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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 26, 2024 2:00am-2:16am CET

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the, the, this is deed of news line from bill in russia and ukraine, trade accusations over a plane crash. its most close as killed dozens of prisoners of war. crumbling claims that, that key of shot down the transport aircraft carrying ukrainian soldiers to the prisoners of view and security council says it cannot verify what happened and i'm not prepared to execute the convicted murder. i using a controversial new nitrogen gas procedure. the us state says the method will be humane with critics call it cool and experimental.
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the . i'm telling me a lot about welcome to the program. the united nations security council says it's unable to verify the circumstances in which a plane and allegedly carrying dozens of ukrainian prisoners of war, crashed in southern russia. the crumbling says ukraine shot down the transport aircraft, taking $65.00 ukrainian soldiers to a scheduled exchange of prisoners. moscow says ukraine was given a 15 minute warning of the flight key of says it has seen no evidence that the aircraft was carrying ukraine and prisoners. both on the plains blackbox recorders have been recovered. a rush, i called a meeting of the un security council to discuss its claims member states agreed. they were not able to determine what happened, but called on both sides to allow prisoners of war to return home. to avoid further
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escalation, we are all concerned to freeze reign from actions, rhetoric, or allegations that could further fuel already dangerous conflict. the fate of prisoners of war should not be instrumental lives. we urged the parties to continue pursuing exchanges of prisoners of war. families of both sides are waiting to be re united with their loved ones. joining us now on the program is done plain haines, a non resident fellow at the atlantic council. the racist center way focuses on the washington war in ukraine dog joins us from washington, dc. welcome to the program. we have the u. n saying it's not in a position to verify the circumstances all the crashing shortly. that's no surprise . thanks for having me. absolutely. that's no surprise. for
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one, if russia is serious and stands by its claims, in this situation, van rusher will allow an independent, international investigation of what has happened. russia has made a number of claims that cannot be verified right now. and ukraine international in servers, and certainly the families of ukrainian prisoners of war are trying to figure out exactly what happened and who, or what was on that plane. ukraine says it did not know who was on board the aircraft, but it also hasn't confirmed or denied that it shot it down. why do you think that is as well? i think that you can certainly knows whether or not it shut down a plane in the builder of the region. on this day at this time, ukraine is trying to figure out exactly what the circumstances were here. uh and trying to square rushes claims with what ukraine knows. uh,
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there has been actual some, some criticism of the printing government with in ukraine for their relative silence over the circumstances surrounding this other n. please have criticized the printing government for not being more forceful and more transparent here, allowing russia to dominate the information space. and frankly, just credit ukraine and to paint ukraine is irresponsible and unable to handle the western weapons that have been given to it. ukraine is trying to manage this and ensure that it understands what happened and that it handles the situation responsibly. and do you think this incident would have any impact on the future of a prisoner slots? that is another serious fear, especially amongst ukrainian families who uh who family members are prisoners of war. uh, they worried that russia willie uses as pretext to dial back or cut off entirely
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prisoner swaps. that wouldn't be a devastating thing for ukrainian morale. there have been some high profile swaps in prisoners, as well as the releases of ukrainian children that had been abducted by the russian military and russian state and held in russia. and in some cases adopted by russian families. ukraine has lost tens of thousands of its people, both uh, you know, soldiers and civilians to russia. they want to get every soul back. don't plan with the atlantic councils, the wages center. thank you very much for your analysis. thank you. in the us state of alabama is planning to carry out the 1st execution of a prisoner using a controversial new method which involves pumping nitrogen gas through a mask to deprive him of oxygen state claims. the procedure will be humane, but critics call it cool and experimental. kenneth eugene smith was sentenced to
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death for a murder commitment in 1988 us supreme court has refused to block his execution. americans states which impose the death sentence of sort of new methods of killing drugs normally used for lethal injections have become hodge to obtain a cast and director of medical ethics at n y u long gone medical center in new york city joins us now. welcome to the program, why is execution using nitrogen, nitrogen gas so controversial? thanks for having me. it's usually co traversal because we don't have any data or comments about what its impact is on a human being in terms of how to administer it. kind of masked to use the kind of time that one can expect for it to be legal. 12, the nitrogen gas is suffocating. the person who gets it there,
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substitute oxygen which we need and giving this nitrogen. there are no studies on the animals. there are a few people who used it in europe for assisted suicide, but no publications. so i would say quite simply, the state of alabama, there's no what it's doing interesting. it is saying that because the attorney general has call this method, perhaps in his words, perhaps the most humane method of execution ever devised or in the operative to him . there is perhaps, maybe it is a more humane way than a lethal injection. by the way, mistakes we also have states allowing hanging a firing squad. um, it isn't clear, however, that if you don't get the mask fit, correct, if you don't know what you're doing, you're going to let some oxygen. so you've been in this could turn into a very prolonged in human. yeah. so the attorney general sort of went to bed for
