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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 25, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news life from the military plane crash inside russia, public schools for an international investigation. brushing media report say both black foxes have been found at the crash sites must go and keep leaving each other for the disaster. dozens of the cranium. soldiers were allegedly on board and heading home in a christmas was also coming up on the program is road rules. a rev review for me, it's still just allies. the us pop to an a tap on a you and shelter. and con eunice, which kills 12 and pools of the new focus of europe and drugs. european union launch is a new task force correct down on the violent games using mode and problems to
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enforce that rain, the pool, the money to this market, and welcome to the program. russian state media says those blackbox is from a military plane crash has been found in southern russia. the kremlin says, keeps forces shut down the croft killing over 74 people on board. and now the victims included $65.00 ukrainian soldiers who are part who will on the plane as part of the prison. the swamp keys is accusing. moscow is deliberately risking the lives of prisoners of war and has demanded an international inquiry. the un security council will meet to discuss the incidents in a few hours at the request of russia's foreign minister. as this footage shed on, social media is set to show the moment the russian ministry tron spots across the
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black smoke streets, the gray skies. then a fireball chief is confirmed, that's a prisoner's swap was due to take place. but that to not being asked by russia to ensure safe operational as space ukraine's president let them use the landscape, has canceled upcoming trips on call for an international investigation which will be the short of the russians are playing with the lives of who communion prisoners with the feelings of the relate of and with the emotions of 5 societies, we need to establish all the effects as much as possible, given that the dawning of the plane. ok, good on question. 3rd, treat. toya was a national control. ukraine often targets russian ministry transport planes believe to be delivering missiles, especially near its frontier unsafe verse. it could be trying to destabilize
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a situation where the defense ministry claims $75.00 people are on board, including $65.00 ukraine prisoners of law versus foreign minister has called for the un security council to discuss the incident. hopefully you'll skip the fidelity, you'll cleanings, but most of more web transported to the pedagogy agents in order to conduct shit and at the slab screw that was agreed between moscow and key if instead of this i wish to but that you clean inside. last and ad defense presided from the hockey regions that are you on the side of spin, targeted the airplanes, the new pen was a fatal strike. well done by the most, the thought is so funny, the, the craft went down in the bulk or a region of southern russia close to ukraine's boulder. the regional government set the plane crushed in the field near a residential area. and they wouldn't notice the volume is
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as dw correspondent, my son, that is in teams. and i asked him about the criminal investigation that ukraine is cooling for and how that might work given the plane crashed on russian soil right on. yeah. so that's the case. the s p u that is the ukrainian security service open to probe into the dining of the plane. and at the moment there is still very little information out there and a lot of uncertainty as to what happened. this is a highly sensitive topic, so the trainings will try to establish the full picture, get all the information before moving forward and to providing more information to the public. but from what we're hearing, the s p u considers that this could be a violation of the customs of war. that is something that they are investigating which would translate to more crimes being committed at the moment, kia phone has not confirmed or denied the russian claims the central claim that the plane carrying ukrainian p o w 's were shot down by you creating an air defense to
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get to the bottom of this, an independent investigation would be necessary. um the cranes are already investigated. this is going to be very, very difficult. given the fact that the incident happened in russian airspace. the crash site is within russian territory and out of the reach of investigators and at the moment doesn't seem likely that they will be granted that independence neutral investigators or you credit investigating progressive access to it. and of course, russia is saying it's recovered, the flight record is from the crushed plane. so, i mean, what are the chances of that going to make public won't be slight record is reveal . yeah, that is an interesting question. i mean, the black box in some could give the vailable insights into the moments leading up to the crash. and depending on the make, they can provide the flight data and or the as well. the convocation, for example, between the pilots and the carpet. and that could help establish the facts or at least give, give a better understanding of what caused it. don't even play made
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a speech or a rocket for example. or for example of device or technical um, malfunction. um, but uh, regardless of, uh, what these uh, what the, what the russians present still, this information has to be viewed very, very carefully. um, since the given the russian history of dealing with, with such incidents, there may be a chance to pick a temper with the evidence or fabricate evidence. russia has lived numerous times in the past about the atrocities committed in this worth and, and ukraine. so any evidence of regarding this case being the russian or you crating will have to be examined very, very carefully and independently. very max, thanks so much for that. let's do w correspondence from the in keith to the whole in garza now in the united nation says but at least 12 people were killed when tank via his shelter in hon. eunice in the south. as the goal is to strip, the city has become the focus of his writing military operations. the un facility
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was housing hundreds of displaced people. these ready army says it was not responsible for the strike, but that it is still investigating the incident. thousands of people who fled south from con eunice and recent days, but many more are trapped by fighting in the city. now in washington, dc, the bite and administration has cooled. the shelling of the you and shelter. incredibly concerning. when we did for today is the tax on the unions con eunice training center. you've heard me say it before you for the secretary, say it before, but the civilians must be protected and the protected nature of un facilities must be respected and humanitarian workers must be protected so that they can continue providing civilians with real life saving uh surrender, tearing assistance that they need a med elmendorf from the world health organization telling me more about what
