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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 25, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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the, the, the, the we news laws from berlin, a military plane crash inside russia, prompt call for an international investigation. for us and media reports, they both black boxes have been found at the cross side, small scale and key blame each other for the disaster. dozens of ukrainian p o w 's were allegedly onboard heading home in a prison or a swamp. also coming up, israel tells those sheltering at a new one training facility and gaza to leave for their own safety. a day after 12 people were killed there by tank fired. these really military says, hundreds of people at the center need to leave by tomorrow afternoon. the
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uncle for at least welcome to the program. russian state media says, and both live boxes from a military plane crash have been found in southern russia. the kremlin claims case forces shot down the aircraft, killing all 74 people on board. the victims are said to include $65.00 ukrainian soldiers who were on the plane as part of a prisoner swamp. that's according to moscow. keys is accusing moscow, deliberately risking the lives of prisoners of war and has demanded an international inquiry. the un security council will need to discuss the incident in a few hours. the request of rushes for minister based splits. each shade on social media is set to show the moment the russian military transports across the black smoke streaks, the gray skies, then a fireball. the chief is confirmed that the prisoner swap was due
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to take place, but that teacher not being asked by russia to ensure a safe operational as space ukraine for president, florida, means the landscape has canceled upcoming trips and called for an international investigation which will be the short i see on the she hands are playing with the lives, look you could in, in prison knows what the feelings of that are little and with the motions, off of society. we need to establish all the effects as much as possible. so given that the dining of the clean up good on the russian territory, the toilet was a national control. ukraine often talk is russian military transport planes believe to be delivering ms files saves rush. it could be trying to destabilize the situation. but the russian defense, municipal claimants, $75.00 people on board, including $65.00 ukranian prisoners of law the in new york,
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which is for administer called for the un security council to discuss the incident what are you looking for the cleaning business of mod, web, transported to the pedagogy region in order to conduct shipping to this web low school that was agreed between moscow and keith instead of this, i wish to but that you clean inside last an ad defense presided from the hockey regions that are you on the side of spin, targeted the airplane scene, you've been most of the fatal strike. well done. by the most, some of the, so for the the at craft went down in the belgrade region of southern russia, close to ukraine's boulder. the regional governess set the plane crashed in a field near a residential area and that would no survive. as you know, we use ukraine. bureau chief and economy is following the story and trying to sort through the speculation and accusation. he spoke to me about what we actually know
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about the crash. there is a huge amount of noise around this story. i don't really feel like we know great deal more than we did it this time yesterday. we've had lots of details, lots of, at basically speculation about various aspects of the most important central to questions. who shot this plane down? was it indeed the ukraine resolve? was it a frenzy, 5 incident from the russian side? was it a technical issue and potentially more importantly, who was on board where these adjust the rest, the transport pilots and maybe some let's recall goes over these ukranian prisoners was indeed on board. and if indeed, there were present level all day, the same people as the names on the list released by russian state media. there's definitely speculation to some of the people moses have already been swapped in the pos and couldn't possibly have been on that plane. and the big question everyone's all seen here, and ukraine is where all the images of the bodies so far we've only seen an image of one body on that snowy field of blood, but not of dozens of bodies. and there was
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a real kind of feeling here in ukraine that had so many people lost their lives that we would have seen more in the way of evidence given that this is a plane that crashed very close to towns and lots of people living nearby. some doubts cast over the russian version of things, but we also still haven't really had a clear unambiguous answer from q as to what they think really happened that way. it is very strange. i had left a few space for speculations. conspiracy there is here in ukraine and real surprised that we haven't heard more in the way all the clear out from the military leadership, but also from present zalinski. he said that given how important this topic is to ukraine as a whole, but also to the families in particular that there's so many needs investigation. but we've heard the ministry who yes, they think they would not stop their tax on russian transport planes in that region . given that those plans bring me solves that are used almost daily to attack ca give you credit the 2nd city. then we have that the comments from the dozen
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surfaces things they hadn't been informed by the russians, that this thing was going to be used for prisoners of war. so it is a very strange situation to be and i know many, this is a government there in a democratic come to let you grant that is aware of the need to communicate with this population. and so that kind of absence falls. clarity is strange and unusual . in the same way that it moves around usual for the rest and sides to communicate the so quickly. normally when one of them and a tree plains or the equipment is down by the print inside, they basically say nothing for a few days. and here you had within a few hours that basically all the top people making very many synchronize comments . so that also strange that was the, the ways you came here to make connelly joining us from keith. thank you so much. and we can now take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. are russian court has sentenced a woman to 27 years in prison for carrying out a terrorist attack. diarrhea chapel was convicted over blossom, st. petersburg and
