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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CET

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the the, this is dw news live from berlin. israel's contact in gaza comes under scrutiny. the when's top court is set to decide on a petition for an immediate halt to israel's military action in gaza. south africa wants to investigate claims of genocide against palestinians in the territory, which is real strongly denied. the boss run health ministry says 20 people to interviewed for food 8, excuse me, in gaza for killed fight is really tang fire. they are calling it a war crime. israel's military says the reports is being investigated. plus,
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germany's far right problem calls grow to ban a political party link to mass deportation pain. but it's on certain that a band could when court approval for do anything to dance the parties popularity the sarah kelly. welcome to the program. in a short while, the international court of justice and the hague could decide to order israel to immediately stop military action in gaza. today's ruling is part of south africa's case against israel, accusing it of committing genocide against palestinians in gaza. know a final decision on whether israel is indeed committing genocide is expected to take years. let's have a closer look at what is happening with the case so far. so it's
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a huge the device safe and emotive trial. please be seated. south africa's case at the u. when's top quote states, but israel's act and emissions and gaza, a genocidal in character. i'm not crazy. don't south africa believes that the publicly available evidence of the scale of the destruction resulting from the bombardment of garza and the deliberate restriction of food, volta medicines, dialect for century, available to the population of casa demonstrates that the government of israel, no jewish people is really citizens, so government of israel and it's military, is intent on destroying the palestinians because as a group, south africa has filed a move in 18 pages of evidence to support its claim that israel has breached us
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obligations under the genocide convention. a document from 1948 rights, which both israel and south africa have signed the petition of this quote. israel rejects the allegation, its legal team says the entire case is invalid. the sink of the reality is that the events which are the subject of these proceedings are, according in the framework of a war, instigated by hum us, governed by the legal framework of international humanitarian law. they do not fall within the limits of the genocide convention. and the whole, but this limits a whole and israel and a prime minister benjamin netanyahu had struggle with spoil, south africa's move off. it's hard to know. no one will stop us, not the hague, not the axis of evil, and no one else is on the hoof. the hypocritical onslaught at the hague,
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on the jewish state that arose from the ashes of the holocaust. innocent both at the behest of those who came to commit another holocaust against the jews of is a moral low point in the history of nations. san antonio, who government, it's lawyers and the military say israel is exercising its right to self defense in response to the mouth, tara attacks on october 7th, last year and that they are doing everything possible to protect civilians. well respected international bodies, including the un, have cost out either way that the huge civilian death toll in gaza can be justified in the name of self defense. according to the health ministry, and how must run garza more than $26000.00 palestinians have been killed during israel's military campaign. most of them women and children. those we have survived the saw a launch, the displaced and living conditions,
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the un has described as a monetary, a nightmare to make a legal decision on whether israel's conduct amounts to genocide could take years in court. in the meantime, south africa, his of the judges and the hague, to old and immediate stop to as well as campaign and gaza. joining praise from the palestinian, joanne and bassett on the lesson of the holocaust is not that you should defend. is it a, when it is committing atrocities but rather that one should stand against atrocities, regardless of who commit them and who in due to them the quotes over to so israel to stop at school or in gaza would be final and legally binding. but the international court of justice has some history of being ignored. and let's get all the angles on the story. joining us our data view correspondence
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lucio shilton, who is at the hague than hawker is in johannesburg. tanya kramer is joining us from jerusalem. so lucy, i'll turn to you 1st. you are at the international court of justice. what could be the implications for israel if the un judges rule against its military action? yeah, 1st of all the, the, there, the provision emetrius which are being judged on today. so um, so that because asked for a range of military provision, a mattress halting, all admitted terry action was already one of them. it is also possible that the court will decide on how the provision measures or non se sure, i have requested them to do whatever comes out to you today the, the legally binding on each trial. at the same time, the court has no reinforcement, make a mechanism that means that it has no police or military to digress out and make sure that it's being found out. and also what is important to note just said this
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is the record to do so. united nations court, so that means fed there, the whole international community is watching today is watching what the code would order. and this is considered to have also symbolic meaning. so whatever the outcome of this a judgement today of this decision will match up, but it is not yet clear. if it's read is order to do anything at all. and diane, you're, you're standing by, in south africa itself. how is it being watched there as well? there's definitely a significant interest in this case. just a few days ago, the lawyer has returned from the international court of justice and they will meet by large crowds of people in or assembly to national airport. sort of signifying how many ordinary sub africans are invested in this outcome. today we have also, i've also seen on a number of lots of groups that some political parties like the amc has arranged some public viewing. and there's also some marches that are planned and viewings
