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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 26, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to life from berlin. israel's conduct in gaza comes under scrutiny from us run health ministries in gaza, says 20 people queuing for food. a were killed by, it was really take fire. they're calling a war crime. israel's military says, reports is being investigated and is real away. it's a highly anticipated ruling from the humans top court that could order an immediate stop to its military actions in cost. also coming up and i answered questions little over a military plane crash in russia. the kremlin says the plane was carrying ukrainian prisoners of war, moscow and key of flame each other for the crash. the un security council says it
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cannot verify what happened the little m terry martin, thanks for joining us. just a few hours from now, the international court of justice and the hey could decide to order israel to put an immediate stop to military action in gaza. we'll talk more about the about what's behind that case in a moment. but 1st, let's bring you up to date with the latest from guys of the some us run health ministry there. so this is really fire, has killed at least 20 people waiting for humanitarian aid and injured another 150 . israel says it's looking into the report is really military says it's finding him us militants at close quarters. and con, unice has a 6 to dismantle the group, which is classified as a terror organization by several countries named bodies. feel the all shape
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hospital in kansas city after and his really attack desperate people were waiting for a rear delivery of food. a made a growing family. the un says cousins are facing the highest levels of food insecurity ever recorded. with over 90 percent of the population surviving on less than one meal a day, we were waiting for the truck springing flower. then these riley tank status with full shells. young people are mounted and others injured. i was hitting the fates and hand. meanwhile in southern gaza is really forces say they have surrounded the city of con eunice. they ordered people in the western part of the city to leave among them over 30000 displaced causes who had taken shelter at a un facility, which at earlier come under attack. the inside, the agent is cool and hon. you nice. where they said it was safe. this riley is started telling us in las vegas to leave within half an hour we started running and
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didn't know where our family lives until and where i get this 3 days ago. not where the see and don't know what to go awhile. families are unable to leave. the strip causes 2300000 people are being squeezed into an ever smaller area as battle spread . with no idea how long the fighting will go on, or when they'll have to flee again. meanwhile, the un top court is due to rule on south africa's demand that is real and mediately suspend his military operations and gaza. today's decision as part of south africa's case against is real accusing of committing genocide against palestinians and gaza. the final decision on whether is real is committing genocide in there in guys is expected to take years. we'll have a closer look. what's happened with the k so far. it's a huge lead devices and emotive trial. please be seated south africa's
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case at the u. when's top quote states, but israel's act and emissions and gaza, a genocidal in character? i'm not crazy. don't south africa believes that the publicly available evidence of the scale of the destruction resulting from the bombardment of garza and the deliberate restriction of food volta medicines, electricity available to the population of casa demonstrates that the government of israel, no jewish people, is really citizens. the government of israel and its military is intent on destroying the palestinians because as a group, south africa has filed a move in 18 pages of evidence indicate to support a claim that israel has breached us obligations. under the genocide convention,
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a document from 1948 rights which faced israel and south africa have signed the petition of this quote. israel rejects the allegation, its legal team says the entire case is invalid. a distinctive reality is that the events which are the subject of these proceedings are, according in the framework of a war, instigated by him, us governed by the legal framework of international humanitarian law. they do not fall within the limits of the genocide convention. and the whole but the limits a hole in israel and a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu, who had struggle with split, south africa's move off. it's hard to know. no one will stop us, not the hague, not the axis of evil. and no one else is of the hypocritical onslaught at the hague, on the jewish state that arose from the ashes of the holocaust. innocent,
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both at the behest of those who came to commit another holocaust against the jews of there's a moral low point in the history of nations that nathan yahoo, the government, it's lawyers and the military say israel is exercising its right to self defense in response to the hamas tyra attacks on october 7th last year and that they are doing everything possible to protect civilians and guns a a well respected international bodies including the un have caused doubt. but whether the huge civilian deaths colon garza can be justified in the name of self defense. according to the health ministry and how must run gallons a more than $25000.00 palestinians have been killed during israel's military campaign. most of them as women and children, basically have survived the saw a launch, the displaced and living and conditions that you went and has described as a humanitarian nightmare. to make
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a legal decision on whether israel is conduct amounts to genocide could take years in court. in the meantime, south africa has of the judges and the hague, to old and immediate stopped as well as campaign and gaza, drawing praise from the palestinian joanne ambassador. the lesson of the holocaust is not that you should defend it when it is committing atrocities. but rather, that one should stand against atrocities, regardless of who commit them and who endured him that quote order. so israel to stop at school or in gaza would be final and legally binding. but the international court of justice has some history of being ignored. you usually see a shows in is that the international court of justice in the hague? i asked her what kind of ruling is expected today?
