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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 24, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm CET

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the the, this is the w news lied from berlin. a russian military plane crashes close to the ukrainian border. footage from social media appears to show the incident. rushing, media said that at least $65.00 people were on board, the transport planes. also coming up. donald trump wins the new hampshire primary. supporters celebrate his victory. the 2nd in his bid for the us republican presidential nomination of south carolina. as governor, former governor, vicky kelly, trump only viable says the race is far from over. and a huge explosion profit the capital of mongolia. at least 6 people are killed by
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a massive blast and a lot of a tar, after a car crashes into a truck carrying liquefied natural gas, the sarah kelly. welcome to the program. we begin with breaking news. a russian military transport plane has crashed in the belgrade region in the south of the country, close to the border with ukraine. a video posted on social media appears to show the moment of the incident. the russian official said that all the people on board report of the, including 65 ukrainian prisoners of war have been killed. the russian foreign ministry has blamed cheese for downing the plain or let's get more, we are joined by the w corresponding economy and keys, and the w is jennifer falco reporting from rica. jennifer, i'd like to begin with you. um, what is the russian side saying about the crash?
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well, sarah rochelle foreign ministry has called the crash and act of terrorism, partially blaming and criticizing key for killing its own citizens. the ministry claims that ukrainian airports the armed forces have fired miss house at the place from the heart of the region. according to rush has ministry of defense, the russian military observed the launch of 2 ukrainian miss house on the radar. earlier today, the settlement that your post a senator and former chief of the russian air force stated in an interview that it is 100 percent clear that the play was shut down. he also said that the crew was able to report an external impact before crashing the russian ministry of defense had confirmed that all passages on the plain were killed, and ortiz, editor in chief, has published it list with all 65 names of ukrainian prisoners of war on board the craft, nick, what are we hearing meantime from ukraine?
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and i think that it's really important distress that this is still a very unclear breaking illustration with lots of contradictory versions being voice degrading side for its part. when you heard from one of the intelligence agencies saying that indeed a, an exchange of prisoners was plans today. we haven't heard more of that space that was being taken up by experts. people claimed to have sources in the military claiming that these were, instead flights that were transporting village equipment, missiles, maybe other people claiming that this is some kind of russian attempts to fret, serve near kill, you, campers will create a kind of issue for the government with their own public opinion, certainly in a free society like ukraine's i like russia, the relatives people who are held captive a serious physical force. they've been protesting for a long time. they're reaching out to the decision makers. so the certainly a warning situation for william zalesky and probably the reason why we haven't heard anything yet. but even if it isn't these principles that have a, may have been killed as part of this downing of a plane. and it's still
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a very boring situation for the family's people effective. and we understand the government is trying to reach out to the families to at least establish some lines of communication. the w as an economy and keys. and jennifer focused and read that . thank you so much to both of you. as i spoke earlier, also with marina myra and a military analyst with the worst studies department at kings college, london, she gave me her assessment of the crash announcement a good day. well, it's a very complicated situation and it's too soon to tell what exactly happened. then i think an independent investigation will need to look at the crash site and we'll need to determine whether is there a bodies or something else on the plane? because it, it seems like a plausible statement that the prisoners of war and the ukrainian military intelligence had a use of confirmed that the indeed an exchange will split planned for today, the russians released passenger list. so all of those things need to be confirmed.
