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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 25, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CET

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the the, this is dw news live from the ministry plane crash inside russia, from schools for an international investigation, prussian media report site. both blackbox as have been found at the crash sites, must go and keep blaming each other. so that is off to dozens of ukrainian soldiers were allegedly on board heading home, and it presents one well. so coming up on the program, israel girl is a forever view permit. staunchest allies, the us officer and attack come on and you and shelter in con unit, which kills 12 and port. so the new focus of europe, the war on drugs,
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the european union launch is a new task force to crack down on the violent guidelines using the unbox items to enforce that right. the the money keeps mckinnon. welcome to the program. russian state media says that both black boxes from a military plane crash of being found in southern russia, the kremlin, says, keeps forces felt down the cross killing all 74 people on board. that victims included 65, you training and soldiers who were on the plane as possible. the prisoner swab, i keep isn't using moscow of deliberately risking the lives of prisoners of war and has demanded an international inquiry. the un security council will meet to discuss the incidents in a few hours time at the request of rushes,
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foreign minister. this footage shed on social media is set to show the moment the russian ministry tron spots across the black smoke streets, the gray skies. then a fireball chief is confirmed, that's a prisoner's swap was due to take place. but that to not being asked by russia to ensure safe operational as space ukraine's president, florida means the landscape has canceled upcoming trips on call for an international investigation which will be in the short of the russians are playing with the lives of canadian prisoners with the feelings of the latest and with the emotions of 5 society, we need to establish all the effects as much as possible, given that the dawning of the plane of goods on russian territory was a national controlled. ukraine often targets russian ministry transport planes
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believe to be delivering mist files, especially me at it's for and t a and saves rush. it could be trying to destabilize the situation or the defense ministry. clayton, $75.00 people are on board, including $65.00 ukraine prisoners of law versus foreign minister has called for the un security council to discuss the incident. what could i use before the cleaning business of mod, web, transported to the pedagogy region in order to conduct shit. and at this level of screw that was agreed between moscow and keith instead of this, i wish that you clean the inside. last and ad defense resided from the hockey regions that are you in a good fit and targeted the airplane senior and was a fatal strike. well done by them with some of the categories. so for the the craft went down in the bowl garad region of southern russia close to ukraine's boulder. the regional govern upset the plane crushed in the field near a residential area. and they wouldn't notice the volume is ok,
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let's get more on this from a correspondent and keys max is i'm the i max ukraine security service says it has opened to criminal investigation into the downing of this plane. will that work? well, how will that work if the incident happened on russian soil right on? yeah, so that's the case. the s b u, that is the ukrainian security service. i'm open to pro, into the dining of the plane. and at the moment, there is still very little information out there and a lot of uncertainty as to what happened. this is a highly sensitive topic, so the ukrainians will try to establish the full picture, could all the information before moving forward and to providing more information to the public. but from what we're hearing, the s p u considers that this could be a violation of the customs of war. that is something that they are investigating which would translate to war crimes being committed at the moment, kia phone has not confirmed or denied the russian claims. the central claim that
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the plane carrying ukrainian fuel w's was shot down by you creating an air defense to get to the bottom of this, an independent investigation would be necessary. um the cranes are already investigating. this is going to be proved very, very difficult. given the fact that the incident happened in russian aerospace, the crash site is within russian territory and out of the reach of investigators. and at the moment doesn't seem likely that they will be granted that independence neutral investigators or you create investigating progressive access to it. and of course, russia is saying it's recover the flight record is from the crushed plane. so i mean, what are the chances of that going to make public what these flight record is reveal? yeah, that is an interesting question. i mean, the black boxes um could give the vailable insight into the moments leading up to the crash. and depending on the make, they can provide the flight data um and or the as well the communication for
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example between the pilots and the carpet. and that could help us publish the facts or at least give, give a better understanding of what costs don't even play. may this be a rocket, for example, or for example of device or technical malfunction. um, but uh, regardless of what these uh, what the, what the russians presented still, this information has to be viewed very, very carefully. a sense of given the russian history of dealing with, with such incidents. there may be a chance to pick a temper with the evidence or fabricate evidence. russia has lied numerous times in the past about the atrocities committed in this work and, and ukraine. so any evidence regarding this case being the russian or you crate in will have to be examined very, very carefully and independently. very max, thanks so much for that. as the w correspondence back from the in keys to the wall in golf. and now the united nation says that at least 12 people were killed. one
