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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 25, 2024 4:00am-4:16am CET

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the, the, this is dw news live from the claim and counts the claim. as ukraine accused, as russia of deliberately risking the lives of the prisoners of war. russian military plane crashes carrying 65 ukrainian soldiers, 2 of christmas swamp cremeans as cube shot the across down. also coming up angry french farmers unleashed nationwide chaos. a long list of complaints include the rising cost of production and cheese imports on the cutting that produce the
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no, i'm telling me a lot of what welcome to the program. ukraine has accused russia of deliberately risking the lives of prisoners of war following a plane crash in southern russia. moscow tells a different story. the kremlin says cubes, the forces shut down a transport aircraft carrying 65 ukrainian soldiers to a prisoner swamp. this footage should widely on social media is set to show the moment the russian military transported crashed. black smoke streaks, the gray skies, then a fine bowl. residents in the surrounding areas described hearing rumblings, numerous loud things. regal. a went outside and i saw a strong glow in the sky, and then i saw smoke. the 3rd rumble that i heard was really quite scary.
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additional after the aircraft went down in the bowl garad region of southern russia close to ukraine's border. the regional governor said the plane crashed and the field in a residential area, and there were no survivors. ukraine often targets the russian military transport planes believe to be delivering missiles, especially near its frontier. but the russian defense ministry claims the plain had human cargo, 74 people, 65 of them, ukrainian soldiers being flown in for prisoner exchange. in new york rushes foreign minister called for the un security council to discuss the incidents waiting for the cranium, prisoners of war with being transported to the ball garad region in order to conduct yet another swap. and that was agreed on between moscow and cave. yes, but that was still the meals as they also instead of this the training inside launched and a defense massage from the heat region. you know,
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it targeted the airplane and was a fatal strong capabilities. so for the key is confirmed that the prisoner swap was due to take place, but it says it had not been asked by russia to into a safe space, as with previous swaps. ukraine's president allowed him, is a lensky cold for an international investigation. this. what's the shortest? he on the right, the russians are playing with the lives of ukrainian prisoners and the feelings of the relatives. and with the emotions about society. we need to establish all the facts as much as possible, given that the downing of the plane occurred on russian territory rolled ukrainian intelligences, russia, it could be trying to destabilize the situation in ukraine and undermine international support. we also dw correspondent and economy into more about ukraine's views on the crash as quite saying not enough,
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at least if that's what the kind of ukrainian public opinion if you go by that most people looking for all it says and not getting a clear one from the government, i think that is understandable, given how sensitive topic of those bruises were a even if they aren't on board. the whole topic is emotionally very high up on most ukrainians as priorities we've heard from the doesn't services here. who said that prison exchange was planned for today. and we had the statement from the ministry defense later saying that ukraine will not refrain from attacking military targets over belgrade region near the ukrainian frontier that it would stop because of this . some people have read that as an admission responsibility. others say it is simply about ukraine carrying on defending it, such as manufacturer of which has been a witness to lots of russian text recently. so no conducive on says. and lots of space for speculation. full conspiracy theories and for lots of different
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reputations. israel says it's forces are battling, how much fighters having in circle ton unit. the 2nd biggest city in guys, a united nations officials say, is really tank shells head un training facility upon eunice sheltering, displaced palestinians. at least 9 people were killed and a 75. all those wounded is all denies its forces. were responsible for the attack and has launched an investigation the biden administration has condemned the shelling. and when we deplore today's attack on the union's con unice training center, you've heard me say it before you for the secretary, say it before, but civilians must be protected and the protected nature of the un facilities must be respected and to manage. hearing workers must be protected so that they can continue providing civilians with real life saving uh some engineering assistance
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that they need. a dw special correspondent and he brought him in jerusalem has more what we, what we know is what we're told through a un spokespeople. are you when a sources it's very difficult to verify ourselves. this information on the ground as access to the gaza strip is usually restricted for journalist, but what we're told by you on sources is that you in training center, that was housing displaced people, a, supposedly thousands, was struck by tank fire. uh and there, then from there we got very conflicting reports about the number of casualties. first, we heard that there were mask, cor, i'm quoting mass casualties, but then there were reports also from the un sources that the casualties are other about 9 of the displaced people. and we've also additionally heard that southern and guys, hospitals have been cut off by is really forces is really forced to say that in
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this general area, there was a large and concentration of from us fighters. and as such, there was an oper operation. there are military operations going on in the southern got gaza strip that in itself is not surprising. these really army has said that it's moving it's operation from the northern part to the southern part in gaza, which now houses hundreds and thousands of people who have a scape from the north to the south. but this is information that is extremely, extremely difficult for us to verify. let's take a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world to us as launching more operations in response to attacks on shipping by humans with the rebels. who the spokesman said one of them as well as a u. s. navy vessel, earlier at the pentagon, said to american flag, ships carrying cargo for the defense and state departments came under attack.
