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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 25, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm CET

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the, the, the state of the union is long from berlin. a military plane crash inside russia prompts calls for an international investigation. person authorities release for this. they say shows the craft bind and wreckage moscow. and can you blame each other for the disaster? dozens of ukrainian p o w use were allegedly on board heading home and a prisoner, a swan also coming out. israel tells the sheltering the un training facility and also to leave for their own safety day after 12 people were killed, verify tank fire. these really military says the hundreds of people at the center need to leave by friday afternoon and mountain concern in jeremy over rising
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anti semitism, a new government report revealed a sharp rise in anti jewish bigotry linked to the october 7th. her attacks against israel, the gulf, or at least to our viewers on p b. s, and the united states and all you joining us from around the world. welcome to the program. it's great to have you with us. russian state media says both black box is from a military plane crush, have been found in southern russia. russian authorities investigating the incident released new video, which you can see here. they say it shows the crash side and wreckage from the aircraft. the kremlin says, keys forces shot down to plain killing all $74.00 people on board rushes as the victims included $65.00 ukrainian soldiers who were being transported as part of a prisoner's swamp. a. d, w, 's, your crime here,
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a change then economy is following the story and trying to sort through the speculation and accusations he spoke to me about what we actually know about the crash. there is a huge amount of noise around this story. i don't really feel like we know a great deal more than we did it this time yesterday. we've had lots of details. lots of basically speculation about various aspects of the most important central to questions who shot this plane down? was it indeed it ukraine? michelle, was it a friendly fire incident from the russian side? was it a technical issue and potentially more importantly, who was on board where these adjust the rest the transport pilots and maybe some let's recall goes over these ukranian prisoners of war. indeed on board. and if indeed, the weapons and the vote all day, the same people as the names on the list released by russian state media. there's definitely speculation to some of the people those this have already been swamped in the past and couldn't possibly have been on that plane. and the bit questionnaire was all seen here in ukraine is where all the images of the body so
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far we've only seen an image of one body on that snowy field of blood, but not of dozens of bodies. and there was a real kind of feeling here in ukraine that had so many people lost their lives that we would have seen more in the way of evidence given that this is a plane that crashed very close to towns and lots of people living nearby. some doubts cast over the russian version of things, but we also still haven't really had a clear unambiguous answer from cuba as to what they think really happened that way . it is very strange. i had left a few space for speculation to conspiracy theories here in ukraine and real surprise that we haven't heard more in the way all the clear outside from the military leadership, but also from the presence of lensky. he said that given how important this topic is to ukraine as a whole, but also to the families in particular that this somebody needs investigation. but we've heard the ministry who yes, they think they would not stopped their tax on russian transport planes. and that
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reason, given that those plans bring me solve, that it used almost daily to attack ca give that ukraine 2nd city. then we have, that's a comment from the it doesn't services things they hadn't been informed by the russians, that this thing was going to be used for prisoners of war. so it is a very strange situation to be. and normally this is a government there in a democratic comes like ukraine that is aware of the need to communicate with this population. and so that kind of absence falls clarity from the government is strange and unusual in the same way that it gives a very unusual for the rest and sides to communicate the so quickly. normally when one of the military planes or the equipment is down by the print inside, they basically say nothing for a few days. and here you had within a few hours that basically all the top people making very many synchronize comments . so that also strange that was the double use you cream here to make connelly joining us from cuba. thank you so much. we can now take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. are
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russian court has sentenced a woman to 27 years in prison for carrying out a terrorist attack. sorry, a trip of all was convicted over a blast and the st. petersburg cafe in april last year that killed a prominent pro war longer. russian officials have claimed it was an assassination ordered by keith french president, a monument lot calls controversial plans to reform emigration. law have been delta blow after a court ruled, much of the new legislation is unconstitutional and upheld much of the bill, but censor contentious additions made under pressure from the right and far right. level need security sources say at least one person was wounded and is really showing of targets in southern 11 on these really military. so the latest strikes were in retaliation for quote, to has black, hostile aerial targets, which cross from 11 on into is rarely territory. in the united
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nations says that people sheltering in its training facility in the south, the gaza strip have been ordered to leave, find the is really army by friday afternoon for their own safety. that is, the warning comes a day after at least 12 people were killed. 110 fire hit, the shelter and con eunice over 25000 palestinians have reported. we've been killed in gaza, says israel launched it's offensive against him. us. which committed the worst ever terror attack against israel. on october, 7th of last year, families rushed from the slicing in gallons of south despair is seeking safety is done fine rentals in the distance one mazda pushes his 6 on on a hospital beat. thank you. so this family,
