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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 26, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm CET

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the the, this is dw news, live cumberland, the ones top of the court, orders israel to act immediately to prevent genocide and does. it says israel must do more to protect civilians, but declined to call for a cease fire. also coming up, leaving liverpool, your vin clump announces that he is stepping down as manager of the english club at the end of the season. will bring you the reaction, the sarah kelly. welcome to the program. the international court of justice has ruled
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that israel must do all it can to prevent acts of genocide in gaza, south africa, which brought the genocide claims to the i. c. j says that it expects israel to abide by the decision be as rarely prime minister has described the charge as quote outrages. the court also said that israel must do more to protect civilians, but did not cold for a cease fire. the full case is expected to take years before a final rolling. israel must take measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to the members of the palestinian group and the gaza strip. so the court further considers that israel most takes immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by palestinians in the gaza strip. israel must also take effective measures to prevent the destruction and ensure the preservation of
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evidence related to allegations of acts within the scope of article to an article 3 of the genocide convention against members of the palestinian group in the gaza strip. and dw lucio shelton has been following developments for us of the international court of justice and may. uh yeah, so we have for today uh, quotes decision on the question of the provision and mattress. it is important to distinguish that this is not the final judgment on the question. rather he's right, breach the genocide convention or not. but it is only a question on provision of mattress and for that it needs a much lower threshold. so the court has decided today to grant certain provision and mattress provisional measures are an emergency relief and a disused to not make the case worse via the court is deciding upon it so to say. so it says africa has been asking for these kind of provision and mattress. so now
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the court today has decided on a number of them. it has not been granted everything that says effort has been staying. and in particular, it did stop short before asking each row to hold all emitted terry options and stopped short before asking each row to hold all emitted terry options. instead, the court has ordered each row to prevent genocide, also to punish incitement to genocide. in order to, to allow more humanitarian assistance into the gaza strip. so this is so to say the main, these are the main points of today's judgment. what is really important to know as well that you started has been also ordered to make a report about this and give it to the court in one months time. and this will then also be delivered to south africa. and this is just the 1st step in the case of a dragon for years or is expected to do so before the court. finally, rules on the genocide charge that has been brought by south africa against israel.
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so tell us a little bit more about the timeline and the trajectory and what we might be expecting going forward. just so the next stage will be in one months when easter able to have to do divides report a pod from that. but this will also be on the provision of mattress. but apart from that, the main question on the merits of whether there was a breach of the genocide convention or not. that will go ahead. so um these procedures last years. uh and what will probably happen next is that the court at some point, will decide whether it does have jurisdiction on the case or not, uh, that standard procedure. and then it will move into the marriage phase. and this marriage phase is usually an exchange of present statements, and then that will be hearing that today to stage. and then at some point the i c j will read the instructions for this genocide case. as i said earlier, there was a low threshold or low, a threshold for, for the provision of mattress,
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the legal experts say that there's quite a high, special to really prove that they intend to extinguish a whole group or a significant amount of members of a group so this is considered to be really quite challenging to see a shelton of the heck. thank you. a highland levy who speaks for the israeli government joins me earlier from tel aviv. i asked him if israel will abide by today's interim ruling from the i. c. j, the judges and the i. c, j reminded israel of the obligations that it has already taken on itself. we are already doing everything possible to minimize civilian casualties in a horrific oven was on what, how mazda is trying to use them as human shields. they're already doing everything to facilitate humanitarian aid going into gaza, and that's why there are no limitations on humanitarian aid going in. we think it's important to note with this case is happening because sound bar code trying to intervene to get the court to tell israel to stop it's campaign to defend its
