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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  January 26, 2024 3:02am-3:30am CET

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plane was caring and dozens of ukrainian p. o w 's, heading home as part of a prisoner swamp. speculation is running wild and la scale points the finger towards keys. ukraine is challenging russia's narrative and won't confirm any of it citizens or in fact on board. but it is also not denied shooting down the plane. both countries are demanding for the case to be investigated. and yet the truth is likely to remain elusive. nicole for lation berlin and this is the day the, the current regime as the blood of their soldiers and officers on their hands. we treated this as an element of informational psychological warfare. if the command was sent to open fire and the plain with our crew and their service men
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would now never return home, were shut down for them. when the marshal, there's only do not see any indication that there was such a large number of people on the claim to date people, ukraine used recognizance drones drones that worked in the belk road region to collect as a brochure last kamikaze drones. because also on the day we meet the mother of and is really soldier, abducted by her mos on october 7th. she tells us about her daughter and her own terrible ordeal since she was taken over the time. what i'm feeling is that the pain that is inside also gone outside, so have aches and pains of my body that i've never had before. but the pain inside does not stop. it's like a hold of time. welcome
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to the show. it's good to have you with us. there are more questions than answers the day after a military plane crashed in russia, allegedly killing dozens of ukrainian prisoners of war loss gal claims. the plane was shot down by ukraine and has launched an investigation into what it says is a violation of the laws of war for its par chief, has not denying the allegations outright, but it is questioning whether any of its service personnel died in the crush. the plane went down on wednesday, near the russian city of belgrade, which is not far from the border to ukraine, versus the state media is reporting that the plains black boxes have been recovered . i'll be talking about the plane crash and the speculation surrounding it with a leading defense policy analyst at the moment. but 1st the look at what has been called the new threat from the sky in ukraine. team drones have become commonplace and often the weapon a 1st choice in place of more expensive weapons destroying russian tex russia as
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fast catching up on the strategy. and one effective way to go is the use of drone guns to jam signals between a drone and its operator, the w as an economy you met with a ukranian start up, which says drone guns will soon be as essential as a helmet or body armor for soldiers on the front lines. it might look like a toy, but this drone gun is packed with cutting edge technology. it's invented say, they've tried to keep things as simple as possible. it only has 4 buttons sealed in it was sold as well. and you really need on an off the engineers to convince the technology like this can make the difference between life and death for soldiers on ukraine's front lines. excellent. why you had a signal germany is vital you without changing any equipment you have will be destroyed in an instant. so for before drones, if your opponent, hard to get much closer to be able to attack a tongue with a grenade launcher, now took out the drones can fly 10 kilometers and take out the times that that
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distance, the moment they were shows these technologies response to the massive impact cheap come because the drones have had on both sides of the front line. this video reports show ukrainian drone destroying a russian tank. $1000.00 drones destroying targets with millions to come to know and this for guns disrupt the signal between operators and then drugs. they can also block navigation systems like gps glo. nice. by the way, the drone cottages targets. we'll see how it works like this. hopefully there's no issue this is a typical drone used helps of ation on the front lines. erie is waiting for it a few kilometers down the road with a drone gun or the other. you see that we've lost the signal on the red light means we've lost connection and we've also lost the video for following the base driven house,
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the return to home function. that means it can find his way back. and also pilots of the most cheap of kamikaze drones don't have that feature. instead they'll stop and eventually crash without connection to their operator. it's an endless game of catching mouse. both sides change their frequencies and navigation systems. and both sides are increasing the able to operate around the clock is night. vision technology becomes more widespread. ukraine. these men say has to innovate foster to have any hope against russia's. foster sources is painfully aware how valuable drones have made any one in the front line trench is jack a roofing. i talk to new soldiers who spend a whole lot of their own task on the funds the natives done to tell them that some of all the alma diffuse about is not going to protect them from kamikaze drones. and they would have to have a $1000.00 sets of all the amo just isn't going to make a difference. that's a little bit of to without some kind of electronic wolf, i'd kill basically unprotected people. we post them as a solution. it took every year of intense fighting for the generals on both sides,