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planned in cape town. so definitely a, a significant interest from ordinary south africans and as of the minister of international relations. now, lady pendle said earlier today, and she said that you know, that for south africa as a nation, this case is, is really important because of the reasons that he does brought it to the hague. the reasons include that, you know, south africa wants to uphold international law and wants to ensure that human rights are actually enshrined and insured with in this conflict. and that even regardless of the outcome, people will remember that south africa to could stand in this conflict. tanya, um, you're standing by for us from jerusalem. how is this being viewed, these deliberations being viewed where you are, the weather certain, the very close the watched and is well, but of course also by palestinians in is where there is
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a sense that it shouldn't have even come to this. the world should look at the atrocities at home us committed on october 7, and that it should be a must ending 12 and not as well. and this has been made clear by many comments we heard from is really officials in the past weeks. you know, calling the accusations by south africa as a block lago. it's ridiculous or even and that the court should actually dismiss the charges on the is where the defense a team has made clear that they're basing the case. that is, it has the right to defend itself. and there was no intend to home the civilian population in gaza. and now we have to wait, of course, whether the court will decide on those provision in measures. and what's the scope of it to see? how is roadway respond to that? tanya kramer and hawker and lucy shelton,
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thank you so much for all of your reporting and we want to bring you up to date now with the latest from gaza. the mosse run health ministry says that is rarely tank fire has killed at least 20 people waiting for humanitarian aid and injured another $150.00. israel says that it is looking into the report is really military says it's fighting him off militants at close quarters. and con eunice as it seeks to dismantle the group, which is classified as a terror organization by several countries. named bodies filled the el cheapo hospital in kansas city after news really attack the desperate people were waiting for a rare delivery of food amid a growing family. the un says cousins are facing the highest levels of food insecurity ever recorded. with over 90 percent of the population surviving on less than one meal day, we were waiting for the truck springing. flower then is riley tank said this with
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full shells. young people are mounted and others injured. i was hitting the fates and hand. meanwhile in southern gaza is really forces say they have surrounded the city of con eunice. they ordered people in the western part of the city to leave among them over 30000 displaced causes who had taken shelter at a un facility, which at earlier come under attack. the inside, the agent is cool and hon. you nice. where they said it was safe. this riley, he started telling us in las vegas to leave within half an hour we started running and didn't know where our family lives until them, where i get this 3 days ago. not where the see and don't know what to go awhile. families are unable to leave. the strip cost is $2300000.00 people are being squeezed into an ever smaller area as battle spread. with no idea how long the fighting will go on,
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or when they'll have to flee again. here are some other stories making headlines. india is celebrating its national day. it marks the adoption of the country, is constitution and 1950 really 3 years after india, one independence from british colonial rule. to find the presidents and menu of my . com is this, your is guest of honor. frances, looking to strength and cooperation with india. britton's king charles has been admitted to london hospital for surgery. bucking impala said last week that the king would undergo a procedure for a benign prostate condition, which is common among man over 50. he's expected to stay at the clinic for 2 nights . the state of alabama has carried out the 1st execution of a prisoner using nitrogen gas to deprive the purpose prisoner of oxygen. the state insist that the procedure used on kenneth eugene smith is humane. but critics call
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it cruel and experimental. a russian court has extensive the detention of us journalist evan glasgow batch. the wall street journal reporter was arrested in march last year on charges of espionage. it faces up to 20 years in prison. he is the 1st us journalist to be detained on spite charges in russia. since the cold war russian said media say that the black box is recovered from a down to military plane have been taken to a lab for analysis. the kremlin says that ukraine shot down the transport aircraft . you're russia southern border and claims it was taking $65.00 ukrainian soldiers to a scheduled prisoner swap. cheese says that it has seen no evidence that the plain was carrying ukrainian prisoners. russia has called a meeting of the un security council to discuss its claims. member states agree they were not able to determine what happened,
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but called on both sides to allow prisoners of war to return home. still avoid further escalation. we urge all concerned to freeze rain from actions, rhetoric, or allegations that could further fuel already dangerous conflict. the fate of prisoners of war should not be instrumental lives. we urge the parties to continue pursuing exchanges of prisoners of war. families of both sides are waiting to be re united with their loved ones and date of use. may connelly have more on whether we were any closer to knowing who was on board that aircraft of the we are. and i think the biggest question that's being us here in ukraine is a very dark one where the bodies so far we have seen some very limited features, some pictures of wreckage that is alleged to being from the crash site end of one
