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tv   Business Beyond  Deutsche Welle  January 26, 2024 12:15am-12:31am CET

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is round up coming up next business looks at wild sanctions. one stop russian. i'm talking about a quote. thanks for your company. the cost problem sponsored 0. it's one of the sale weapons and he knows how to use it. and pretend this guy knows about energy in a way that these as a bunch structures have no idea what doesn't look behind because it started this energy time tell us gas from russia to musical weapon thoughts. february 3rd on dw, ukraine says it's in danger of losing the war. and russia is more confident of victory than ever. and here's one of the biggest reasons. oil russians most important and most enjoying weapons. the country wrecked in at least
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$280000000000.00 us dollars for more than 2022. and that's why western leaders made a demand target of their sanctions against moscow. the oil price cap is the west most important sanction. it was designed to keep russian oil flow into the global market. was also limiting the amount of money the kremlin could make from us for a while as worked, not anymore. when the price cap was introduced, it had a 2 year impact on the price of russia golf for its oil, for almost 6 months now, russian oil has been sold on global markets. well above the price, compet $60.00 us $1.03 and which g 7 states cut off access to their services. for the 1st 2023, we can really suffer from full price kept. now see, hey, turns out the circumstances. in this episode, we look at how russia rejuvenated its own revenues, and we will consider what options ukraine on its allies have to hit by. there is
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a kind of a sense of which you see and make some adjustments to the same. you know, to make sure that the pressure on rushes, things as the war drags on. questions are being asked of how long both sides can fall into the fights. threat david's overhead along western support for ukraine will last, and russia is ramping of ministry spending. the huge increase in budget spending for next year. they're talking about going from 4 percent of 50 feet to 6 percent of to the basis of law. this is a law how long i should be staying this war. unfortunately for an extended period. welcome to business beyond. let's go back a little bit. after the full scale russian invasion of ukraine, in february 2022, the us that you and the other western powers introduced a range of sanctions, which mostly targeted russia's financial system. hundreds of billions of dollars worth of russian central bank reserves held abroad were frozen. while the country
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was also excluded from the swift international payments system, these sanctions are designed to take a heavy toll on the president's interests and their ability to finance war the russian economy, whether those better than many experts expected to. but this still had an effect. so imagine the roll with those assumptions. so these are nodes, things we can have access to western military technology or deals that are best acknowledged, who didn't came through with the over 2 months. so if you think about this world, i guess the outcome of the war on the better see what the new brain would have been . very different. it's able to, to the you was slow to target russian gas and oil early on. mostly because its own economy was still reliant on the part of the reason the kremlin made so much money in 2022 late last year. the you finally took action on russian oil along
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with countries from the g 7 and australia. that was with the introduction of something which we've mentioned already and which you're going to hear a lot more about in this episode. the price comp, the, if you decided that it was going to implement it's embargo on russian wasn't going in part of that it embargoed was also. ready prohibition for your repeated service providers. i to participate in the state but actually boil and this would be, for instance, shipping companies and maritime insurance companies for energy prices source through 2022. and there were concerns that an embargo could push them up again, which would defeat the purpose of the sanction. out of this concern, the result is uh, the concept of the price cap, which is a really a very complex intervention into football markets. and the basic idea is that this
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provision of the embargo that would have prohibited europe and companies from participating was rolled back as long as uh, the oil was. busy under a ser e racial which was later set at $60.00 per barrel, the oil price cap aims to keep russian oil on the global markets, but also aims to limit the price it can be sold for. the companies from the e u r g 7 countries can provide services such as insurance for the transit of russian oil. but only if it is shown that the oil was traded for no more than 60 us dollars per barrel. well below average global oil prices. it wasn't unusual and somewhat daring intervention for the 1st few months. it worked like a charm. the cap had an immediate impact on revenues. in the 1st 6 months of 2023 brush, it took in 47 percent less in oil revenues than it did in the 1st 6 months of 2022
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and a half for the loan revenues were 67 percent down year on year. broadly speaking, the energy sanctions regime habit desired, and we know that russian or remain on the market prices did not rise until at least at the old us production cuts later in the year. and russian export earnings, l sharp would be we think by about 30 percent a year to date and budget revenues from. ready oil decline bias, something between 35 and 40 percent. but even before the cap was introduced, russia was working on ways to get around as one of the main ways is through its so called shadow fleece. the process of. ready the to ship. ready oil from on vessels that are essentially essentially spruce. so this is what is often talked about as the shows the, the bit of the question, what exactly constitutes a shadow us leads back. so, but essentially means russia's ability to use ships that are not owned by an
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s t in the g 7, or e u. and that is not insured by an, as in these jurisdictions. and then the price kept doesn't look like russia has a mazda fleece of hundreds of awesome aging tankers to move. it's all around the world without being subject to the con. the typically have complex ownership structures many operate without a proper insurance on the use of various methods to avoid detection, including creating fake locations, signals. being able to settle it without abiding by the cap means russia is now getting close to averaged a little bit prizes per barrel. roche has capacity to keep going. doesn't mean that the western alliance doesn't have options. there's little doubt is that something needs to be done and done fast. so if you ask the percentage points of view to be more than does it, i mean, is she will spend with the little,
