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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 24, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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the, the c, w, news live from berlin, a russian military plane crashes close to the border. with the crank. footage from social media appears to show the incident. brushing media says that at least 65 people on board transport also coming up donald trump, sports, and when the new hampshire primary and supporters celebrates his victory, the 2nd sentence paid for the us for public and presidential nomination. but nikki haley, his only rival says the race is far from over. and the capital of fully up wheels
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from a huge explosion of the 6 people are killed by a massive plastic lot. but the car, after a car crashes into a truck carrying liquefied natural gas, the sarah kelly. welcome to the program. we begin with breaking news. a russian military transport plane has crashed in the belgrade region in the south of the country, close to the border with ukraine. a video posted on social media appears to show the moment of the incident. the russian official says that the people on board reportedly including 65 ukrainian prisoners of war have been killed. the russian foreign ministry has blamed chief for downing the plain and dw correspondent into connelly as standing by and t. nick, what's the latest?
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hey, mr. tracing keeps on getting more complex as more information often needs to be contradictory . statements come out and early associates here in ukraine that had the same responsibility for this attack. have since withdrawn that these were anonymous. so since speaking to the ukrainian press, we've also had more information from russia saying there was a 2nd move successful playing, flying basically just behind displaying that seems to have been down. i think it's important just to kind of make clear what it is we don't know right now. we don't know how this thing came down, whether it was due to ukraine strikes. some people say it's too far away from the board if that to be realistic to risky. whether it was friends, the file from russian at defense as of whether this was a technical issue and potentially more importantly going forward is what to who was on board this plane. so the russian say, these were ukranian prisoners of war that we're going to be swamped. we have had the information from the print inside that us what was planned for today. that was kept break what as usual at, but the grading side has alleged since this broke that there were things on board.
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this plane that these with me cells were being taken to near the printing border to a text is like hockey, which is pretty close by those that information being released at the same place. i had left syria, just the master hours before with it's a radars and it's located switched off, it's transponder switched off so it couldn't be tracked so, but it's a re dos and it's located switched off, it's transformed, a switched off so it couldn't be tracked. so basically more questions now it's right now, but suddenly the situation that is basically a domain from the headlines about the tensions here in q and economy. thank you so much for bringing us up to date. and of course, we will continue to check in with you as more information comes in over the coming hours. we appreciate it. let's get some analysis 1st by uh, marina myron, a military analyst with the worst that is the department of kings college and london. and she's joining us from unix, so marina, i thank you so much for, for being with us. as nick highlighted there, there's a lot of speculation, a lot of different statements coming in, but, but so far, what we have heard is that russia at least says that the plain power,
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ukrainian prisoners and was also downed by ukraine. what do you think when you hear statements like that, a good day? well, it's a very complicated situation and it's too soon to tell what exactly happened. then i think an independent investigation will need to look at the crash site and we'll need to determine whether there are bodies or something else on the plane. because it, it seems like a plausible statement that the prisoners of war and the ukrainian military intelligence had a use of confirmed that the indeed an exchange was split planned for today, the russians released passenger list. so all of those things need to be confirmed. but again, as i said by independent body, not by ukrainians or the russians, because even the ukrainian sources have changed the tune um over the past few hours for us, claiming that the print in military was behind this and then retracting, is there a statement?
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there is a possibility that the ukrainian military also got a wrong intelligence. they were actually thinking that that the were missile. so it needs to be investigated for us or before and you conclusions can be made. can you? um, drill down into another one of these claims because there are some russian law makers claiming that the attack was committed by ukraine using a us supplied patriot missile. i mean, there were very specific about that. how would one go about verifying that? is there a way of quickly doing it as well that there is a way of doing it, of course, and the is there a few possibilities? so some of the claims made by cars to pull, for instance, is that it was either a us or a german made missile. and it will look at the distance from where's a plane fell to the bringing border? yes, um the, the story about using the patry it's missile could be true. i am just looking out at the raindrops a missile and as
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a distance about 80 kilometers from the spring and board. your bearing in mind that the patry of the system is a mobile system so it can move. so basically what needs to be done is look for before any sort of parts of that a legit missile on the crash side in order to be able to verify also is a site where is this missile has been fired from and needs to be inspected as well, that would be on the ukrainian territory, so it requires a very complex investigation with both sides working together or is ironic as it might seem in order to, to investigate what actually happened. and i, i see it as being very difficult because we have seen similar incidents. where are you creating and artillery missile misfired? and the 1st reports were stating that it was the russians until 3 weeks later in the independent commission investigated the crash side. and um, and the area surrounding it to, to find bottom burned earth as a sign that are um and there are 2 system was there. so it is
