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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 24, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CET

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the, the, this is the building is live from the donald trump scores, the size of when in the new hampshire primary from supporters celebrate the victory, the 2nd in his bid. will the us republican presidential nomination of nikki haley is only rival says for race is far from over. also had 1st funerals or help held for 24 is ready. soldiers killed a gaza on monday with a deadly staple is wrong. since the start of a defensive territory moves to the nato as we didn't move
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a step closer to joining. so he's parliament voted in favor still called the succession to the west in alliance clearing a long standing huddle. now only hungry stands in this way. the and i'm totally illogical. welcome to the program. we start with news from the us, where donald trump has claimed another big victory in the race to become the republican presidential. many after sweeping to victory in iowa, the former president has now one the 1st stage, primary of the 2024 election in new hampshire. he's only rival nikki haley. a former us ambassador says she's not giving up despite suffering defeat. i want to congratulate donald trump on his victory tonight. he earned it. and i want to acknowledge that. now you law her,
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the chatter among the political class. they're falling all over themselves, saying this race is over. the news for all of the new hampshire is 1st in the nation. it is not the last in the this race is far from over. there are dozens of a left to go and after his big, when donald trump addressed his supporters in new hampshire. this is an evening that i will not forget because it's the 3rd time, but more importantly, i think it's going to be. i think it's going to be the most important to we. one of both it was, i think they said somebody said you rarely. if you win both,
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they've never had a loser. let me put it that way. when you, when i was, and you in new hampshire, they've never had a loss is never been. so we're not going to be the 1st i can tell you and you know, i'm sure it was widely considered. the one of the hailey's best shots of beating trump, yet she lost resoundingly dw is janelle de milan who is in the state. what influenced voters decision? i guess tommy, we have been saying it for days. if there was going to be an electorate that would have been friendly to nicky hay leads in new hampshire or that has been it. what you really would have deeded was all these groups of moderate voters, college educated voters, undeclared voters, to coalesce around her at that has clearly not happened. and now donald trump hasn't walked away with a victory here in new hampshire. i have to tell you though, tommy, i am standing here to
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a trump campaign election watch party. you might see people streaming out the behind me as of the event comes to a close. but i also have to say that the mood here was much more jubilant before the results started coming in. i think the supporters here were really expecting see to see much more of a line slide. they wanted to see mickey haley designated style. of course donald trump does have that double digit lead over her, but the fact that she is us saying that she is going to stay in the race. so this is raising, this is ruffling some feathers here. oh you. we also heard donald trump speak earlier, and this was a much angry or speech then he had to of then when he was an iowa where you want to appear more presidential calling for more unity within the country. this time he really went on the attack against nikki haley saying that she went up on stage and acted like what she was giving was a victory speech. but you were also asking about the issues autonomy. and i think
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one of the things that has sort of emerge as the number one issue for primary voters here is immigration out, a lot of supporters so that we talk to, they keep saying that, talk to them. joe biden has lost control of the southern border. my legal migration has become a big problem and that they think donald trump has the answers to the problem. facility that new hampshire is in the north eastern part of the country as far from the southern border as you can imagine. but you know that it hasn't stopped it from being at the foremost of orders mines. and in the end, in talking to the supporters from nikki haley and from donald trump, we could tell that donald trump supporters were simply much more enthusiastic about them. and then perhaps some nikki haley supporters were and that has also shown itself to us to be something that is also translatable into the box. and with nikki haley promising light, insisting that she will stay in the race. is that
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a realistic path to victory for her? indeed, i think we're going to hear this line over and over. she's repeated it a few times now that so south carolina doesn't do coordinations. it does do elections. that's what she's been saying. she's trying to pierce this. the error of inevitability around trump. but uh, it's going to be hard. does she put so much here in new hampshire? she out spend all of the other candidates in terms of aid money. she was really, really backing on new hampshire. right. to turn out for her now, she doesn't have so much a show for it. and she actually may have difficulty raising that donor money. we've also seen a top, but we've also seen the political establishment of south carolina, basically lining up behind trump. so that presents another challenge for her as well. what we can expect from here on, i would say, is a step up of the attacks on trump. i think what we're going to see is
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a battle between the 2 a battle of words. so that's going to become much more heated. she did mob several attacks of trump mental acuity in the last days. some people say that you may have started doing about too late, but definitely i think because she will find more things about trump, to criticize she's going to go more on the offensive and hope that in her home state of south carolina, those messages, those warnings against trump will somehow have to resonate dental around. thank you for that updates tending to israel now where the 1st funerals have been held for 24 soldiers killed in gas on monday, the deadliest day for is ready for us is since the start off the offensive. most of the soldiers died when 2 buildings mind for demolition collapsed after how much militants find at a nearby tank. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu as cold as a tragedy, but his vile to push on and keep fighting until absolute victories achieved over