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even more price goes on. because for example, eventually the least, i shall be happy to go father, and that's the best his uh preference. and so i think i find a new the, um, uh, basically the sanctions to reduce the amount of money if we can, can spend on the world is what needs to be done. there are things that need to be done to make sure there are pressure on it actually is maintain, otherwise the country will early, significantly more from its all exports going forward. and it's also a problem with the credibility of the broader sanctions. first, commission has already agreed a new round of sanctions against russia, although the exact details have not been released. the commission confirmed the following to dw in a statement. president funder lions said recently the new package would include new import and export bands, actions to type in the oil price cap, turf managers, and 3rd country companies which circumvent the sanctions. it's now up to the $27.00
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e. u. member states to agree unanimously to the proposals, but there's no clear timeline on when that may happen. to have been reports that the proposals include plans for denmark to be given the task of inspecting and potentially blocking tankers carrying russian oil through the narrow danny straits . more than half of all russian seaborne or like sports cross the straits. it's believe the danish authorities with target ships operating with the western insurance based on laws to do with environmental risk, with russia and having to go on the same kind of western insurance. the other schemes we believes that these insurance companies are actually not a national equipment to pay out in the case of and he could logical disaster. it's a genuine risk given how well and some of the tankers, russia is using our but introducing this sanction code code rushes revenues
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typically require, for instance, a baltic sea coast with states if. ready require certain insurance standards, and it would also force russia to rely again on western maritime insurance companies. and this would mean that the ratio price cap system remains place for longer. then there's the question of enforcement we mentioned at the station fraud earlier. that's where paper work is falsified. just suggest ships are complying with sanctions. it's another area which needs to be tightened significantly. approaches revenues are, can be restricted. last month, the us section 3 and you a best shipping companies for exporting russian oil above the price comp. benjamin higgins stock says the problem is ramping current ways of dealing with this are nowhere near enough. it's very difficult for a forcing authorities to investigate and to determine if a violation actually took place here. and what we're thinking about here is original sales contracts,
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banking transactions related to customs declarations that allow enforcing agencies to determine at. ready price, actually this cargo was sold right now. you only have this type of station which is essentially a one page document. uh, on which someone, uh says, this was sold at price capital or below, uh, and then something from that is entirely in that or so there's russia itself, and the various companies providing dodgy services to help evade the price comp. but what about sanctioning the likes of china or india who buy so much of the oil? we should remember that uh, nobody wants to be sanctioned by the us for your business, very costly for anybody for wants to work in the mobile mark. and so i think so the risk of coalition should the more of that, and remember my skip was design has such a way that it's good for the buyer. so train these buyers and siri,
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it isn't india's interest to pay less for rush results that could potentially tell the rush or the fear of sanctions means they won't pay above the cap. but there are clear reasons why sanctions against india or china, our own liking. you will, doesn't want to sanction china because you don't wants to play this role the call because to us you have a bunch of, some concerns has to be a best. so these are the train us doesn't want to such an engine because it is an important counter wait in the sand though they've been us a chance. so we don't see you and your channels within less than a coalition to go this. in the, near the 2 years since curtains, troops poured across ukraine's borders, the russian economy has been hit with a way of unprecedented sanctions. a times it's ministry campaign of slandered it's been written off. but it's still going. a huge increase in the defense budget
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suggests putting still as serious means at his disposal, which put him in charge with this open lady price, i presume, in charge. i think they will manage as little as economy is not in the ruins, which is not the case or is it on the forecast for the 22 percent or 5 percent? there is no going to break of the political that we should dispense with the notion that sanctions alone in in this. ready war because they mean that russia no longer financed it's more expenditures. i always think that's realistic. ultimately, we're also talking about a dictatorship. and if you, if you prioritize prioritize, deducting this war over everything else, then you can shift expenditures given the limited battlefield progress for you, created recently. and that silver continued western sup. busy pressures on to show
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that the sanctions state of matter. i don't think any of these uh, developments or measures taken by themself. determine rushes ability. that is more, it just makes it increasingly more painful. and that's why we said to keep working on making sure that the that the energy sanctions for seam remains effective. those who know russia and to best say that no amount of financial hardship will make him stop. the work is not going as they planned. but i mean, at least i know that it's in their mind that they need to continue this war and he will continue the war until his last breath. a sobering sauce for those willing ukraine to succeed. but also a call to action to keep targeting pewters and rushes most powerful weapons. the
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ukraine approaches the 2nd that of us say of russia's full scanned invasion with some alarming uncertainties. will the us be able to restock the islands and now munitions supplies, which drive out a month ago, have the big promises from the west about staying with ukraine as long as it takes to deduct. my guess this week is alexi, gunter and co ukrainian. m. p. angelica to the parliamentary assembly of the council of your one thing should be clear for everybody. ukrainian people are fighting. but who we are losing people every day. and we come to wait forever. and we can fight forever for a year ago, going to ranko had both.


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