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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 25, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin, ukraine and russia. blame each other for a deadly plane crunch. bosco says t of shut down a military transport planes inside russia, with dozens of ukrainian prisoners on board cranes, president demands and international inquiry and accuses the kremlin to playing with ukrainian law. also coming up israel draws are rare rebuke from its stall, just allied us for an attack on the human shelter, incoming eunice which killed 9 people will talk to a un spokesperson in geneva for more ads,
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new hope for an animal at risk of extinction. only 2 female northern white rhinos remain alive. the scientific breakthrough could save the space in the hello and terry martin, thanks for joining us. russian state media, se both black boxes from the military plane crash should have been found in southern russia. the kremlin says, keeps forces shot down the transport aircraft killing all $74.00 people on board, including $65.00 ukrainian soldiers. heading to a prisoner swamp chief, accused as moscow of deliberately risking the lives of prisoners of war and has demanded an international inquiry into what happened. as this footage shed on social media is set to show the moment the russian ministry tron spots across the black smoke streets, the gray skies. then
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a fireball chief is confirmed. that's a prisoner's swap was due to take place. but that to not being asked by russia to ensure safe operational as space ukraine's president, florida means the landscape has canceled upcoming trips on call for an international investigation which will be the short of the russians are playing with the lives of who can union prisoners with the feelings of the relate of the emotions of 5 society. we need to establish all the effects as much as possible, given that the dawning of the plane of goods on russian territory the toilet was a national control. ukraine often targets russian ministry transport planes believe to be delivering missiles, especially near its frontier unsafe verse. it could be trying to destabilize the situation, or the defense ministry. clinton, $75.00 people are on board,
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including $65.00 ukraine prisoners of law versus foreign minister has called for the un security council to discuss the incident. what could i use before the cleaning business of mod, web, transported to the pedagogy agents in order to conduct shit and at the slab or screw that was agreed between moscow and key if instead of this i wish to but that you clean the inside. last and add defense desires from the hockey regions that are you in a good fit and targeted the airplane scene. you've been most of the fatal strike, well done by the most, some of the categories. so for the b, i craft way down in the bulk or a region of southern russia close to ukraine's boulder. the regional government set the plane crushed in the field near a residential area. and they wouldn't notice the volume is corresponding bucks. china is in key. if you gave me this updates
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a short while ago. right, terry? so ever since this incident took place yesterday, they're still very little information out there as to what actually happened there . there has been no confirmation, however, by the you creating the authorities as to the claims by russia, that a plane carrying ukrainian p o w as was shut down. their presence of lensky actually also said that ukraine would continue to target the russian aircraft themes as a threats to ukraine, into ukrainian cities. in this case, they believe that the claim was carrying missiles and that we're, we're going to be used to attack ukrainian cities. we do know that a, that a swap for the swap was scheduled at $192.00 ukrainian, p o w 's were supposed to be exchanged. this exchange did not go under way. but as we just also heard in the report, the ukranian say they were not informed that a, that a number of these prisoners that were supposed to be exchanged, were allegedly transported on the plane,
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which would have been standard procedure to ensure the safety of them. when being transported to and, and through a combat combat zone. but you can imagine that this whole topic is very sensitive topic here that's being watched very closely at the moment. there are thousands of families, if not more, of a prisoners of war. if you craniums were being held captive in russia and who are waiting to hear from the loved ones and depending on what the outcome of the story is from, this could have a so your impact on the pregnancy side for the russian perspective on this, i am now joined by dw is jennifer pod, cuz she joins is from a studio in rica as dw is banned from reporting in moscow. jennifer, what's the reaction in moscow hes present, putting himself commented on this incident. yeah. as well. rush as foreign ministry has called the crash and act of terrorism harshly, blaming and criticizing q for killing its own people. the foreign ministries ambassador at large for crimes committed by the key of for you said quote,
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he has committed an act up in st barbarism, demonstrating, complete disregard for human life. and quote, moscow insist that key of new not only about the prisoners swap, but also that the crash plane had $65.00 ukrainian soldiers on board and was heading to was the shared border. still key of chose to lounge to miss south. at least this is what the russian military claims to have seen on its radar. as we just heard from max kia denies this the accusation and says that rush, i never asked you, i was asked to ensure a safe operational air space still for russia. it is 100 percent clear that the play was shut down by ukraine from the country region landing at 14 though, has yet to comment on the incident. but cremeans folks, 1st name, can you think this quote said that it is too early to talk about food teams, instructions after the crash ukraine. this present of alarm is landscape is calling for an investigation international investigation? is the kremlin likely to allow that to be conducted on russian soil as well?
