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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 27, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the, we knew years life from berlin vu ends top courts, polarizes world opinion, the international court of justice, orders israel to prevent genocidal ass and gaza. but it's stopped short calling for an immediate cease fire. and israel's war with come on. we'll get reactions from israel and south africa also coming up on international holocaust. remember and stay a survivor. it tells dw news why he's hopeful israel and all humanity will overcome the october 7th atrocities committed by the
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on the co fairly sure welcome to the program. the web security council will meet next week to follow up on the international court of justice as orders on gonzo, the world's top course on friday, called on israel to do everything in its power to prevent genocide in the territory . the preliminary ruling and the case brought by south africa, told israel to do more to protect civilians but stopped short of calling for cease fire and israel's military campaign against thomas. the court also order the release of is rarely hostages, kidnapped by her loss during the october 7th terror attacks outside the international court of justice, palestinians supporters watch a live stream of proceedings. invited to foregoing, some here had been hoping for more from the judges. but many are seeing this ruling as a symbolic victory with the palestinian delegation at the i. c j saying it could have
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far reaching consequences. it is unimportant steps towards justice to the blessing and people we have not viewed for vengeance with you and for justice. and receive justice for our people. we seek justice for the children who have killed in gaza and all of palestine on the is really side. these campaigners can't believe the genocide case brought before the court by south africa is even proceeding the very least evidence that was presented by the easterly side 2 weeks ago where it was very clearly stated that the user cannot commit genocide because what is being done there doesn't have been tension, so somebody genocide is non genocide. israel had been pushing for the i c j to drop the keys completely. and after the ruling, its prime minister gave this reaction. the charge of genocide level against israel
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is not only false is outragious. and this some people everywhere should rejected or mentioned all the i c. j stopped short of calling for ceasefire. south africa's president, as urging for more to be done to stop the fighting and gaza council in which they voice alarm. we firmly believe that following this document should now be a more concerted effort towards a ceasefire. a negotiations should commence on the permanent 2 state solution for the enabling is drive and palestine 2 lives side by side as independent states, discernibly. now, israel has been asked to report back within a month on how it's upholding the orders from the top un court. although the court
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does not have the power to enforce the ruling. right, we can now get more or less from d w special corresponding to abraham, who joins us from jerusalem. how is people where you are reacted to the i. c j's order? i think in israel there is definitely a sense of relief that a ceasefire has not been ordered by this court. you have to understand that here in israel there's still even more than 3 months into the war. and with the, you know, the, the, the civilian, adaptable in gaza, there's still a strong belief that this is a war of self defense. there are still over a 100 hostages that are believe, to be held at in gaza. so every day in this sense is one from one woman told me, i remember that every day is october 7th for people in israel. the collective trauma is very real. and so there was a, there was a lot of just confusion when this case started about why is it that people that are
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defending themselves are being sued for that self defense? that's the perspective here. so definitely there's a sense of relief that there is no cease fire that has been ordered vendor. the reactions of course, from the palestinian side which see this really a very differently. they look at the fact that the court has said that there's, you know, that genocide is plausible in gaza that there provisional measures that i've been ordered, that the case has not been dismissed outright, which let's remember was what this really defense team was actually arguing for the case should be dismissed altogether and it was not dismissed altogether. and so that all of these aspects of the ruling are being seen as a wins by palestinians, their allies and certainly palestinian politicians and the u. k. and basset, or the cost of the investor to the u. k. has some someone said that this is, i'm paraphrasing, you know,
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a beginning of the many steps of accountability towards israel, which many palestinians feel a, gets away with infinity on the global stage. so certainly polarizing, as you mentioned at the top there and really remains to be seen how this will will sort of of what life is read, enter this, enter this ruling at the security council and what this means also for israel's allies. that is, how will they continue supporting israel when now there is an actual plausibility that there is genocide being committed and does all do the final really about whether or not there is a genocide will probably take years that's due to way of special corresponded abraham from jerusalem, thank you and will take you straight to south africa. now the country that brought the case
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before the i've seen j. our corresponding diane hawker is in johannesburg. following all of this, diane south africa asked the court to order an immediate cease fire that did not happen. how come this preliminary decision is still seen as a victory by south africa of the will sicily, visa, american president and international relations administer the same used to day that they would have preferred to have a ceasefire. how in the south africa as legal team, as one of many as many citizens here. do you see this as a big thing? mainly because the case was not dismissed outright. and also because there was some provisional measures that will put in place. granted, they would not be exact provisional measures that south africa requested, but there is a feeling that these for we still measures will put an onus on the age, riley, military and government to act as a certain way to act in a way that will be to preserve live in explaining why the, when to the quote,
