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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 25, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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or the, this is the w news live from the in a minute tree plane crash inside rush that problem schools for an international investigation. raxon media report say both black folks have been found that the crash sites must go and keep blaming each other for the does all the thousands of ukrainian soldiers for allegedly on board heading home and a prisoner will say, coming up on the program. israel girls are forever viewed from it's don't just ally, the us off to an attack on a un shelter, and con eunice, which kills 12, the
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many cupids making and welcome to the program is good to have you with us. russian state media says those black boxes from the military plane crash have been found in southern russia. the kremlin says, keeps forces schultz down the cross killing. 074 people on board. now the victims included $65.00 ukrainian soldiers who were on that plane as part of the prison. as luck, keith is accusing moscow deliberately risking the lives of prisoners of war and has demanded an international inquiry. the un security council will meet to discuss the incidents in a few hours time. other requests of rushes for administer based splits. each shade on social media is set to show the moment the russian military transports across the black smoke streaks, the gray skies. then
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a fireball chief is confirmed that the prisoners swap was due to take place. but that he did not being asked by russia to ensure a safe operational as space. the ukraine president, florida, means the landscape has canceled upcoming trips and called for an international investigation which would make sure that the russians are playing with the lives of who put in prison notes with the feelings of the relate of and with the emotions of 5 societies. we need to establish all the effects as much as possible, given that the dawning of the plane. ok, good on question. ted treat to it was a national control. ukraine often targets russian military transport planes believe to be delivering missiles saves rush. it could be trying to destabilize the situation, but the russian defense minister claimants, $75.00 people on board, including $65.00 ukranian prisoners of law, was about to go to the new york,
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which is for administer called for the un security council to discuss the incident . what are you looking for in the cleaning business of mod, web transported to the pedagogy region in order to conduct shipping to this web screw that was agreed between moscow and keys instead of this over. but that you clean inside. last, an ad defense presided from the hockey regions and are you on the side of spin, talking to the airplane. so you knew pen was a fatal strike? well done by the most someone to, to go through this. so for the, the craft went down in the belgrade region of southern russia, close to ukraine's boulder. the regional governess set the plane crushed in a field near a residential area. and that with notes of volume is russia's claim that it has recovered the slight record as raises questions about what they might reveal. hi aust, security analysts. marina muran,
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what she things as well. it's very difficult to tell what those record years will reveal. the usually those recordings would include the flight the does the altitude, and so all sorts of technical things and also the conversations and the cockpit and radio transmissions. so what i'm thinking is that we will be able to establish one, the plane was hit at what altitude and go from there at the possibly to determine the trajectory of the missiles that came and hits a plane. the thing we could establish is a communication amongst the pilots and the communication them from the pilots to do the air traffic controllers are both on the russian and don't on the premium side. so we might find more information of what was happening in order to be able to validate whereas the premium is aware that the russians were coming. or was it a mistake, or was it not
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a ukrainian by the russian air defense and as well. so all those questions might be clarified to a certain extent. now moscow is claiming that ukraine was given a 15 minute warning about the flight. ukraine is denying this, but let's say russia did tell ukraine would 15 minutes be enough time to then warn ukrainian from line units as well i, i think when russia in the ukraine agreed to set the date, was a specifics prisoner swap. that would happen. know, let's look at some point and the time was set as well. apparently reporting due to several sources that ukraine would be. where were you bringing in these military intelligence was aware of when and where it was going to happen. so i think given the advanced warning, when the plane was 15 minutes before entering that dangerous area to the front, the troops and the premium coming, you can cations are working well. i think it might have been enough to turn off the
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air defenses in order to allow that plane to get through without being targeted. and presumably if that's if, if the ukrainians had that information. okay, let's talk about most goes claim. the plane was destroyed by ukrainian missiles that was us made pop through. so german made iris t systems. how likely is this? i mean, we know that way that ukraine says it was use the native foreign weapons to attack russia. that is correct. that's what ukraine said. however, those um airy defense systems are also located very close to the border. so as the ukrainian m o b side, that's a military aircraft, even if it said transport aircraft is a legitimate target. so from the premium point of view, they were defending their territory because a military aircraft was about to cross the border. so i think it is plausible on, and i'm not sure that iris team itself would have the range to shoot the plane down,
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but it would have been possible for before a patry of missile. however, it's just speculation. at this stage we need to wait and see what it will be found amongst the wreckage and the valley to the end and then go from there. all right, now thanks so much as always. that's marina moran security analyst at kings college london. so thank you for having me. i'm going to take a look now at some of the other stories that making headlines around the world. and a russian court has sentenced a woman to 27 years in prison for carrying out a terrorist attack. diarrhea proposed was convicted over of last and as of pieces. the cafe in april last year that killed a permanent pro who below the russian officials have claimed it was an assassination. ordered by keep some national museums in the u. k. have agreed to send lots of the treasures back to gone to but only a 3 year temporary loans. most of the off the facts known as gone is crown jewels