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bodies. supposedly it's a picture that's being blood, so we call it see the detail. but if indeed, as the russian side claims dozens of ukraine prisoners will work on this plane. and this is a plane that crashed will see me if i let this guy from a very low altitude that it was flying on to avoid radar. so we would see more. this is a place that is not far away from human habitation is not some remote crest site. so this is all very strange why we haven't seen more in previous. it does also has previous downings of this kind like image 17, very soon had locals taking pictures of things they were seeing, you know, things of the full inch that gotten that in full in nearby. so the idea that we wouldn't see more that we wouldn't have evidence of this mass kind of day of these preserve or is very strange. and that was an economy here in germany. there had been weeks of protests against the far right alternative for germany party or the a f d revelations that some of its members were designing a mass deportation scheme has prompted calls to action. there's talk of banning the
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party and cutting off its funding. the main question remains, is the van would actually dent the parties, popular support, or hundreds of thousands of people have taken through the streets across germany. they are protesting against the rise of the fall, right, and against the alternative for germany party, the a f d. the outcry was sparked by reports of a meeting in which some members of the a s. d took paul tent with a mass that potations of people of foreign origin were discussed a plan, the code policies of germany's and nazi past. the shock was called all the way to the top of the german government in a video address. johnson, the owner of charlotte's, issued a warning interest and also, so i guess i'd like this. i'm saying it clearly and bluntly, i think for this right we extreme is, are attacking our democracy to them. they want to destroy all cohesion, but all the warnings have made little difference. recent polls show that support
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for the f. b remains for 22 percent of people are ready to vote for it. it's in 2nd place behind the conservatives. and while ahead of the policies and the current coalition, government and the sd is even stronger and eastern germany. there it is projected to come 1st and 3 regional elections later this year. so what can be done to stop the a if the band at all dried some politicians and many protest us the month that but that's been trying before with the right wing extremist parties and was rejected by germany's constitutional court. another possibility, cut state funding for the right wing party, a possibility opened up by a recent quotes decision except the 7 only continued. i must be using the noted with clear any of them. neither a pro version per so don't know quite single financial results. or if i continue to say about way well to the constitutional court except such
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a move aimed at the party that has been voted into the buddhist. talk into the old 16 regional parliaments. on the other hand, binding the eye of the youth wing would be easy. it's being classified as right wing extremist, by the authorities and his trust and association, not the political party. the interior administer put simply issue a decree to diagnose it based on the alternative or radical has been that if it has been proven that they are radical opponents of our constitution, then we have to take action. we will say a 100 b a. but that would not stop the a if the militant, neo nazi youth groups. what about the tracking down on radical individuals with in the f d. this man beyond fucker is a case in point. he's a nazi, a court has officially found and he has enormous influence within the 15. hundreds of thousands of his critics have signed
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a petition to banned him from political offers. that might work in a couple of years time, but it reduces influence. that's thoughtful menu of the protest as in the past weeks and the and not early at the a f d. the also cooled on sean. so the shirts and his ministers to stop the inside thing and to implement policies that would swing voters away from right wing populism. and back to the democratic center as brian kayak time and now he's a professor of political science at the university of mines and an expert on populous radical right move ends in europe with a focus on the rise of the a, f d in germany. welcome to the program and thank you for joining us. courts have ruled that some prominent of team members can be called denazi's. so why is it been there for so difficult to take legal action against the party? so that's the course, the hurdle for bending a party in germany are really high. that's the rule of law for you. so the
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government would have to prove that the party is working actively against the constitution. it's not just enough to have an extremist ideology, they would have to bring proof that the party is trying to undermine the constitution. even then the court would have to route with the super majority. so 6 of the 8 sitting couches would have to team the party unconstitutional, which is obviously a high risk for any government. studies have found that the majority of people who currently say that they would vote for the a f. the do not have a closed extreme white ring world view. so what do you think i mean for, for the other parties that are trying to win them back? what do you think could be done or? mm hm. so what we have seen is that support for the 8th the has nearly doubled in the polls since 2022 when we had the last federal election. so that's just that at least some of these people, maybe 40 percent,
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maybe half of them have not previously voted for the a if the might still be open to other political messages. and one thing to give a men could do is try and shift the move, the focus away from immigration. so right at the moment, immigration is framed as the biggest problem in german politics, which is simply no true. but a lot of attention is focused on that and not the on many of the policy areas that they serve attention. and that's, that's something not just for the government, but also for the democratic opposition party is to depart and whether it's really worthwhile to focus. so much on that same police how? um yeah, sorry. yeah, no, it's okay. i'll help out the position that some parties have been taking to try and win back these a if the voters basically taking a stricter position when it comes to migration. for example. i mean, tell us a little bit more about that strategy. how it's been going down and how you see it
