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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 24, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news, live it from berlin. tonight, a russian military plane crashes close to the ukrainian border. social media video appears to show when the plane went down, pressure and media say at least 65 ukrainian prisoners of war were on board. also going to get denied anger in argentina over the president's economic plans. workers have walked off the job and when it's honest and all across the country, protesting drastic cuts to public spending president harvey and release as the measures are necessary to curve inflation and to revive the economy and a huge explosion. rocks, the mongolia of capital, at least 6 people are killed. and newly aligned to the tar after
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a car crashes into a truck carrying liquids, natural gas, the brake off to our viewers watching on p. b as in the united states. and to all of you around the world, welcome. we begin tonight with many questions surrounding the crash of a russian military transport plane. here's what we know with this our. it happened in the bill garad region of russia close to the border with ukraine. a video posted on social media appears to show the moment that the aircraft crashed. russian officials said that all those on board, including $65.00 ukranian prisoners of war, were killed. the russian foreign ministry has blamed key for shooting down the plain. keep as neither confirmed nor denied this claim as well. for more. now, i want to go to the w as corresponding nick connelly. he is in cave. nick,
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russia blames you. crane for the crash. what is ukraine? say, wait, saying not enough, at least if that's what the kind of ukrainian public opinion if you go by that. most people looking for all it says and not getting a clear one from the government. i think that is understandable, given how sensitive topic of those bruises were a even stay on the on board. the whole topic is emotionally very high up on most ukrainians as priorities we've heard from the doesn't services here. who said that in prison exchange was planned for today. and we had a statement from the minister defense later saying that ukraine will not refrain from attacking military targets over belgrade region near the ukrainian frontier that it would stop because of this. some people have read that as an admission responsibility. others say it is simply about ukraine carrying on defending it, such as manufacturer of which has been a witness to lots of russian tax recently. so no conducive on says. and lots of
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space for speculation, for conspiracy theories, and for lots of different reputations. and nick, what do we know about this prisoner exchange that reported me was planned for today between russia and ukraine of the festival that haven't been any major presenter changes for quite some while now. a strange enough at the beginning of this war, even at times where you have things like books are going on and you know, relations couldn't get much worse, didn't keep most go. we've has seen fairly regular exchanges. people spending a maximum of every 3 for 5 months in captivity before being swapped. certainly much more frequently. time was the case before february 22. and now those are ground to holtz seemingly because of russian reluctance to give those people up. and uh, if the were stating the things go by today, they were planning to hand over large numbers of people, potentially over a 100. and we don't know, we haven't been able to confirm the details on this side. but certainly that's
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something that in ukraine has been very much in that kind of media focus. we've had protests from the relatives, these people, some of whom opinion captivity for over a year. and this is going to be a big, big hit on volume. zalinski is uh, ratings. yeah. and what about the prisoners, if we find that find out that it's true that they were on board, this plane, the crash, i mean, what kind of reaction is most likely to come from the ukranian govern as well as for the granting government, i mean they have pointed to the fact that russia is really not giving much to have access to the red cross southern chest of bodies to ukrainian prisoners held in russia on like ukraine, which has allowed in special inspectors in i think the russian kind of calculation this is that this will do badly for the landscape that this is a way to get people to stop questioning this war. i'm not sure it will. we have seen previous events where ukrainian prisoners in russian occupied churchy, have lost their lives. russia has blamed on ukraine and then the fact shaking later has led people to doubt whether your credit is behind it. and instead of pointing
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the finger at russia, i think those people hearing ukraine tonight think that this was some kind of track made by the russians to get new cranes to hit a plane, but maybe had ukraine prisons on it. or maybe those prisoners weren't even alive, and this is just a way of explaining why they are no longer live. it is a very difficult stretching it tonight, and we have many questions. we have this morning the w as corresponding to connelly, trying to connect the dots for us tonight. nick has always thank you. the united nation says a training center run by it's relief agency for palestinian refugees has been shown during fighting and southern gaza. the facility of hon. eunice was reportedly being used to shelter displaced people. arriving on the media platform x, the director of the relief organization in gaza initially said that the building was a blaze. he posted that safe access to the center, had been denied for 2 days, and that people were tracked, dw special corresponded all you abraham, is in jerusalem and she has more. what we, what we know is what we're told through
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a un spokespeople, are you when a sources it's very difficult to verify ourselves. this information on the ground as access to the gaza strip is usually restricted for journalists, but what we're told by you on sources is that you want training center. that was housing displaced, people, a, supposedly thousands, was struck by tank fire. uh and there, then from there we got very conflicting reports about the number of casualties. first, we heard that there were mask, cor, i'm quoting mass casualties, but then there were reports also from you. one source is that uh the casualties are at about 9 of the displaced people. and we've also additionally heard that a southern and guys as hospitals have been cut off by is really forces is really forced to say that in this general area, there was