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people and bring back the hostages would be more white for the, for the rights it to be more specific and more clear. the court has ordered israel to submit a report within a month. it's outlined all of these measures to prevent genocide on the part of israel. you will submit that report. we're currently studying the rolling. it came out only an hour ago, but of course paperwork that needs to be submitted. we will represent, we will present, it will take very seriously its obligation to prevent genocide. and that's why we all fighting the terrorist monsters and bone, whole families to ash on october 7th, and then telling us they want to do it again. it's important to note that the court was very clear. it's made absolutely no determination on points of substance or procedure. in fact, it said it hasn't even determined that it has jurisdiction to have the main case. but of course, and as much as these ro is finding a portion of the war to destroy
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a moss and no civilians in garza, we've been clear from the beginning. this is a war against him, also not civilians in the gaza. we will continue with campaign, and the way i'd like to ask you is to minimize home to civilian. i'd like to get down to some of these individual points. actually the court laid out and ask you how exactly it is that you plan to address them. specifically, one of them is that they highlighted that israel should prevent and punish direct and public incitement to commit genocide, i mean here they, they highlighted statements, in fact, from top politicians in your country, including the as really president and the minister of defense, which was to paraphrase essentially call it called for the destruction of gaza. let me ask you, do you think that this should be more, i'm sorry to be much more clearly that i had been, or i'm sorry, i want to stop you that the defense minister called the how most terrorist who perpetrated the acts of mazda right on october 7th human animals,
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he was very clear that he was referring to how most israel's president was also very clear. the innocent people in goals are who are being brutalized by how most of the i c. j chose not to use that statement. they chose to take a sentence and take it out of context. so we finally deny the ridiculous obligation by south africa, which cheapens the memory and follicle. so there was my name is sort of in 5 minutes a genocide. the only assignment to genocide that we have seen has been by how mostly those who also are october 7th, told us they want to do the same atrocities again and again and again. and it is better who we all find to hum us um, which is considered a tower organization by, by many countries, as we said no time and in responding. in fact, to this verdict, they've said that the i, c j decision contributes to, quote, isolating is real. and i'd like to just get your response to that statement. a mazda is responded very quickly, it 5 barrels of rock into the escalade, and reduced the sick, reproduce the safe propaganda video of 3 of the female hostages that are still in
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it's tara dungeons. now we know that we have the binding of the world, and that's why the european parliament voted just 9 days ago for a resolution that sunday should be no permanency file until all the hostages are released and then tell from us as dismantled. i now realize all the packing i won't goals because they understand that from us, perpetrated phone, sorry, atrocities on october 7th. and it won't stop until it is stalled. so no, you're reporting here from germany, and germany itself is said that it will intervene in post and other merit stage of this case. because the allegations of genocide in this case are completely absurd and preposterous. and so now we know that we still have a full body of the free world and democratic countries behind us. as we find to bring back the hostages and bring him off to justice. a lot of the, the spokes person for the is really government. thank you so much for your time this afternoon. thank you. and let's get more. we are joined here in the studio by our middle east analysts. johnny was honest, so we just heard
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a spokesperson for the is really government. what do you, what are we to make of the way that he is framing the role and that is realist framing the role. and oh, you see that for as well. it's still very much about october 7th. it's about one from austin. the atrocities committed. undoubtedly terrible acts of violence, of murder, families, you know, burnt alive and so on. we, we know the horrors of hamas and is all the still there in many ways also publicly, nationally that it's, it's still a leading country and for them, this is partially where, where the rage against the, i guess the court is coming. they don't understand how the world can focus on israel's response and discussed professionality when, when is really still very much a suffering at the repercussions of october 7th fuel. and it feels it was an unprovoked attack. and this is a long as well as when taking food out, you know, the whole 100 and plus days. we've been seeing this, but definitely in front of the court. we know that the court has now ordered israel
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to, you know, within the next month, a submit a report on how it is minimizing casualties and ends and preventing genocide and gaza. israel has long set, and i mean this has, this has really always been the line, but it takes all possible measures to minimize casualties. do we know where the court might be heading on the evidence that israel might present to that effect statement today of the present and choose choose an american. so she was supposed to be the most a pro israel member of the panel of judges and was just still very much focused on the atrocities that are happening in gauze, on the conditions of the gods and population. and, and the claim that, as well as making that is only operating against a mazda, not the civilians. this is, again, this is the core of the issue. the number as, as, as, as south africa is trying to put to the court are showing different, you know, we know of now around 25000 gallons. who have died is really itself claims only about $9000.00 of them or militants from us. meaning the rest is our, our, our civilians. and as the u. n. reports over 70 percent of those affected by the