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a russia to has called for at least international support. we just love the lord in sherman of the russians. they do, ma, instructed members of parliament to address the german bundis tops and the white house as well as cleaning that either a patriarch. messiah or an iris team based style were responsible for the plane crash. he also said, quote, would you crate is a nazi regime nurtured by mccall, schwartz, and other politicians, they must realize their responsibility rush. i also insisted on an emergency un security section on the plane crash, according to russian media, it will take place in on the evening of february 25th. after franz have declined to hold it on the 24th. but if an international investigation will happen on the russian soil, well, this is still unclear and remains to be seen. jennifer, thank you very much. that was d w as jennifer pucca in reagan now
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for the war and gaza and the united nation says 9 people were killed when tank fire . hit a shelter in fun, eunice in the south of the strip. the city has become the focus of is really military operations. the you and somebody was housing 800 this place people that is really army has ruled out that it's responsible for the strike, but said it's still investigating. thousands of people have fled south from young to con eunice and recent days, but many more are trapped by fighting in the city, in washing to the by the ministration has condemned the showing of the when shelter . when we have to pour today is the tax on the unions con eunice training center. you've heard me say it before you for the secretary, say it before, but civilians must be protected and the protected nature of un facilities must be respected and humanitarian workers must be protected so that they can continue
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providing civilians with real life saving uh, surrender, tearing assistance that they need, i will tell her i just shuddered, which is a spokes person for the world. health organization enjoys me from geneva. welcome to the program chart. we heard that your organization send a team to help people in the un kemp which was attacked in con eunice. what can you tell us about what happened there? a while. uh, what's happening these days uh, across guys, especially in con, eunice is intense fighting and bombardment. this obviously makes the work much more complicated for humanitarian is to access a cbs from our boss to access hospital sources. those are in a really difficult situation across gaza as a, as roads aren't being damaged as the there are delays of checkpoints. as many of our requests for missions, the hospitals are being denied by israel so,
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so there is a really human terry and cut faster for me, but ongoing for civilians. we managed a day before yesterday to go to to i'll she find the north. but as we have reported, thousands of people surrounded our trucks, hoping there will be some thoughts on it just shows that these expiration off uh, off of cbs who locked everything starting starting from this would be really need that access. and above all, what we need is a ceasefire. so what we have seen in any us a training center yesterday uh does not happen again because this just as a number of injured people will need medical treatment, who cannot get it as hospitals up can not provide that. does it have health care services that usually they do talk to us more about that incident at the un camp
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where 9 people were killed, many more were injured. uh these really army says it had nothing to do with that incidents and the fun eunice, but un stuff on the ground there say explicitly that there was a tank attack on the camp. what information do you have on that instant? slowly, as a real health organization, we have no monday, no expertise to a certain the origin of a penny, a tax. what we can see is the costs increases. oh those taxes and we keep seeing insurance people needing medical care that they can not get. so don't think about a central guys and con eunice hospitals like, uh, unnecessary medical center. uh, basically not being accessible, any movie here from bar codes. if people cannot get out, people cannot get it because there is a best buy. there's a blue bar with and the roads are being up to say tend to damage to get it. and again, from our side,
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when we tried to get the medical supplies on the trucks and tried to move to too hot because it's getting really difficult because uh there is a security breach. we are not getting the security guarantees that we need to do to access that. so again, uh, whatever is the cause of, uh, of this uh, attack the result is that the scores of injured that people and those who needs really immediate medical treatment or as a cannot get this for in gaza has now been going on for 4 months. it's in its 4th month now. uh, even from the beginning, the humanitarian situation was extremely difficult in gaza. how would you describe the humanitarian situation there now? it's a humanitarian disaster, complete disaster. what you have right now is you have to more than 2000000 people
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. you guys have been pushed and think tools to ever create to ever smaller areas won't be belonged as the same time that you have injured people. as we have just said, we cannot get their uh, their treatment they need. you have 50000 pregnant women who need to get care that can not get to help people with the chronic conditions. i don't think of all of that. you have as product infectious disease. warrantable disease is respiratory viruses scheme disease. so health means that getting bigger and bigger and health services are less and less available to what we need is for a simple excess, no excess. he just acts as a do really the only solution is this, these by charge. thank you very much. that was tara key, all show me, which from the world health organization sketch up on a few other stories making headlines around the world. a fire has broken out like
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oil refinery in southern russia. officials said the blaze is being brought under control and that there are no casualties. flights have been suspended though to the nearby airport in salt u. protesting farmers have only scales across france, blocking road, starting fires, and even spring when you're on one government building, they're angry of regulations that drive of cost, as well as rise, arise, and cheap imports to compete with our goods, the farmers say the protests will not stop until their demands are met. depends moving sniper, craft has succeeded in a pinpoint and soft landing on the moon. and countries space agencies confirmed the landing point to be 55 meters away from the target point. japan became the 5th country to put a spacecraft on the moon after the touchdown of it's a man's probe slim on saturday. a thousands, tens of thousands of people joined a general strike on wednesday in argentina against president. how the malays plans