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a cafe in april last year and killed a problem in pro war blogger. russian officials have claimed it was an assassination ordered by keith, an unregulated gold mine has collapsed, and molly killing at least 70 people. officials said the search for survivors was ongoing accidents and molly's golf gold lines are common with the operators. often accused of ignoring safety measures from national museums in the you k have agreed to send diluted treasures back to god, but only as 3 year temporary loans. most of the artifacts known as donna's crown jewels were taken from the course of the ashanti king, 150 years ago. british log bands, the permanent return of the artifacts and north korea appears to have torn down a huge arch and its capital that symbolized reconciliation with south korea. satellite images analyzed on wednesday appear to show the destruction of john
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young's arch of re unification. most korean leader kim jong, last week a cleared his country, is no longer interested in reintegrating with the sell to the war and gaza now. and the united nation says that people sheltering in its training facility in the south of the gaza strip have an order to leave by the israeli army by tomorrow afternoon, friday for their own safety. the warning comes a day after at least 12 people were killed. one tank fire hit the shelter, and con, unice of the city has become the focus of is really military operations. the un facility was housing, hundreds of displaced people is really army says it wasn't responsible for the strike, but that it is still investigating the incident. thousands of people that fled sell from con eunice in recent days, but many more are trapped by the finding of the city. tomorrow i'll reply is from the united nations relief and works agency for palestine from palestinian
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refugees who joined us from the jordanian capital. a mon, i asked her to give us an assessment of how many people remain on the shelter, and tanya and as, and whether it is possible for them to evacuated by the deadline. tomorrow, the delta care is a series of buildings, a used to be a vocational training center for underwriter right now, this vocational center, like many of unrest, schools, all of when our schools are used as a shelters. this particular one today, houses 43000 the slaves people. many of them have been displaced, 3 or 4 times in the last 12 weeks of biking. but also around the shelter around this complex are another estimate, the 30000 people sleeping out in the open. but feeling that they are close, unprotected because they're near the un building. unfortunately, the un building the kit. now, in terms of how realistic it is to ask up to $70000.00 people, to evacuated them,
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less than 24 hours, it is extremely unrealistic to expect all these people to be able to truly be while the active fighting is still happening and to be safely in fact, many people, most of the population, has been repeatedly displaced over the last 12 weeks. sometimes after receiving evacuation orders, but most of them have been doing any roads by foot or by any means of transportation in the middle of the bombing and strikes. the german government has expressed deep concern about arise and anti semitic incidents since the october 7th . her attacks carried out by her most against israel. germany's commissioner for anti semitism presented what he called shocking fingers in a new report, the field explained as the mind leading the fights against anti semitism in germany . and by his own account, he has his work,
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concert seems to be october 7th. how must her attack an alarming picture as a managed child? yet looking more closely at the shocking numbers by more than 2000 times within the more than 100 days. here in germany, a jew was attacked, threatened in solitude, frightened. oh, there was an to submit to catch speech. i'm a pull that the fax or the read the find the way into public debate and media reporting that. so we're on the same number of incidents as for the whole of 2022 among them. i'm all the tough cocktail through and they sent a golden central palin. for many a grim reminder of germany's not see past. but jewish leaders say much of the daily threat now is driven by opponents of israel. because he's medina. these stories are reminiscent of those days and we need to empathy with those affect it
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in order to stop this development. i have them with ladies and gentlemen at this time, this is especially true of the threat to be slim as anti semitism in our society. but not only we should nationwide protests against the far right till tenants for germany have drawn huge crowds, sparked by reports that if the members discuss the plan to forcibly to port millions of people of foreign origin, the be flying high in the polls. if the, if the others with our less maxine motivated, expulsion plans cannot spin electable alternative for responsible citizens and the crap is about the program is right. we extremist switched on to democratic and the threat to prosperity, which done defend officials of calling on the government to tighten criminal laws and increased funding for education. both above all the message to germans is not to forget. japan space agency says
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it's precision lunar land or reach the pain patch of the moon it was aiming for and send back pictures to prove it. pages he has released the image is that show the prob, just 55 meters away from its target point. the successful touchstone makes japan only the 5th country to complete a soft lunar landing. the rocky surface of earth closest celestial body. these pictures of the moon sent back to earth by japan's nicknamed sniper craft. the country space agency confirmed the module made a pinpoint landing, touching down within meters. if its intended destination control, soft landing was successful. so must, we have confirmed that the landing site was 55 meters away from the talkie pointed to that fall. we feel that the landing point was obtained point landing with an axe . you were say, within a 100 meters, a new cycle. stop you when you come back. so you must. the successful touchstone
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comes is a huge relief for space agency staff following the engine problems that could have knocked it off course. the craft seen here in a promotional animation will now be switched off to preserve power, but it's hope to could be rebooted as early as next week after it is recharged using solar energy. as a reminder of our top story today, russian state media says 2 black boxes from a military plane crash have been found. the gremlins as you create new forces shot down the aircraft and southern russia, killing everyone on board, including $65.00 ukrainian prisoners of war. keep accuses mosque out of playing with ukrainian lives and has demanded an international investigation there with us now for a documentary on the last thing, legacy of uncle, so you know, chance dictatorship and taylor, i'm really thank you so much for your company. of the more news you're looking for,
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there's always our website that's the w dot com. thanks so much. bye bye. the . there's a note just to have a site to make the right decision, dw, and, you know, follow the chevy and struggling to come up with a new constitution.


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