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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  January 27, 2024 6:15pm-6:31pm CET

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so let's move on now to another sub i would account where the 79 years on from the provision of foster with the nazi occupied portland, we do have some survival slightly and i've been found that we just heard from and they are continuing to tell the stories we had dw, yeah. abraham who spoke to another whole across the bible and he said his story for over 50 years after surviving the holocaust, nestali 1st did not speak about his experiences. now he's found strength in sharing his story. he's done so publicly since 2005, including in germany. i'm very busy, especially with the supply. i think it's important to tell my story in a bit of a shame loving because so many people don't even believe that the holocaust happened at all. sure, sure. there are a lot of holocaust deniers. are gonna be there today in 2024 and there are
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a few holocaust survivors who are able to tell what really happened as may have kind of any been since i'm still in reasonable health. and then i feel obliged to tell my story. is that so that the holocaust won't be forgotten? the fish is a sure there's a lunch for the 91 year old was separated from his parents at the ash with breaking out death camp. he then survived a death march to book invalid and has written the book about his experience. together to show people can tell about the whole low cost, but nobody can feel what i felt when you were in the whole of cost. how frightened i was because how hungry i was, and how lonely i was without my parents only i can feel that is the name of this here enough tale says he's reflecting on his experience differently in light of the october $70.00. what for the cause grand daughter and her family were caught up
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into terry that day they spent over 20 hours hiding in a shelter as the a tax unfolded in their to books and southern israel before finally being rescued by is really soldiers for that uses the a so it's a sofa. we can say that october 7th was a disaster. oh sure. a terrible catastrophe. it was unbelievable missive, but it was not a hollow cost. got it perfect. i want to say that we will overcome this tragedy as well. show the same. and that human beings in the, by their very nature should want to continue living this. and that we have to find a good way to get along and to be good, unhappy people. the other seem to be that most of you, of the hopes that him talking about his experience will serve as a less than a warning to the history never repeats itself now to him and so on. so off
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shows has called on people in germany to stand up against racism and anti semitism . he said the principles of tolerance and to manage the of the cornerstones of the country of democracy. the democratic new york democracy has millions of faces. the new york bar never again has millions of voices. the young opens to january 27th reminds us to keep being seen, to keep being haired as most against anti semitism against racism, against hatred, ones we've done far our democracy. never again is every day and talk some strong. what's the problem? the child slow or loss shows. i still have the deputy chief political after mechanical stan disorder with me. what do you think these was resonated with germans right now, mckenna are absolutely and, and they do so because we, so a revelation, a just a few weeks ago,
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an investigation that showed that the stream right met to your in germany, that members of both the far right, a if the potty, which is within the pots political spectrum right now, and i'm going to michael's conservative cd policy, at least one men, but were present. and they were planning, as kind of mazda applying on, essentially to forcing people they felt what um and enough for the, in their own twisted definition. and this really crossed the red line here in german society. we're seeing because of the city you respond by trying to kick out those pos members at least one of them. and the far right if the that we so the key advise of the co part and lead the slide with that. who um, basically, uh, let him go out of his job, but it's not trying to throw him out of the pots. he and i think these are the undisputed facts that highlight that the far right a, if the at least has an undefined open door to the extreme. right. and this has sent
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more than a 1000000 people onto the streets, protesting against right wing stream is in here in germany. over the last 2 weeks, there's more demonstrations this weekend. we're expecting more to take place next week. so clearly the sd is still in the rise, the opponent get 20 percent nationally, but the bat has sold for now we'll do. they still have the big tons of getting elected in 3 weeks instead of voting later this year. so i dare say that the european elections coming up on the will be a test of how far the far right, if the here can go before crossing a complete red line with the purchase, the job you see financial editor mckayla close. no, thank you so much for that amount of to that. so now to some of the newest, the strongly military says that has killed courts in numerous protestant and religion. some feels fighting in the southern garza city of con, you and us the on a be a did was to latrice, came a day off to the international court of justice and the heck ordered his trail to
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do everything. and that's power prevents genocide in the gaza strip. now, according to the what has organization, hospitals that are running out of food fuel food and supplies, is dro, says it's fighting to destroy him, us, which several states consider to address the organization. a hospital on the brink of collapse overcrowded with injured patients. the situation in one unit is growing increasingly desperate. the trauma ward is packed, wounded people here are being treated on the floor. splash with lot was all based on the most aged people coming to the hospital or from schools in residential areas . we're not trying to treat them anymore. i mean, we're just trying to keep them alive. i think we're good, but it is all. it's really for says, have advanced deeper into hun eunice in recent days because when the house officials say dozens of people have been killed in the fighting,