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a large concentration of from us fighters. and as such, there was an oper operation. there a military operations going on in the southern got gaza strip that in itself is not surprising. these really army has said that it's moving it's operation from the northern part to the southern part in garza, which now houses hundreds and thousands of people who have escaped from the north to the south. but this is information that is extremely, extremely difficult for us to verify. there was, i mean, they're reporting from jerusalem this, let's take a look now. some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world for testers have blocked the highway in jerusalem, demanding these really government negotiate for the release of all hostages. still held in gossip, demonstrators accused the government of endangering the hostages, and it's more with a moss is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has value to continue the
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offensive until home. us is defeated. us military officials say, who is the rebels from human and have fired 3 anti ship, a ballistic missiles and an american flag container ship in the gulf of aid. and the vessel appears to be one of 2 headings from the gulf into the red sea, which were earlier reported to have turned back after seeing explosions in their bus entity. so back in prime minister robert fix so is in germany before departing for berlin. the pro russian leader met with ukraine's prime minister near keith. now his talks with german transfer, all of sholtes are expected to center around you. crate detail says that he supports keeps bid to join the european union, but not data. a fast train headed for the check and capital prong has slammed into a truck at a railroad crossing, killing at least one person, an injury, 10 others authorities of opened an investigation into the collision they warranted
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. the number of injured me, raw fight to the united states. donald trump has cleared another hurdle in his bid to become the republican presidential nominee. on tuesday, he won the new hampshire primary by and 11 point margin, but is only rival former south carolina governor nikki haley. is valley to fight on saying that the race is far from over. she might be down, but she isn't out of the day, a voting miss tons, presidential primary haley and say such a lovely new hampshire doesn't spell the end game. new hampshire is 1st in the nation. it is not the last of the, this raise is far from over. as a poll says, a sticking with a,
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it's not over until it's over 75, south carolina's and i'd say center. so i mean to get it to me in south carolina to get a shot of people that should be in there. but the nice victory speech belonged to donald trump. well, i want to thank everybody. this is a fantastic state. this is a great, great say, you know, we won new hampshire 3 times now 3, the pizza pieces of leaking down that the former president deserves another to i voted for donald trump, which made the day extra awesome for me. it's a special day and i'm proud to be fair and i'm glad that we're in the 1st primary and united states. i think that the people that are needs to be back in office haley bows to fights on. but so tough to victory
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looks increasingly narrow. while a trump bite and re much this november a p as, as a mo, like, like, the, with the w's. janelle to malone is reporting from new hampshire. the state primary was considered one of nikita bailey's best shots at the feeding trough. i asked her what went wrong indeed, it really was thought that she had comparatively better. chances are here in new hampshire than in iowa. in new hampshire, of course, you have an electorate that is much more moderate with you, with a larger proportion of undeclared voters. but nikki haley, she really failed to capture the poor republican voters, the party faithful, and in the end they were just much more enthusiastic about trump. then halley supporters for about hailey and exit polls so that especially voters who thought
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immigration was a major issue. resolve niggly back trump and, and up totally bred. i can tell you and talking to many voters here, the border and illegal immigration really is top of mind. there is this wide perception here that joe biden has lost control of the southern border that illegal immigration has become a full blown crisis. and donald trump has the means to regain control of the situation. loading, of course we're on new hampshire. this is the north eastern part of the country, nowhere near the southern border, but that hasn't stopped voters from worrying about it over here. and donald's vestiges about it has clearly resonated with them and that has helped them to a win here in the state. it was dw, is janelle demo, and they're reporting from new hampshire well from north to south. american argentinians are holding a large demonstration in the capital of when it's out is over. controversial, economic reforms announced by the countries, the president, hobby or malay. thousands of workers are taking part in a 12 hour strike,
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also voicing their opposition to planned reforms that are expected to amend the countries labor laws relates government has slashed public spending and de valued. the country's currency arguing the difficult overhauls are necessary. after years of over spending that have left the country and purchased or say that the changes have made life for those already struggling even harder. forcing many to ask for help. this is the largest shantytown in buenos aires. alejandro lopez grew up here where she runs the soup kitchen finance by the city council. and the last month, food prices have increased by nearly 50 percent so many people now want to eat here. but other hunter had to start a waiting list. and people who haven't been here before,