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it's the 3rd time being forced to move that up. it's like this every time i say israel has previously told people to move to the south of the gaza strip, which is now the scene of intense fighting. a reported tank attack on a you in facility kills at least 13 people and injured thousands around 70000 people are estimated to be sheltering in or around the complex israel has only now wanted them to leave. now, in terms of how realistic it is to add up to $70000.00 people, to evacuated in less than 24 hours, it is extremely unrealistic to expect all these people to be able to truly be while the active fight thing is still happening until the safety hospitals in the area of the whelmed and struggling to provide basic care with meaning of the injured,
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unable to even get to them. so help there are 3 main hospitals in hon. eunice, they're all in circles currently. so the then the nonsense, an ext. uh and then all of these are the main hospitals and fun units, and it's extremely difficult to access them. and in fact, it's externally difficult to access that part of the west ton unit. anyway, israel believe senior mazda officials and is really hostages are in tunnels and the fun eunice. thousands of people are now trying to leave facility with meaning feeding to nearby rasa. joining the more than 1000000 displaced palestinians who have read a slight bit of a more. i can now welcome. he's a mano spokesperson for the international committee of the red cross. joining us from rossa in southern gaza, welcome his um, as far as your concerned or people heating these really armies order to evacuate
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the you and shelter and han, eunice, can they hello, nicole and tank or thank you for having me. unfortunately, was there with missing once again, be with us. it over the past few days is that the north is becoming a 1000 uh, got a service be coming from other north econ simply forced thousands of families continued being displays from one place to another under the most dangerous circumstances, without any access to the basic needs or survival advocate, rewards are good medicines and some of our safety and security. what we are witnessing now is that we are, we fear that actually the, the, the gaza would lose its health care system capacity. in total, it's very few hospitalizations and find unis. governor rates, and so i think i'll just try are pushed out of service as facilities have to come near them. the entire health care system is, um is,
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is this on it's means and there's absolutely no guarantee. now that medical staff will be able to continue their live saving job. we have the best thousands of families at to sleep from time eunice on the majority of them were actually displaced inside tents or inside these 2 few hospitals. uh they took shelter and uh now the move to the rock covering the range which is, which represents only 20 percent of those little spaces of, of kansas truck. that's approximately 6011 years 60 square kilometers. and now it's inhabited by over 1500000 displaced human beings for the bar and rough governor, right? aren't you, can you, can you describe what the situation there is for you as someone who's, who's living there, but also trying to assist people who are on the run what it's nearly impossible to assist people any more. because 1st it's, it's the, we like all the security guy is that would allow us to move for you to have
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security on the ground. the limitation on the humanitarian aid that is entering or allowed to inter garza is also has also compounds of suffering. and people literally, they don't live on the streets now if i turn tense and make shift, now it's 4 inch rain it's, it's very rainy and very, very cold. and even the weather is not, is no longer on the side of the people here. people. how so it's a day to have access to clean walter. some of the families are forced to fill buckets from the mediterranean to used to clean their clothes or, or uh, just watch uh themselves and finding food is also a hospital for uh, thousands of people. the north itself, unfortunately, families have to use animals further and turn it into a you know, a bread instead of flour because even attorney and paid is no longer accessible to the north. and this is another contest. yeah, b $11.00 this week,
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in fact that parts of garza might already be an assignment if the situation further deteriorates what will be the consequences. unfortunately, the world will bear witness thousands appliance being lost without any meaning for reason without any reasonable. this situation unfortunately just moves from bad to worse, which is why both parties to the conflict now must adhere to their legal obligations according to the international humanitarian law by ensuring the safety and security for the civilians. civilian pop to infrastructure, hospitals and whoever is inside them are a part i enjoy a special protection under the international attorney law as long as they are not a misuse. so say, shall mano with a red cross many thanks for your time, and please stay safe. a thank you. the
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german government has express team concern about a rise and anti semitic incidents since the october 7th terror attacks carried out by a most against israel. germany's commissioner for anti semitism presented what he called shocking figures and a new report. felix played as the man leading the fight against anti semitism in germany. and by his own account he has his work concert seems to be october 7th. how must her attack an alarming picture has a matched charger looking more closely at the shocking numbers by more than 2000 times in the more than 100 days. here in germany, a jew was attacked, threatened in solitude, frightened, well there was a time to submit to catch speech. i am appalled that these facts of the read the find the way into public debate and media are reporting that so on the same number of incidents as for the whole of 2022 among the molotov cocktail through. and they