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a procedure. i'll say it again for which there is no protocol and no published evidence involving analysts. and how does of us compare with nathan interaction because this same convict did survive a previous set execution. so this, some people saying this is also a prolonged torture metro, a trust in the state of alabama to get this right. they tried lethal injection maybe a year ago. it did not work properly. he did not die. he still here another shifting . part of the reason the shift is on is because pharmaceutical companies won't supply the drugs necessary for lethal injection. in fact, 2 of them are german companies, brown and for seniors that won't ship. so the state is scrambling to come up with somebody else. but his previous efforts to execute a,
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you mean execution, if you will, of a prisoner just don't get much confidence that this is going to work. ok. lots of things that, that i also kaplan director of medical ethics at n y u and gone medical center in new york city. thank you very much for your time. thank you. slash let's take a look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world. former us president donald trump has testified in a defamation suit brought against him by the right to e g. and carol, while on the stand, trump violated a judge's order by accusing chiral of making a false accusation. agirri and a previous trial follows trump liable for sexually abusing the right to russian court has sentenced a woman to 27 years in prison for killing a prominent pro more longer. diarrhea trip over was convicted over a blast, and this appears about half a last april. russian officials have claimed was an assassination ordered by
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ukraine. french president, the amount of our crohn's controversial plans to reform emigration law had been delta below. a quarter ruled parts of the new legislation were unconstitutional. the court upheld much of the bill, but censured contentious additions made under pressure from the right and far right columbia as president stab, petro has declared wildfire as devastating large parts of the country as far as a natural disaster. that frees up funding to help combat the blazes storing temperatures associated with the el nino phenomenon helping the flames spread response teams of put out more than $200.00 fires this month alone. the last run health ministry, it says is ready. fire has killed at least 20 people queuing for 8 in northern gaza . and in yet another $150.00 is all says it's looking into the report. many
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countries classify how much as a terrorist organization. meanwhile, tens of thousands of palestinians sheltering at the united nations training facility that previously came under attack for the south had been ordered by these really ami to leave. at least 13 people were killed when tank fi hit. the shelter in the city of con eunice. as the families rushed from the slicing in guys's, self display in speech and safety is done fine rentals in the distance one mother pushes his 6 on on a hospital beat. so this family, it's the 3rd time being forced to move that up. it's like this every time i say israel has previously told people to move to the south of the gaza strip, which is now the scene of intense fighting. a reported tank attack on
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a you in facility kills at least 13 people and injured thousands around $70000.00 people are estimated to be sheltering in or around the complex as rail has only now wanted them to leave. now in terms of how realistic it is to add up to $70000.00 people, to evacuate them less than 24 hours, it is extremely unrealistic to expect all these people to be able to truly be well be active. fighting is still happening. and so he said hospitals in the area of the whelmed and struggling to provide basic care with meaning of the injured, unable to even get to them to help the there are 3 main hospitals and hun units. they're all in circles currently. so the, then the nonsense, an ex, uh, and then a mile, these are the main hospitals and fun units,
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and it's extremely difficult to access that. and in fact, is extremely difficult to access that part of the west time. even this anyway is rail, believe senior mazda officials and is really hostages, are in tunnels and the fun eunice. thousands of people are now trying to lead facility with meaning heating to nearby rasa. joining the more than 1000000 displaced palestinians who have reading sleep in japan's space agency says it's precision. luna land has reached the tiny patch of the moon. it was aiming for new images show the pro just 55 meters away from its target point. defined as a 5th country to complete a successful luna landing the rocky surface of earth closest celestial body. these pictures of the moon sent back to earth by japan's nicknamed sniper craft.
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the country space agency confirmed the module made a pinpoint landing, touching down with the meters of it's intended destination. they say good control, soft landing was successful. so must, we have confirmed that the landing site was 55 meters away from the target paul utah. that fall. we feel that the landing point was obtained point landing with an axe. you were say, within a 100 meters, to the single stop you when you come to us. so you must. the successful touchstone comes is a huge relief for space agency staff following the engine problems that could have knocked it off course the craft seen here and a promotional animation will now be switched off to preserve power, but it's hoped it could be rebooted as early as next week, after it is recharged using solar energy. as you're watching dw news, here's a reminder of our top story. united nations security council says unable to verify the circumstances in which a plane allegedly carrying dozens of ukrainian prisoners of war crashed in southern
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russia. crediting says ukraine shocked down the transport aircraft keeps says there's no evidence of korean prisoners were on board soon use round up on the documentary is coming up next and there's one use of the dw dot com. i've told you a lot of people you'll see about the video that goes to the media. may google, google. i've got that done, but again, i will stop into that and i'll give you the order. would you, are you able to order that? i'm jo, media dog, comment key more people than the eval on worldwide in search of a did you have you ever use them in addition to the method of doing it like godaddy? how do you guys find out about on the story in from icons.


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