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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 24, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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the, the, this is either you news live it from berlin tonight, a russian military plane has crashed close to the ukrainian border. social media video appears to show when the plane with dell oppression media say at least 65 ukrainian prisoners of war were on board. also coming up to night, angry and argentina over the president's economic plans, workers walking off the job and when it's out us and across the country to protest the drastic cuts, the public spending president javier malay says the measures are necessary to curb inflation and to revive the economy and hope for the northern white rhino with only 2 females left alive. we'll look at the scientific breakthrough that could save
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this bases from the brink of extinction. the hybrid golf is going to help you with this on this wednesday. and we begin with many questions surrounding the crash of a russian military transport plane. now here's what we know at this hour. it happened in the bill garad region of russia close to the border with you, great. a video posted on social media appears to show the moment that the plane went down. russian officials say that all those on board, including $65.00 ukranian prisoners of war, were killed. the russian foreign ministry has blamed chief for shooting down the plain. steve has neither confirmed nor denied this claim to so russia is blaming ukraine. what is new crane saying? i put the question to our corresponded nick connelly in t white saying not enough,
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at least if that's what that kind of ukrainian public opinion. if you go by that, most people looking for all it says and not getting a clear one from the government. i think that is understandable, given how sensitive topic of those bruises were a, even if they aren't on board. the whole topic is emotionally very high up on most ukrainians as priorities we've heard from the doesn't services here. who said that in prison exchange was planned for today. and we had a statement from the ministry defense later saying that ukraine will not refrain from attacking military targets over bill good region near the ukranian frontier that it would stop because of this. some people have read that as an admission responsibility. others say it is simply about the ukraine carrying on defending the cities manufacturer of which has been a witness to lots of russian text recently. so know conducive on says and lots of space for speculation, for conspiracy theories and for lots of different reputations. and nick,
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what do we know about this prisoner exchange that reported me was planned for today between russia and ukraine. first of all, that haven't been any major present or changes for quite some while now. strange enough at the beginning of this war, even at times where you have things like books are going on and your relations couldn't get much western cape must go. we've has seen fairly regular exchanges. people spending a maximum of maybe 345 months in captivity before being swapped. certainly much more frequently. time was the case before february 22. and now those are ground to holtz seemingly because of russian reluctance to give those people up. and if the were statements things go by today, they were planning to hand over large numbers of people potentially over a 100. and we don't know, we haven't been able to confirm the details on this side. but certainly that's something that in ukraine, it has been a very much in that kind of media focus. we've had protests from the relatives,
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these people, some of whom opinion captivity for over a year. and this is going to be a big, big hit on volume. zaleski is uh, ratings. yeah. and what about the prisoners? if we find that, find out that it's true that they were on board this plan, the crash. i mean, what kind of reaction is most likely to come from the ukranian government? well, as for the grand government, i mean, they have pointed to the fact that russia is really not giving much to have access to the red cross southern chest of bodies to ukrainian prisoners held in russia on like ukraine, which has allowed in special inspectors in. i think the russian kind of calculation this is that this will do badly for the landscape of this is a way to get people to stop questioning. this will, i'm not sure it will. we have seen previous events where ukrainian prisoners in russian occupied surgery have lost their lives. russia has blamed on ukraine and then the fact shaking later has led people to doubt whether you credit is behind it . and instead of pointing the finger at russia, i think those people hearing ukraine tonight think that this was some kind of track
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made by the russians to get new cranes to hit a plane, but maybe has ukraine prisons on it. or maybe those prisoners weren't even alive, and this is just a way of explaining why they are no longer live. it is a very difficult stretching it tonight, and we have many questions. we have this morning the w as corresponding to connelly, trying to connect the dots for us tonight. nick is always thank you. the united nation says a training center one, buying its relief agency for a pell, as they need refugees, has been shown during fighting and southern gaza. the facility at han, eunice was reportedly being used to shelter, displaced people, riding on the media platform, x the director of the relief organization in gaza initially said the building was a blade c posted that save access to the center had been denied for 2 days and that people were trapped. the dw special correspondents, are you abraham in jerusalem has more what we, what we know is what we're told through a un spokespeople. are you when
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a sources it's very difficult to verify ourselves. this information on the ground as access to the gaza strip is usually restricted for journalists. but what we're told by you one source is that you in training center, that was housing displaced people, a supposedly thousands, was struck by tank fire. uh and there, then from there we got very conflicting reports about the number of casualties. first, we heard that there were mask, cor, i'm quoting mass casualties, but then there were reports also from un sources that the casualties are at about 9 of the displaced people. and we've also additionally heard that southern and guys as hospitals have been cut off by is really forces is really forced to say that in this general area, there was a large and concentration of how much a fighters and as such,