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sent a golden central ballon for many, a grim reminder of germany's not see past. but jewish leaders say much of the daily threat now is driven by opponents of israel. because he's medina. these stories are reminiscent of those days and we need empathy with those affect it in order to stop this development. my family, ladies and gentlemen at this time says especially true of the threat of islamist anti semitism in our society to venture. but not only we should nationwide protests against the far right till tentative for germany have drawn huge crowds, sparked by reports that if the members discuss the plan to forcibly to port millions of people of foreign origin, the be flying high in the polls. if the, if the others with our less, maxine motivated, expulsion plans cannot spin electable alternative for responsible citizens. and the
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crap is about the program is right. we extremist and to democratic and the threat to prosperity of which dumps and officials are calling on the government to tighten criminal laws and increased funding for education. both above all the message to germans is not to forget. the european lawmakers and brussels marked international hall costs remember, and stay with a formal address by holocaust survivor is the initial sure. the 86 year old was born in poland and lived through the horrors of the warsaw ghetto under nazi occupation. she spoke to the w corresponding jack parents about her speech and her experiences. i wish i saw you being here in new york in parliament today speaking to members of a full height of the european parliament who came to listen to you speak to more international of course, remember and stay what's been your message to them as
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a holocaust survivor yourself, my message to them was that i feel at this moment coming from israel, of course, so, so survivor said, even though you know, i went through when i went and the misery and everything that i survived. and i survived for a better life. i survived for enjoying freedom and understanding and of relations and fraternity and equality and liberty and everything else. and then suddenly my country is in war and we have to sit on the ground. we have to hide. so the bombs don't fall. we have to move our of our holes. i'm going to go and then i feel, you know,
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and i semitism coming from different parts of the world from europe, from so i really appreciate the fact that my message was to go ahead and prevent all these. you know this, these reasonable, reese that exist among people and let's come together like you are of the united your of been and, and be brothers big sisters. let's have the generation lower ridge and the low been piece piece in the is not what's happening in the middle east right now is extremely complicated. european citizens are very worried about what's happening both from an anti semitism point of view, but also for the conditions of people in gaza. do you think
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a day like international across from members? they can set lights on sort of the apply to the need for peace and what can be done that our anthem is at the bar. and how big box means hope jack. our, our hope, you know, we can, the only thing we can do is the best we can do is to hold how much does a remembrance hollow cause they ceremony can change anything in the global i'm not naive and i don't believe it can be done. but if i message went through the mine the soul of at least one person and 705 problem in your being problem. and members, i've done my job. i've spoken in the name of one and
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a half 1000000. children like myself that perished in the hollow cost is if you are a child in the wall, so get to which is why i mean a lot of holocaust. the volume is no longer with us, but you are, but in i'm the, the, the youngest generation i would say of holocaust survivors. yes. although i, yesterday i read about a holocaust survivor at the age of 112. right. but the assume that won't be many less carrying this message of peace. what does that just very briefly, what does that make you feel how you can the message of holocaust prevention be carried once the survivors may no longer be with us. that's why i am engaged in the last i would say 40 years in speaking in speaking to the youngsters is speaking to the next generations in trying to get
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that heavy burden that i carry with me as a survivor to the next youngsters that will carry on the message never again because what happened in the holocaust can not ever ever repeated. so i really saturated. thank you so much for speaking to us on the w and the other news. columbia as president costello petro is to declare wildfire is devastating. large parts of the country's force a natural disaster, or freeze up funding to help combat the blazes. soaring temperatures associated with the immediate phenomenon are helping the fire spread. fighters have put out some $204.00 fires this month alone. spanish police
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have arrested 6 people, including the leader of the morocco bass mafia operation. the arrests were made after raise in the southern region of malaga and the north african enclave of many . yeah. the suspects were allegedly involved in money laundering and drug trafficking. lee sees 75000 years in cash and jewels worth 10000 arrows in the operation. some national museums and the okay, you have agreed to send looted treasurers back to god, but only as 3 year temporary loans. most of the artifacts known as gone as crown jewels were taken from the court. the ashanti king, a 150 years ago. british lot bands the permanent return of the artifacts the touches are continuing to rise on the korean peninsula. him is increasingly hostile rhetoric from the north korean leader kim jong own. kim, last week that cleared his country is no longer interested in reintegrating. what