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a very complicated matter because we don't have an independent park use that could be deployed and could be allowed to investigate those sites. marina. and i just like to ask you briefly before we go as well, because you, you have followed this for and the situation on the front line so closely continue, just bring us up to date and, and perhaps give us your impressions on where things stand right now. i mean, there's been so much talk about it being at a stalemate. what are your big tech takeaways at this point? it all might take away is that it's not of stalemate and it hasn't been a stable means. activity has reduced for a while, but now we're seeing russian forces a trying to essentially surround of the go we. we have seen some claims that they took villages in the south west and in the north. so the situation is very difficult. there is, and there was
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a village allegedly taken into salsa investments. are it seems like a push along multiple lines of contact was that ukrainian troops and what the russians are trying to do here is use the time because the ukrainians don't have enough manpower or tiller. rachelle says the unspoken berg has pointed out in order to offer an effective assistance to the russian push marina, myron military analyst with that take on the situation. thank you so much for joining us to share that perspective. thank you for having me. was heading out to the united states. donald trump has cleared another hurdle in his bid to become the republican nominee and the u. s. presidential race with almost all of the votes now counted in new hampshire. trump is a head of his sole arrival nikki haley by 11 percent of the vote. haley, however, has about to fight on saying the race is far from over. she might be down,
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but she isn't out of the day of voting. mist tends presidential primary. haley and say such a lovely new hampshire doesn't spell the end game. new hampshire is 1st in the nation. it is not the last of the, this raise is for, for move on to as a poll says a sticking with a, it's not over until it's over 25. south carolina is the next day. so i mean to get it to me in south carolina to get the people that should be there. but the nice victory speech belonged to donald trump. well, i want to thank everybody. this is a fantastic state. this is a great, great say, you know,
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we want new hampshire 3 times now 3. the pizza pieces of liquid doubts that the former president deserves another to i voted for donald trump, which made the day extra awesome for me. it's a special day and i'm proud to be fair and i'm glad that we're in the 1st primary and united states. i think that the people that are needs to be back in office haley bows to fight tone. but so tough to victory looks increasingly narrow. while a trump fight and re much this november a p is ever more like like the and i spoke earlier with forrest form and professor of politics and director of the politics section of bard college berlin. he gave us his take on trump's,
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when in the new hampshire primary? that's interesting. i think it's, you know, it's a quite the commanding lead that trump was expecting at the same time. it's not quite the opposite, doesn't nikki haley might've needed. so i think at this point of the race seems to be somewhat nimble over all the national polls are clearly headed towards favor off of trump. but making though there's a small window where nikki haley could at least give it another shot. and the window perhaps comes in the form of the next primary and south carolina. her home state. how high are the stakes for her? there? a very high a. she was the governor of the south carolina at the moment. still trump, who's leading by roughly 37 percent of the pool, so it's still a very strong lead for him. but who knows what happens? approved vendors almost 3 or 4 weeks until that. and i think in the days that
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follow, that will be the michigan primary of that will also be a march to a very long list of primaries in arkansas in california in maine and a message to massachusetts and says over 10 primaries. and i think by march, 5th, or march 6th, we should be able to tell who will finally be the the many of the forest farm and speaking with me earlier, here are some other stories making headlines. protesters have blocked the highway in jerusalem, demanding the is really government. negotiate for the release of all hostages still held in garza, demonstrators acute the governments of endangering the hostages and it's for with him off is rarely prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has vowed to continue the offensive until her mazda is defeated. a fast train headed for the check capital prague has slammed into a truck at a rail, crossing, killing at least one person,
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and enjoying 10 others. authorities have opened an investigation into the collision and warrant the number of injured may arise. the train drivers have started the longest rail strike in german history. only very limited time tables will be in operation for 6 days. and many services have been cancelled. the walk out over pay and working hours is due to end on monday. mongolian authorities say that at least 6 people have been killed and a massive gas explosion in the capital. the blast occurred after a crash between a car and a truck, caring liquefied natural gas. is it in the sense that of machines the hub blast rocks, mongolia is capital land. but tar. before dawn to a car collided with a natural gas tanker setting off
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a series of explosions. the fireball spread engulfing this apartment block. some residents barely made it out alive. as soon as we realized our apartment was on fire, panic set, and we tried to reach the exit. but one of the doors was already engulfed in flames . we had to force will be break through the door in order to escape dozens of others were able to escape. but firefighters died battling the blaze. as an official says they were hit by flying debris. that's up to the, to, to was well, firefighters were trying to extinguish the plains. another explosion went off by what parts of the tank could blew off with great false, resulting in a tragic loss of 3 firefighters at a loss. many here know could have been much worse if the blast had happened during
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busy day time hours. up next it has planted a with a deep dive into the rear metal, but you've likely never had to have heard of. that is viable, vital to a new sustainable tax that's coming up after a break. so to stay with us, if you can. i'm sarah kelly in berlin. thank you so much for joining me. take care the vacation as an applicant. do they have good weather? i, when i told me that they don't have violence and we go sailing tulsa tissue today, because then they go to that who set up. he has not been, you know, medical people who work hard won the tenants all the way. so not because
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she's got any issues with a lot say what could i.


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