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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 26, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm CET

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the, the receipt of the news live from berlin, the us top court orders israel to act immediately to prevent genocide and gaza. it says that israel must do more to protect civilians, but declined to call for a cease fire. we will bring you the mobile reactions. coming up, leaving liverpool, yoga and clock announces that fee of stepping down as manager and english club at the end of the season will bring you almost the reaction the
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sarah kelly. welcome to the program. the international court of justice has ruled that israel must act immediately to prevent a genocide in gaza. it was responding to a case brought by south africa, which accused as israel, of committing genocide against palestinians in gaza. the court said that israel must do more to protect civilians there, but did not grant south africa's request for a ceasefire. full case is expected to take years before a final ruling that israel must take measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to the members of the palestinian group and the gaza strip. so the court further considers that israel most takes immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life based by palestinians in the gaza strip. israel must also take
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effective measures to prevent the destruction and ensure the preservation of evidence related to allegations of acts within the scope of article to an article 3 of the genocide convention against members of the palestinian group in the gaza strip. and let's get more, we are joined by the that he is tanya kramer in jerusalem. so what's the reaction in israel? while the test has been the statement now it's a friday afternoon, the country it goes into the weekend. so we've been just hearing from israel as prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he gave his statement. so let's have a listen to what he had to say is really has an inherent right to defend itself. the vile attempt to deny is real. this fundamental right is blinking discrimination against the jewish state and it was justly rejected. the charge of genocide level against israel is not only false, is rages and decent people everywhere should rejected. on the eve of the
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international holocaust remembered state ident pledge as israel's prime minister, never again, israel will continue to defend itself against come us as well . he also spoke about that as well. we'll continue to provide or make it possible for you many terry in age. but he said in the statement, um, you know that it was the charge, it was rejected. that is certainly not what most people would read into it. of course, the i, c, j has stopped short of ordering a provision and measures pertaining to a ceasefire, but it has, it, it has said it's seen a merits in the case. so this case will continue. of course, this could take a many years for a finer routing, but it has ordered israel to implement
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a provision in the provision of measures among them a to ensure you know, of not a kidding or causing fortunately home to palestinians, but also to ensure to provide the basic needs of palestinians. now in the statement as i say, it's a problem the students in yahoo continues and saying that doing so. but the question is, no, will they changed course in anything, but they also comply to another measure it needs to implement to report back to the courts in, in a month, a time that would be starting to be more pressure also by is rose allies so that is wrote, were compiled to these measures and on the ground of course, there's also the question now web posting and saying and reactions, at least on accountability when it comes to is rose actions. of course, what does it mean for palestinians in garza, for the civilian population? there uh will it change anything for them and the ground and these been hearing in this hearing, you know, that very detailed description of
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a very dire situation for palestinians in gauze and with the winter, with a really cold coming into the region. you know, to the, to see what is the change for them right now on the ground. tanya kramer with a view from jerusalem, thank you so much. i to and we have the view from johannesburg, where dw correspond to diane hawker is standing by. what's the reaction where you are? well, the initial, your ex reaction is actually come from. so that's because international relations minnesota now lady pendle, who was speaking on the steps of the hague, she went to the court to hear the outcome. and one of the things she said was that she was thankful to the court for dealing with this matter expeditiously. if listen to what else she had to say, i believe that in exercising the order,
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they would have to be a safe fire without the order doesn't actually what was more, i would have one to signify no way that i'm going to say i'm disappointed. i hope for it, but the fact of delivering humanitarian aid, the fact of taking measures that reduce the levels of home against persons who have no role in what israel is, come back to me requires a sci fi as not a minister speaking the off to her department put out the statement in which it said that the decision that the i c j was a resounding victory full south africa. we also expecting to hear from south africa's president solar. lemme poster who was amongst amc delegates were attending an a and c leadership meeting. today. we seen videos and social media a showing a n c, a party members,
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many of whom are members of government rejoicing with this outcome of singing struggle songs and saying that this was a resulting victory for the the agency lead government. i think from the perspective of many south africans, this ruling is a very positive ruling. we know that in south africa, particularly in the major cities, they've been regular protest in support of the people of palestine. and of course, there is a feeling amongst many south africans that they is a connection between south africa and the palestinian territories. one that was flustered and nurtured by a former president, nelson mandela, and one that many of africans have taken on to this day. feeling that there's a need for us to, to speak up and feeling that there's a need for, for the south african government to act when it sees a, you know, wrong doing what the decision will mean in practical terms. we'll still have to see of course they still the issue of the report that will have to be submitted. and it
