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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 27, 2024 4:00am-4:16am CET

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the, the, this is, these are the news line from the then you ends cub court orders. israel, it's prevents genocidal acts. the ancestral court of justice, also rules. israel must do more to protect civilians in gaza. stopped short off calling for c spine. and the un agency helping palestinians in gauze of fi has several stall, allegedly involved in the last her attacks against israel. on october, several stall, allegedly involved in the last terror attacks against israel. on october 7th, the
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homage passed to joining us. the winds top court has ordered as well to do everything in a pallet to prevent genocide in guns of the international court of justice in the hague made the ruling and a case forced by south africa. it said israel must do more to protect civilians, but stopped short of courting for a ceasefire. the court also ordered for the release of the is ready hostages. outside the international court of justice, palestinians supporters watch a live stream of proceedings. invited to foregoing, some here had been hoping for more from the judges. but many are seeing this ruling as a symbolic victory with the palestinian delegation at the i. c. j saying it could have far reaching consequences. it is an important step towards the justice of the blessing and people. we're not here for vengeance. we had here for justice and receive justice for all people will seek justice for the children who have killed
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in gaza. and all of by this time on the is really side these campaigners can't believe the genocide case brought before the court by south africa is even proceeding the very least of them that was presented by the easterly side 2 weeks ago where it was very clearly stated that israel cannot commit genocide because what is being done there doesn't have been tension. so somebody genocide is, is non genocide. israel had been pushing for the i c j to drop the keys completely . and after the ruling, its prime minister gave this reaction the charge of genocide level against israel is not only false is outragious, and this some people everywhere should rejected or mentioned. while the i c. j
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stopped short of calling for ceasefire. south africa's president, as urging for more to be done to stop the fighting and gaza council in which they voice alarm. we firmly believe that following this document should now be a more concerted effort towards a ceasefire. a negotiations should commence on the permanent 2 state solution for a neighboring is drive and palestine to live side by side as independent states, discernibly. now, israel has been asked to report back within a month on how it's upholding the orders from the top un court. although the court does not have the power to enforce the ruling, a r and david miller as a full my us state department, diplomatic and now is senior fellow at the carnegie endowment for international
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peace. i asked him how these, where the government is likely to respond to the quote stipulations oh, do you have the most extreme right wing government in history, the state of israel to ministers or jewish or premises and a prime minister who needs to maintain this call list so unless they're self censorship and some of these terrible statements that have been made by is really ministers. i doubt whether the prime minister of israel is going to do much of anything at all um discipline or suppressed the statements by members of his own coalition. his political survival and even his freedom is on trial for bribery fraud and re breach of trust in the jerusalem district court due to testify next month. i just think he'll keep on keeping on what impact to think this will have on the back is of israel such as the united states. you've mentioned that little bit gemini, the united kingdom and france. how do you see the relation to be
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a relationship penny out between an engineer who and these countries? i mean, again, i think that for the binding ministration, there is an expectation that these really ground campaign which has led to an exponential rise in palestinian depths in an effort to eradicate the masters in organization which embeds its assets in and around and under civilian populations. i think that the administration expects a tangible, concrete change and is really tactics in early february. i don't think the i c j a certainly for the united states, i can't speak for the brit for the british or the french. uh, whether that will have any impact at all. it will, i suspect, added to the growing pressure on the is really government driven by high casualties by pressure is from the families of, of how those who remain the hostage at the hands of a boss to bring them home. i think it will have it will, it will add to what i think to where we're going,
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which i think is in fact is significant diminishment of israeli military activity. what follows whether or not gods or will be more stable, whether or not it be long suffering people guys will get the humanitarian and reconstruction systems that they deserve as another matter. but as i mentioned before, you have the real is really posted in conflict on the ground. and then you have the diplomatic political and it's taking place in capitals in new york and, and they sometimes they intersect. i'm not so sure that they checked on this on this occasion, but they may okay. are in davis in the thank you very much indeed for your insights and your time. i you an agency full palestinian refugees has 5, several employees, allegedly involved in the october 7th terror attacks by how mos on israel on roses and investigation is underway. the us has suspended funding over the allegations. washington was one of the relief organizations biggest financial packers. the
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agency has previously said its ability to deliver aid to gaza is on the verge of collapse. with the deputies, washington correspondents, benjamin alvarez group or has more on the us reaction to this. the department of state has announced that it is temporarily. we don't know how long that will last, but it, that has positive funding for those you an agency, a full policy and refugees with washington is saying that it is now looking into this allegations and the steps that the united nations to you and is taking to address them, we heard the secretary of lincoln spoke with you and secretary at general antonio terrace. he emphasized how important it is to have a swift investigation that according to a press release, that the department of state published and send out today, washington said that must be complete accountability for anyone who participated in the october 7th attack. and the us, it's not just any donor office organizations that also according to washington place, a critical role in providing life saving assistance through police pinions we have
