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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 25, 2024 12:00am-12:15am CET

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the, the, there's a dw news live from the land claim and counter claim, as ukraine accused, as russia of deliberately risking the lives of prisoners of war. a russian military plane crashes carrying 65 ukrainians till christmas swap. the credit in says cube shop. the aircraft is down, also coming up. angry and origin tina over the new leaders plans the slash spending work as a walk off the job nationwide to protest cuts in public services president heavy mulay. it says the measures unnecessary to come inflation and revive the economy and hold for the northern white rhino with only 2 females. a lot left alive. we
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look at the scientific breakthrough that could save the species from extinction. the, i'm told me a lot people welcome to the program cube has accused rochelle, deliberately risking the lives of ukrainian prisoners of war following a plane crash in southern russia. moscow says ukrainian forces shot down the military aircraft in the bowl grad region. kremlin claims all 74 people on board were killed. 65 of them ukrainian soldiers being taken to a prisoner swamp. t of has confirmed an exchange was scheduled, but says it was not told by moscow to ensure a safe space as in previous swaps. i know you asked dw, corresponding economy in cuba,
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what ukraine is saying about the crash weight saying not enough, at least if that's what the kind of ukrainian public opinion if you go by that most people looking for all it says and not getting a clear one from the government, i think that is understandable, given how sensitive topic of those prisoners were a even if they aren't on board. the whole topic is emotionally very high up on most ukrainians as priorities we've heard from the doesn't services here. who said that prison exchange was planned for today. and we had a statement from the ministry defense later saying that ukraine will not refrain from attracting military targets over belgrade region near the ukrainian frontier that it would stop because of this. some people have read that as an admission responsibility. others say it is simply about ukraine carrying on defending the cities manufacturer of which has been a witness to lots of russian tax recently. so no conducive on says. and lots of space for speculation,
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for conspiracy theories and for lots of different reputations. senior united nations officials say is really shelling of a training center and southern guys are revealed a blatant disregard of basic rules of war. the attack killed the 9 people and injured at least 75. the un says the facility in time, eunice was sheltering, displaced, palestinians. it's relief agency director says there's been no save access to the sense of for 2 days, leaving people trapped to that is all denies it. forces were responsible for the attack and has launched an investigation. dw special correspondent, abraham in jerusalem has more. so what we, what we know is what we're told through a un spokespeople or you when a sources, it's very difficult to verify ourselves. this information on the ground as access to the gaza strip is usually restricted for journalists, but what we're told by you on sources is that you went training center. that was
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housing displaced people, a, supposedly thousands, was struck by tank fire. uh and there, then from there we got very conflicting reports about the number of casualties. first, we heard that there were mask, cor, i'm quoting mass casualties, but then there were reports also from the un sources that the casualties are other about 9 of the displaced people. and we've also additionally heard that southern gods as hospitals have been cut off by is really forces is really forced to say that in this general area, there was a large and concentration of how much fighters and as such a, there was an oper operation. there are military operations going on in the southern guns, gaza strip that in itself is not surprising. these really army has said that it's
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moving it's operation from the northern part to the southern part in gaza, which now houses hundreds and thousands of people who have a sky from the north to the south. but this is information that is extremely, extremely difficult for us to verify. but let's take a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world. the us says it's launching more and operations in response to attacks on shipping by humans. and the rebel group who is the spokesman said one of them is also had a u. s. navy ship. earlier us officials said the rebels had $5.00 to $3.00 ballistic missile at an american flag container. ship in the gulf of 8 and protesting psalms have on least chaos across france, blocking roads starting fires and even spring when you're on one government building, the angry regulations that drive of costs, as well as a rise in cheap imports that compete with the goods and the protests,
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they say the protest will not stop until the demands ahmed us presidential by them is one and endorsement and his re election bid on the possible united auto workers labor union. last year, by them became the 1st president to join a picket line during an auto workers strike. unions need to criticize republican front run that donald trump, a standing against organized label, are still unable unions in argentina, the striking to protest president, have you malays proposed economic reforms. the angry about his plans to slash public spending and to regulate the economy delay insist. the costs are as a central to cub inflation and to restore economic growth. but ordinary work as fed they'll be hardest hit. a major challenge for emily in the hearts of argentina. thousands are on strike and demonstrating in front of the
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congress in buenos aires. they are here to publicly reject austerity measures proposed by the countries right wing, the libertarian president copier malay. they feared the reforms will set the country back decking the 56 years old. i can tell you that i have already experienced this. it was in 2001. i'm not a shame to say that we ate from the golf age back then. we had to bond to to suffice . i feel this difficult history will return to watch and tina. that's why i'm here . for my family, for my colleagues, for my daughters and so my grandchildren argentinians have already been grappling with storing inflation. but under the countries, new president living conditions are quickly deteriorating. the call to strike