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which has come very close to the hospital and the milk formula know doctors to treat the patients, no food or medication for children, a many you had health for things to take a different town on friday when the united nations top court ruled on a case against israel's offensive and gaza. a majority of the judges called on israel to protect civilians and allow the entry of desperately needed to humanitarian aiden to the strip the case. the court is acutely aware of the extent of the human tragedy that as an unfolding in the region, and is deeply concerned about the continuing loss of life and human suffering. the populace. but the judges stopped short of ordering the urgent request of south africa, which had brought the case against israel, an immediate cease fire disability of the ruling on. so that for cause allegation that israel is committing genocide against palestinians and gaza will likely take
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years, suggests palestinians broadly welcomed friday's booting. but it offered no respite for the people of garza, jonathan trip fish, chief of communication and i bought a book see for you on a stuff in the pilots from industrial p joins us from rough. are in southern gaza. thank you for being with us mr. chris, we know that more than half of god's us population is in the far right now. what are the conditions you're seeing that a while to come to see the conditions are absolutely devastating. so where ever and you look, you see housing, some houses of make shift tens. and with many, many children living in them. they don't have access to enough water. they don't have food. people are getting very hungry and, and, and best rich. they don't have even hygiene and sunny fish,
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and there's sometimes only one toilet for 500 or 700 people sometimes. and so this is for us, a very big concern because the, the, the mix between the lack of water and the for a sanitary conditions are, are really a terrible risk for this for the school. and this is like currently diarrhea for example. so. busy the situation here is very dramatic and what i have seen, and what i have heard in terms of stories is stories of sorrow and most we can see, even now you're speaking to us from a darkened room, i imagine that is an impact of the electricity suppliers being caught as well. now we know that the i c j has urged organizations like yours to be allowed to mandate an access to guys up. do you expect this to have to do a walk or what it is absolutely need to do you many turn an age is reaching the children and the most deliverable people, wherever they are,
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which we are facing issues. our aid is coming in and i attended several of distribution we, we went to a small community where we also distributed winter clothes and copper because as i speak to you, it's tends to increase out. and the children that i have my, they have literally nothing to, to you know, to keep them home. so it is absolutely crucial to have that a being delivered with many challenges are, you know, on our way one is a situation with the intensity of, of the funding. it's extremely difficult to reach so nor so if they've got a script for example, we have issues when it comes to communication limited. so network, we kind of cool to nice to meet with our partners. and then there is nothing of trucks and to, to run those trucks to, to, to reach the people they need. so the, the a is being delivered. but we have to understand that when we have 1300000
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people here in an offer. and so such a small stretch of plans, they kind of keep on human. these items paid the known and what, what is needed is in commercial trucks, for example, to come in with fruits and vegetables because the prices of ask high real quick is 45 price. so the price is pre crisis before the school. so if, if that doesn't happen, well, very, very worried that severe current cases of nutrition that will take place and children might start doing some tricks with the unicef reporting the talking to us from draft and southern gaza. thank you so much. thank you very much. i are now states including the us, you can canada have halted funding for the you any agency filess and refugees
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that's offered the most. that's almost the agency stoffers well an invoice and the october 7th tedra attacked by him off on his road. that's the navigation by itself . now the agency on just said it had filed the workers on the suspicion and that an investigation was underway. the us was the relief organizations because financially backup the agency has previously said its ability to deliver it to garza as on the verge of collapse. and but that's for it. up to date, coming up next. joshua choices, looking at the dangers of dressing and drag and daddy and them such as father. thank you for watching the
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the, the street debate from
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nigeria. what does the gen think about tribalism? this country will become beach? i was in the relationship with someone and i was not allowed to marry this person because it was for many people have their own cultural don't believe sustains. do need to be human. people you belong to, try the 77 percent next on dw, the new we'll tell you, we are happy that we are boxing the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and for the future. in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 60 minutes on d w. o,
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we say they're never giving up every weekend on d w. this week on the 77 percent street debate. and i did not get that scholarship. i looked, i heard that they wanted, you know more people's more of your back to where trying to like w. and that was why it must be this month. jude reach me that i am people. i have a try. it is just my know what i have. i try, i think. what are the reasons out? what do you know about that? i'm not trying to show you just is doing a lot round to go let's you saying you're doing nothing. the hello and welcome back to the 77 percent sweet debate this week. we are in lagos,
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nigeria, and would you believe.


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