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to slash public spending and privatize much of the economy. but they insist tough action is essential to rain and inflation and restoring growth with ordinary workers feel they'll be hardest hit. as a major challenge for emily in the hearts of argentina, thousands are on strike and demonstrating in front of the congress in buenos aires . they are here to publicly reject austerity measures proposed by the countries right wing, the libertarian president, javier malay. they fear the reforms will set the country back decking the property at 56 years old. i can tell you that i have already experienced this. it was in 2001. i'm not a shame to say that we ate from the golf h backs and we had to bond to to suffice. i feel this difficult history will return
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to watch and tina. that's why i'm here for my family, for my colleagues, for my daughters. and so my grandchildren argentinians have already been grappling with storing inflation. but under the countries, new president living conditions are quickly deteriorating. the call to strike came from argentina's largest labor union. they say proposed amendments to laws would weaken worker protections. all dramatic cuts and public spending will further high cup prices that are below that. i believe we want to challenge the politics and play here. can be called on deputies to act in line with what the majority wants. talk folk for a little that goes against the interests of working people and the working costs in general. a little that would affect the transportation rate, food and housing, the level of data, and you know, many and many here say the costs of millie's plan to inflict short term pain to
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slash inflation in the long run are too high to bear. with an estimated 40 percent of the population already living in poverty, tensions are rising on the korean peninsula. north korea is just released to photograph of its recent cruise missile test. this is the latest publication after kim joel on the north korean leader declared whose country is no longer interested in re integrating with the south. instead suggested the north should rewrite its constitution and declare south korea as its main enemy. between nations had been formerly a war for 70 years, but experts say kim statement marks a new downturn in relations between the north and the so conjunction when blamed recent drills between the u. s. and soul for the move. however, it may have more to do with the north, closer ties to 2 of its allies, russia and china. north korean dictator kim joel on is no stranger to fiery
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rhetoric. but experts say his statement to the north korean parliament could change relations between the north and the south for years to come to see, i mean, we have our most hostile state, the republic of korea, you know, nearest neighborhood. and the instability of the regional situation is sorting due to the us led escalation of military tensions. came further instructed his government to enshrine the south as north korea's chief enemy and disbanded the government offices responsible for exchange with the south. if young, young and soul had been in a defacto state of war since the end of fighting in the cream conflict, however, both countries had officially pursued eventual reintegration. despite their tents relations, kim's announcement is set to change that tensions had been on the rise due in part to north korea's nuclear weapons and rocket programs. and came,
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is made in the art of using facilities like these as part of his government's propaganda. to the north claims, it needs a technology for self defense, but tests like these have long been a thorn in the side of the south. and it's international allies. experts, link jr. it has at least 30 nuclear warheads. the north resume, test of new hypersonic missiles are also worrying. so what do you put in the military immediately detected the north korean missile launch and shared the data with the us and japan. but we condemned north korea's missile launch as it is a propagation that seriously threatens peace and stability in the korean peninsula of your pen in going back on providing it on the south. a sort closer military ties with his chief support or the united states, including frequent joint military drills, leading to a predictable, tit for tat saber rattling on both sides of korea's demilitarized zone. the north is also strengthening its ties to both china and russia and their support may be
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emboldening its leadership. russian defense officials recently helped kim jong and mark the 70 if the anniversary of the end of fighting in the korean war. and north korea has emerged as an important supplier of fresh munitions 4 months ago. both stream rushes, faltering weapons industry after its invasion of ukraine. fears the conflict could escalate, are spreading in the region. japan recently held rocket evacuation drills in case the cold war between the north and the south ever becomes hot. german, tim is lead, corresponded for in k news in sol. she told me more about north korea's increasingly hostile pastor towards the south as well. the intention of abandoning units occasion and calling south pre a warring state now not a compact trout anymore. i feel like that was a long time coming. and as a very old give you a logical line that was at odds with the militaristic policy line. but kim general
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was going for a, for a past few years, especially targeting south korea, but for something like that to change the grandpa era. i then i, the ology of aging a very big justification. and right now it looks like for conjunction, it's a very good timing. it seems now that create a new as new for terence has been increasing. cold is good timing is just for rhetoric from the north or are you concerned that can, you know, we can jump on may actually be planning an attack? well, i have seen this debate going on in dc and outside about whether or not we're close to an actual uh port. i don't think so, but i also don't think that this is just rhetoric abandoning an application and it's not just the talk. it's now it's a set policy line that's delivered to foreign ministry and other uh elite since north korea. and it's actually concerning for future generation and such subjugating south korean territory or preparing for subjugation that kim jo
