmly rejected. what is the alternative? all the one state solution look with such a large number of follow seems insides without any legal sense of 3 of them, the rights and dignity. that was the head of the human speaking earlier today. us and british forces and carried out a new relative strengths against to the militants. based in yemen, washington says the action is in retaliation for repeated who the attacks on merchant ships in the red sea, the militant say their attacks or targeting vessels linked to israel. joint attack on who's the targets. the 2nd in less than 2 weeks.
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us and u. k. officials call it a proportion that responds to the rebel groups attacks in the red sea. we are not seeking a confrontation. we urge the who sees and those who enable them to stop being illegal and unacceptable attack. sorry, the united kingdom will not hesitate to respond again in self defense. we cannot stand by and allow these attacks to go unchallenged in action is also a choice. the who is these, say they're acting, install it guarantee with palestinians in gaza. the attacks have disruptive global shipping and stoked fears of inflation. but they have also deepened concerns about a regional military escalation, industry to some of the capital of human support for the who sees is strong about
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how the strikes do not scare us and really not to handle what hits we have. steadfast and support palestine from us in our hearts. and so the dire to with the palestinians has proven so popular that the whose these have been able to recruit new fighters was otherwise we will fight the american british any me in the red sea. i swear that we will go to the sea with our rifles, and we will sink them into the sea. go to where the us strikes over the past months have failed to stop who the attacks against shipping. the revel group says it will continue until it's rose war and gaza stops. but i'm joined now by e and roby maritime analyst at the center for maritime strategy in baltimore. in the us. it is good to have you with us, the strikes by the us and the u. k. against who the target is this helping or is it
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hurting the who these hey, the certainly helping them put these in pretty global shipping. unfortunately, if the goal was to de escalate the situation and to turn the diesel, they have failed. if the goal was just to diminish some of the ballistic military capability. so these, that mean perhaps has been a success. but the fact is, if the hoodies continue a pace, they will be able to disrupt shipping for a long time, no matter how much ballistic capabilities they have because it does not take very much. so this is, this is really complicating the situation further and it is bringing us to a point where we're going to have a long term difficulty in making shift moving through the rates the possible. well, what would you recommended to protect these commercial ships that are trying to use? i mean, what is an important artery for global trade? it is an important artery, but at this point it is wise to avert the whole situation to avoid it and go around
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the consummate of africa. why we can handle the situation, but it would be using a different manner. we have to draw their attention away from the maritime domain, as we just heard, they are very energized. they are actually recruiting, they're getting stronger, they're getting more involved in bias. and unfortunately, that means that the shipping channel through the red sea is going to be a problem for a long time unless we pull their attention elsewhere. and that has to be done through empowering the government of human to retake the sovereign control over the country of him. and these are fighting against the government. they have been for more than a decade and we are coming to this conflict. so what, wait, and at this point though, these are, are finding themselves moving from being on the back foot as they were 2 months ago . so now having all the momentum behind them, this will be a very long term problem. if we do not change approach, washington is accusing iran oven. i'm quoted here of being directly involved in the who's the attacks on shipped in the red sea. does this in your opinion, i'm assuming this complicates the situation as well that ron has
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a long and complicated history in the maritime space of the regional range for years they've been launching attacks against ships, but they done so in a very concentrated, very targeted fashion where the hook, these are brought to the table is the, the ability to be completely erratic, unpredictable, and as a result create chaos. so whereas the radians have had a history of, of using maritime, attached to make specific messages towards specific into lobsters who are taking advantage of the existing situation in gaza and using it to strengthen themselves, recruit and do other things. now, rather than bowman further complicates the picture, but it is, it is a difficult situation. we are potentially putting ourselves in where we're both using the hudy's as approximate to get to the other around using the uses approximately gives us and we're using it. we use approximate to get to a rock, we have to take them out of the equation. if we're going to deal with that route, we need to deal with their behind it. we're going to deal with that with these. we need to get them away from shipping. and so as we continue to make all these