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were taken from the course of the ashanti king, 150 years ago versus little bands. the permanent return of the orthodox and spanish police of arrested 6 people including the lita of a morocco bass to my feel opperation, the restful, made of the raids in the southern region of malika and the north african enclave of melia. the suspects were allegedly involved in money laundering and drug trafficking. police saved, seized 75000 bureaus in cash and jewels worth 10000 years in the operation to the wall and goals. and now in the united nations says, but at least 12 people were killed. 110th fly has a shelter in hong eunice, and the south of the goal is to strip. the city has become the focus of is really military operations. the you and facilitate was housing. hundreds of displaced people is ready. all me says it was not responsible for the strike,
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but that it is still investigating the incident. thousands of people have fled south from san eunice and recent days, but many more trapped by slicing in the city. washington dc, the bite and administration has cooled, the filling of the un shelter. incredibly concerning. as we deplore today is a tax on the u. n's con eunice training center. you've heard me say it before you for the secretary. say it before, but the civilians must be protected and the protected nature of un facilities must be respected and humanitarian workers must be protected so that they can continue providing civilians with real life saving uh, surrender, tearing assistance that they need a middleman dari from the world health organization told me more about what happened at that you and shelter in hong eunice. very hot breaking. unfortunately. no side use what we had yesterday. as you have mentioned and not equal to the
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$75.00 people in georgia, i'm the one kid we have to sit on and you know, attempts of the funding i mentioned yesterday was the bill standing 100 percent on on the door and we might neg, do not have to have separate on their requests, you know, to go them. we evacuated around 45 for the b, one vision city water in your 15 of them in practice to have severe injuries. and unfortunately, one of them died on our way funeral to and other hospital there in rafael. as you have mentioned, you know, i talking to you on buildings in general health care facilities and specifically is in a breach to the international humanitarian here in jam name. the government has expressed the concern about a steep rise in anti semitic incidents since the terror attacks by some us on israel. on october, the 7th last year, the german commissioner, the anti semitism,
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felix kline presented what he called shocking sega's and a new report. as active is currently the number of active submitted crimes. so testing recorded since october 7th stands at exacting 2249 as at 22 january and the significant apothecary is, was not committed shortly after the 7th of october. as one might expect with more about the weeks and months later, especially in this chain for the high level of hostile acts against jews has become normal. to such an extent that it has disappeared from public perception. looking more closely at the shocking numbers by more than 2000 times within the more than 100 days. here in germany, a jew was attacked, threatened in salt, which frightened oh, there was an to submit to catch speech. i am appalled that these facts only rarely find the way into public debates and media are reporting w political correspondent,
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buskie mall was at that press briefing, and he told me more about what condition of felix klein said. yeah, mister climb really painted. uh, a rather bleak and quite a side picture of, of jewish life in germany. at the moment he said that the culture, a few amongst jewish communities meant that people would avoid in speaking hebrew, in public, the change the jewish sending names when they were ordering food or taxis online. and they thought twice about going to a synagogue, or we're in a jewish clothing that could be that could identify them as jewish and public. and regarding the number of incidents as we had them to say that that was over 2000 incidents, has since october, some terror attacked by a mass on issue that i'm going to put it into context. in the whole of $2.20. there was around the see my mind, so it shows you that there's been a re rise um that in 3 months for, for the same amount is and 12 months. so. so in terms of the, the fraction,
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the general fee uh that the jews pictures people have here in germany, klein said that that, that he was afraid or disappointed that it seemed to a rose less sympathy that it really should do amongst the public. me not germany has seen huge nationwide protests against the fall right recently. i mean, did the commission and make any comments about those protest as that's right. um, during the press conference, he was alongside the, the head of the central console for jews and germany. and, and the topic of these we can pull tests that we've seen against the far right. came up again and again. and we said this was assigned for hope that it gave them optimism that people didn't care about the, the rise of the fall right in germany. and this, this was a kind of abroad, a civic show of support for germany's ethnic minorities and jewish populations. but
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interesting movie said that they were concerned and less amused by i'm more worried about what they saw as signs within those poll test on groups within the full test that would voice on show criticism of age will at least let me feel that this was kind of slightly detracting from the product product or am point of those full tests. and so they called the and, and interestingly the topic of the eye they, they'll tell us and for geometry came up again. and again, you know, the, the head of an organization for remembrance of the claims of the, the not she's was on was on this post come press conference. and she said, you is the, the obligation is the duty of decent law abiding citizens not to vote for this party. so we talked about the, the recent pull test said that there were really a show of support to the also that, that the hope that people wouldn't use them to try to voice criticism of israel. but it's not really part of the beat. all right, so let's leave it that he don't use mascot mall. thanks so much for that. and that
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is the news around that. coming up next to documentary series with a trip throught from sylvania, the hot, both of romania, i knew kids mckinnon likes to watch, single faces. the bees do for fun. via do gravitational waves squeeze out body. how do i the drums, but the to the feet and what's the perfect kill? so block side find the on says get stuck with dw signs on the picked up channels. the there are some places just about everyone is heard of that
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