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playing out. it's. yeah, it's not working very well. that's both the experience in germany and in other countries in europe. once you frame politics in terms of that single issue, votes tend to think, well that issue basically belongs to the a, it's b. so you just diverting public attention from the capital to what's that way it's, it's much better as a set to highlight all the priorities and also solve the problem or solve the problems if there are problems um in, in a more technical way and not by grabbing half lines, the french right when populus marine the pen is also threatening the f. d with the end of the joint you parliamentary group because of the potsdam super meeting is the a s t now to right wing for other european right wing parties. first, that's very interesting development. if you're too far on the right,
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the for marketing depend british should you get some force and ponder your position, but you're right. what we seen in recent years is that right? the right parties. europe have tried to mellow their tail and tone down. there were some texts and immigrant communities to be more acceptable for road, a segment of the electorate west the a, the has gone the other way and has become ever more radical of the last decade of derek. systems, so if you compare them to many up there would be allies into europe in parliament. they appear to become more isolated kind of timeline, professor of political science at the university of mines. thank you. thank you so much. i spring like warm has been sweeping across spain, with temperatures in some areas topping out at 30 degrees celsius. that's 86 degrees fahrenheit,
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summer welcoming the ball and the weather. but forecasters war it could spell. trouble now is slowly disappearing from spain's mountains. in the mid red region, mountain peaks are nearly there is a little bit about the most helpful they like when you the highest observatory in the community of madrid, love you by the 1800 maintenance players come buy something. the usual thing is that they would be a lot most know then we have now of course say mean the peaks covered with continuous snow. not like we see you now let me, which is very cool. more list time was even though it. okay. good. um we both, they're usually covered in some 50 centimeters of snow this time of the year. but the countries media or logical agency says some areas are up to 10 degrees celsius above normal temperature levels in 2024. as the country heat's up, some are happy to shed their winter coats and soak up the sun.
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why? it's great that it's january and it's hot and state of code. but at the same time, it's weird, because for me it feels like much right now. it shouldn't, but we'll enjoy it and we'll see what happens. but what happens next could be alarming. experts warn there's trouble ahead in the country that are ready, experiences driest march into decades last year. and i think that scene, we create a very critical situation with very critical because if there's no snow, if it doesn't rain and there's no sore, the rays of was instead of growing and get smaller and smaller. so under look into authorities and 2 of the worst hit regions, catalonia and under lucio, are considering declaring a drought emergency in the near future signaling the country may soon brace for unprecedented controls on water use. breaking news for you. now in liver pool coach,
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yoga and club has announced that he will leave the club after the end of the current season. since joining the reds back in 2015, the german has oversee, in an era of success in which liver pool is one titles, including the premier league and the champions league. although his current contract with a club runs until 2026 clock announced on friday, and he's running out of energy and will therefore vacate his position at the end of the 20232024 campaign. you will please enjoy between everything to a quick reminder of our top story as just a short time from now the us tough court will rule on a petition for an immediate halt to israel's military action and gaza. protesters have started gathering outside of the port building. the ruling is part of south africa's case before the courts accusing israel of committing genocide against palestinians in gaza. palestinians,
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israel has strongly denied those allegations up next. can ukraine continue to count on continued support from the west that's coming up on to the point? stay with us. if you can prove that the
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to the points. strong opinions, international perspective, nato is and it's a big smell. afraid roll more rehearsing. how it would respond to a russian attack. what i say alliance aims to determine can't also keep up with support for you. pray, turn us this week on to the point to the point next on dw, the
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. so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and one different things from life and your parent. i just want to pursue what that's nice on fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable, all stuff. i want my son to become a doctor to indicate it's time to us. and then when it's in the races class, this week dw, you might see me how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking these, the modern methods. because if we do too much at $130.00 all wrong mess,
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things up, risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage, humans and multitasking watch. now on youtube, v. w documentary for nato. a worst case scenario would be a russian attack on one of its members states, and now it is rehearsing for exactly that possibility. it's running, it's biggest military trail since the cold war to practice it's response. the exercise is called steadfast defender and it see some 90000 troops from 32 countries taking part with fighter jets tanks and warships. that's all shortly before the 2nd day nursery of russia's full scale invasion of ukraine. since then, cube has fought to expel its invaders with help from western weapons, but will to support continue today on to the points we're looking at. putting is
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imperial ambitions and asking is the west.


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