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time fly has shelter in hon. eunice in the south of the gaza strip. of the city has become the focus of is really military operations. the u. n. facility was housing, hundreds of displaced people. the as ready army says it was not responsible for the strike, but that it is still investigating the incident. thousands of people have fled south from hong unice and recent days, but many more are tracked by slicing in the city. in washington, dc, the buttons as ministration has cooled, the shelling of the you and shelter incredibly concerning. when we the poor today is the pac on the unions con eunice training center. you've heard me say it before you for the secretary, say it before, but the civilians must be protected and the protected nature of un facilities must be respected and to manage. hearing the workers must be protected so that they can continue providing civilians with real life saving uh, surrender,
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tearing assistance that they need. and l. montgomery is the regional director for the world health organization and he joins me now from kyra. welcome to the w. thank you for your time. what can you tell us about what happened of the you and shelter and han eunice. thank you very much on. yeah, for giving me double check that. in fact, it was very heartbreaking, unfortunate to you know, sadly was what we had yesterday. as you have mentioned in mary bought the 75 people to enjoy it. i'm the one kid we have to sit on and you know, attempts of something i mentioned yesterday was the stadium. good goose. i'm done on that one. and we managed, you know, i've done some of the requests, you know, to go them. we evacuated around $45.00, the b one bishop. they do a lot of injured. 15 of them in practice to have severe injuries. and unfortunately, one of them died on our way funeral to and other hospitals there in roughly
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as you have mentioned, you know, i talking to you on buildings in general health care facilities and specifically is in a breach to the mission of humanitarian. okay. i mean, just to clarify, the is riley army is saying, but it had nothing to do with this incidents bots. you and stuff on the ground say explicitly that that was a tongue attack on the camp. and so you can confirm that. i mean, so far we don't have any specific investigation for us as a w, a show that they are other bodies, anyone who are responsible for investigating such incidents and we are waiting that sort of investigation unit to compare what people are saying on the ground. okay. kind of the economy unit has become a focal point and is rose war against how moss can you describe to us how this, how this is changed the situation. so for people, the, as you know,
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honey with this is one of the areas that are in the south and box the off. let's say that would be coming to very crowded and hundreds of thousands of people. and they are shutting themselves in different places that are lacking basic basic life, you know, in prospect shows like availability of whatever, like, you know, toilets and food heating system during disability, cold weather, really season. unfortunately, the health care system is southern and got in. how do you this, you know, they are right around the, to the hospital uh, out of the what the holdup, 16 hospitals in the south and bought for us. this was because our lacking a number of stuff was running. this was because the number have come down to 50 percent overcrowded with patients. some of them have gone up to 340 percent political been seen in ice, used to 140 percent. a particular policy, lack of water level fuel ended. it was the lack of medical supplies,
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including black saving medications, and people who are going to van rental from our side. they ask them to provide water and food before providing them with medicine. and this is really very worried and 93 percent of the people in getting around because they are about, you know, to suffer from an acute the, for the security, 93 percent. so it is really very warning situation that estimate elmendorf from the world health organization to spend elementary. thank you so much for your time and to bring us up to date as okay, let's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world and the german president funk both are fine. maya has met with thailand's prime minister. such a tell us in a bind cook's government house. and this is the 1st visit to thailand by jeff and president in 22 years and aims to enhance corporation between the 2 countries
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and austria. and the quote has rules, rules that joseph fretful can be moved from psychiatric detention to a regular prison. the 88 year old who was imprisoned for raping his daughter for 24 years, was jailed for life and 2009 court to night. a request from fitful legal team to have him released. the usaa sion regulates that has frozen an increase in the production of boeing's 737 max of his follows what the regulator said. what unacceptable quality issues with a troubled plane may to be unprecedented. restriction means that boeing can continue production, but only at the current rate and depends moon sniper, croft has succeeded in a pin point soft landing on the moon. the country space agency released the missions 1st images and confirmed the landing point to be 55 meters from the target point. subsidize touch down major pine early the best nation to achieve
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a so luna something now pensions all continuing to rise on the korean peninsula, admits increasingly hostile rhetoric from the north korean leader kim jong. and ken last week declared that his country is no longer interested in reading to racing with the south. instead suggested the north should rewrites its constitution and declared south korea as its main enemy. and will 3 appears to have torn down a huge arch in its capitol symbolized reconciliation with south korea satellites. images analyzed on wednesday appeared to show the destruction of film young's arch of re unification. images show that the arch is now missing along a roadway. the 2 nations have been formally out rule for the 70 years, but experts say kim statement marks and new down to and relations between the north and the south conjunction blamed recent drills between the us and so for the move,
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however, it may have more to do with adults close to ties to 2 of its allies, russia and china. north korean dictator kim joel on is no stranger to fiery rhetoric. but experts say his statement to the north korean parliament could change relations between the north and the south for years to come. to protect you against the i see, i mean we have our most hostile state, the republic of korea, you know, nearest neighborhood. and the instability of the regional situation is sorting due to the us led escalation. the military tensions then came further instructed his government to enshrine the self as north korea's chief enemy and disbanded the government offices responsible for exchange with the south young, young and sole had been in a defacto state of war since the end of fighting and the cream conflict, however, both countries had officially pursued eventual reintegration. despite their tents