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instructed for now. sure, it's just the rhetoric, but it's also a very good, solid video, logical justification that controlling is using to build a new target. once compatriots, it's there, sort of getting rid of that either logical gaps at these 12. hm. and what about south korea? how south korea responding to all of this? it says it seems that the current plan is to just brush it off. we have seen south korean leaders, the unification, administered, defense minister and the president using a lot of hostile languages, aggressive languages in the past year. but it sounds like they are trying to make the control ends and you possibly i make it sound, it's not new. and they are just continuing with a current the turn strategy. but we are also looking at april election here, says joking fear and showing strongly leadership. maybe it would work well with them. but how close we are to an actual war. i'm not sure. uh, that would be the right way to describe it. of course,
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this is all happening within a much broader context of how much our tensions between sold and killing young, a reflection of broader geopolitical tensions involving china, russia in the us. and it's almost north korea has been cutting very closely with russia recently. and that may have been in bold and north korea a little bit on knowing because they know that they have a very close friend now, not needing south korea, but the us nuclear and conventional to trance. i feel like it's too strong for our north korea to do a 1st strike, even with china and rushes backing up. but i do feel like there could be increase possibility of skirmishes and casualties up the border. it's totally possible, especially near the maritime border, which north chris says it's and then we will border and it's likely that the russian, china will turn a blind eye even up north. craig goes for an impression near the border. the koreans still have any hope of the north and south reuniting again,
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or i think a certain demographics and south cris, especially if you look at the poles men in their forties, they are more pro unification. but i don't think that younger generations are interested. thoughts much and unification anymore. and reconciliation i think, at least for the time being it's, it's, is, looks unlikely looking at the bite and administration and unit administration's policy line. even if a progressive wins here, it seems like it's fair and will be very difficult to move the minds upside queen citizens as well. but if come comes back, maybe it will open a few unexpected doors like we signed 2018. but the problem is there will be, uh, was pre trying to take stuff out of the pollution and the deals. and the subsequent citizens would not be interested in something like that. and then thank you very much for talking with this. that was strong and tim and k news lead correspond
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the northern white rhino population is on the brink of extinction. there are only 2 left on earth, both of them female. but a scientific breakthrough has given hope of saving the species after all it's a race against time to save the northern white brian or from extinction. these of the last 2 of these spaces on, if a mother and her daughter now either is capable of carrying the pregnancy to, to fortunately this species has just been given a big boost. scientists have managed artificially impregnate, a surrogate mothers from the closely related southern white rhino species, with a southern white rhino embryos. speaking at a price conference in berlin, they announced plans to use the same method to produce a come from a northern white rhino embryo, emotionality that said,
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it really made some possible parts of it. and to today the can the, the parts that, and that is really a milestone to allow us to produce northern lights, find no cops in the next 22 and a half years. the journey to get here hasn't been without hot break. the successful recent trial ended in tragedy when the southern what ryan or surrogate was killed by an unrelated and fiction. although the features didn't survive either the team is confident, future pregnancies will carry to full 10. so here we try to contribute to, to develop a new concept visual and research approach, which has the potential to be applied to a highly engage, otherwise, less issues. not just that by not just like you are up to mall about diversity and healthy habits on the global scale. the ivy, if method could provide a model. so other endangered species of rhino such as the endangered so much from
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rhino in southeast asia. a chance to bring more animals back from the brink of extinction. you're watching dw dues from berlin up next it's conflict. so with tim sebastian on terry martin, thanks for watching the
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enter the conflict zone with sim sebastian. i guess this week is alexi gunter, unco ukrainian. m. p. angelica the parliamentary assembly of the council of your hello is this the best time for a year ago? going to ranko had post price present landscape and reservations about him because he still believed this presidents will lead to crying to victory conflict the next on d w. who need them?
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paul is. the sean sylvania has so much more to offer and as far as the beautiful the symmetry in the world. transylvania, the house of romania. in 45 minutes on d. w. the faithful encounter. in the late 19 seventy's, former concentration comes in my general, most meisner meant the man who had to maintain him go stop, bog known as the beast of sylvie board. shame on you. tell the truth. to use nature. wagner was dead. and investigation
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concluded that it was suicide of the fire. give rise to don't really have to go see the january 27th on the ukraine approaches. the 2nd that of the city of russia's full scanned invasion with some alarming uncertainties . will the us be able to restock the islands and now munitions supplies, which drive out a month ago? have the big promises from the west about staying with ukraine as long as it takes time to dust. my guess this week is alexi, gunter and co ukrainian. m, p angelica to the parliamentary assembly of the council of your one thing should be clear for everybody. ukrainian people are fighting. but who we are losing people every day. and we come to wait forever and we can fight forever for
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a year ago. going to ranko had both.


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