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the international court of justice of african government said that they were quite concerned with the high did f told that was resulting iseries as a result of this rule. and the feeling is that if these measures are implemented and of course enforced adequately by, you know, other members of, of the international community that they will be an element of, of a improvement when he comes to the disco. but also that the report that was requested by the, by the court will also the way force is around to, to, to actually explain the business that it is taking to safeguard human life in the palestinian territories. now the genocide trial will continue and could take months, or here is a, a pointed out one to south africa i expect from you. i think you're from here on a well, in the short term, i would say so that because expectations do not necessarily point to the i c j. but
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more to the international community. of course of africa. we'll have to spend some time bolding. it's broad a case which will be heard by the i c j. and part of it will also include those reports that will be coming out of israel and one of the other information you can click back in the short to we were 80 seeing the other countries that are welcoming the decisions. countries like wait a mom and algeria will have welcome to a decision for example. and jerry has gone to the, the has said that the us security council should debate this and, and see what could be put in place. that is more binding. and i think that that's with the next steps. we'll take, not only south africa, but the rest of the, of the world in the coming months. as the case unfold at the i, c, j, w, corresponding diane, hawker and johannesburg. thank you for those insights ceremonies
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that are being held today, international holocaust, remember, and stay which in germany is known as the day of remembrance the victims of national socialism. on this day and 1945 soviet forces liberated al shirts and nazi occupied poland. the largest and deadliest of concentration and extra nation camps were hundreds of thousands of people were tortured and killed under the orders of adolph hitler and total the nazis systematically murdered and estimated $6000000.00 jews in the holocaust. in addition to roma and cindy people, almost actuals, people with disabilities and political opponents. abraham who we just saw, spoke to a holocaust survivor in israel with a message of hope for the world. for over 50 years after surviving the holocaust, natalie 1st did not speak about his experiences. now he found strength in
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sharing his story. he has done so publicly since 2005, including in germany, and very busy, especially with to disappear. and i think it's important to tell because many people don't even believe that the holocaust took place at all your survey. because there are a lot of holocaust deniers. and nowadays in 2024, there are few holocaust survivors. were able to tell what really happened there. she was able to sup here is a bit of my benefits, hash alma. and since i'm still in a pretty reasonable condition, i feel obliged to tell my story so that the holocaust won't be forgotten as a bit of the dish or uh the fish is a sure there's a lunch for the 91 year old was separated from his parents at the ash with breaking out death camp. he then survived a death march to book invalid and has written
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a book about his experience together to show how costly is being told. but nobody can feel what i felt during the holocaust. that's how frightened i was so hungry, i was how lonely i was without parents only i can feel it. you should see the name of this here enough tale says since reflecting on his experience differently in light of the october 70 bucks. what for the cause grand daughter and her family were caught up in the terror that day. they spent over 20 hours hiding in shelter as the a tax unfolded in their to books and southern israel before finally being rescued by is really soldiers. frederick is, is a a, so that's a sofa. no, we can say it's a disaster. so a terrible catastrophe. unbelievable. the but it was not a show got it that it gives you as a like come with a message that we will overcome this tragedy as well. what seem them she really
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feel it, but human beings, by their nature, wants to continue living are and that we have to find a good way of getting along and be good and happy people. to feel that most of him. he hopes that him talking about his experience will serve as a less than a warning to the history never repeats itself. working the day in german chancellor or f, shots has called on people in germany to stand up against racism and anti semitism is that the principles of tolerance and humanity are the cornerstones of the countries. democracy with democratic more democracy has millions of faces the the new york bar never again has millions of voices. the young roof comes to january 27th. reminds us to keep being seen, to keep being haired as most against anti semitism against racism, against hatred,
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ones were done for our democracy. never again is every day and time that of a sermon, cancer without shots there. before we go, here's a quick look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. yeah, minutes we will see rebels saying they have hit a british oil tanker with a miss out in the gulf of aidan, near the red sea. the ship's operator assent that a fire and broken down on board, but that none of the crew were injured. and who these have been attacking shipping for a week, saying it's in solidarity with the palestinians in gaza. the united states and several other countries have temporarily halted funding for the u. n's palestinian refugee agency that software on raw, fired several employees, allegedly involved in the october 7th terror attacks by him on the agencies as an investigation is underway. on route officials have previously said their ability to deliver aid is on the brink of collapse. it allows her news roundup of next
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tech magazine shift with a look at why our brains love immersive arts i'm looking for at least thank you so much for your company. the words people have to say that's why we listen to every weekend on d. w. costs from a sponsor to source. it's one of the sale when he knows how to use this not to me and pretend this guy knows about energy in a way that these as much structures have no idea. it's been pretty clear, especially of late.


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