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does seem like it will be a long, continuous legal battle that south africa will be involved in receiving those reports from the in the i. c. j and then responding and commenting on them. but for the most part, the feeling in south africa is one of happiness. one that's of africa has done the right thing. and that it has a achieved an international victory speaking on behalf of those who are disenfranchised to them. use diane hawker in johannesburg. thank you. and let's get more with marco longo. bartow. he is a reader, an international law at the university of westminster. good to have you with us. um, does the roland come as a surprise to you? but thank you for being a given kind of a surprise that i think it's a clear victories were south africa will go to what pertains and i'm not on from the sean masters. doctor recognized that there is
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a seizures of where you scroll the genocide in the gods of street, but it's been quite unlikely to add on the pain of an order on the ceasefire because they're a coaster. in this case, that's only true distinction over genocide. and they use of force by east berella is not the structure for link the to a general side claim that the court excess. right? so sorry to interrupt you there. um, but as you know, people are just looking up the face of it here and, and, and you know, perhaps some people were expecting whether or not we were going to get a verdict on on a c started today. the court did not order to halt israel's military action in gaza . and israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has already said that israel will not stop it's offensive in gaza. so what good is the verdict then? can you just break it down for us? but a yes, the verdict was sent on. whether is your last committed that or not the james side
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in the gods, i was about to their fleece conducted during the legal proceedings so that our own going to establish this and the right. so over that goes on for connection would have been affected the full address side, and so the court ordered some make sure 6 to at tech, to the right. so the guns and population pending the judgement. one of the measures that was requested was the ceasefire. the quote to the side of the, to the given more discretion that to destroy left to a complaint with the or not committing a general side preventing journal site without spending all to do to, to seize it. there are many things that russians carry. if uh you start decides to stop in to meet the rush or not to be the best thing. quickest way to uh, protect the rights of the sample, possessions that to the court of didn't go that far because it's a jurisdiction on this case was limited to the general side question. one thing
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that the court did do it, it did establish that it had jurisdiction to hear this case. we know that the, israel's attorneys had um you know, basically motion to have it thrown out. and now the, this inform rolling is, is part of a case of larger cases you highlighted. they're brought by south africa accusing israel of committing genocide against palestinians in gaza. so can you just walk us through the step by step process because we obviously did not have a rolling on that today. so what sort of time table or were you looking at? what can we expect now in the next years? yes, so the case would be quite long. it's based on the general side to combine show now, and it's about to and you started committing your general site to god. so that is really not to prove that in your time, aside from being complete, that is roy, let not punishing good people responsible for genocide and estrada. not the address in your insight. so it's a complex case. it's the next step. so would be the marriage phase of it is quite
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likely that the few started, we decided to challenge with victories, that you on the quote, we have to remember that today. the distinction was only found as a preliminary for wounding or on an emergency issue. the inter emetrius, i thought that we could expect to uh, stage on where therefore you live at risk jurisdiction. and by default i think the interest diction is quite sound. and then a longer marriage stage, i can see the, the, to complete the general side, the cases before the coach of the web. so father lost the wild folks being that the other 60, so a very long proceedings. and because of these, it's very important that we had the traditional mattress or the right that eh, alternately dr. marco longo, barto reader at the international law at the university of westminster. thank you so much for sharing that legal expertise. thank a joining us here in the studio is middle east analyst
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shawnie rose on us shawnee. it was quite interesting actually to hear the reactions from that yahoo also the reactions from the south african attorney as well. my. their really seemed terribly satisfied with, with this ruling. does that say something about the course managing an unbelievable new ones decision the took only 10 days due to a cheese to actually make each sign with a little bit, but also lose a little bit. israel is in a way, happy for the fact that he was not forced to see the fire. that was the main point . that is where this we're looking at. will they be forced to have to hold the fire having not gotten that measure is somewhat of a victory for israel, but then at the same time as we heard it to now, the very fact that the court did not miss dismissed the charges. you know that it's saying that it might be met, 2 delegations of south africa. that for itself is a blow for israel. at the same time. you know, we look at south africa, look at the palestinians. you know, the south africa is a voice for the palestinians. finally, feeling that they have
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a voice that they are being seen, that there might be a chance to stop this war or to somehow give justice and protect the rights of the palestinians for dignity for freedom. and we've seen, you know, the dire conditions and, and gaza. so if you talk to people in cause of a hope that the court might finally give them some of the, of, of the justice they've been waiting for for over a 100 days. and let's just drill down for a 2nd and what exactly to the court is asking for. here's just one aspect of it and i'd like to just read it out. it says that is what is required to prevent and punish the direct public insight into commit genocide. it's really interesting to hear the court actually read out some, you know, pretty prominent quotes from high ranking politicians, who is the realize president the minister of defense, for example, essentially, to paraphrase, calling for the destruction of gaza. do you think that israel is likely to abide by this particular aspect? well, i'm, you know, interestingly enough,