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a woman in the us state of california was lifted to safety after spending 14 hours on top of so much. com. so id say a vehicle fell into a creek flip over which it was which across the bridge during heavy flooding, california has declared a state of emergency in several areas because of records grateful years president joe biden has won an endorsement in his re election bid from the possible united auto workers labor union, last year by then became the 1st president to join a picket line during an auto work, a striking, the union's need to criticize republican front runner, donald trump, as standing against organize labor. angry farmers have a nice chaos across fronts, bringing many areas to a standstill, the complaining about rising cost and cheap imports that on the cost that produce
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and the ball to carry on the action until the demands home at a scene taking place across france. long lines of tractors, blocking roads. frances farmers feel they've been ignored for too long. now they're making sure everyone is listening. in the south west and city of a zone. they burned he bills and sprayed liquid mon, newer onto a government building. the police did not attempt to stop them. we no longer assemble, we're not being listened to, we're moving up. i guess the farmers have many grievances including high taxes on tractor fuel environmental regulations and competition from cheap imports. they say their goods have to meet higher standards than products from other countries, driving costs up and profits down. so when this happens,
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when you have the we're allowing food to be brought in that isn't reduced with the same constraints. we have negotiations with supermarkets and manufacturers on our price is not going well i'm i went with but yeah, so it cooling for all this to be put on the table and a swift come great responses. the context the protests have spilled over into neighboring belgium. the french farmers voice their frustration outside of the european commission in brussels. france is the use biggest agricultural producer, but it's farmers see their output and their incomes under threats. still at the most, it is a show of results. farmers are coming out that we never saw before, non unionized and unionized once. there's no difference because everyone's 5 just to save. the money is no longer there, the cash flow is no longer there. this will prove that the protesters are heading
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on to paris next to pressure of the french government directly. and they say when their demands are met, they'll use their tractors for farming. instead of blocking roads hungry is prime minister of it to open says he's government supports sweden's bid to join nato hungry is now the only nasal member yet to agree more to officially. so sweet and joining the alliance talk is parliament has voted in favor. lawmakers that was alarmingly approved sweden's accession after stormy for mama, president ridge of type, edwin publicly came out in favor of the bid for line concessions from sweden over conditions. could i anchor of use terrorist chicken dw, did you shelton is in brussels and we aust whether open statement backing sweden's natural membership comes as a surprise. it doesn't know ray because only yes. so david golden has invited his
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swedish content that was chris is saying that he would like to and here quote, negotiate together with them, a sweetness made to accession. so and then today you hear that he fully supports this officer phone call. this installed and back that has been a bit of mixed messaging going on with regards to sweden's made to membership by victor, all done before. so he used to say that he wouldn't be the last one to agree to students need to membership, but then also changed his tone. he has been critically against sweden because of critiques against the root of law and hungry. and as i said, so this comes a bit as a surprise right now because of the things or the, the invitation he just has mentioned yesterday, or he just spoke out yesterday to the sweetest prime minister christmas. the nolan white rhino population is on the brink of extinction. there are only 2 left
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on us. both of them are female assigned to a breakthrough as brought hope of saving the sneeze. these, after all it's a race against time to save the northern white brian know from extinction. these other last 2 of these spaces on, if a mother and her daughter, neither is capable of carrying the pregnancy to, to fortunately this bases has just been given a big boost. scientists have managed artificially impregnate, a surrogate mothers from the closely related southern white rhino spaces. with a southern white rhino embryos. speaking at a price conference in berlin, they announced plans to use the same method to produce a come from a northern white rhino embryo, emotionality that said, it really made some possible possible and to today the can the pots that and that
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is really a milestone to allow us to produce northern lights, find no cops in the next 22 and a half years. the journey to get here hasn't been without hot break. the successful recent trial ended in tragedy when the southern want ryan or surrogate was killed by an unrelated and fiction. although the fee just didn't survive, either the team is confident, future pregnancies will carry to full $10.00 or. so here we go on, so you contribute to, to develop a new concept, visual research approach which has the potential to be applied to a highly and due to the wide like spacious, not just the items, just like you are up to mall about diversity and healthy habits on the global scale, the ivy, if method could provide a model for other endangered species of rhino, such as the endangered so much in rhino in southeast asia, a chance to bring more animals back from the brink of extinction. okay,
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that's it for the news. the thought coming up next planet a looks at how little notes essential super magnet came close to setting off at damaging freight. one of these mon, you as a d, w dot com to me on logical for myself and the team. thanks for watching the people in trucks in judge west trying to see the city center the straight pieces explain the around the world more than 130000000 people of.


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