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how much which carried out the october 7th terror attacks. families and friends of some of the soldiers killed on monday, gather at the national cemetery in jerusalem to pay their final respects to. the military says an investigation is underway to determine what caused the highest single day death toll. since israel launched it's counter offensive in gaza, initial reports suggests the majority $21.00 reservists were killed after a rocket propelled grenade fire debt and this really tank set off a secondary explosion that brought down the buildings they were in it. okay, hold on. even know what the themes, it's an op to messiah was fired by terrorism. that's a ton. that was guiding the false william carlo. he's up. there was an explosion of $22.00 story buildings. i mean the structure is collapsed as a result of this explosion. at the time when most of the soldiers with inside them
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inside diamonds, nearby, the buildings likely exploded as a result of mines that our forces have planted inside in order to destroy the buildings on the terrorist infrastructure in the area. is this really prime minister said it was one of the hardest days for his country since the start of what he called an unjust war about can him or is it we bow our heads to the memory of our fallen. and yet we do not for a moment stop striving for an irreplaceable goal. the achievement of absolute victory. together, we will fight and together we will witness in itself. a sentiment echoed by many on the streets of jerusalem on here in the news of the soldiers. you know, it's our sons, it's our brothers, it's, it's terrible. but we've got to do with a new to so that the october 7 doesn't happen. again. it's very said,
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but i think that, you know, we are a strong nation with a strong army. we're not supposed to, to, to, to be down. i am sick that we're losing these wonderful young men. we need the, a live in israel. we didn't want this war. we have to fight the race route. but one doesn't have to travel far to find an opposing view point. across the street, a crowd has gathered demanding israel switched tactics and gaza and reach a deal which would allow the remaining hostages to come home. in new york, the un secretary general has warned that these really prime ministers, rejection of a 2 state solution with the palestinians, will indefinitely prolong the conflict. speaking of the un security council, antonio gutierrez, quoted unacceptable. the rights of the policy need people to deal with that on fully independence states must be recognized by all and then a refusal to accept the 2 state solution by any part of the must be firmly rejected
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. what is the alternative? all the ones that solution look with such a large number of follow seems insides without any legal sense of 3 of them, the rights and dignity. all right, let's take a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world. most career has followed up its 1st known as our launch of the year by firing several cruise missiles into was, is the south korea's western coast. sol has not confirmed the exact number of missiles fired or their flight details. the launch comes amid a pro provocative run of weapons demonstrations by showing you the us says it's carried out as drives in northern iraq targeting 3 facilities linked to iran, back to militia. it follows an attack on an iraqi ad base over the weekend, which ended for us pass. and now iran aligned minutes and so stepped up
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a tax on us troops since the start of israel defensive in gaza. the train drivers have started the longest rail striking german history, the only very limited time tables will be in operation for 6 days, and many services have been cancelled. the workouts over pay and working us is due to end on monday. south african police arrested a man who says he was responsible for a building. 5 in johannesburg last year was killed dozens of people. the mines confession came while he was testifying in a public inquiry into the blaze. he'll now face 76 counts of murder talk. he's parliament has approved sweden's obligation to join nato clearing a longstanding hurdle to its accession. lawmakers voted overwhelmingly in favor of sweden's bed on the 32nd member of the alliance. after one of the public backings, taxis president ridge of the time
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o n and acute sweden of being too lenient with kurdish groups that touch and classified as the terrorist organizations stuck on responded by tightening its anti terrorism laws. and taxi's approval, lease hungry as we only need to man, but yet to ride to 5. so we can do a couple of them. that's w correspondent. dorian jones has been following developments from east on both or well, there was no real surprise about the passing of all of these motion to ratify sweden's joining of nato. given the fact the present good ones has a majority in parliament. i'm the may not position was also supporting the motion, so it easily passed. 287 boast of 55, a massive majority, but still there was a collective, sorry for leap across nato. the us on the bottom of the turkey. jeff blake, straight talk to the vote, tweet saying that is great news or sweden. great news for the touchy i'm for nato.
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while the swedish prime minister is chris and some also on the tweet on x saying. but this was a critical step for now, present node one still have to sign off on off on with uh, ratification. he said that he would do that in the coming days. i had so cool eyes will be now i'm president of the one to sign off and take. so we move one step closer to joining nato's domination for this year's oscars. i've been announced in los angeles and there's a more international flavor to the list this year. with the foreign films featuring more than usual in the main categories. that was good news for joe needs sandra here, who's nominated for the best actress award for her role in the french film. anatomy of a fall is the 1st time a german woman has received such a nod from the academy since 1937. this that's in use roundup of next doc film takes
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a trip to transylvania in the heart of romania to forget this moneys and our website dw, that com as well as on our social media channels. i told me that i did call for myself and the team the my name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold the badge. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. you guys would have been nosy, bay like get everyone talking to me. you're healthy award winning called called don't call back the there are some places just about everyone has heard of but
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