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relations, kim's announcement said to change that the tensions have been on the rise to impart to north korea's nuclear weapons and rocket programs. and came, is made an art of using facilities like these as part of his government's propaganda. the north cleans it needs the technology for self defense. tests like these have long been a thorn in the side of the south and it's international allies, experts, they've shown you and your has at least 30 nuclear warheads. the north resume test of new hypersonic missiles are also worrying. so what do you put in the military immediately detected the north korean missile launch now and shared the data with the us in japan, but we condemn north korea's missile launch, as it is a provocation that seriously threatens peace and stability in the korean peninsula . give your opinion going back on providing it on the south. a sort closer military ties with his chief support or the united states, including frequent joint military drills, leading to a predictable,
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tit for tat saber rattling on both sides of korea's demilitarized zone. the north is also strengthening its ties to both china and russia and their support may be emboldening its leadership. russian defense officials recently helped control on mark the 70 at the anniversary of the end of fighting in the korean war. and north korea has emerged as an important supplier, a fresh munitions 4 months ago. both stream rushes, filtering weapons industry after its invasion of ukraine. fears the conflict could escalate, are spreading in the region. japan recently held rock at evacuation drills in case the cold war between the north and the south ever becomes hot and would howell is an expense on the north and south korean politics and electra at christ church college, oxford university in the u. k. welcome to the w. what does north korea is increasingly
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hostile upholstering? tell us about kim jong and reading? thank you. so there's been a fundamental shift in north korea's policy stones toward south korea. even the king duncan has not ruled out the unification of the industrial nation with the south for the nation, the people he has moved out the media dictation of the 2 states. and this is a very different to what his, his father and his grandfather has done. now, north korea view, south fed notes as part the same to them both as a full style, aggressive pilot, just like any other phone pounds. and so we should expect for the patients towards south korea to increase. so this should be taken seriously. it shouldn't sort of simply be seen as simply more more rhetoric from kim john i think it should be taken seriously. it's not simply last of that site. i think the
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claims that a war on the korean peninsula is no. i think those all saw the alarmist, and we need to make sure that we own you won't even though we may not be immune. and that does not mean to say, we should be unconcerned with north cris 90 heard of increasing publications. how is south career responding to all of this? so what we're seeing is cells clear um, continue to strengthen its alliances with the united states. and also it's probably not for the launch is us, japan and south korea. i think this is going to be very important on this laptop try left for this of which we saw in find last year of the comp. david summit is particularly crucial given the history of japanese and south between relations, which have not always been smooth. and so there is a growing need, a concerted strengthening of the us, the launch system in northeast asia. even if this means increasing military exercises, which as we know most create dislikes, could you say, well,
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could we say that tensions between soul in pyongyang, or a reflection of the broad a, g, u political tensions involving china, russia, and as you've been talking about the us and its allies we know is a little fishes and cleavages in international relations at the moment. protect cleanings in austin institutions such as the united nations security council. and we know that north korea has been not, is continuing to take advantage of this and is doing so particularly by strengthening its relationship with russia, as we've seen over the past few months and beyond. and this has something to the account is coming. yeah. okay. what about the south koreans? i mean, how do they see this? did they still have any hope desire of the know from the south region icing? as there's obviously a possible denial on the positive sauce between people and particularly self can
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people whose families have been affected by the division of the clinton in all the unification. i think more timing. now the king doesn't upset. he's not glued out the units cation of the nation of patients, but by placing and flaming software as basically a full in power of any form of unification is going to be extremely difficult except to given how any form of unification between the 2. chris needs the cooperation, not just a long career, but of but at what, how from up, so do you invest in the okay, thank you so much for joining us today. thank you very much. now the european union is teaming up with poor self or race has to come back increasing illegal drug trafficking that have been huge increases in the amount of cocaine entering the continent. 3 ports in belgium and the netherlands in recent years. and that is prompted the, the sauce,
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a new project to fight back against the drug smugglers. the deputies jet power reports now from one of europe largest ports opposed to the until up in belgium. these might look like the sleepy will to ways of europe's shipping trade. but as what ports has become a hot bed of some of the world's most lucrative criminal activity, pressure has been steadily ramping up on your p and politicians to act to tackle the drug gangs operating. here. we have joining forces here today because it takes a network to fight a network. so that's why here today we launched a european ports alliance success this against criminal c one port alone with only mean crim enough move to other ports. criminals have reportedly been handing out hundreds of thousands of your raising bribes to port workers and threatening them and their families to gain access to shipments. deduct supportive roof to them is another key focus of the project. schools of people have be shuttled,