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ask if we have space for them. and those already here ask if they can have more food. some neighbors say they come to the soup kitchen because they can only afford proper meals for their children. once a member of the opposition party, i look under says she does not regret voting for how do you emulate don't come yet, but he was a candidate who spoke about what the future could be like the in one or 6. but nobody believed he could have such a big impact on this. i've got to be in such a short amount of time that i left him in the kitchen cooks with donations from the authorities in buenos aires, the central government does not make any contributions. louisa, up and down ya was a cleaner sheets at the kitchen with her husband and grand daughter. and like i said, we don't have enough money when we have to do with the milk and yoga class and only buy it once in a while. but i have no nice that doesn't. louisa did not vote from
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a lady who came to power on a promise to turn around the economy. danielle, he's right on many things, but not on the other. i don't agree that we the workers, the pool should pay for the mistakes of the politicians for police because one of my lease force moves was to remove price controls in certain products like food and fuel that had kept them affordable. that's an installation soaring that got in yet so many to buy influencing argentina's entire pricing system. in fact, you know, we would inevitably have new prices. so what if i noticed the expectation is that by we forming the countries from a macro economy, the economy would stabilize and yeah, and in the end, also the prices and they don't want a well expert to agree that prices have to be adjusted. they say it has to happen slowly, not suddenly the government sees the initiative. it took the bull by the
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horns, and it seems to me that by doing everything owners, once a not providing quicker help to those who needed most, the shock was too much. and perhaps the reaction was too slow. many families experienced on questionnaire which could perhaps have been avoid deterministic, excessively known to be done. in january the malay government released more funding to help those suffering under the reforms. but that is not stopping to cues. frank, rolling at kitchens like this for condo. iglesia is a journalist for the board as hard as harold. he tells me more about what is at stake for these protesters, so that the main reasons are well, we could say to 1st, the 13 mature step. have you intermediate loan to the day he took a piece and then to very in my seat pieces of legislation which are making
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a decree. and so cool, i'll meet with you at both pieces of legislation seek to gravely reshape that pace of that. i couldn't find space and have more even more of 30 measures within what he promised to do these when he was running for president. and so the people were seeing protests right now, do they represent a large minority in the country or what are their numbers? what so, okay, so we have hundreds of thousands of working off workers, sorry, from different unions and people that win by their own marketing congress. and yes, lake still has a lot of popular support. uh, the last survey i sold, which was actually the, let's call the previous. so it'd be said that 63 percent of i convenience still supported late, even though he's out there with the mission. the thing is there's up. i mean,
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she promised to launch of 30 miss shores, but she said that the, the police, the case of sort of no t actually said the police because the case will pay for the semester or not the general public. and what he's doing is actually making the general public for the piece of therapy measures. uh, for instance, that the motivation at which was, i'm more that he developed the base a for more than 50 percent. right. that really increase inflation. we have uh, i mean place on the right that we haven't seen scenes at 1991. so what, what does that mean that in, for ordinary people in argentina, what's happening to them as well as the only december beef prices have gone up more than 50 percent points. that's uh, that's uh, keowee mosquito. what's happening also the degree which is already in force rebuild
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the rental, which regulated rental prices. so for instance, if you want to rent an apartment now, you can see that uh the ads are in us dollars unless you pay for us any more. because you can uh do make contracts from any currency, even deep clean if you want. but the theme, uh, yeah, uh right. the prices have gone up and uh for, for, for instance, the new omega spiel 6 to make even part of the cuts to things like a popular libraries which are uh, keep get by the state or lake and patients. um, more, more workers in the state uh he wants to fire more workers in the state, which he has already started doing. uh, that kind of thing like a very uh, complex um, federal work study package, which he says he's the only way to fix or dns, dns and problems,
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right. he said um several times there will be pain before there is gain a condo glass and when his art is for kind of we appreciate you giving us the latest. thank you. south african police have a rest of the manage your hand as burg after he reportedly confess, to starting a fire that killed more than 70 people. last august, the police and swept through in a band and fine story building which was rented out illegally. the disaster also left dozens of families homeless. many had been relocated to a newly built make shift shelter that they say is totally unsafe. dw corresponded diane hawker visited the site in this form, a parking lot is now home to over 100 survivors of the marshall town fire. one of south africa's west recent tragedies. they were relocated to denver, assuming industrial area, with hardly any shops or schools. the new temporary homes have no power