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different conflicts, we run the risk of creating a wires situation that isn't tractable. and we really can't afford to have that given the importance of shipping. moving through that or it's each site channel and you know, i'm hearing what you say and considering what we just saw this week that the european union has agreed to send a military emission to the red sea to protect ships. um, do you think that is just going to be for a more fuel on the fire that was really interesting and the community does not joining operation. prosperity, guardian, the american let admission their, their standing of their own products. and the e. u is not inherently a military organization, it's not made of, it is an economic community. and so they have an interesting history in colorado, somali piracy, and they haven't longstanding this in you now for atlanta that continues to operate to protect service against piracy. and so putting the you in the, in the picture, it is an interesting point because it is not inherently an escalation in terms of a sovereign state against a human or a military alliance against germany. it is a,
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an economic community working to protect ship. and so they are likely to be viewed differently and they may be able to change the equities a little bit and give us some space to continue to protect the ships that are under a time, well also diplomatically ads. and otherwise, we're going to divert duty attention away from the maritime domain and probably with the center for maritime strategy in baltimore in the us. and we appreciate your time in your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you so much. your opinion is really leaders have gathered at the site of the former elements and birkenau, extermination camp in poland within a 1000000 people. most of them jewish were murdered there by the nazis during world war 2. and the report suggests that 8 decades on from the holocaust, nearly a quarter of a 1000000 survivors are still living. more than half of them, it is real. as the boy in gauze, it shows a little sign of in the anti semitism in europe is once again on the rise
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the they stand side by side at the entrance of the former or spits concentration camp. the largest mos mode aside in human history is riley officials, who are p and politicians, and jewish leaders are at this place together to make sure the memory of the whole acosta from state. they say it's no more crucial than ever in the face of rising anti semitism in europe. we wonder with uh, for the last 79 years we have said never again. but actually no one meant never again. it was probably woods from here. tell us the lives of jewish people in europe have become awful since the terrorist attacks on the east. well, on october 7, describing that was see a fee or an intimidation chief read by beating. you mean the, i called this in the netherlands here, so what happened once can happen again and facilitate it's
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a virus. and virus has mutations every time it's some seals in june, the crusaders, this isaac, we say this, we killed the murder of the jesus in this, in the middle ages. we, we, we were the ones who make the diseases. and is it my, my parents had the wrong race, and i'm is, are you this? although a strong supporter of the jewish state rep, i yacht club says he still believes israel can be criticized for its actions whether in gaza or elsewhere. but that criticism should not go against jews in general. the runaway wants to see more european leaders to more to come. but untie semitism, those presence here agree where you won't be uncle, you'll jones, they don't you send me to you some. the resurgence of anti semitism across the world and in europe since october 7th threatens our humanity and our civilization. so leader is an old citizen semester package to fight against this explosion and anti semitism which threatens our us in societies and our civilizations. new
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associate, the whole thing in which if these assume combat thing anti semitism is important in itself. that's a poison in our society. we need to combat, of course. and then the, the, the, i mean the tried you that was who, who told her 7th. and he's, well, uh we see now a continuation of, of giving up people. so we need a long term sustainable solution. finding a formula for peace between these re lease and palestinians and inform you lots of come with anti semitism on those issues. it seems you are up, could play a bigger role. let's take a look down some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. tracy's parliament has voted in favor of sweden's session to nato clearing a long standing hurdle to stockholm. joining the western alliance progress approval leads hungary as the only native member yet to ratify sweden's membership. nato
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secretary general, you insult and very have signed a one point. 1000000000 euro contract for artillery shells. western allies and struggle to keep you created, supplied with ammunition. european union has promised to deliver 1000000 shelves by march. lawmakers say less than a 3rd. have arrived so far of the question, the missiles drawings on ukrainian cities, including har, teeth in the east, and the capital keep have killed at least 8 people and introductions more. now ukrainian commanders say that they were able to shoot down 22 out of 44 missiles fired by the russians. hundreds of buildings were damaged, water and power supplies were disrupting and raped sirens blair out of cost ukraine's capital keys as russian missed all hips multiple targets across the city rescue teams. a searching for civilians is and treating patients 5,