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formed in drug gang violence in belgium, the netherlands, and across the european union in recent years, including the motives of famous investigative employers, as well as innocent children, quotes in the crossfire, customs officials here and on to. busy seized a 165 years in kilos of cocaine last year, coming in on ships from all over the world. there was another new yearly record for the port of veteran lines. that's just what's being seized. not what's getting past . the customs officials, the gangs of bringing the drugs in from latin america, mainly equitable and colombia. the polt alliance comprises of european politicians port must, as shipping companies and security firms when human lives considered being just a tool in a lucrative gets the true mental business. should we be surprised that the level of violence surpassing the images of muscular type, serious and this,
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the stronger the hutch wins, the more creative collaborative bolt is supportive. we need to be. your pin for 2 lines. projects is a byte increasing cooperation between your national customs and law enforcement to authorities. it wants to use technology like containers scanners to boost security . but officials wouldn't make too many details public in order to prevent criminals from being informed of the plans. the task ahead is titanic, the european official was no, despite requires more than just to nudge under domains. jack power could fall. that report joins us now from brussels. i did not get to see you at tell us who exactly is involved in this new you port task force and how exactly it's meant to work. so the over 15 ports from the pool to von or for instance humbug, housing, vogue, and all over the european union. and they all turned off in on to have to have this discussion as well as the associations of shit, bro, cuz,
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and all the ship associations, including the terminal operators where a lot of the pressure lies on what we've seen in recent years, especially in the last decade also is a huge increase in technology, which means that many more containers can quickly be scammed off cargo ships. moved out of the pool area and then send all over the european union. it is increased call go on the quantities that are moving through pause, but that obviously means that there's been a decrease in the checks that are happening somewhere in the region of only 2 to 10 percent of all call go. containers are scanned when they enter the european union for what is in them, and not that has allowed essentially a thriving criminal network of drug smugglers to get drugs into the european union on these containers. as we had in the report, the consent from the european side is that's what happens if one pull managers to
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sort of crack dining on that on, on the, on that business, the drug gangs of notes so well coordinated amongst themselves. that they simply just send the containers into other pools. and the european union who's leading this initiative appears to have managed to get these posts on site, get them together to try to collaborate to, to, to try and create died on, on the co came, is entering your opinion. so we've got very well called a nice a drug guns who will also extremely violent, as we heard in your reports. you know, this growing a drug gun violence in belgium, in the netherlands. can you tell us more about that? you know, how bad is it really now? as? yeah, i think due to the, i mean it's very bad from the numbers. there's been over 500 explosions and shootings in the last couple of years. relate to the sense of this and especially in port areas. local belgium media has been extensively reporting on the ports advance web. i'm essentially what they say is that what's happened is,
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as the technology has go back to and they're almost seizures, the drug games who ordinarily would sort of see a. so it's in the minds of features as part of the business of importing into the european union. that those seizures are getting so high that that night, fighting back and trying to re top to the drugs that a seized by custom. so officials and take them back. and that obviously using very serious force to do so, the ports of and to let them in the vicinity of on to epicene a spill out of to violence into the neighborhoods, especially in the region around the port. and it's a huge concern for politicians as it is in the netherlands, as it is in other pools. and that's what we're starting to see. a desperate need to act, and that's what this port alliance is trying to do. there's no doubt that they know there's a tool in order ahead of them. and they talked a lot about that when they were launching this port alliance. they want to do more . they know that they need to collaborate because citizens in this part of the world, i'm not happy to see that was used for huge amounts of drugs being smuggled into
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the, into your it. all right, well have to leave it that dw correspondent get part in brussels. thanks so much jack. and that is on use around us. i'm any kids in the kitchen and i'll be back at the top of the out of the then the
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refugees. welcome. one german vintage takes in 5 times as many people as the official quote to requires. how is that possible? many residents to strategies and funding language courses and jobs. we accompany one of these volunteers and is to help focus on your next on d, w. a landscaping with aspiring germany's
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volcanic mindful regions. about 10000 years ago. the volcanoes went quiet. a. com is something green again, on the ground. out in 45 minutes on d w. the faithful encounter. in the late 19 seventy's former concentration campaign, my general most meisner meant the man who had to maintain him go stop bogged, known as the beast of sylvie bar. shame on you. tell the truth. to use nature, wagner was dead. and investigation concluded that it was suicide. by the fire,
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give rise to don't really have to go see the january 27th on the hello and welcome to focus on europe with me live show in germany reports about a secret meeting of right wing extreme is planning to the porch. people with foreign background is causing massive waves and cities live cologne unit, collide, fish and berlin. hundreds of thousands are demonstrating, sending a clear message against racism and hatred, spread by right wing extremists and populace. the silent majority is raising its.


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