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there was an oper operation. there are military operations going on in the southern guns, gaza strip that in itself is not surprising. these really army has said that it's moving it's operation from the northern part to the southern part in gaza, which now houses hundreds and thousands of people who have a ski from the north to the south. but this is information that is extremely, extremely difficult for us to verify to. there was a bring him reporting from jerusalem. let's take a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world . turkeys president, richard, tire of air. the wine has welcomed his reading and the counterpart abraham are easy in the capital. one corrupt the countries are major players in the middle east. at their talks, the leaders discuss the war and gaza and agreed on the need to avoid steps that would further threaten stability in the region. who the rebels in yemen say they have struck a us of worship that was protecting 2 commercial vessels in the gulf of age and
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a who, the military spokesman said the ship was hit directly and the ships it was protecting were forced to withdraw. earlier us officials said the who these had fired 3 ballistic missiles at an american flag, the container ship or so walk in prime minister robert feeds. so is in germany now before departing for berlin. the pro russia leader met with you greens. prime minister near keith is talks with german chancellor o. f sholtes are expected to center around ukraine. feed so says that he supports keeps bid to join the european union, but not native labor unions in argentina are striking to protest. president heavier malays proposed economic reforms. they are angry about his plans to slash public spending and to deregulate the economy a late and says doing so is necessary to curb inflation and to restore economic
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growth. but many fear the measures that will hurt ordinary workers. the most major challenge for emily in the heart of argentina, thousands are on strike and demonstrating in front of the congress and boy, and those are as they are here to publicly reject austerity measures proposed by the countries. right wing, the libertarian president javier malay. they feared the reforms will set the country back decking the property at 56 years old. i can tell you that i have already experienced this. it was in 2001. i'm not ashamed to say that we ate from the golf age back then. we have to bond to to suffice. i feel this difficult history will return to watch and tina. that's why i'm here for my family, for my colleagues, for my daughters. and so my grandchildren argentinians have already been
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grappling with storing installation. but under the countries, new president living conditions are quickly deteriorating. the call to strike came for margins. tina's largest labor union, they say proposed amendments to laws would weaken worker protections of dramatic cuts and public spending will further high cup prices. look, i don't think that we want to challenge the politics at play here. can be called on deputies to act in line with what the majority wants. talk folk for a little that goes against the interests of working people and the working cost in general. a little that would affect the transportation rate, food and housing, the level of the area, and you know, many and many here say the costs of millie's plan to inflict short term pain to slash inflation in the long run are too high to bear with an estimated 40 percent
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of the population already living in poverty in mongolia, the 6 people have been reported. we killed in a massive gas explosion in the capital of land. but tar. the blast occurred after a crash between a car and a truck carrying liquid natural gas. in the settlements in the hub blast rocks, mongolia is capital land guitar. before dawn to buy a car collided with a natural gas tanker setting off a series of explosions. the fireball spread engulfing this apartment block. some residents barely made it out alive. as soon as we realized our apartment was on fire, panic set in and we tried to reach the exit. but one of the doors was already
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engulfed in flames. we had to forcefully break through the other door to escape dozens of others were able to escape, but fire fighters died. battling the blaze. or an official says they were hit by flying debris. so that's up to the, to the war. well, fire fights is we're trying to extinguish the planes. another explosion went off by what parts of the tank could blew off with great false, resulting in a tragic loss of 35 flights as a loss. many here know could have been much worse if the blast had happened during busy daytime hours. decades of relentless poaching have left the northern white rhino population on the brink of extinction. there are only 2 left on earth, both of them female. it might seem impossible then to speak of saving this
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b c's. but scientists had made a breakthrough that could do just that. it's a race against time to save the northern wind, brian or from extinction. these other last 2 of these spaces on, if a mother and her daughter now either is capable of carrying the pregnancy to, to fortunately this bases has just been given a big boost. scientists have managed artificially impregnate, a surrogate mothers from the closely related southern white rhino species, with a southern white rhino embryos. speaking at a price conference in berlin, they announced plans to use the same method to produce a come from a northern white rhino embryo, emotionality that said, it really made some possible possible and to today the can, the,
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the parts of that. and that is really a milestone to allow us to produce noise. i'm about to buy a new cops in the next 22 and a half years. the journey to get here hasn't been without hot break. the successful recent trial ended in tragedy when the southern what ryan or surrogate was killed by an unrelated and fiction. although the features didn't survive either the team is confident, future pregnancies will carry to full 10. so here we go. and so you contribute to, to develop a new concept visual research approach, which has the potential to be applied to a highly and due to the wide like species, not just up items. just like you are up to mall about diversity and healthy habits on a global scale. the ivy, if method could provide a model for other endangered species of rhino, such as the endangered so much in rhino in southeast asia. a chance to bring more animals back from the brink of extinction. so you're watching dw news of
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next, a documentary, looking at germany's torment volcanoes for all of us here in berlin. thanks for the company. we'll see you next time, the fast fashion as an environmental 9 a clothing graveyard in the to land desert. this is where things well the industrial nations no longer need and flight us textile ways get stranded fashion. watch now on youtube the the volcanic i sold a landscape forged in fire.


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