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i just have been working around the clock to put out the flames. the strikes and the hours of choose day cause damage to residential and medical buildings as well as educational institutions. and the costs are set on fire, and resident say they were woken up by the sound of explosions. we were sitting in the corridor when all of this happened. when it quieted down, when we looked and we saw cars and fire it was all very scary. we had to sign of explosion. then we saw the orange lights in the sky. it was so scary. it was really scary. others were told to take shelter in the subway station. as russian was sell strikes, rang down on the city. we only go to the subway station when the situation is berries. breath lying. when they send loads of plains over
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we're very worried about our child. the strikes also reach car keys, the country 2nd largest city, multiple residential buildings were destroyed, is unclear how many people are trapped inside them. so my father lived in this house in his apartment on the 1st floor, sees are now we're waiting. hopefully you will be pulled from the rubble but frankly, there's not much of a chance because there's a lot of smoke. the authorities say the showing caused major damage to infrastructure. which on yeah, or somebody else doing all of what's called a 300 millimeters diameter. water supply made in a 500 millimeters diameter drainage network or damaged by an enemy shell with what the, the show it sounds like you've got several multi story buildings. we're left with old water voting for what kind of blood work to localize and restore the networks
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will be carried out around the clock when you were close to the board. you praise government says the latest version barrage, if you did move in 40 ballistics cruise, add to craft and guided missiles 21 of which were destroyed by ukrainian defenses. the credit has denied that this ministry intentionally target civilians 2 years into the will. you create in russia, continue that battle for control and concerns of growing at the latest casualty figures who rise in the coming days. in the united states, the new hampshire primary is underway, voters are heading to the polls. the us republican presidential race is now a contest between 2 donald trump and nikki haley. alias dropped last remaining arrival for the nomination. florida governor randa sanchez has dropped out of the running throwing his weight behind trump holes. give trump a wide lead over halley. she needs a strong showing in new hampshire before the next contrast in her home state of
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south carolina. we are trump, also from dominates the opinion polls. lot dw, janelle, do volleyball news in concord, new hampshire. i asked her, but a primary when there would mean for the victor as well. it really depends on whether we're talking about donald trump or nikki haley. now donald trump, if he gets another decisive victory here after the decisive victory that he already got in iowa, then that would mean a very short primary race. and basically a nomination with his name written all over it. now for nikki haley. when he or at least a narrowing of trumps lead over her into the single digits that could determine her ability to stay in the contest, it would get her more media coverage. it would get her more donor money and she needs those things in order to be able to go head to head with trump in her home state of south carolina, which is which of course is something that she wants now worth noting. new
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hampshire is a tiny state that only has 22 delegates in the republican primary process. that is less than one percent of the delegates that eventually go onto the republican convention to vote for the not many there. but it really does seem like all the stakes are here in new hampshire, at the moment of the primary, the primary election outcome here to determine whether nikki haley is a bid for the republican. not presidential nomination is over at this point or, and whether she'll have to drop out and see the nomination to donald trump, or whether she will in fact find a way forward that was dw janelle and dom allowing their reporting from new hampshire. the nomination for this year's oscars have been announced in los angeles, and there's a more international flavors of the list this year with foreign films featuring more than usual in the main categories. there was good news for germany's and sandra, who's, who's nominated for the best actress award for her role in the french film. anatomy