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but again, as i said by independent body, not by ukrainians or the russians because even the ukrainian sources have changed the tune um over the past few hours for us, claiming that the ukrainian military was behind this and then retracting, is there a statement? there is a possibility that the ukrainian military also got a wrong intelligence. they were actually thinking that that the were a missile. so it needs to be investigated for us or before. and you conclusions can be made. can you? um, drill down into another one of these claims because there are some russian lawmakers claiming that the attack was committed by ukraine using a us supplied patriot missile. i mean, there were very specific about that. how would one go about verifying that? is there a way of quickly doing it as well that there is a way of doing it, of course, and the is there a few possibilities? so some of the claims made by cars to pull, for instance, is that it was either
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a us or a german made missile. and it will look at the distance from where's a plane fell to the bringing border? yes, um the, the story about using the patry it's missile could be true. and just looking out at the raindrops, a missile and as a distance about 80 kilometers from the spring and board. your bearing in mind that the patry of the system is a mobile system so it can move. so basically what needs to be done is look for before any sort of parts of that a legit missile on the crash side in order to be able to verify also is a site where is this missile has been fired from and needs to be inspected as well, that would be on the ukrainian territory, so it requires a very complex investigation with both sides working together. um as ironic as it might seem in order to, to investigate what actually happened. and i, i see it as being very difficult because we have seen similar incidents. we're
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a ukrainian artillery missile misfired and the 1st reports were stating that it was a russians until 3 weeks later in the independent commission investigated the crash side. and um, and the area surrounding it to, to find bottom burned earth as a sign that are um and there are 2 system was there. so it is a very complicated matter because we don't have an independent park use that could be deployed and could be allowed to investigate those sites. marina. and i just like to ask you briefly before we go as well, because you, you have followed this for and the situation on the front line so closely continue . just bring us up to date and, and, and perhaps give us your impressions on where things stand, right? now, i mean there's been so much talk about it being at a stalemate. what are your big tech takeaways at this point? it all might take away is that it's not of stalemate and it hasn't been
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a stale means. activity has reduced for awhile, but now we're seeing russian forces a trying to essentially surround of the you've got we, we have seen some claims that they took villages in the south west and in the north . so the situation is very difficult. there is, and there was a village, allegedly taken in the south of boston. what? so it seems like a push along multiple lines of contact with the ukrainian troops. and what the russians are trying to do here is use the time because the ukrainians don't have enough manpower or tillery shell. so the unspoken berg has pointed out in order to offer an effective resistance through the russian push marina, myron military analyst with that take on the situation. thank you so much for joining us to share that perspective. hungry as prime minister victor oregon has expressed his government support for sweden's been to join nato or bond said that
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he had spoken to nato chief in stoughton burke and had urged the parliament in budapest to ratify sweden succession. now hungry is now the only nato member, yet 2 or 3 officially too sweet in joining the alliance after yesterday's vote in turkey. lawmakers there over while me li, approved displayed in session. after stalling for months. that change, of course, came after president rich of ty affair to one publicly, came out in favor of the bed following concessions from sweden over as perceived acceptance of curtis groups that encore of use as terrorist. that's why we see the shelton who is reporting now from brussel. so prime minister, oregon saying quote that he reaffirmed, says, support for sweden's needle membership. does that come as a surprise? this is jasmine array because only yesterday, victoria vaughn has invited his swedish count about with christmas and saying that he would like to hear quote, negotiate together with them. sweden's may to accession. so and then today you'll
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hear that he fully supports this officer phone call. this installed and back there has been a bit of mixed messaging going on with regards to sweden's natal membership by victor, all done before. so he used to say that he wouldn't be the last one to agree to his readings natal membership, but then also changed his tone. and he has been critical against sweden because of critiques against the root of law and hungry. and as i said, so this comes a bit as a surprise right now because of the things or the, the invitation he just has mentioned yesterday, he just spoke out yesterday to the swedish crime in just a christmas. where does all of this lease reasons nato bed? i mean, is it now as good as approved, or where does it stand? so, um, face it stalled and back and all on said that this would, the ne to bid would be agreed on as quickly as possible. and this seems to be as
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soon as the parliamentary convenes and then gary parliament goes to that has to decide on the ratification. and as things are spending right now, they will only reconvene at the last in the last week of february. so there's still a little bit time for speeding to rate. at the same time, it's not quite clear as and this moment whether hungary, the hon. gary and parliament might have an especial meeting to push the ratification over the line or not. so sweden, they'll still have to wait and see to be to richard c, w. c, a shelton and brussel. thank you. and tara some other stories making headlines. the protesters have blocked the highway in jerusalem, demanding the as rarely government negotiate for the release of all hostages. still held in gaza, demonstrators accused to the government 17 during the hostages,
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and it's more with him oss is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has vowed to continue the offensive until her loss has defeated. the us says that it has carried out air strikes in northern rock, targeting 3 facilities linked to a ron back to militia. it follows an attack on in a rocky air base over the weekend, which injured for us personnel. ron aligned to militants, have stepped up a tax on us troops since the start of israel's offensive and gaza. a fast train headed for the tax capital prague has slammed into a truck at a rail, crossing, killing at least one person in injuring 10 others. authorities have opened an investigation into the collision and warrants the number of injured may rise. train drivers have started the longest wheel strike in german history. only very limited time tables will be in operation for 6 days, and many services have been cancelled to walk out to pay and working hours is due
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to end on monday. north korea has followed up its 1st unknown missile launch of the year by firing several cruise missiles into waters near south korea's western coast. so has not confirmed the exact number of missiles filed or their flight details. the launch comes amid a provocative run of weapons demonstrations by po to, to the us, our donald trump has cleared another hurdle in his bid to become the republican domini, in the us presidential race. with almost all of the votes now counted in new hampshire . trump is a head of his soul. rival, nicky, silly by 11 percent of the vote. hailey has vowed to fight on saying the race this far from over. she might be down, but she isn't out of the day a voting mist tends presidential primary,
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hailey, and say such a lovely new hampshire doesn't spell the end game. new hampshire is 1st in the nation. it is not the last of the, this raise is bar for move on to as a poll says a sticking with a it's not over until it's over 25, south carolina. as i said. so i mean again, it's in south carolina to get a show, a lot of people that you should be in this range, but the nice victory speech belonged to donald trump. well, i want to thank everybody. this is a fantastic state. this is a great, great say, you know, we won new hampshire 3 times now 3, the pizza pieces of liquid doubts that the former
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president deserves another to i voted for donald trump, which made the day extra awesome for me. it's a special day and i'm proud to be fair and i'm glad that we're in the 1st primary and united states. i think that the people that are needs to be back in office haley bows to fights on. but so tough to victory looks increasingly narrow. while a trump fight and re much this november a p is ever more like legs, the more we are joins now by a german lawmaker, andrew oman. he is a member of the business friendly f t p, which is a coalition partner in the government and deputy chairman of the german us parliamentary group. welcome to the program and thank you so much for joining us. how is this primary victory for trump being seen here in germany as well?