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this war to understand what improvise civilian drones could do. the justice behind when it comes to electronic welfare and tone tells us the time of the wrong. it's time. ukraine doesn't have to lose. and i can now, well come all the cosign because he focuses on warfare and defense policy, including drone technology, for the european council on foreign relations to joins us now from paris. welcome to the day. now you are a drawing expert and we'll get to that in a minute. but 1st i want to get your take on the plane crash in belgrade. what's the most likely scenario here? thank to me, in a way, to be honest. i think we shouldn't really speculate about possible scenarios because there are only a few things we really know. we know that a plane crashed and that it will shut down and we know that a prison exchange was supposed to take place or rather that it did not take place. we don't really know what was the plan. and so anything else regarding who was on
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the plane, in what context it was, shut down and who you want, we don't really know. and so the thing is that it is likely that the rush that's kind of using the uncertainty around this for this information because it makes everyone speculate. and some of the speculations may be, you know, not good for, for ukraine. and therefore, you know, it's kind of put them out there. so it's going to put ideas into people's mind. so i'm very careful as to not to speculate as to what exactly happened. i think, presidents lensky, you know, you, prince president, the lens was riding, calling for an international investigation into this. it's unlikely to happen, but i think that's what, what should happen. do you think we'll ever know what really happened here? i mean, to be honest. um, we seen over the last years that uh there are good invest to get to this message that are able to put light to shine light even on these instances where we know
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little and where the actors involve aren't forthcoming. i'm specifically thinking of um, the malaysian air drops that was shut down, were open source investigation was basically able to prove what happened. so i do believe that in the coming days, weeks, possibly months and years we will know more. but we know to what extent this will be definitely confirms um we'll, we'll have to see. but right now, yeah, it is a lot of speculation and a lot of just unconfirmed messages coming out of out of a most kind, particularly in and out of keith. all right, then let's move out of the realm of the speculative and move on to the topic of drones. now, a topic that you are an expert in that they are cheap, they're effective and they seem to be everywhere in this war. which side do you believe is making better use of them at the moment?
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there definitely are everywhere. i mean, at this point, we're talking tens of thousands, hundreds of po, thousands of drugs that are in the sky at old time, almost in, in ukraine that are being used by both sides of both, both by the ukrainian military, by the way, also by ukrainian civilians and in kind of the society at large and by the russian military. um they have been very effective on both sides. i would say that in terms of kind of innovation, ukraine over the last 2 years has shown very impressive advances. they really have become a kind of thrown powerhouse in europe and the world they have developed and manufactured a number of, of new systems. and, you know, it's a large scale that being said after an initial period where russia wasn't too strong on drones. and it kind of it, when did you, this one was not enough systems and then had to turn to iran very quickly to, to import systems. by now we see also a lot of innovation and
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a lot of production coming out of russia. so i'm worried that in this fight between the a bit on drones between the 2 nations specialist is getting a has an s we just saw. and you report as well, the fight between thrones and anti drone systems, a whole cut and mouse game and kind of goes back and forth. and so, and, and advantages, almost always temporary, right? so if one side has an advantage on that, that usually doesn't last. how have the drones we've seen using this conflict already re shape the concept of modern warfare a they had if you impact, i mean at this point runs really are, every were not just because your graphically but during a military operation, you have drones, you know, from the beginning to the end, they are used to attack, they are used for it for surveillance. they have meant that in this war, no one is really safe in not being seen from the sky. in previous war, if you could know that you were safe because you didn't hear how they caught the,
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you knew that the, the opponent only had the limited amount of aircraft. all of these things at this point in time on the ukranian territory, you could always be watched by a drone and that has had military impacts. i mean, camouflage is becoming much more important, but it also means that the troops that being dispersed much more, you try not to have too many high value target, those they're being pulled together. so not, you know, many tax together that can be seen and done, attacked by a drone or with the help of, of a drought. and so it has already had military impact. and quite honestly, it has a big impact just just on, on the experience of, of the war to the soldiers. because a lot of soldiers, of course, have been attacked by drone or by a drone, has been killed by them. and they also use them themselves. and have them with themselves all the time. yeah. there are growing concerns about the autonomy of drones and the impact of artificial intelligence on warfare. do we actually know
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what we're getting ourselves into here? so i don't really know whether we, you, we are aware of what could happen. i mean, what you refer to is that not just in ukraine by the way, but, but in several and military consultations around the world, we see an increasing number of systems that are enabled, artificial intelligence, and are more a told them if they can do more economists they can do something functions out holding this, me this in part as a reaction to the, you know, for example, the kind of electronic jamming we just saw in your report because she is the, the idea is that you jam the link between operator and drone and therefore, you know, make the drone crash or not reach us target, but if you given a drone autonomy it, it doesn't have that linked to the operator anymore. that can be gen. so it's a business and part a reaction to this and anti drone systems that we're seeing. so
