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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 27, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the we news line from berlin, israel process it's offensive, and gaza after being told by the un top court to prevent genocidal health officials, state hospitals in the city of con, units are a breaking point with no light up in the finding of the humanitarian crisis, just getting worse, also coming up on international holocaust. remember and stay a survivor. it tells us why he's hopeful israel and all humanity will overcome the october 7th atrocities committed by how long. and donald trump is ordered in courts to pay $83000000.00. and they are jury awards the sound to rider aging carol for defamation. by the former us president
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the article for at least welcome to the show. he is really military says it has killed quote, numerous palestinian militants and fierce finding in the southern gauze and the city of con eunice. the unabated hostilities came a day after the international court of justice in the hague, ordered israel to do everything in his power to prevent genocide in the gaza strip . according to the world health organization, hospitals there are running out of fuel food and supplies. is real, says it's finding to destroy loss switch several states. consider a terrorist organization as a hospital on the brink of collapse, overcrowded with injured patients. the situation in hon unit is growing
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increasingly desperate. the trauma ward is packed wounded people here are being treated on a floor splashed with lot was all based on the most injured people coming to the hospital or from schools in residential areas. we're not trying to treat them anymore. i mean, we're just trying to keep them alive. i think we're good, but it is all it's really for says, have advanced deeper into hun eunice in recent days. gone. house officials say dozens of people have been killed in the fighting, which has come very close to the hospital and the milk formula, no doctors to treat the patients, no food or medication for children. a many you had health for things to take a different town on friday when the united nations top court ruled on a case against israel as offensive in gaza. a majority of the judge is called on israel to protect civilians and allow the entry of desperately needed humanity and
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aiden to the strip. the case. the court is a country of desperately needed too many, terry and aiden to the strip. the case, the court is acutely aware of the extent of the human tragedy that as an unfolding in the region, and is deeply concerned about the continuing loss of life and human suffering. the popular but the judge has stopped short of ordering the urgent request of south africa, which had brought the case against israel, an immediate cease fire disability of the ruling on. so that for cause allegation that israel is committing genocide against palestinians in gaza will likely take years, suggests palestinians broadly welcomed friday's ruling. but it offered no respite for the people of gaza. and we can get some analysis now from sharon a while. she's a professor of international law at the american university of paris, where she directs the justice lab good to have you on
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d w. now the payments are divided on this rolling. what do you make of the i c j's orders. uh, yeah. so 1st of all, i think it's very important case because it's the 1st time the user is on try on an international for him. and the international office of justice is a very respected court. so of course, it's not the us international. you know, it's not them and you, it's a very serious, very conservative court. so when the court, these things something, it means that it's not a political statement, it is indigo statement. and i think what the court is saying here is very strong. so it is true, it did not the order to stop the military operation, but this was not expected that you would say that you would a say this would, the court is saying is if it is possible, it is possible that we have uh uh, the commission of getting studies will be saving on this,
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but these requesting from easy way to present an ad that could amount to breaching it to be geisha with the geneva convention. then it is request to help you monitor in the system as well as what, any prevention of this kind of i and i wanted just to add about this, that this value is huge because we have the us judge the german just follow the judge's. we're not in the opinion of this, it is the easy way to judge and judge burrell was supporting to, of this provision on measure. so i think it's very, it's true condition decision for so, you know, let's talk about the, i've seen j's and kind of a power, and that's because the court says it trust israel will comply with the orders, but it lacks the power to actually enforce them. doesn't it?