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came from argentina's largest labor union. they say proposed amendments to laws would weaken worker protections of dramatic cuts and public spending will further high cup prices. look at all things that we want to challenge the politics and play here. can be called on deputies to act in line with what the majority wants. talk folk for a little that goes against the interests of washington people. and the working costs in general, such as is a little they would have sent transportation rate, food and housing the level of data. and you know, many and many here say the costs of millie's plan to inflict short term pain to slash inflation in the long run are too high to bear, with an estimated 40 percent of the population already living in poverty. generalist, as a condo, iglesia and boom is our, is told us more about the protest as main grievances 1st started to make sure that
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the intermediate loan to that day he took off a piece and then 2 very massive piece of legislation which are making a decree and so full of me was your at both pieces of legislation seek to gravely re shape the pace of that. i couldn't find space and have more even more of steady commissioners only in december, the prices have gone up more than 50 percent points. that's uh, that's uh, keowee key though, what's happening also they may have to create, which is already in force, rebuild the rental which regularly to rent the prices. so for instance, if you want to rent an apartment now you can see that uh the ads are in us dollars and looking paperless anymore, because you can uh, do make contracts from any currency, even deep clean if you want. but the thing is,
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uh, yeah, uh, right. the prices have gone up and uh for, for, for instance, the new on need to speak with 6 to make even part of the costs to things like popular libraries which are eh, eh, keep get by the state or lake. uh, spanish shows um more and more workers in the state. uh, he wants to fire more workers in the state, which he has already started doing. uh, that kind of thing are hungry is prime ministers like to open says is government supports sweden's bed to join nato. hungry is now the only natal member yet to agree officially to sweeten joining the alliance talk is parliament has voted in favor of lawmakers that overwhelmingly approved sweden's accession up to stalling for months. president ridge of type owed one publicly came out in favor of the bid following concessions from sweden over curtis groups of bankrupt views. as terrorist dw is legit,
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shilton is in brussels and we aust whether open statement backing sweden's natal membership page comes as a surprise. it's aston array because only yesterday victorian has invited his swedish count about was christos saying that he would like to hear quote, negotiate together with them a sweetness made to accession. so and then today you hear that he fully supports this officer phone call. this installed and back there has been a bit of mixed messaging going on with regards to sweden's natal membership by victor, all done before. so he used to say that he wouldn't be the last one to agree to his readings natal membership, but then also changed his tone. and he has been critical against sweden because of critiques against a brutal flaw in hungary. and as i said, so this comes a bit as a surprise right now because of the things or the,
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the invitation he just has mentioned yesterday he just spoke out yesterday to the swedish pragmatist a christmas. decades of poaching has left the northern wide rhino population on the brink of extinction. there only 2 of them left on us, both of them female. it might seem impossible then to speak of saving the species. the scientists have made a breakthrough that could do just that, or it's a race against time to save the northern white brian or from extinction. these other last 2 of these spaces on, if a mother and her daughter, neither is capable of carrying the pregnancy to, to fortunately this bases has just been given a big boost. scientists have managed artificially impregnate, a surrogate mother from the closely related southern white rhino species. with
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a southern white rhino embryos. speaking at a price conference in berlin, they announced plans to use the same method to produce a come from a northern white rhino embryo, emotionality that says, you really made some possible parts of it. and to today the can the, the parts that, and that is really a milestone to allow us to produce noise. i'm applying new cops in the next 22 and a half years. the journey to get here hasn't been without hot break. the successful recent trial ended in tragedy when the southern, what ryan or surrogate was killed by an unrelated and fiction. although the fee just didn't survive either the team is confident, future pregnancies will carry to full time. so here we go, and so you contribute to, to develop a new concept visual research approach which has the potential to be applied to a highly and data the live less issues, not just the items to take you up to mall,
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about diversity and healthy habits on the global scale, the ivy, if method could provide a model for other endangered species of rhino, such as the endangered so much in rhino in southeast asia, a chance to bring more animals back from the brink of extinction. here's a reminder of our top story. the ukraine is accused rochelle deliberately risking the lives of the cranium, prisoners of war following a plane crash and southern prussia. the kremlin says, cleaning forces shot down the traffic and the bulk red region must go claims all 74 people on board with killed 65 of them. the cranium soldiers being taken to a prisoner swamp. thousands of odds and times of joined a nation wide strength to protest. president heavy of malays proposes economic reforms. the angry and law plans to slash public spending and to do regulation and
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economy. that's a news roundup. next up, kind of a looks at how a little known but essential super magnets came close to setting off the damaging trade walk. as one use a dw. com add on social media time. thanks for watching the words people have to say that's why we listen. we close every weekend on w inside gaza. it's been more than 100 days since the most here attacks on israel dw reporter of mohammed conclude lives.


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