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war by is rarely a tax. are children in and, and, and women. so the claims, you know, is what was trying to make. it's gonna be very hard to make. and this is exactly the heart of the matter between israel and south africa. and of course, we will see this unfolding. the next months and years to come and being watched so closely internationally, especially among israel's allies. hm. what do you think that they are making? oh, what i think americans have a sigh of relief today. they were, you know, they're pushing for more humanitarian aid. they're asking israel to withdraw from the gaza strip, you know, having the measures of provisions given by the court and the backend that the court has given is, is quite a relief for that. and, and we've seen it in a surprising of almost consensus from, from china and russia through the us and europe on those measures. so israel cannot shut down this, you know, this international community unanimous. almost unanimous vote a saying we need you to scale down appraising and gaza. there's very much
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a fear of what happening to the, to the people in gauze, but also the implications for the whole region. and may be far beyond that dw, a middle east dental and shiny, was honest. thank if you haven't and we are joined now by journalists husband pollution, who's joining us with a view from amman he lived and, and reported from garza until he and his family fled back in november. and then thank you so much for joining us. how do you think that this initial decision might be received in the palestinian territories? so we are talking about 2 levels of receiving here. the official one, which is the posting and authority, will come to the order and the decision made by the court of the a and the, the for him in history will come to an, an oscar for a implementation of it. and uh, but i've seen in prime minister and how much to you made
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a statement. and he said that we expected that the or the do to include an immediate cease fire. but unfortunately it wasn't the or it still here. he will come the decision from how may i assign the us also, shortly a little while ago, they issued a statement and welcomed the order made by the courts and oscar the international community to proceed as well and them to the to, to abide to the orders i mean, but ultimately the court, it did stop short of ordering a ceasefire. i do, i mean there must be disappointment among among the top of the top politicians. yes, um, as i said, prime minister said so he expected the, the, the uh, the ceasefire. a call, but the disappointment more on the ground because of 2 things uh fast because
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people didn't understand what the court is about today. i mean like they thought that the, the, the, the, the, the ruling would be about the genocide. but that they are happy that the court accepted it, but they are disappointed. and they think this is wouldn't change the reality on the ground that i talked to a few people on the ground off to the, the, the, the, the court. and they said that the, their life wouldn't be changed. they will, the fighting will continue and they will be displaced. and there is no aid and food and on. and there are places where they are, how high is the hope of improvement on that level, at least? well, this is the hope among the officials. uh, but uh for the ordinary people, they need more. we are talking about majority of palestinians about 2000000 over at even more. they are displaced. majority of them in 2 places in dealer by the hand
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of central area and the roof for him to talk to him. city of overcrowded and diseases. lack of, of interesting, essential needs from food, electricity, internet communication, whatever. the, the, the, the loads of trucks coming through with our care in shallow or rock by his very limited. we are talking about a plus minus $200.00 trucks coming every day, which is not at able to, to provide the, the basic needs of the people. so the people need more, more a, to come and more free off of importing stuff. so they are able to to manage with living with this sample boucher joining us from amman. thank you. thank you. and let's bring you up to date with the latest from gaza. the most run health ministry size that is really tank fire has killed at least 20 people waiting for humanitarian aid and entered another $150.00. israel says that
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it is looking into the report is really military says it's fighting and lost militants at close quarters. in con eunice as it seeks to dismantle the group, which is classified as a terror organization by several countries. named bodies filled the el cheapo hospital in kansas city after and is really attack desperate people who are waiting for a rear delivery of food. a made a growing family. the un says cousins are facing the highest levels of food insecurity ever recorded. with over 90 percent of the population surviving on less than one meal a day. we were waiting for the truck springing flower. then these riley tanks hit us with full shells, young people, a month and others injured. i was hit in the fates and hand meanwhile in southern gaza, is really forces say they have surrounded the city of con eunice,