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yeah. okay, so you know, it, but the power is always the question. what do we expect from the court to do? right. i mean, especially when we think about the international legal orders. so of course, the court is not the police, it's not the political expert, it is of course, and we know where that internationally good or there's international law and please do a very much into it very much and you're connected. but this means know that political forces could put pressure on needs, right? and we already have seen the european union stating, declaring immediately after that you really have to comply with this. and even with this, these are the voices of very taking very seriously this because is really is committed to the genocide convention because of its own uh, historical victrum. right. uh they were victim to the genocide convention. so of
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course uh, you know, it is up the plastics, but we have a legal decision seeing what it says, which is very strong. that sharon, while professor of international law. thank you so much for your analysis. several states including the u. s. u. k, and canada. australia and they really have halted funding for the you and the agency you for palestinian refugees. that's after it emerged that some of the agencies staffers were allegedly involved in the october 7th terror attacks by him . off on israel, the agency on russ said it had fired the workers under suspicion and that an investigation was underway. the west was one of the relief organizations biggest financial backers. the agency has previously said its ability to deliver aid to gaza is on the verge of collapse or ceremonies are being
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held to mark international, hollow, cost, remember, and stay around the globe. on this day, in 1945 soviet forces liberated al shirts and nazi occupied poland the largest and deadliest of concentration. an extermination camps were hundreds of thousands of people were tortured and killed under the orders of adolph hitler in total announcing germany systematically murdered an estimate of $6000000.00 jews and the whole cost in addition to roma and send to people, homosexuals, people with disabilities and political opponents dw special corresponding to abraham spoke to a holocaust survivor in israel with a message of hope for the world. for over 50 years after surviving the holocaust, nestali 1st did not speak about his experiences. now, he found strength in sharing his story. he has done so publicly since 2005, including in germany,
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a new way of is it for she would disappear. i think it's important to tell because many people don't even believe that the holocaust took place at all. there's our bit. but there are a lot of holocaust deniers. and nowadays in 2024, there are few holocaust survivors. were able to tell what really happened there. she was able to sit there is a bit of my benefits have some or. and since i'm still in a pretty reasonable condition, i feel obliged to tell my story so that the holocaust won't be forgotten. it's a bit of the dish or uh, the fish is a sure there's a lunch for the 91 year old was separated from his parents at the ash with burton out death camp. he then survived a death march to book invalid and has written the book about his experience together to show how costly is being told. but nobody can feel what i felt
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during the holocaust was how frightened i was so hungry. i was how lonely i was without parents only i kind of feel that you should see the name of this here enough tale says she's reflecting on his experience differently in light of the october 70 bucks. what for the cause grand daughter and her family were caught up in the terrier that day, they spent over 20 hours hiding in a shelter as the a tax unfolded in their to books and southern israel before finally being rescued by is really soldiers. frederick is, is a so that's a sofa. no, we can say it's a disaster. a terrible catastrophe. unbelievable. the but it was not a show. god, it's a good just like come with a message that we will overcome this tragedy as well. what seem them she really feel it, but human beings, by their nature,
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wants to continue living and that we have to find a good way of getting along and be good and happy people. to feel emotionally. he hopes that him talking about his experience will serve as a less than a warning to the history never repeats itself to mark the danger. when chancellor shots this call on people here in germany to stand off against racism and anti semitism, he said the principles of tolerance and humanity are the cornerstones of the countries democracy. with democratic more democracy has millions of faces the the new york bar never again has millions of voices and the young roof comes to january . 27th reminds us to keep being seen, to keep being haired as most against anti semitism against racism, against hatred, ones with and for our democracy. never again is every day and time. let's german
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chancellor or law shots, they're speaking today. and here's a quick look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. 9 people have been shot dead in the rain and problems of system. the lucas down near the border with pakistan on a local rights group says the victims are pakistani nationals who are working at an auto repair shop. no group has claimed responsibility as we've passed on launched retaliatory airstrikes on the region after ron bomb targets and packaged on humans who the rebels say they have hit a british oil tanker with a miss out in the gulf of aidan, near the red sea. the ship's operator said that a fire had broken out on board but that none of the crew were injured. who these have been attacking shipping for weeks, saying it's installing garrity with the palestinians in gaza at 6 point one, magnitude earthquake has struck southern guatemala buildings were damaged by the tremor, but officials have yet to report any casualties. it was also felt in neighboring el
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salvador earthquakes are common in guatemala, which lies on fault lines between tectonic plates. a jury in new york has order. a former us president donald trump, to pay rider aging carol, $83000000.00 in damages for defamation. a trial last year found trump liable for sexually assaulting carol in 1996 and for the framing her by claiming she lined about the assault the rights of egypt. and carol, um 10 legal team lead the court house off to winning a lawsuit against donald trump. again, she said her reputation as a jim this was destroyed by donald trump because he continued to deny sexually assaulting her in a dressing room in a department store in new york almost 2 years ago. trump was found liable for that
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charge of sexual assaults. last yeah. in the slightest trial, the jewelry or the trump, to pay over $83000000.00 in damages for continuing to attack the rights or on social media. the sum was more than what carol's lawyers had asked for. the to include $65000000.00 in punitive damages. that the rights as low as argued when needed to stop from from defining that client in future. it's not clear when trump will have to pay up, though, as his lawyer is planned to contest the ruling. we will immediately appeal. we will satisfy that ridiculous story, and i just want to remind you all one. i will continue to try to control everybody's 1st amendment, right. it's just one of the many legal cases trump faces, as he campaigns to be the next republican presidential candidate. and that's it for
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now, you're all up to date of next reporter me, a woman whose room and the family were murdered in the holocaust and how she's keeping their memory alive. really, thank you so much for your company. the . we've got some hot tips for your package. from that zip code is feel free to you check on some great cultural memorials to boot w travel regarding task problems sponsored 0. so it's one of the sale when he knows how to use this this guy knows about energy in a way that these as much stuff.


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