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we have some ideas of, of what it, what it could mean. but basically there are, there are few years that as warfare becomes more, tanya miss, it becomes less easy or less possible to control. and we may get situations where things get out of time because one of the one on the system record to another one in the system. and therefore, it is good that they are currently debates about regulation autonomy in warfare, and making sure that, that there aren't and to essential and uh, that procedures basically in, in, in systems that are, that are too dangerous. absolutely. cassandra b, e c, f r. great, and to get your insights. thank you so much for your time. thanks for having me. or the awards season is in full swing, and the countdown is running for the undisputed highlight. the oscar nominations around and have caused quite
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a stir. if he loves this unmistakable film and help them earn some $1500000000.00 at the box office. you may feel that despite is 8 nominations. barbie's was numbed by the academy. and what many are calling of bitterly ironic decision? the women responsible for the blockbuster director of credit berwick and the lead actor margot robbie were not given nominations in their respective categories. a situation that may have reminded many fans of one of the films of most iconic feet . and america ferrera who is nominated, as best supporting actress touchingly sums up what it is like to be a woman in the real world. here's an edited clip from her monologue, but never forget that the system is rate, so find a way to acknowledge that, but also always be grateful. you have to answer for men's bad behavior, which is insane. but if you point that out, you are accused of complaining but not everyone in hollywood is calling at this
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number will be goldberg as an oscar legend, having won an academy award from ghost hosted this ceremony 4 times and served as an academy board member, she said on the us talk, show the view. there are notes knobs, that is what you have to keep in mind. not everybody gets a prize and it is subjective. movies are subjective. the movies you love may not be loved by the people who are voting. take a little deeper and bring an entertainment reporter, kj matthews and joys is from los angeles. k didn't good to see you again. here's the base which side are you on? you know, i am surprised that there is so much outrage about this decision. i was surprised that greg grig, she's the only woman um to have reached a $1000000000.00 mark in terms of box office success. i was surprised that she was
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not nominated, but i still don't think there's controversy when you look at the building by ok. reactions having 4 again, ryan gosling, hillary clinton, they all have their say, what are they saying about this? well, you know, ryan basically saying what everybody else is saying, look, there would be no can without bar b, there would be no barbie without rid of gertley. that's what he's saying, so he's surprised and while he's thrilled to have been nominated for an oscar and a support and category and thrill that his costs are american berrera's also nominating this important category. he's not so happy about the fact that you know his barbie. margot robbie did not receive a nomination and the best actress category and obviously graded already did not receive a nomination for best directing. however, there is still an opportunity for grad going. and for more of a robbie to walk home with an oscar, here's why the field has been nominated for best adapted screenplay with writing
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and grading or reg rody. so if it winds in that category, she takes home in oscar and marvel. robbie is a producer on the barbecue. so if the film wins best picture, which it is contesting for with the other contenders. she has an opportunity to walk home with an oscar. and you talked about the voting body before and how you were in surprise keeping them in mind. why do you think these 2 didn't make the cut in, in these prime categories that they were snapped, or as many fans say they were snow. so there's 10000 members who voted in the academy and people have to keep in mind. not everyone votes for everything. actors vote on actors and directors. button directors. so the fact that you read a girl we did not get now maybe that came from her body appears the fact that marble robbie did not get dominated that came from her body and peers. so remember,
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actors on actors, directors, on directing. remember also that the majority of members are overwhelmingly white and male and skew older. so that may have had something to do with the best of 10000 members who think that's a lot. but not all of them are voting on every single category. maybe in the category when it comes to acting and directing, it's give it a little bit differently so we have to keep those things. um, i came in perspective, you know, i remember, don't forget anatomy of a director just being 3 i was nominate. so it's not all with me being shut out this year. hm. let's talk about barbara and hymer though. barbie and oppenheimer were the big box office battle of the summer. you mentioned a lot of white men voting in the big categories to films that couldn't have been more different. oppenheimer now has 13 nominations. barbie has 8. is really academy going to settle the food over which one is a better movie, or are you opening