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and that they give food that they give medicine that they also help with shelters. in 2022, the united states was the agents just because don't are contributing more than $340000000.00 us dollars. so we can expect that today's decisions will have a significant impact on the agencies capacity to help the civilians in the gaza strip. so let's take a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world. a new york jury has ordered fully us president donald trump, to pay right to aging carol $83000000.00 in damages for defamation. a trial last year found trump liable for sexually assaulting carol in 1996 and for the saving her by claiming she lied about the assault from his vows to appeal the slightest. really argentina's new government describing unpopular attacks and pension reforms. ministers wants to focus instead on pushing through
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a so called on the best bill of why the structural changes and privatize ations nationwide protests and a general strike erupted earlier this month of president. have you immunize plans to slash public spending? little pull manager, you can come up is to leave the english permian, the club at the end of the football season. since joining the read back in 2015, the german has overseen an error or success which has included premier league and champions the titles. and here in germany, there's been growing opposition to the far right, a, the policy activist stage, the vigil, full victims of extremist finance that by lanterns and berlin's. brandon, the gates, the lights spell out. the woods never again is now that is a reference to not see crimes. some pressure groups wants to band the a fee or costs off it's funding. hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the
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streets across germany. they are protesting against the rise of the fall, right, and against the alternative for germany party, the a f. d. to the outcry. what sparked by reports of a meeting in which some members of the se took part 10th were master potations of people of foreign origin were discussed a plan, the code policies of germany's nazi past. the shock was called all the way to the top of the german government in a video address. johnson, the owner of charles issued a warning most of sykes. and i'd like this. i'm saying it clearly and bluntly, i should think for this rightly extreme is our attacking our democracy to them. they want to destroy all cohesion, but all the warnings have made little difference. recent polls show that support for the f, the remains for 22 percent of people are ready to vote for it. it's in 2nd place behind the conservatives. and while ahead of the policies and the current coalition,
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government and the sd is even stronger in eastern germany. there it is projected to come 1st and 3 regional elections later this year. so what can be done to stop the a f d that not all dried, some politicians and many protest us the month that but that's being tried before with the right wing extreme is parties and was rejected by germany's constitutional court. another possibility, cut state funding for the right wing party, a possibility opened up by a recent quotes decision except the 7 old building and i must be using them up. i don't know if it's clear any of them either approved or some parts. those are no cutting of financial resources if i continue to see about where you will. but with the constitutional court, except such a move aimed at a party that has been voted into the buddhist talk into the old 16 regional parliaments. on the other hand, binding the a if the youth wing would be easy,
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it's being classified as right wing extremist by the authorities. and it's just an association, not the political party. the interior minister could simply issue a decree to diagnose it based on the alternative. oh radical has been that if it has been proven that they are radical opponents of our constitution, then we have to take action. we will skunk beer. right? but that would not stop the a s d, no militant, neo nazi youth groups. what about tracking down on radical individuals with in the f d? this man beyond fucker is a case in point. he's a nazi, a court has officially found and he has enormous influence within the 1500s of thousands of his critics assigned to petition to banned him from political offers. that might work in a couple of years time. but what it reduces influence that's thoughtful. many of the protest as in the past weeks and the and not early at the a f d, the old ser,
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cooled on sean. so the shirts and his ministers to stop the inside thing and to implement policies that would swing voters away from right wing populism. and back to the democratic center of the french government has abandoned plans to cott, agricultural tax breaks. following days of nationwide, protests farmers have been blocking mode 2 ways and routes into paris saying their industry is in danger. the government wanted to reduce fuel subsidies on diesel used in that practice and other funding vehicles. farmers and friends have taken over the streets, protesting rising costs. unplanned got to few subsidies for agriculture, kevin barts, of northwest and friends. they said that they no longer earn enough to produce quality food and are determined not to back off the i don't was the polls do some nice things that if al political
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leaders do not realize that agriculture is in danger, this could end badly except with pretty much the movement can last, it can last a long time. then it could be dramatic with you with those only because we are determined. and we don't want to let to go to the sheet. and after 2 weeks of nationwide products which have challenged frances new prime minister, gabriela tal. he has now given into some of their demands and travels to south west and friends on friday to meet with these farmers. he pays vigorously, which is the focus and to prove to you that i'm motivated to see this work the fruits i'm starting today and i've decided on the 10 immediate simplification measures, most of which i'll introduce spite increase starting tomorrow about to you know, part of these measures will include starting an emergency fund from us and an
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enterprising cost necessary for farming machinery. many farmers protesting here in south west and from so skeptical and wonder if at all would follow through on his promises. you're watching, the domain is live from buttons. i'll see you in the next hour so i can buy the every jenny is surprises. me is gone all out. to give you some of the right people in your northern most count the police the free time. but still very much alive. your guy to the special
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recognizes where exec.


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