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as they ordered people in the western part of the city to leave among them over 30000 display scoggins, who had taken shelter at a un facility which had earlier come under attack on the inside, the agent is cooling han, you nice, where they said it was safe. this riley, he started telling us in las vegas to leave within half an hour we started running and didn't know what our family lives until, than where i get this and 3 days ago. not where the see and don't know what to go awhile. families are unable to leave. the strip cost is $2300000.00 people are being squeezed into an ever smaller area. has battled spread with no idea how long the fighting will go on for when they'll have to flee again. and here are some other stories making headlines, you an agency for palestinian refugees and says that it has fired several employees for their alleged involvement in the october 7th attacks by her mos on israel. your
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organization, which has been delivering aid to this also strip, says that an investigation is now under way. the u. s. has suspended funding to the agencies following those allegations. india is celebrating its national day and marks the adoption of the countries constitution in 1950 nearly 3 years. i for indigo, one independence from professional french presidential manual. my phone is this year is just a monitor. france is looking to strengthen cooperation. anything to make sure that the russian court has extended the detention of us journalist evan gaskets, which the wall street journal reporter was arrested in march last year on charges of espionage faces up to 20 years in prison. he is the 1st us journalists to be detained. on spine charges in russia since the cold war to the russian state media say that the black box is recovered from a down to military plane. have been taken to
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a lab for analysis. the kremlin says ukraine shot down the transport aircraft near russia's southern border. and claims it was taking $65.00 ukrainian soldiers to a scheduled prisoner swap. keep says that it has seen no evidence that the plain was carrying ukrainian prisoners. russia called the meeting of the un security council to discuss its claims. member states agreed that they were not able to determine what happened, but calls on both sides to allow prisoners of war to return home. to avoid further escalation, we urge all concerned to freeze reign from actions, rhetoric, or allegations that could further fuel already dangerous conflict. the fate of prisoners of war should not be instrumental lives. we urge the parties to continue pursuing exchanges of prisoners of war. families of both sides are waiting to be re
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united with their loved ones. so are we any closer to knowing who was actually on board that aircraft that we use? an economy has more from keys as we are. and i think the biggest question that's being us here in ukraine is a very dark one. where are the bodies so far? we have seen some very limited features, some pictures of wreckage that is alleged to have been from the crash site and of one bodies. supposedly it's a picture that's been blood so we can't see that detail. but if indeed, as the russian side claims dozens of ukraine prisons of what on this plane, i'm just the plane that crashed. what's the meaning of this guy from a very low altitude that it was flying on to avoid radar? so we would see more of this is a place that is not far away from human habitation is not some remote crest site. so this is all very strange why we haven't seen more in previous. it does also has previous downings of this kind like image 17,
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very soon had locals taking pictures of things they were seeing, you know, things that are full instead garden and in full a nearby. so the idea that we wouldn't see more that we wouldn't have evidence of this mass kind of day of these because of what is very strange. the us state of alabama has carried out the 1st execution of a convict by nitrogen gas tenants. eugene smith had previously endured an unsuccessful execution attempt by lethal injection. the gas that killed him was administered to smith through a mask, depriving him of oxygen. the state insist that the procedure is to maine. the critics call a cruel and experimental and said the execution did not go according to plan. he's the 1st man to be executed by nitrogen gas in the us. the supreme court rejected last minute appeals by kenneth eugene smith. officials here in alabama predicted smith to fall unconscious within seconds and to die in minutes. the
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execution took 22 minutes as a supporter of smith describes his desk. what we saw was minutes of someone struggling for their life. we saw minutes of someone p being back and forth and we also saw correctional correction officials in the room who were visibly surprised at how bad this thing with nitrogen gas is an untested method for executions. death penalty opponents say smith was used as a guinea pig. the united nations claims the method may amount to torture. smith was on death row for the 1988 killing of elizabeth senate. the mother was stabbed multiple times in a murder setup by her husband. senate sunset,
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her killer has now paid his debt will say, is that the able, the has consequences is smith made some bad decisions 35 years ago. and his dance page to a previous attempt to execute smith by lethal injection, failed authorities, couldn't find a vein to administer the deadly drug. so the decision to use nitrogen gas was made me want a choice that is re igniting the debate over capital punishment in alabama. and the us soccer news and liver pulled manager, york and club has announced that he is leaving the club at the end of the current season since joining the roads back in 2015. the german has overseeing an era of success, which has included premier league and champions like titles. here's what do you have to say earlier, or?
