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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 25, 2024 10:00am-10:15am CET

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the, the, this is the, the news coming to live from berlin, ukraine and russia. blame each other for a deadly plane crash. moscow says key of shut down a military transport plan inside russia with dozens of ukrainian prisoners on board of cranes present demands and international inquiry increases the kremlin of playing with ukrainian lines. also coming up, israel draws a rare rebuke from its staunchest ally, the us after an attack on an un shelter and con eunice, which killed 9 people will talk to the un spokesperson in geneva for more new hope for an animal at risk of extinction. only 2 female northern twice rhinos
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remain alive, but a scientific breakthrough could save the space in the hello and terry martin, thanks for joining us. russian state media, se both blackbox is from the military plane crash had been found in southern russia . the kremlin says, keeps forces shot down the transport aircraft killing all $74.00 people on board, including $65.00 ukrainian soldiers heading to a prisoner swamp. tiff accuses moscow of deliberately risking the lives of prisoners of war and has demanded an international inquiry into what happened. so this footage shadow on social media is set to show the moment the russian ministry tron spots across the black smoke streets, the gray skies. then a fireball chief is confirmed, that's
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a prisoner's swap was due to take place. but that to not being asked by russia to ensure safe operational as space ukraine's president, florida means the landscape has cancelled upcoming trips call for an international investigation which will be the shortest. e and the russians are playing with the lives of fuel, canadian prisoners with the feelings of the latest. and with the most himself of society, we need to establish all the effects as much as possible. so given that the dining of the clean up good on the russian territory, the toilet was a national control. ukraine often targets russian ministry transport planes believe to be delivering me files, especially near its frontier unsafe verse. it could be trying to destabilize the situation or the defense ministry. clayton, $75.00 people are on board, including $65.00 ukraine prisoners of law versus foreign minister has called for
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the un security council to discuss the incident. hopefully you'll skip the fidelity, you'll cleanings, but most of more web transported to the bank or regions in order to conduct the shit and at the slab or screw that was agreed between moscow and keith instead of this i wish to but that you clean inside. last and ad defense presided from the hockey page ends that are you on the side of spin, targeted the airplane. so you knew pen was a fatal strike. well done by the most of my north dakota. so for the be a craft went down in the bulk or a region of southern russia close to ukraine's boulder of the regional governance said the plane crushed in the field near a residential area. and they wouldn't notice the volume is dw corresponded much down to is in key. if a short while ago he gives us this update on the plane crash. right, terry? so ever since this incident took place yesterday,
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they're still very little information out there as to what actually happened there . there has been no confirmation. however, by that you creating the authorities as to the claims by russia, that a plane carrying ukrainian p o w as was shut down, their presence of lensky actually also said that ukraine would continue to target the russian aircraft the deems of the threats to ukraine into ukrainian cities, in this case, they believed that the plane was carrying this house and that we're, we're going to be used to attack ukrainian cities. we do know that a, that a swap for the swap was scheduled at $192.00 ukrainian few dollars were supposed to be exchanged. this exchange did not go under way. but as we just also heard in the report that ukraine say they were not informed that a, that a number of these prisoners that were supposed to be exchanged, were allegedly transported on the plane, which would have been standard procedure to ensure the safety of them. when being transported to and, and through
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a combat combat zone. but you can imagine that this whole topic is a very sensitive topic here that's being watched very closely at the moment. there are thousands of families of non more of a prisoners of war of ukrainians who are being held captive in russia and who are waiting to hear from the loved ones in depending on what the outcome of the story is from this could have a so your impact on the pregnancy side. i also spoke with d. w as corresponded jennifer pucca in riga as dw was banned from reporting from moscow. i asked her if the kremlin is likely to allow an international investigation to be conducted on russian soil as well. a russia to has called for at least international support. we just love the lord in sherman of the russians. they do, ma, instructed members of parliament to address the german bundis tots and the white house as well as cleaning, but either a patriarch, messiah or an iris team based style were responsible for the plane crash. he also said, quote, would you crate is a nazi regime nurtured by mccall, schwartz,
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and other permutations, they must realize their responsibility. russia also insisted on an emergency un security section on the plane crash, according to russian media, it will take place in the, on the evening of february 25th. after franz have declined to hold it on the 24th. but if an international investigation will happen on the russian soil, well, this is still unclear and remains to be seen now to the war in gaza and the united nation says 9 people were killed when tank fire hit a shelter and ton units in the south of the strip, the city has become the focus of is really military operations. you, when facility was housing 800, this place people is really army has ruled out that it's responsible for the strike, but said it's still investigating. thousands of people have fled south from con eunice and recent days, but many more are trapped by finding of the city in washington, the by the ministration is called the shelling of the you and shelter. incredibly
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concerning us. we've deplored today is a tax on the unions con eunice training center. you've heard me say it before you for the secretary, say it before, but civilians must be protected and the protected nature of un facilities must be respected and humanitarian workers must be protected so that they can continue providing civilians with real life saving uh, surrender, tearing assistance that they need to, alric ya, shoulder earbuds from the world health organization. tell me more about the situation in con eunice, in southern guns as well. uh, what's happening these days uh, across guys, especially in con, eunice is in times fighting and bombardment. this obviously makes the work much more complicated for humanitarians to access a cbs from our boss to access hospital sources. those are in a really difficult situation across gaza as a,
