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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  January 24, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm CET

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lovigno mailed home the last one, the tenant, otherwise or not, because the the is the new hampshire primary. this is haley lost at donald trump. the margin was smaller than expected, and hailey is not giving up for the 52 year old. the campaign to win. the white house has come down to her against 2 old men. trump invite and renewing the country versus repeating the past. well, the next stop is hailey's home state, south carolina, and this will be make or break. healy cannot afford to lose their. and the south carolina's former governor. she should have a huge advantage again strong. but the polls show, she does it. i bring coughing berlin, this is the day the
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amendment is going to do just is go down there in south carolina. he's got a paste, and he is on track. he is the only one who cannot be bought and sold and to honesty is what we need right now. it's a good result for both trump and for hailey, cuz the problem is in the late. but haley is doing surprisingly well. i think she's the best candidate. i'm afraid trump is this too much k us and too much about him is that that she's a bad person to just do you need experience, we need trump in there. honestly, i am undecided between you if you with the of our choice between 10 to 4 or 5 also coming up the pain before the game to 6 weeks on the job and argentine as president javier malay is keeping his campaign, promises with drastic spending carts and he has a warning for countries living beyond their means. obviously like i am here today to tell you a feeling that the west is in danger to. and it's in danger because those who are
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supposed to defend the values of the west, you'll see that they find themselves co opted by a world view that inexorably lament that leads to socialism and consequently to poverty. a body shop for to our viewers watching on cbs in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome. we'd begin the day with the impostor running for you as president, and the 2 old men standing in her way. in a nutshell, this is the state of the race for the white house, in the words of the 2 republicans, nikki haley and donald trump, hoping to see the incumbent democrat job i. a tuesday. donald trump, one of the new hampshire primary beating nikki haley by a margin of about 10 to 11 points. haley did not concede defeat, however, is dead. she doubled down on her campaign mantra that both the trump and biden closer to the age of 80, to the age of 70, no longer fit the bill to be us president. she's spinning her hopes on the next
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primary and her home state of south carolina. on tuesday night, trump lashed out at hayley, calling her an impostor week on immigration. tough on protecting the status quo in washington, a claim republicans in south carolina, or apparently buying staples show trump with a comfortable lead over haley. she might be down, but she isn't out of the day a voting mist tends presidential primary. haley unsafe such a loss in new hampshire doesn't spell the end game. new hampshire is 1st in the nation. it is not the last and the this race is bar for move on to as a poll says, a sticking with a it's not over until it's over 25,
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south carolina the next day. so i mean again, it's in south carolina to get the people that you should be in there. but the nice victory speech belonged to donald trump. well, i want to thank everybody. this is a fantastic state. this is a great, great say, you know, we want new hampshire 3 times now 3. the pizza pieces of liquid doubts that the former president deserves another to i voted for donald trump, which made the day extra awesome for me. it's a special day and i'm proud to be fair and i'm glad that we're in the 1st primary and united states. i think that the people that are needs to be back in office haley bows to fight tone. but so tough to victory
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looks increasingly narrow. while a trump fight and re much this november a p is ever more like legs the are. we're joining me here at the studio now. is brendan, when he's with the bertelsmann foundation, where he is with the foundations, europe's future program. and he is also from the good state of south carolina. i understand it is good to have you with this. i mean, yes. so let's, let's putting you in the, into the store, your, in american, you're working on this project about your future. so what would a 2nd, trump presidency? what would it mean for europe's future? it would mean quite a lot, and i think that's something that your opinions really have to wake up to that as a potential reality. that's really just around the corner. the time is going by quickly. all you have to do is take a look at the heritage foundations plans for a, you know, in their project to 2025,
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which is an unprecedented presidential administration transition plan. if you look at the mandate for leadership, which is essentially the, the leading document is a part of this project. it outlines very clearly what republican policy emissions are when it comes to energy policy, trade policy, security, it would have severe impacts for europeans. so it would be, it would be similar to what we saw, the 1st term, just more of it and more hard core. i think it would be significantly worse and were when you look at, for example, if you look at the trade chapters, these are written by peter navarro, who is a former trade advisor to trump. he's one of the only advisors who allows did the entire presidency from 2017 to 2021. if you look at the language that's included there, they believed that they did not have the right people in place the 1st time around in order to really get trumps agenda off the ground. and they're making plans now. but the right people in place. well, we know that