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good morning, we have expecting an order on so called preliminary measures of provision and measures. these uh for vision and measures are an emergency relief that is thought to not make the case, which is i'd call verse, so to say so, so they have to come in and launch this application. it has ask for this provision and mattress and it has been asking for a number of provision of measures among them. uh, that is right. shut the order to stop all military action. but they have all to ask for, allowing more humanitarian assistance into the gaza strip. also that you sort of should be order to collect evidence for the law case later sir, there's a range of these mattress and the court is free to decide whether to go further south africa and gr, on some of these provisional metro's war. but i'd rather um, have its own provisioning address or also to dismiss them at all and do not order
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any provision in measures. which is if the u. n. judges do rule, the israel has to stop its military action and god. so what would that mean for israel in this area? as i said, this would be one option regardless of provisional matters, but for which we still have to wait. but what i can say in general is bed orders of the international court of justice are legally binding. at the same time, the court has no enforcement mechanism, so it can't really force a and you stay to follow it. nevertheless, what do you have to keep in mind? this court behind me is the united nations top world court. so to say, so the international community is watching this case very carefully. but you can also see with a lot of states have come out on the one side or the other. i haven't spoken out that the photo it. and that means that a judgement comes with a certain political pressure and with
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a certain symbolism. and that is something that legal experts say should not be under estimated, even though there's no like hot enforcement behind it. but as i said, we're gonna have to stay a bit, you'd rather, there are any legal consequences for you start at this stage and how they look like those here. thank you very much. that was d w as lucy, it shows in, in the heck let's take a look at a few other stories making headlines today. india is celebrating its national day that marks the adoption of the country's constitution in 1950, nearly 3 years after india, one independence from british colonial rule, french president and manuel my calling is this year's guest of honor. france is looking to strength and cooperation with india, colombia, as president gustavo pedro has declared wild fires, devastating large parts of the countries for us to be a natural disaster. that frees up funding to help combat places storing
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temperatures associated with the all new phenomena and are helping the flames spread response teams and put out more than $200.00 fires this month alone. the us state of alabama has carried out the 1st execution of a prisoner using nitrogen gas to deprive the prisoner of oxygen. the state insists the procedure used on collecting eugene smith is humane. critics call it cruel and experimental. russian court has extended the detention of us journalist even gasket inch. the wall street journal reporter was arrested in march last year on charges of espionage. he faces up to 20 years in prison. gosh, which is the 1st us journalist to be detained on spite charges and russia since the cold war russian state media say the black box is recovered from a down military playing have been taken to
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a lab for analysis. the kremlin says ukraine shopped down the transport aircraft near russia, southern border, adding that it had $65.00 ukrainian soldiers on board who were headed towards the scheduled prisoner's wall. keep says it has no evidence that the plain was carry ukrainian prisoners. russia called a meeting of the un security council to discuss its claims, member states agreed that they were not able to determine what happened, but they call them both sides to allow prisoners of war to return home to avoid further escalation. we are all concerned to for his reign from actions, rhetoric, or allegations that could further fuel already dangerous conflict. the fate of prisoners of war should not be instrumental lives. we urge the parties to continue pursuing exchanges of prisoners of war. families of both sides are waiting to be re
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united with their loved ones. dw conley is in chief. i asked him if were any closer to knowing who was on board that aircraft of the we are. and i think the biggest question that's being us here in ukraine is a very dark one where the bodies so far we have seen some very limited features, some pictures of wreckage that is alleged to being from the crash site end of one bodies. supposedly it's a picture that's been blood so we can't see that detail. but if indeed, as the russian side claims dozens of ukraine prisoners will work on this thing. i'm just the plane that crashed will see me if i let this guy from a very low altitude that it was flying on to avoid radar. so we would see more of this is a place that is not far away from human habitation is not some remote crest site. so this is all very strange why we haven't seen more in previous. it does also has previous downings of this kind like image 17,
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very soon had locals taking pictures of things they were seeing, you know, things of the full inch that gotten that in full in nearby. so the idea that we wouldn't see more that we wouldn't have evidence of this mass kind of day of these preserve or is very strange, a painting, but all 3 an artist gustavo claim, believe to be lost for nearly a century, has been found in vienna portraits of miss liza is estimated to be worth 50000000 euros and was last seen in public. in 1925, it was unclear what happened to the painting. afterward. experts say there is no evidence it was looted or otherwise on lawfully seized. the painting will be put up for auction in april to and just reminder the top story we're following for you this our, the, i'm us run the health industry and gaza says 20 people queuing for food aid were killed by israeli tank fire on thursday and thousands more wounded, israel's military says,
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the report is being investigated of next. we have a documentary for you looking at efforts to rewrite chiles constitution. i'm terry martin. thanks for the i sorry, so one on 6 times to please come and see more people than ever on the move worldwide in such a better price than mine. and one great timing question is very hard to say very difficult to find out about time and store info. migraines should am so struggling to come up with a new constitution.


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