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that is really judge who was part of the 17 judges. federal was actually supported of these measures. that was $16.00 to $1.00. the only one against it was that you can't and one so we also see within is really ranks within his or the society. those were against those statements. and there's a lot of in or criticism of whether these very, you know, there's a difference between what you say as a political pendant and what you say as your and your role as a, as a political also as a, as a leader of the country. and we've seen that with, with a defense minister going to already responded, saying i will not take, take lessons in morality from no one, especially not the hague but, but we do know that it's great support for the war. but at the same time, israel is very attuned to criticism mentioned national christian criticism international community needs. and it's been wanting to cooperate with the court, which it has not done before. so i do feel they will take a good listen and we'll examine the measures and we'll try to comply as much as they can. how do you think israel's allies are looking at today? because i mean, you know, we have heard the resulting message from the allies,
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which is israel, of course, has a rights to its defensive right, to respond. but we've heard increasing criticism about how israel has responded there. there is a lot of distaste for correct the number of civilians who have been killed. i'm sure there's a sigh of relief and the white house, for example, today hearing this response of the court. these measures cuz they've been pushing very much more human terminate for his relative scale the sounds. and so for asians was also in europe. we've seen that and miraculously this, this court has managed to bring all sides, including china and russia, us, france. and so many more of the countries too are unanimous vote on these measures . so the world very much wants to see less and less violence and gaza is really is aware of the fact that cannot ignore those, those and say does does the world anymore. and i'm sure we will be seeing it in the next weeks unfolding to w shows on us. thank you. you're welcome. let's bring you up to date now with the latest from gaza, where the master on health ministry says it's really tank. fire has killed at least
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20 people waiting for humanitarian aid and injured another 150. israel says it's looking into the report is really military says it's fighting hamas militants at close quarters. in con eunice as it seeks to dismantle the group, which is classified as a tear organization by several countries. named bodies filled the el cheapo hospital in kansas city after and is really attack desperate people who are waiting for a rear delivery of food. a made a growing family. the un says cousins are facing the highest levels of food insecurity ever recorded. with over 90 percent of the population surviving on less than one meal a day. we were waiting for the truck springing flowers. then these riley tank status with full shells, young people a month and others injured. i was hitting the fates and hand meanwhile in southern gaza is really forces say they have surrounded the city of con eunice as they
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ordered people in the western part of the city to leave. among them, over $30000.00 displaced causes who had taken shelter at a un facility, which at earlier come under attack. the inside of ages is cool and hon. you nice. where they said it was safe. this riley um it started telling us in las vegas to leave within half an hour we started running and do you know where our family lives until and where i get this 3 days ago? not where the see and don't know what to go awhile. families are unable to leave. the strip cost is $2300000.00 people are being squeezed into an ever smaller area as battle spread. with no idea how long the fighting will go on or when they'll have to flee again. and here are some other stories making headlines around the world. india is celebrating its national de had marks the adoption of the countries constitution and 1915,
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nearly 3 years after india. one independence from british colonial french presidents. a menu of my calling is this year as guest of honor. france has spoken to strengthen cooperation with india to mix britons king charles has been admitted to a london hospital for surgery. fucking and palace said last week that the king would undergo a procedure for a benign prostate condition, which is common among men over 50. he is expected to stay at the clinic for 2 nights. a russian court has extended the detention of us journalist evan gaskets, which the wall street journal reporter was arrested in march last year on charges of espionage diseases up to 20 years in prison. gasket, which is the 1st to us journalist, to be detained on spite charges in russia since the cold war. russian state media say that the black box is recovered from a down to military plane, have been taken to a lab for analysis. the kremlin says ukraine shot down the transport aircraft in
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your russia southern border and claims it was taking 65 ukrainian soldiers to a scheduled prisoner swap. keeps says that it has seen no evidence that the plain was carrying ukrainian prisoners. russia called the meeting of the un security council to discuss its claims, member states agreed. they were not able to determine what happened, but called on both sides to allow prisoners of war to return home. to avoid further escalation, we are all concerned to for his reign from actions, rhetoric, or allegations that could further fuel already dangerous conflict. the fate of prisoners of war should not be instrumental lives. and we urge the parties to continue pursuing exchanges of prisoners of war. families of both sides are waiting to be re united with their loved ones. so are we getting any closer to knowing who
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was on board that aircraft the w as an economy has more from keith we are, and i think the biggest question that's being us here in ukraine is a very dark one where the bodies so far we have seen some very limited features, some pictures of wreckage that is alleged to being from the crash site and of one bodies. supposedly it's a picture that's been blood so we call it see the detail. but if indeed, as the russian side claims dozens of ukraine prisoners of what on this plane, i'm just the plane that crashed will see me. it's kind of this guy from a very low altitude that it was flying on to avoid radar. so we would see more of this is a place that is not far away from human habitation is not some remote crest site. so this is all very strange why we haven't seen more in previous. it does also has previous downings of this kind like image 17, very soon had locals taking pictures of things they were seeing, you know,