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a lot can happen between now and november, so it says, let's look at where things stand right now. so trump beat haley in new hampshire. the margin was smaller than expected. 1011 points. how did you read that to? i think it was to be anticipated to a certain degree all science pointed to trump walking away from new hampshire with a victory. of course, if you look at it, just it's made up on paper. it isn't. yes, she experienced a big bump. but if you take a step back, there are a few things to play. if you go back to the i will caucus last week course we had 3 candidates in the race, randa sentenced dropped out of that race pretty quickly thereafter. that's one thing. the other important thing to consider is the state of new hampshire itself. it's a very different state than iowa. and honestly, it's a bit of an oddball in the region of new new england. for example, it's, it's highly, politically diverse for, for the, for the region. for example, if you look at the us senate, you have 2 democratic senators in back you saw in june shaheen. i was
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a former start. i spent a bit of time in gigi and stuff. several years ago. you didn't have the republican governor interesting new. mm hm. so you don't see that very often that's very uncommon. and apparently donald trump was expecting nikki haley last night to, to follow her on the sanchez's lead and to throw in the towel. but she didn't do that, and trump was visibly ticked off by. this is take a listen to what he said last night. this is not your typical victory speech clip. let's that have somebody take a victory. when she had a very bad night. she had a very bad, like i said, i can go up and i do say to everybody, oh thank you for the victory is wonderful. it's what or i can go up and say, who the hell was the impostor? set. what up on the stage before, and like playing the victory, she did very poorly actually. but the only person more angry than let's say me, but i don't get too angry. i get even. so i could say the candidate doth
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protest too much me thinks, i mean is how did you read it? i mean, he was, he was, i rate i read into it like you eat what you've seen over the past several years. i mean it, did you notice who's behind? it's tim scott, the senator from south carolina. he's not standing behind nikki haley on stage, raising your hand saying we're going to south carolina together. we're going to pull this thing, pull this thing through. and so he's standing by and from, during his victory speech, him all right. i mean you're from south carolina. i mean, i am a born and raised, oh yeah, any. and so it did not because you know, case that you can look at is it says a lot about the republican party, both sides of your senators, are donald trump, then. right. that's true. yeah. well, to certain extent, if you look at lindsey graham, for example, he's a perfect example of what i think nikki haley is experiencing now. mm hm. uh. back in 2015 in 2016. he came out fervently against trump when he was then candidate. yep. he's come out against him several times during his presidency. he's known for
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seats on his positions in a tory as we um. but what you see is it's still has a very strong consequences for his, for lindsey graham space in south carolina. even recently, there was a riley down in south carolina where he was essentially booed off stage, and trump had to come down and call him the ground. of course he took advantage of the moment and said up for lindsey you were last, but now your file. yeah, yeah, it looks like the messiah. yeah, yeah, no, it's not a surprise. i want you to take a listen to to what i'm nikki haley said last night with the numbers came in with donald trump. you have one bout of chaos after another. for a lot of people, politics is way to 1st and it's not personal for me. i voted for trump twice, or i decided to run because i'm worried about the future of our country. and because it's time to put the negative any and chaos behind us. all right,
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so that seems reasonable, but we know that the stakes are going to be even higher for her in south carolina. and she said she was a to term governor of south carolina. she should have the home state advantage there, but the opinion polls show that she does and why don't. why. why is that? what's for a number of reasons? again, it speaks to the state of the republican party. this is still very much trumps party. and you know, when she goes to south carolina, i mean, honestly, i think looking at new hampshire, she was probably in friendly or territory among republicans in new hampshire. then what awaits her in south carolina next month. and i look at the, i mean, of course you mentioned the polls. i think trump is at about 62 percent right now. he experienced a big bump in the last few days here. that's way better than what he was experiencing going into new hampshire. and this week, look at the south carolina state leadership. you've got governor and big master, you've got the upper echelon of, of south carolina's state government standing on see what stage with trump at
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recent ro, easily to not only endorsing trump, but actively speaking out against the kayla's english. this despite the fact that south carolinians voted twice for her to be their governor, or that's true. um, i think our support possibly waned over 9 before she went on to become un investor . but it's true if we end up having a rematch of donald trump enjoy body november. it will happen against the wishes of the american people. i mean, all of the polls show us that the majority of americans do not want to see the 3 match, but that's what we're going to get probably in your work. how did you explain this to you? repeat is particularly when you are both sides of the land that you have this, this claim now that the system is broken and that the politicians don't speak for us anymore. well, unfortunately in the united states, if you look at public opinion pulling on several policy issues, whether it be abortion, whether it be a gun regulation,