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as roads aren't being damaged as the there are delays of check points as many of our requests for mission as the hospitals are being denied by israel. so. so there is a really human terry and cut faster for me, but ongoing for civilians. we managed a day before yesterday to go to to i'll she find the north. but as we have reported, thousands of people surrounded our trucks, hoping there will be some, fortunately, just shows that these expiration of uh, of a civilians who look everything starting starting from this would be really need that access. and above all, what we need is a ceasefire. so what we have seen in any us a training center yesterday uh does not happen again because this just as a number of injured people will need medical treatment, who cannot get it as hospitalized up can not provide that. does it
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a health care services that usually they do talk to us more about that incident at the un camp where 9 people were killed, many more were injured. this really army says it had nothing to do with that. incidents in the con eunice but un stuff on the ground there say explicitly that there was a tank attack on the camp. what information do you have on that incident? slowly, as a rule, health organization, we have no monday, no expertise to as certain. the origin of a penny, it that's what we can see is the costs increases. oh those taxes and we keep seeing got injured people needing medical care that they can not get. so don't think about a central guys and con eunice hospitals like, uh, unnecessary medical center. uh, basically not being accessible, any movie here from bar codes that people cannot get. all people cannot get it
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because there is a, uh, it does find there's a blue bar with and the roads are being up to say tend to damage to get it. and again, from our side, when we tried to get the medical supplies on the trucks and tried to move to too hot because it's getting really difficult because uh there is a security breach. we are not getting the security guarantees that we need to do to access that. so again, uh, whatever is the cause of, uh, of this uh, attack. the result is that the scores of injured that people and those who needs really immediate medical treatments or as a cannot get, she was tardy castle ravaged from the world health organization. speaking to me a short while ago. now let's take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world. an unregulated gold mine has collapsed in molly killing at least 70 people. the officials,
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the search for survivors was ongoing accidents and bodies. gold mines are common with operators, often accused of ignoring safety measures. german present for our father's time. while hes met with thailand's prime minister and say to how soon at bank hawks governments house. it's the 1st visit to thailand by a german president in 22 years and aims to enhance cooperation between the 2 countries. protesting farmers have on least chaos across france, blocking road, starting fires and even spring mon, newer on one government building. they are angry up regulations that drive up costs, as well as a rise and cheap imports that compete with their goods. the farmers say the protests will not stop until their demands on us. aviation regulator has frozen increases and production of boeing 737 maxes. this follows what the
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regulator said were unacceptable quality issues with the trouble playmaker. the unprecedented restriction means boeing can continue production, but only as the current rate depends. moving sniper craft has succeeded in a pin point soft blending on the moon. the countries space agency released emissions 1st images and confirm the landing point to be 55 minutes from the target point. saturdays touch down major pad only the 5th nation to achieve a soft lunar planting. the older white rhino population is on the brink of extinction. there are only 2 left on earth, both of them female. but a scientific breakthrough has given hope of saving the species after all. so it's a race against time to save the northern wind, brian or from extinction. these other last 2 of these spaces on, if a mother and her daughter now either is capable of carrying a pregnancy to,
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to fortunately this bases has just been given a big boost. scientists have managed artificially impregnate, a surrogate mother from the closely related southern white rhino spaces, with a southern white rhino embryos. speaking at a price conference in berlin, they announced plans to use the same method to produce a come from a northern white rhino embryo, emotionality. that's a huge, really made some possible parts of it and to today the can, the parts of that. and that is really a milestone to allow us to produce northern lights, find no cops in the next 22 and a half years. the journey to get here hasn't been without hot break. the successful recent trial ended in tragedy when the southern what ryan or surrogate was killed by an unrelated and fiction. although the fee just didn't survive,
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either the team is confident, future pregnancies will carry to full $10.00. so here we joined the contribute to to develop a new concept visual research approach, which has the potential to be applied to a highly induce otherwise less issues. not just that by not just like you are up to mall about diversity and healthy heartbeats on the global scale. the ivy, if method could provide a model for other endangered species of rhino, such as the endangered so much from rhino and southeast asia, a chance to bring more animals back from the brink of extinction. you're watching the w news. just reminder, the top story we're following for you this, our russian state media site to black boxes from the military plane crash have been found. the kremlin says ukrainian forces shot down the aircraft in southern russia, killing everyone on board, including $65.00 ukrainian prisoners. keith chooses moscow are playing with
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ukrainian lives and is the domestic and international investigator of next the intriguing traditions and in the was forest of transylvania. knoxville, texas on a trip to romania. thanks for watching. the my name is the calls back. saved loud. thank you. so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold a bad a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. most would it be nosy bay like good everyone to kings. check out the award winning called com. so hold back the.


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