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the south, he instead suggested the north should rewrite its constitution and declares south korea as its main enemy. north korea appears to have torn down a huge arch in its capital that symbolize reconciliation with south korea. satellite images analyzed on wednesday, appeared to show the destruction of young young's arch a re unification images, so the arch now missing along a roadway. the 2 nations have been formerly at war for over 70 years, but experts say kim statement marks a new downturn in relations between the north and the south. north screen dictator kim joel on is no stranger to fiery rhetoric. but experts say his statement to the north korean parliament could change relations between the north and the south. for years to come, i want you to feel that you'd be able to see how you see, i mean, we have our most hostile state, the republic of korea, you know,
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nearest neighborhood. and the instability of the regional situation is sorting due to the us led escalation of minute pretensions. came further instructed, his government when trying to self as north korea's chief enemy and disbanded the government offices responsible for exchange with the south. young, young and soul had been in a defacto state of war since the end of fighting in the korean conflict. however, both countries had officially pursued eventual reintegration. despite their tents relations, kim's announcement set to change that the tensions have been on the rise due in part to north korea's nuclear weapons and rocket programs. and came, is made in the art of using facilities like these as part of his government's propaganda. the north cleans it needs a technology for self defense. tests like these have long been a thorn in the side of the south and it's international allies experts, they've shown you and your has at least 30 nuclear warheads. the north resume,
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test of new hypersonic missiles are also worrying. so what do you put in the military immediately detected the north korean missile launcher now and shared the data with the us in japan, but we condemn north korea's missile launch as it is a provocation. that seriously threatens peace and stability in the korean peninsula give your opinion going back on providing it on the south. a sort closer military ties with this chief supporter of the united states, including frequent joint military drills, leading to a predictable, tit for tat saber rattling on both sides of korea's demilitarized zone. the north is also strengthening its ties to both china and russia and their support may be emboldening its leadership. russian defense officials recently helped kim jong and mark the 70 if the anniversary of the end of fighting in the korean war. and north korea has emerged as an important supplier, refresh munitions 4 months ago, bolstering rushes,
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filtering weapons industry after its invasion of ukraine. fears the conflict could escalate, are spreading in the region. japan recently held rocket evacuation drills in case the cold war between the north and the south ever becomes hot. japan space agency says it's precision lunar lenders let have reached the tiny parts of the room. it was aiming for and send back fixtures to prevent. the agency has released images that show the pro, just 55 meters away from its target point. the successful touch down makes japan only the 5th country to complete a soft lower land on the rocky surface of earth closest celestial body. these pictures of the moon sent back to earth by japan's nick named sniper craft. the country space agency confirmed the module made a pin point landing, touching down within meters of its intended destination. a single control, soft landing was successful so much that we have confirmed that the landing site
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was 55 meters away from the talk he pointed to the fall. we feel that the landing point was a pain point landing with an axe. you were say, within a 100 meters stuck with the cycle stop. when you come the story must the successful touch down comes is a huge relief for space agency staff following the engine problems the could have knocked it off course. the craft seeing here in a promotional animation will now be switched off to preserve power, but it's hope to could be rebooted as early as next week after it as recharged using solar energy. and the quick reminder of the top story we're following for you today. russian state media says 2 black foxes from a military plane crush husband found kremlin, says ukrainian forces shot down the aircraft in southern russian deliberately killing everyone on board. that's including $65.00 you premium prisoners. the floor cave accuses mom, scale of play with you,
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premium lives and has demanded an international investigation, the dig around after a short break. i'll be back to take you through the day with a deep dive on the future of john warfare. i have said that the
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man who need them call is trying. sylvania has so much more to offer and just following beautiful. the funniest cemetery in the world. transylvania, the house of romania in 45 minutes on d. w. the
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inside gaza. it's been more than $100.00 days since the home aust. here attacks on israel dw, or puerto muhammad collude lives and works in the gaza strip. he has been documenting life there since the outbreak of the war. the humanitarian situation is catastrophic. the war and its consequences. now, on youtube cast from a sponsor to the rush. it's wanted to say a web and he knows how to use if not in the end through 10. this guy knows about energy in a way that these as much functions have no idea of it's been pretty clear, especially of late energy, often tend to be the printer symbol. that's what menu vetoes the multiple ones to fix that. but just a glimpse behind the facade of this energy time, tell us,
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gosh, come russia's political weapon starts february, 3rd, on the w you brands are demanding answers after the downing of a russian military, just near the russian town of belgrade. why? you might ask, well, russia claims the plane was carrying dozens of ukrainian p, o w 's, heading home as part of a prisoner swamp. speculation is running wild and la scale points. the finger towards keith graham is challenging russia's narrative and won't confirm any of its citizens. or in fact, on board, but it is also not denied shooting down the plane. both countries are demanding for the case to be investigated. and yet the truth is likely to remain elusive. nicole relation, berlin and.


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