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unfortunately the wishes of the american people are not always translated into policy. so it's unfortunately just a fact of the fact of the matter when we're explaining to europeans now, especially in the context of, of the election. the, the focuses primarily on the policy objectives of the potential republican ministration. coming in, in january 2025, dotted. that is very much the focus in something that we're trying to, to really bring home. are you hearing people say here in europe that they don't want to see trump as president? again, as much as they're saying that they would prefer that there was another choice other than j by as well. i mean, if you look at new hampshire, again, kind of a strange scenario. how this primary, well, it was an unsanctioned primary took place. it says a lot that ju button was not on the ballot in a grass roots campaign. pushed me literally individuals how to write his name onto
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ballad in order for him to be his name wasn't on the ballot executive, some clash with the exact right. the other story but the exactly, so she still walked away, it was 51 percent of the vote. and i think that actually is, is a strong sign that you know is there, there's still support there. so it is, what is it saying? would you say your state, south carolina, is it gonna say yes to trump? no, to nikki haley? i i believe so. okay. for any born with the bertelsmann foundation. good to have you here in the studio with this. thank you. great to see you. thank you. thank you for jeanine's have held a huge demonstration in the capital, but his art is over controversial. economic reforms announced by the countries, the president hobby or malay thousands of workers joined to 12 hours striking, wasting their opposition to planned reforms that are expected to amend the countries labor laws relates government in slash to public spending and the value
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of the country's currency arguing the difficult overalls are necessary after years of overspending that have left the country in the one doing now by ramiro, tennessee, an economist and a former arches indian under secretary of finance e, as in boy in his art is mister, tells me it's good to have you with us on this wednesday, a president malay has been president for just 6 weeks, and now the country is bracing for the 1st general strike of his presidency. 260 flying, so i understand they've been canceled by ever leaving us argentina's. i mean thousands of travelers re impacted by this explained to our viewers. why is this strange happening now? i ben, i hope to see you again. yes, i see mentioned a trip to the old or have you been that he has to his 1st strike, which is the most out of the size to at least if you can see their history. but if you're taking into consideration there's a non, because
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a month we cannot make situation nurturing dina is, was of what kind of productivity violation because we member, god bless the inflation the went on there. let's say you have to fight the space on the block. this the was 211 percent sports. what's the process? even the labor no need for nation and they need to be sitting in december the 1st month of general annual life for us it is 80 was 25 percent. so at the same time, most of the workers do they have, let's say you have recovery in that way too. so it's very so not the frustration. and i'm going to because of the face to face inflation on the russians on facebook chasing file. what else? the salaries last week president in the late spoke at the world economic forum in davos, switzerland. he had some tough words for the west. take a listen to part of what he said. well usually i am here today to tell you
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a feeling that the west is in danger. it's in danger because those who are supposed to defend the values of the west, new york city, and they find themselves co opted to stop by a world view that inexorably remains, leads to socialism and consequently to property a body. so no say they do not let yourselves be intimidated by the political cast and by the parasites that live off the state. now do not surrender to a political class that only wants to perpetuate itself in power and maintain its privileges. use the, the political cast and the parasites that he's talking about there. is he talking about the people who are striking and bringing the country to a standstill a lot. that's an interesting question. because if you see during the con pains, most of the people thought that the cost was mainly the political part is the way to empower for the last 20 years. and so, but sometimes when he complains about, for example, the, the lane that proving that albany was being that she sent to the congress. he's
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also talking about, let's say, some entropy knows some other uh, associations, some people that are complaining because of the inputs as these of these deals. so i thought really this call and said, you'll see a big role there that co lead. let's say that for me to call a 5 piece it's in itself. is president malays policy of what he says is fiscal responsibility. is it even possible in argentine to i mean, he seems to think that this kind of tough love government is an endangered species . he's not only in argentina, but also all across the west in the united states, and also here in europe. but so let me start with your home country argentina. is it even possible as well? if you take into consideration the history of fiscal adjustment, i can see that there is no previous experience. often message based on the adjustment like the one that they may be related to these patients trying to pass.
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and the congress was talking about 5 closer to each points. only name here, you know, there to get to there. it can be very or in the, in the public accounts. if you take into consideration that another fiscal of jasmine, or even in another should markets or he ban, let tell you in developing countries, there's no such lights, a blue color chosen each. and that's sure feet of those times. so it would be really challenging. even if they all mean was really spastic, and the quote was, what i'm wondering and you know, this isn't for people who are not economists on. is it the, the economics that are, are the problem here, or is it the politics? and i know when you were under secretary for finance, you resigned as did your colleagues because there was a clash with the way that the government was was headed. is the politics. what makes the economics many times in argentina not work. why?