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of course, 1st of all, thank you very much for the invitation. and of course we're looking at the primaries to the us with a big us the thoughts we are here in germany. i think i could see in europe very much concerned what this means if from this become re elected for the trans atlantic relationships. nevertheless, i think we have also done our lessons learned here in europe and are in tier contact. not only with the democrats in the united states, but also with republicans and in the us, citizens have to decide, of course, who's calling to be the non any uh for the republicans. and of course, for the democrats and then they're still the presidential elections. i mean, you, you said that you've done some work in the meantime when trump was elected the 1st time many european countries did appear to be caught off guard. the leader of the biggest opposition party here in germany has accused your government of being,
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quote, too careless when it comes to another trump presidency that there is a need for a plan b without america. and very quickly, does he have a point? well, i wouldn't agree, i was a part of the delegation in the fall of last year traveling to texas, talking with republicans 3rd uh, the foreign minister and the book. it was their lead of course, of the delegation. and we have very good and very professional talks with the leaders in texas. and of course, the foreign minister and have further talks besides for from on our side as palm materials. but i think this is, it doesn't have any marriage by the opposition party because let me remind you, it is c d u, the chris and democratic union was in the lead of the last time when trump was elected. and there were no talks and that wasn't their responsibility. and of
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course they want to mirror that the same mistake for us, but we're not doing this mistake. so what is the plan thing? i mean, what, what would happen is there example if trump decided to pull the united states out of nato, or if the us started to withdraw its funding and support for the war and ukraine, what is your ups plan? what is germany's plan? well right now, if you look up the numbers, germany is the strong support of ukraine you under european side, in the european union, is even supporting ukraine by um, by monetary funds a lot more than the us. so we're, we're doing our homework and we're increasing the expenditure for the defense and budget here in germany as those other countries as well. because we have a totally different situation as we had in the 1st administration of, from we, we are having a war at the doorsteps of europe, between russia and ukraine. there are, there are concerns on the eastern border of the european union that
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a russian might be aggressive. and i think we are doing a lot of different things that were done about it. years ago, when it comes to defense and you've highlighted it there, less cooperation with the united states would mean more obligations. in fact, for germany, beyond even the scope of, of what is available right now with berlin and really be able to show that. i mean, it has its own budget issues at the moment. budget mess one could say that, well, i wouldn't go that far that we have a budget mess, but we do have a, by our constitution, a rule that there's certain amounts that we can spend. and we cannot spend the situation of an emergency, and then this rule doesn't count and germany can kick in very strongly of course, but this cannot be done by germany alone. that's really clear. and it would be a big pity if the transatlantic relationships will divide due to the us my getting
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out of the data. as i understood, the former president, that he was more concerned that europe was too much laid back. we're not willing to give more money into the defense budget, and that has change. so like it we'll see who's going to win at the end of the day, of course, of the presidency. but i think we could also convince republicans that europe is during their care share. that is necessary. there's no question in my mind. we are talking about a titan vendor in germany. and i think this really shows that we change our politics to a more clear cut, self responsibility. andrew roland, thank you so much for your time. and joining us here in dw news, as we mentioned, you were a member of the business friendly f t p, which is a coalition partner in the government and deputy chairman of the german us parliamentary group. we appreciate it. thank you very much. now and some other news, mongolia and authorities say at least 6 people have been killed and
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a massive gas explosion in the capital of lumber. talk blast occurred after a crash between a car and a truck carrying liquid natural gas. is it in the set of machines? the hub blast rocks, mongolia is capital land guitar. before dawn a car collided with a natural gas tanker setting off a series of explosions. the fireball spread and golfing this apartment blocks some residents barely made it out alive. just as soon as we realized our apartment was on fire, panic set in and we tried to reach the exit. but one of the doors was already engulfed in flames. we had to forcefully break through the other door to escape. dozens of others were able to escape,