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things of the full inch that gotten that in full in nearby. so the idea that we wouldn't see more that we wouldn't have evidence of this mass kind of day of this principle is very strange. that was an economy and king. the us state of alabama has carried out the 1st execution of a compact by nitrogen gas. kenneth eugene smith had previously endured and unsuccessful execution attempt by lethal injection. the gas that killed him was administered to smith through a mask, depriving him of oxygen. the state insists that the procedure is humane. the critics call it a cruel and experimental and say that the execution did not go according to plan. he is the 1st man to be executed by nitrogen gas in the us. the supreme court rejected last minute appeals by kenneth eugene smith. officials here in alabama predicted smith to fall unconscious within seconds and to die in minutes. the
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execution took 22 minutes. a supporter of smith describes his death. well, we saw was minutes of so much struggling for their life. we saw minutes of someone heaving back and forth and we also saw correctional correction, the visuals in the room who were visibly surprised at how bad this thing with nitrogen gas is an untested method for executions. death penalty opponents say smith was used as a guinea pig. the united nations claims the method may amount to torture. smith was on death row for the 1988 killing of elizabeth senate. the mother was stabbed multiple times in a murder setup by her husband. send it's on said her killer has now paid his debt
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will say, is that the able the has consequences is kenneth smith made some bad decisions 35 years ago in his dance page to a previous attempt to execute smith by lethal injection, failed authorities, couldn't find a vein to administer the deadly drug. so the decision to use nitrogen gas was made me want a choice that is re igniting the debate over capital punishment in alabama. and the us some soccer news now in liverpool manager, yoga and club has announced that he is leaving the club at the end of the current season since joining the reds back in 2015. the german has overseen an era of success which has included premier league and champions like titles. here's what he had to say earlier today to relieve the cloud at the end of the season.
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i can understand that it's a shock for a lot of people in this moment. it is that i'm talking as a to i'm running out of energy and that's good. more now we are joined by tom. good boy from dw sports. so 1st of all, i mean, how much was a shed of a shock? was this? well, it's always making use me. i mean, using self has become something like up all the furniture independently. he has it . so it's in the figure of, of continuity for livable has been there for 9 years. the longest serving head coach in the division by quite a distance. now sometime unique observe is might fancy that they've seen his nerves begin to fray a little bit over the past couple of years. but things have been going very well this season. so yes, certainly am i surprised but he's and i was his departure today. how would you sum up his time at the club? well, there are a few things that stick out. obviously,
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like i mentioned, the longevity, you know, knowing use for tenure, for premier league manager is really a very long time. more usually we used to manages a top football comes around the world coming through the revolving door. they have short tends and they leave but trucks, tenure livable has been a very long one, obviously is suicide being very, very successful. he's one just about everything that it's possible to win for a person in that position. live a post 1st domestic talk to insert to use that 1st the champions lead time so we can close to 50. and of course, there's always have been the love story with live a poor supporters. and he took to the city, like a doctor will to the support has always felt that he had understood the club and it's been so it's in the i am a relationship characterized by mutual affection. tom. good. no, i did have you sports. thank you. a quick reminder of our top story, the international court of justice has ruled that israel must take immediate
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measures to prevent the acts of genocide in gaza. it was responding to allegations brought by south africa. the court stopped short of ordering israel to hold its military campaign against him, austin, which carried out the october 7th terrace. the tax thanks for the
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c. so in the waste water from indian textile factories is one of the country leaders of the industry has started to we think it's the strategy. so water is more or less clear if it is left for more time, it will become crystal clear on the many companies are focusing on sustainable production in the water recycling. because in the next
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on d, w to as a temp, the legacy of dictatorship member entering a new year history. but also for the world representatives were elected to compose the draft. it's relationship between the economy and the date would be changed. the 1st time that indigenous peoples were put on a level with everyone else is today in society. reading the change in 45 minutes on d w. the state shall encounter in the late 19 seventy's. former concentration kept inmate slow, most miles, not met the man who had to maintain him. go stop fog now! 2 years later, vaux now was dead. was it suicide?
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he drives to down. what really have the goldsmith and banassi starts january 27th on dw, the . our options are water off food off seems that is so much around us that is for you to well, let's talk about something that we don't to hello and welcome. i'm sorry, got the body and you all watching eco, india. why? so many of us, almost all of us actively contribute to polluting orthodontic, that is very little that we are do to reduce the solution as well as knowing is the 1st step towards doing so i've dive into today is episode i know more about what can be.


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