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that's an interesting question. bed because of politics sounded calling to be able to tell you a link together. so i'm sorry, you may think that you, you are able to to tag saw me conducting research. but if you like this, what do you think of support? to implement that, let's say it's a real problem. so i think that in the m, i believe me, it's of, if he's got a task man, will be to, to enter the congress. and we will see is how the army, larry has the chance to effectively put this adjustment in practice or not. and, and what about the powers that be in congress? i mean, are they willing to work with the president at least in, in, for the time be as well. uh, we structured that this is important that uh the government trust postpone, let's say the bill for next tuesday. so this is
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a sign now that they do have to tell you enough for the because for bar to start this session tomorrow, i think it was planned before. so i think that during these days they will try to get some new alliances, some new concessions in order to get these bill passing congress. next week, i understand too there's a bill for on a expanding how many people pay income taxes in argentina and according to to the bill. it is a very progressive taxation system which sounds reasonable. what's your opinion? what are the chances about becoming a reality? well that's uh, i mean, interesting debate here so much and seeing that because remember that at 3 your to the 2nd round or the by the attacks, you know, to be enough for him. but it can be, they can diminish if it going to be such a mess of spastic view. we leave me nice to the way the thing for the tax. it's only now applies to nearly $80000.00 employer. so obviously they'd be incomes guys
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. so now that they call the new bushes has to be submitted, it goes a 3 gain. let's say that for you see retail assisted us. your patience is to take the call, the type arrest, the thoughts and stuff around old, the war, or even always the, the countries is well founded. that nice, let's say the best uh, type of tax i show that you have to be in place and that countries. and do you, do you think it's going to work? in argentina? i seen that there will be support because uh, from one side of it say from the political stand point. you said it's the correct move on the, on the other side, if you see, let's say that they are, there's, do they support that is may have it's kind of mainly from golder notice because these tax is distributed between the nation and they probably, it says so they will obviously support base because they,
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we gain some of the revenues that they lost when this bill was passed last year. okay. economy really tells me joining us tonight for me. but as our, as mr. toasting, we appreciate your time and your analysis. thank you. thank you. you was a pleasure but let's come back here to europe now where the european union is keeping up with port operators and a war on illegal drugs. there been huge increases in the amount of cocaine entering the cotton and the reports in belgium and the netherlands in recent years. and that is prompted the you to start a new project to find back against the drug criminal. these might look like the sleepy will to ways of your shipping trade, but and what port has become a hot bed of some of the world's most lucrative criminal activity. pressure has been steadily ramping up on your p and politicians to act to tackle the drug gangs operating. here. we have joining forces here today because it takes
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a network to fight a network. so that's why here today we launched your p imports alliance success this against criminals. the one port alone with only means driven us move to other ports. criminals have reportedly been handing out hundreds of thousands of your raising bribes to port workers and threatening them in their families to gain access to shipments. the dot support of roof to them is another key focus of the project. schools that people have the shuttle boomed in drug gang violence in belgium, the netherlands, and across the european union in recent years, including the motives of famous investigative employers, as well as innocent children, quotes in the crossfire, customs officials here and on to. busy seized a $116.00 fires in kilos of cocaine last year. coming in on ships from all over the world. there was another new yearly record for the port. a veteran mines. that's just what's being seized. not what's getting passed. the customs officials,
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the gangs of bringing the drugs in from latin america, mainly equitable and colombia, the polt alliance comprises of european politicians port most as shipping companies and security firms when human lives. i'd consider it being just a tool in a look that's if that's the true mental business. should we be surprised if that's the level of violence? so bossing the images of must feel type, serious. and this, the stronger the hutch wins, the more creative collaborative bolt is supportive. we need to be your pin for 2 lines. projects is a bite increasing cooperation between your national customs and law enforcement to authorities. it wants to use technology like containers scanners to boost security, but officials wouldn't make too many details public in order to prevent criminals from being informed of the plans. the task ahead is titanic. the european official
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was no, despite requires more than just to nudge as well. the day continues on line. you'll find this is x also known as twitter, and on youtube, the w news. you can follow me to bring golf tv and remember whatever happens between now and then, tomorrow is another day. we'll see you then everybody, the
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landscape with a fiery germany's volcanic mindful region. about 10000 years ago, the volcanoes went quiet. calm is something green again, on the ground, in 15 minutes on the w, maritime trade and tourism can be powerful sources. the beauty nomic growth, but they come with greater risk than before. container shipping is vulnerable to
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goes back, accidents and political conflict. crew ships caused considerable environmental damage. can we still afford these enormous vessels made in germany? in 19 minutes on d w. the lenient stream is salinas rice regression being healthy rate and burned in south africa. people with disabilities more likely to believe that jobs are lack, lives matter, protest, shine, a spotlight on racially motivated police by same sex marriage has been legalized and more and more discrimination. and we all because like,
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instead of the so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and want different things from life and your parents. i just want to pursue what steps my so on fire or you think you kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable, all stuff. i want my son to become a doctor to in the clouds. it's time to to us. and then when generations class this we d, w, the,
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the, the, this is, do you ever, you news live it from berlin tonight, a russian military plane has crashed close to the ukrainian border. social media video appears to show when the plane went down russian media. so you at least $65.00 ukrainian prisoners of war were on board. also coming up tonight, angry and argentina over the president's economic plans. workers walking off the job and when it's out us and across the country to protest the drastic cuts, the public spending president javier malay says the measures are necessary to curb inflation and to revive the economy and hope for the northern white rhino with only 2 females. left alive, we'll look at the scientific.


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