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of a fall is the 1st time a german woman has received such a nod from the academy since 1937. christopher nolan's oppenheimer is also among the front runners with multiple nominations. the film examines the life and moral battles of robert oppenheimer, the creator of the atomic bomb, and the grid of gerberg's blockbuster comedy. barbie literally tells the story of how the famous plastic fruit hanging us leaves barbie land to find her true for you can. so i would be que off for right. all right, i see her smiling already. let's go now. the entertainment journalist k g matthews . you joys be from los angeles to talk us through these nominations, kj. it's good to see you. it's been a huge year for cinema. surprisingly we've, i've just heard about the favorites. so what's your, yes, he's going to bring home the best picture aboard. you know what, this is my favorite time of the year, right? i love or sees it, and i'm so happy that the best picture category has 1010 slots. that makes me very,
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very happy because you can get the box office favorites. and some of the more in the independent art house papers in there as well. if i was a betting man, you've got big best picture, you've got american fiction, a manual fall barbie, the hold over the killer, the bar moon maestro, past lives, poor things in the zone of interest. i would say is probably going to be between oppenheimer and i want to say barbie maybe anatomy of a ball. but if there's a upset, i think there could be an upset if there's going to be an upset. it will be down to 3 anatomy. it will fall. okay. or american fiction? or possibly the whole worse. okay. those 3 were phenomenal fan. i'm not going to know. i don't know. box office, but really great. i'm not going to hold it to you because you're, you're not a bedding man. looks like this year's best actor and best actress, categories they are looking competitive. tell us a bit more about the favorites there. well, we got quite a few. first of all,
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let's just talk about sandra. you're germany's own. what a year for her. she's in the zone of interest. she's in anatomy of a fall. she's nominated for an oscar for anatomy of a fall. it's just been a great year for everything associated with anatomy. little fall and was sandra. i think she's the 1st german to be nominated since like decades. so really, really, really looking good for her. and were there any surprises among the issues nominations for you? you know, i wasn't surprised at who was nominated. i expected oppenheimer, i expected poor things. i expected american fiction anatomy of a fall. those are all just still are phenomenal bins. what i was surprised was the lack of nominations for certain people at certain films. only one for oprah lead a produce rather film, the color popping the reincarnation of the color purple. only one nomination for
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supporting actress for daniel brooks. no nominations, whatsoever for very no nominations, whatsoever for the film called the iron cloth. and gretel girl, we did not receive an oscar nomination for best. directing surprise. yeah, it's across the matthews with the latest from los angeles, it's always k j. good talking with you. thank you to it is a reminder of our top story. israel's military says that 24 of its traits were killed in gaza is the single biggest loss of life on these rarely side since the invasion of the territory last october. and of the us and u. k. of carried out a new wave of the strikes against truth the targets inside the m in additional say 8 sites were hit including missile systems, launchers and in the underground storage facility. and that issue is oscar nominations of c, margaret robbie storing is barbie. competing against nuclear drama oppenheimer for
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the best film along with martin scorsese's crime. epic killers of the flower you're watching the w news after a short break. i'll be back to take you through the day speaking randy will be right back the
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inside gaza. it's been more than $100.00 days since the mos tears tax on israel dw, or puerto mohammed collude lives and works in the gaza strip. he has been documenting life there since the outbreak of the war. the humanitarian situation is catastrophic. the war and its consequences slow stopped in 45 minutes on d w. the
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might seem easy. how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking diesel, modern methods. because if we do too much at $180.00 all wrong mess, things up, risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage, humans and multitasking. watching our new to v w documentary of fateful encounter. in the late 19 seventy's, former concentration comes in my general, most meisner meant the man who had to maintain him go stump bog known as the beast of sophie bore shame on you. tell the truth to use nicer. wagner was dead, and investigation concluded that it was suicide. but the fire give rise to down
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really how to go the dots january 27th on the a majority of americans say they do not want a rematch of joe biden. and donald trump and this year's presidential election here in europe. opinion polls echoed this, but it's important to remember that between the new hampshire primary today and election day in november, a lot can happen, but look around the world from russia's war and ukraine to changes over taiwan to the is really palestinian conflict. geo politics appear to be in a holding pattern. tonight, a world reckoning with a 2nd, trump presidency in terms of foreign policy, is president biden, already a lame duck and break off in berlin. this is the day the.


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