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happened at the you and shelter in the canyon is very hot. breaking. unfortunate. do you know? sadly who is what we hear? just update. as you have mentioned, they know the bought the 75 people in georgia. i'm did one kid. we have to sit on, you know, attempts of something i mentioned yesterday was the bill standing 100 percent on on the door. and we managed, you know, have types of it on their requests, you know, to go them. we evacuated around $45.00 for the b one bishop. they do a lot of injured. 15 of them in practice to have severe injuries. and unfortunately, one of them died on our way funeral to and other hospitals there in, in, roughly, as you have mentioned, you know, i talking to you on buildings in general health care facilities and specifically is in a breach to the international humanitarian. ok. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. and the
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south korean ruling policy lawmaker has been a tax in southern sol, based on june has been treated for loss or ations in hospital. a suspect was arrested at the scene. of the attack comes just weeks after a man stabbed the opposition leader in the neck of i pod son, delegation from the us congress has reaffirm support for ty, one. this is the 1st visit from washington since the january. so i seen election that ham. this is the democratic progressive policy as a to the policy rejects china is claims to the island, and vision has condemned the election results various the french president and many other macola has arrived in india for to day visits. the prime minister under moody will host my call at a banquet and drive pause. 19th century maharajah is palace. you delhi says both countries, all strategic partners and power as is all in trade deals with the growth,
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5th largest economy. the protest, 5 french farm is, is edging closer to paris. they all angry at rising costs and she imports that on the account that pro, to use for testers have blocked highway set fires and sprayed menu. and they say that they will not stop until there's a month on that. and then all street in court has rules that joseph fretful kennedy move from psychiatric detention to a regular prison. the 88 year old imprisoned and raped his door, says the 24 he is in jail to life. in 2009, the court denied a request from fretful legal team to have them released. now the european union is teaming up with post operators to come back in legal drug trafficking that's been huge. increases in the amount of cocaine entering the confidence reports in belgium and the netherlands in recent years. and that is prompted the you to start a new project,
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to flight back against the drug smugglers. you don't use drug power cripples now from one of europe largest ports, the port of antoinette in belgium. these might look like the sleepy will to ways of europe's shipping trade. but as what ports has become a hot bed of some of the world's most lucrative criminal activity, pressure has been steadily ramping up on your p and politicians to act to tackle the drug gangs operating. here we have joining forces here today because it takes a network to fight a network. so that's why here today we launched your p imports alliance success this against criminals. the one port alone with only means driven us move to other ports, criminals of reportedly being handing out hundreds of thousands of your raising bribes to port workers. and for us, sending them in their families to gain access to shipments. the dot support of roof to them is another key focus of the project. schools that people have. the shuttle
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boomed in drug gang violence in belgium, the netherlands, and across the european union. in recent years, including the motives of famous investigative employers, as well as innocent children, quotes in the crossfire, customs officials here and on. seized a $116.00 fires in kilos of cocaine last year. coming in on ships from all over the world. there was another new yearly rec quotes to the port, a veteran mines. that's just what's being seized, not what's getting past. the customs officials the gangs of bringing the drugs in from latin america, mainly equitable and colombia. the porter lies comprises of european politicians port most as shipping companies and security firms when human lives. i'd consider it being just a tool in a look. let's if that's the true mental business. should we be surprised if that's the level of violence. serv? bossing the images of my field, type serious. and this,
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the stronger the hutch wins, the more creative collaborative bolt is supportive. we need to be. your pin for 2 lines. projects is a byte increasing cooperation between your national customs and law enforcement to authorities. it wants to use technology like contain the scanners to boost the security, but officials wouldn't make too many details public in order to prevent criminals from being informed of the plans. the task ahead is titanic. the european official was no despite requires more than just to nudge so now depends space agencies says that it's precision, luna alonda has reached the tiny patch of the moon that it was aiming for and that it sent back pictures to prove that the agency has released images that show the pro, just 55 meters away from its target point. now the successful touchstone makes japan new the best countries to complete the self clean. the landing the rocky surface of
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earth closest celestial body. these pictures of the moon sent back to earth by japan's nicknamed sniper craft. the country space agency confirmed the module made a pinpoint landing, touching down within meters. if it's intended destination. it says control soft landing was successful semester. we have confirmed that the landing site was 55 meters away from the talk. it points out that fall. we feel that the landing point was a pain point landing with an oxy were say, within a 100 meters to the cycle. stop you. when you come back so you must, the successful touchstone comes is a huge relief for space agency staff following the engine problems that could have knocked it off course. the craft seen here in the promotional animation will now be switched off to preserve power. but it's hope to could be rebooted as early as next week after it is recharged using solar energy. and that is all we have time for coming up next
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e w business looked at why sanctions have not stopped. russians of who i money comes from the ken and i'll be back at the top of the hour, an hour and a half of the whole team in the cost for on the sponsored 0. so it's one of the sale weapons and he knows how to use it. and pretend this guy knows about energy in a way that these is like structures have no idea what doesn't look behind this just started this energy, john, tell us gas problem. russians political weapons, thoughts, february 3rd on dw, you cran says it's in danger of losing the war. and russia is more confident of victory than ever. and here's one of the biggest reasons. oil rushes most important .


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