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i will leave the club at the end of the season. i can understand that it's a shock for a lot of people in this moment. it is that i'm talking as a to i'm running out of handling and let's get more now. we are joined by tom. good boy from dw sports. so 1st of all, i mean, how much was a shed of a shock? was this? well, it's always being used as a, i mean you're going solve has become something like up all the furniture independently. he has it. so it's in the figure of, of continuity for livable, his being there for 9 years. the longest serving head coach in the division by quite a distance. now, sometime unique observed as might fancy that i've seen his nerves begin to for a little bit over the past couple of years. but things have been going very well this season. so yes, certainly am i surprised but he's and i was his departure today. how would you sum up his time at the club? well, there are a few things that stick out. obviously,
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like i mentioned, the longevity, you know, knowing use for tenure, for premier league manager is really a very long time. more usually we used to manage a tough football, comes around the road, coming through the revolving door, they have short tens and they leave by trucks. tenure livable has been a very long one, obviously is suicide being very, very successful. and he's won just about everything that it's possible to win for a person in that position. never pulls 1st domestic title info to use the 1st the champions lead time so we can close to 50. and of course, as it was, i being the love story with live a poor supporters. and he took to the city like a duck to water, the support, there's always felt that he had understood the club and it's been so it's in the i am a relationship characterized by mutual affection. tom. dunno. i did have you sports . thank you. a reminder now of our top story, the international court of justice has ruled that israel must take immediate measures to prevent acts of genocide. it was responding to allegations brought by
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south africa. the court stopped short, a porter in israel to poultice military campaign against loss which carried out the october 7th terror attack. up next. it is to the point. stay with us to be kind for that i'm sarah kelly and breland. thanks for watching the,
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to the points. strong opinions, international perspective. nato is running. it's a big smell of trade roll rehearsing. how it would respond to a russian attack. what, as the alliance aims to determine, can't also keep up with support for you. pray join us this week on to the point to
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the point next. on d, w p is shrinking up. so gaming, young guys, i don't display ridiculously, we response into the life of brian and the b young. the canyon he's sports legend is proving controllers can change life and help a lot of extra stuff. in 60 minutes, dw, the state shall encounter for the concentration camp inmates shlomo. smiles, not met the man who had to maintain him. go stop bog. now, 2 years later, bog now was dead. was it suicide?
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rise to down. what really happened? the goldsmith and did not see starts january 27th on d, w. for nato, a worst case scenario would be a russian attack on one of its members states. and now it is for her sink for exactly that possibility. it's running. it's the biggest military trail since the cold war to practice response. the exercise is called steadfast defender and it see some 90000 troops from 32 countries taking part with fighter jets tanks and warships. that's all shortly before the 2nd day nursery of russia's full scale invasion of ukraine. since then, cube has fall to expel as invaders with help from western weapons, but will to support continue. today on to the points we're looking at proteins, imperial emissions and asking is the west and we.


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