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but fire fighters died. battling the blaze. and official says they were hit by flying debris. that's up to the war. well, fire fights as we're trying to extinguish the plains. another explosion went off, the pots of the tongue blew off with great false, resulting in a tragic loss of 3 firefights as a loss. many here know could have been much worse if the blast had happened during busy day time, hours. authorities in south africa have arrested a man in johannesburg after he reportedly confess, to starting a fire that killed more than 70 people. last august, the blaze swept through and abandoned 5 story building, which was rented out illegally. the disaster also left thousands of families homeless, many have been relocated to a newly built, makes shift to shelter that they say is totally unsafe. dw correspondent diane
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hawker visited the site. this form a parking lot is now home to over 100 survivors of the marshall town fire. one of south africa's west recent tragedies. they were relocated to denver assuming industrial area with hardly any shops or schools. and the new temporary homes have no power or indoor plumbing residents. so i'm happy with the conditions. before we came here, we thought this would be a good place, but this is not a good place to stay. when you look at the hygiene and health, it's a problem that we can be. so in delilah is a single mother, and he's worried about her safety and that of her children will call me by my god, hold in that. it's that night we often hear gunshots. there are many gunshots, and it makes me afraid. yeah,
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i also don't feel good about the hygiene here. we have children and it should be clean back to the residence, right, to table to any way when i move by come on, they should and struggle drains and let them know about when i know my, my 3 lack of drains create a bigger problem that the money for the supplement flights on days of the rain. the card was between the corrugated iron checks on narrow and in some cases 4 or 5 people live in a single tiny room. this is one of just for taps that's available to the residents in this area. if you look behind me, the seems to be a rubbish dump that's building up. and this poses a key, a health risk to the people living here, as well as 2 children were playing around this area. more concerning is that this tap today has no water coming out of it. and residents say the tap see a regularly run dry that they have taken the municipality to quote,
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to force it to prove conditions. when we went to court, we won just asking the court to stop what was going on in the us, in the court to recognize these presidents human rights that they actually entitled to dignity. and this was not dignified. the city of johanna said he's a pilot. he says it has done what is required in know in an emergency you will never get it through the accommodation, the a new way. as a short piece of, of, of housing into a c t, which we have, i don't know least, which is know. and we are doing the best with a list of resources that to have the kemp could double in size. that means the pilot t wants to add more effects to accommodate the remaining 5 survivors. as
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authorities at mit, janice book has a major housing crisis. the city attracts thousands of people from across the country and continent looking for work, leaving hundreds of thousands in search of affordable accommodation. and that's what's lead to a situation like the marshal tom tried to do people with nowhere else to go immediately occupying unsafe bully. despite the dangerous many of the people who were relocated to denver, say they'd rather live in the, in the city than here. where they worry that will be forgotten by officials to. now, when a world's 1st scientist have successfully managed to artificially impregnate and endangered white rhino, the aggregate southern white rhino was fertilized in a laboratory and successfully transported, transplanted into a surrogate mother. the breakthrough is being held as a chance to potentially safety related northern white rhino is mother and daughter are the last of their kind in the world. and scientists are hoping they can bring
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this pieces back from the edge of extinction. of next, it is made in germany about container ships and their role in global trade stay with us because the
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maritime trade and tourism can be powerful sources of beacon nomic growth. but they come with greater risk than before. container shipping is vulnerable to both accidents and political conflict. crew ships caused considerable environmental damage. can we still afford these enormous vessels made in germany next on d, w. and then scaling with a virus. germany's volcanic mindful region.
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about 10000 years ago, the volcanoes went quiet. com is something green again, underground. in 45 minutes on d, w, the suspension is lot of sandwich. and he knows how to use this. this guy knows about energy in a way that these as much structures have no idea. it's been pretty clear, especially of way to energy, often tend to be the printer symbol. that's what menu deals for warnings to fix that. but just a glimpse behind the facade of this energy time, tell us,
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gosh, come russia's political weapon starts february, 3rd, on dw, the. whenever you eat a banana, prepare and all of a condo for try on a new pair of jeans. you should know that these goods usually come from far away, who spend weeks on the road and dark containers transported by rail by truck, but mostly on the high seas and lot can happen on their way around the world. that's why shipping containers need to pass crash tests even better would be to avoid accidents with them altogether. also in this episode, how have containers revolutionized read.


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