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for indoor plumbing residents, so i'm happy with the conditions. before we came here, we thought this would be a good place, but this is not a good place to stay. when you look at the hygiene and health, it's a problem that we can be. so in delilah is a single mother and he's worried about her safety and that of her children will call me by my god for the matter except night. we often hear gunshots. there are many gunshots, and it makes me afraid. yeah, i also don't feel good about the hygiene here. we have children and it should be clean back to the residence, right? the table to any way when i move, come on, they should install drains and let them know about when i know my, my thing. the lack of drains create a big problem that in mind, for the supplement flights on days or save you raid the car to was between the
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corrugated iron checks on narrow and in some cases 4 or 5 people live in a single tiny room. this is one of just for taps that's available to the residents in this area. if you look behind me, the seems to be a rubbish dump that's building up. and this poses a key, a health risk to the people living here, as well as 2 children were playing around this area. more concerning is that this tap today has no water coming out of it and raise it and say the taps here regularly run dry. if they have taken the municipality to quote, to force it to prove conditions. when we went to court, we went just asking the court to stop what was going on in the us in the court to recognize these a president's human rights that they actually entitled to dignity. and this was not
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dignified. the city of japan as the pilot, he says it has done what is required in know in an emergency you will to navigate it through the accommodation, the a new way. as a short piece of, of, of housing into a c t which we have at least, which is no. and so we are doing the best with the lives of resources that you have . the kemp could double in size, the municipality wants to add more effects to accommodate the remaining 5 survivors . as authorities admit to having this book has a major housing crisis, the city attracts thousands of people from across the country and continent looking for work, leaving hundreds of thousands in search of affordable accommodation. and that's what's lead to a situation like the marshal tom tried to do people with nowhere else to go, the occupying unsafe bully despite the dangerous many of the people who were
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relocated to denver, say they'd rather live in the, in the city than here, with a worry that will be forgotten by officials. i was dying of hawker reporting mongolia. at least 6 people have been reported been killed in a massive gas explosion in the capital of we learned by tart. the blast occurred after a crash between a car and truck carrying liquid natural gas. in the set of machines, the hub blast rocks, mongolia is capital land guitar. before dawn to buy a car collided with a natural gas tanker setting off a series of explosions. the fireball spread engulfing this apartment block. some residents barely made it out alive. just as soon as we
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realized our apartment was on fire, panic set in and we tried to reach the exit. but one of the doors was already engulfed in flames. we had to forcefully break through the other door to escape dozens of others were able to escape, but fire fighters died. battling the blaze. and official says they were hit by flying debris. that's up to the to do was well, fire fighters were trying to extinguish the planes. another explosion went off. the pots of the tank could blew off with great false, resulting in a tragic loss of 3 firefights as a loss. many here know could have been much worse if the blast had happened during busy daytime hours. now for a story about surrogacy against extinction in a world 1st,
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scientists had successfully managed to artificially impregnate and endangered white rind. out of the egg of the southern white rhino was fertilized in a laboratory and successfully transplanted into a sarah getting mother. the breakthrough was being held as a chance to potentially save the related northern white rhino. this mother and daughter are the last of their kind on the planet. scientists are hoping that they can, thanks to this arrogant mother, bring the species back from the edge of extinction. this is a reminder now of our top stories. a russian military transport plane has crashed close to the border with ukraine, russian media, quote, the ministry of defense saying that at least $65.00 people were on board including ukrainian prisoners of war. thousands of origin times have enjoyed a nationwide strike to protest. president heavier malays proposed economic reforms . they're angry about plans to slash public spending and do you regulate the
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economy? president believes as the measures are needed to curve storing inflation and to boost economic growth. you're watching the w, and here's why, from berlin, after a short break, i'll be back to take you through the day tonight, the imposter, and the 2 old man. the road to the white house will be right back the
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landscape with aspiring germany's volcanic mindful regions about 10000 years ago. the volcanoes went quiet on is something green again, on the ground. in 45 minutes on d, w the
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the and the circle to the special hot spots in germany 0 dw, extremely worth a bit world in progress. pop calls to everyone who wants to know more about this topic. second, then of about the stories beyond the headline world in progress. the w cuts cost the cases an applicant, do they have good was i when i told me that they don't have violence. and we go say colson tissue, today's because then they go to that. who set up to, you know,
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medical people watch stuff with car bama installed. all right, so not because the the is the new hampshire primary. this is, haley lost a donald trump. the margin was smaller than expected, and hailey is not giving up for the 52 year old. the campaign to win, the white house has come down to her against 2 old men, trump and by renewing the country versus repeating the past. well, the next stop is hailey's home state, south carolina, and this will be make or break. healey cannot afford to lose their and the south carolina's former governor. she should have a huge advantage against drop. but the polls show she does it and bring golf and berlin. this is the day the.


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