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a pandora's box here? a look, the academy loves biopics. and that's what oppenheimer is. so i don't see anybody slowing down the oven 100 drain. i really think it's going to be a win win from them. they already have 13 combinations more than barbie. however, every once in a while and you get an upset and if there is an upset, i believe that the hold overs or probably american fiction might uh, stealing away from oppenheimer. i think it's a very, very slow, slow, slow and very small chance. but there is a chance for american fiction to upset everything and take it away when it comes to best picture. take it away from oppenheimer. all right, we only have about 50 seconds. um you think oppenheimer is going to be the big winner of the oscar? nice, do you think barbie can still make it in some of the categories as nominated them
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possibly in some of the smaller categories like with editing or cost to a best adapted screenplay. maybe a 5050 chance would that possibly they might give it to gretta because they did nominated her for best directing. but i don't think it's going to be a bar the night at the oscars on march 10. that's for sure. will bring you back to talk about it. those are those k j matthews. always a pleasure. thank you. the, the families of those kids now it's in the october 7th terror attacks in israel are continuing to pound pressure on the government there to find a way to get their loved ones back. it will be use rebecca rivers went to me, iowa libby. so har, her daughter nama was one, was on her 1st day of military service at a base near the gauze of border. and she was taken,
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as reports contains distressing images. in high school, she studied diplomacy. she was in a anna youth organizations for the called hands of pace, and she went to another legation with the, with the 0 is palestinians, and americans, they may, they meant for almost a month trying to bridge between communities and hoping to make the world a better place the other one i hope all this you know that these qualities, her strength and her determination and her her positive thinking positive way of thinking as something that's helping her right now. 6 i think it was like 4 weeks after i had
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to face those images until then i didn't even see the whole video was now. i think the 1st week or 2 i can say for myself, i was in a state of shock. i just, you know, i was functioning and everything, but i don't think i really understood what was going on to talk about her. i think about how the time she was with me all the time my thoughts and i talked to her in my mind all the time. so sensible. she's a sensible young girl. she's quiet, very determined to no fun loving likes to hang out with her friends and you know, make, make fun of her little sister and take my car and forget to tell me when she's coming back and the regular thing. oh,
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dancing a teenage stuff here. over the time, what i'm feeling is that the pain that is inside also gone outside so have aches and pains of my body that i've never had before. but the pain inside does not stop. it's like a hold of time. and sometimes i feel as if it worse, it gets worse because of the days go by and we just worry more. i understand that i need, i need to be ok. so because i need to be ok for nama and for my family. so i tried to take care of whatever i can just in order to, to you know, to be ok to survive this but the chronic pain inside and out. this is fair all the time. we want to bring her back. so we were
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thinking all the time, what, what, what can we do, what, what, what's the, what's the right thing to do? what's, what's in our power? most of the time score. so i feel very powerless, helpless, frustrated with knowing, keep going because you know what, what, what choice do we have really? there's so much pain in this country right now. so much pain, so much loss increased so many people killed, murdered on october 7th, and then, you know, sense, you know, i, i keep thinking about hope. there is hope, you know, the oldest pain. you know, this is, this has to be, this has to happen. they have to come back and i think the worst thing that can happen to us, to israel as
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a country and to the global community. the worst thing is to, to give up on them or to go in the past that was not to bring them back. that's the worst pain here because they can be saved. semester time, make sure to stay informed, stay engaged and stay in touch. you can follow us on social media or handle. there is us see the news. and mine is apps. nicole underscore foot. if it's the latest headlines you're looking for, there's always our website, the domain dot com. now though from the entire team here on the day. thank you so much for spending parts of your day by the
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refugees. welcome. one german vintage takes in 5 times as many people as the official quote to require. how is that possible? many residents with test refugees and funding language courses and jobs. we accompany one of these volunteers and is to help focus on your next on d. w. maritime trade. and tourism can be powerful sources competing on the growth. but they come with greater risk than before. container shipping is vulnerable to
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goals, accidents, and political conflict. crew ships caused considerable environmental damage. can we still afford these enormous vessels made in germany? in 60 minutes on d, w, the faithful encounter. in the late 19 seventy's, former concentration comes in my general, most meisner meant the man who had to maintain him go stump dog, known as the beast of sleep or shame on you. tell the truth. do you say, sir? wagner was dead? and investigation concluded that it was suicide of the fire. give rise to down
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really how to go see the january 27th on the hello and welcome to focus on europe with me live show in germany reports about a secret meeting of right wing extremists planning to the porch. people with for and background is causing massive waves. in cities, live cologne, munich, collide, fish, and berlin. hundreds of thousands are demonstrating, sending a clear message against racism and hatred, spread by right wing extremists and populace was silent majority.


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