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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 27, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CET

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the the, this is to you up your new life from by then the village remembers the hold of costs. so why most of the house with debt scam take salt in the set of money marketing international. what a foster member and not be germany, murder, more than a 1000000 people bed during world war 2. also coming up as dress, dresses, it's offensive, and godsa often being towards by the un stop cost of prevents genocide. lex has the for sure, the same hospitals and the city of con unit started breaking points with knowing that the fighting and the humanitarian crisis just getting what the
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number such as well, thank you for joining us. aside of many has been headed of the former. i wish with this camp to mock into nations will of course, remember and stare. somebody was lead kansas in memory or over a 1000000 people who were killed and thoughtful it in the house with under the orders of 8 all the pit low on the stay. 1945 full good force of liberty to the camp and not to walk you by phone and the largest in denver used to concentration and extermination camps and daughters not for you to many systematically motto an estimate of 6000000 chosen to hold the costs in addition to it all might have since the people homeless actually people with disabilities and political opponents at school across now to do is political editor, mckayla. cos no would talk to me or you tony. mean the studio is the top is chief
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political editor mikaela cove. now we cannot, why is it so important, angel? and we need to mock the state in the swear because it is an integral positive wat dominy is more than dominique grew from watts was something like the ground 0 of mankind, a breach of civilization the holocaust with you just mentioned it more than 6000000 jews it died and this really was a nation built on human rights and the constitution that was a direct response to what this country never wants to see. again, which is a dictatorship and also de humanizing people. and that is something that is kept to live in german commemoration, but also in german political debates, particularly looking at the political spectrum also in particular view. and we'll talk about it more the rise of the far right. a if the party here in germany, which has recently with the sound of the alarm bells through society,
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all of that can only happen in a country that is aware of its own cost on this darkest chapter. definitely in the video, talk more about the kitchen garden village, but so now you're just for to stay with us. but that's also listening to earlier in the ceremony in the house with putting a bid in bomb a holocaust. the wible made connections between the horrors of the past and the events unfolding in the world today. specific column. this is living at your gigs, my. so the duration i lived a long life for less, you know, um, good money. yes. you turn by like, do you the suffering, the suffering of the people to day. right now. nothing better, but you can do, let me it was, you know, could i that is this, but barrick russian invasion on ukraine. that's nothing. yeah. that is this the buzzing skills and these variable, the battery of tests conducted by
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a loss for everyone. daughters and sons, a forwarding is that was the, those few useful or do i know literally just one thing to you today. it was happening in this new, the country you up with bill just come see if it's right. and you can see those demonstration right in front of the nature of the, against jews against the state of israel to let them. yes. so is said was in you of, for me personally as them, it is an extension of all should be the same in the usa. students from such an important universities as columbia, harvard, the show thing on the streets desk, the jews, and as as to the state of his route in your most the slow but that we should. and they are doing that in the name of freedom of speech. the sanctified freedom of speech and it's about the killing of is it's about hatred, thoughts on those,
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you know, follow humans to go through the show. and i still with me rush, i lost you called it an extension of hours for what are your reaction? well, this is a reminder that and yes, it may be 79 years ago that also it's was live races. but for those who, who were lucky enough to escape this extermination, it's been a constant nightmare and, and the rise and anti semitism. also what happened on october 7th, the attack on israel, that is something that is haunting survivors from a past that they had hoped they had to escape from. also the b m hug from the is ready, and basset pohden speaking a bit later than the spend down there. and he said that october 7th, the attack out of gaza by him. us on israel. it was a remind to the for one day what the holocaust must have been like,
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how many people don't agree with that a correlation, but that's the, the image she used. so it just shows how the past isn't over. not for the do is people, but also the notes for mankind with the atrocities still being possible. the survivors are still here who see the signs of the human eye, zation of people, and to know what it can lead to step in the system dw, see political as well as mckayla close? no spoke to me audio. now commemorations remembering the hold of cost have also been has across germany. do is emily gorgie enjoying the camera life procession? sure. and the capture button light and the tumble in memory of the millions victims of a whole lot of people came out to dinner tonight too. and buttons, northern districts, kunkle fist, a mock 79 years since the liberation of the not to death. come also the people who it was important to commemorate the victim,
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i'm to say to someone's guns. i'm just not much isn't under racism, especially these days from the fall royce because again, gaining ground in germany did up to 70 college and reporting that now left on to the war and got so these fairly well actually says that a skilled court, numerous palace and in munitions and fields, fighting in the southern cause of city of con units, the unabated hostilities came a day off for the international court of justice and the hick ordered his rose to do everything in his power to prevent genocide and because of strep. now, according to the world health organization, hospitalized in gaza are running out of fuel and food and supplies. is dressed, says it's fighting to destroy from us with several states. consider the rest organization as a hospital on the brink of collapse, overcrowded with injured patients. the situation in hon unit is growing increasingly desperate. the trauma ward is packed,
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wounded people here are being treated on a floor splash with lot of based on the most aged people coming to the hospital or from schools and residential areas. we're not trying to treat them anymore. i mean, we're just trying to keep them alive and rig, but it is all. it's really forces have advanced deeper into hun, eunice in recent days. because in house officials say dozens of people have been killed in the fighting. which has come very close to the hospital and the milk formula, know doctors the treat, the patients, no food or medication for children. a many you had health for things to take a different town on friday when the united nations top court ruled on a case against israel's offensive and gaza. a majority of the judges called on the east road to protect civilians to allow the entry of desperately needed to humanitarian aiden to the strip. the case. the court is acutely aware of the extent
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of the human tragedy that as an unfolding in the region, and is deeply concerned about the continuing loss of life and human suffering. possibly. but the judge has stopped short of ordering the urgent request of south africa, which had brought the case against israel, an immediate cease fire disability of the ruling on. so that for cause allegation that israel is committing genocide against palestinians in gaza will likely take years, suggests palestinians broadly welcomed friday's ruling. but it offered no respite for the people of gaza. so on it's incorrect. so is the chief of communication and advocacy for you know, for unicef, and about a student that actually is, he's gotten to in rough uh, in the south of gaza. and he told me more about the situation that the conditions are. i'm sort of the best dating. so where ever and you look, you see housing,
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some houses of make shift tens. and with many, many children living in them. they don't have access to enough water. they don't have food. people are getting very hungry and, and, and best rich. they don't have even hygiene and sunny fish. and there's sometimes only one toilet for 500 or 700 people sometimes. and so this is for us, a very big concern because the, the, the mix between the lack of water and the for a sanitary conditions are, are, are really a terrible risk for this for those skills. this is like currently diarrhea for example. so. busy the situation here is very dramatic and what i have seen, and what i have heard in terms of stories is stories of sorrow and most we can see, even now you're speaking to us from a darkened room, i imagine that is an impact of the electricity suppliers being caught as well. now
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we know that the i c j has urged organizations like yours to be allowed to mandate an access to guys up. do you expect this to has to do a walk as well? it is absolutely neither. do you mind me? sorry, an age is reaching the children and the most vulnerable people, wherever they are. but we are facing issues. our aid is coming in and i attended several of distribution. we. we went to a small community where we also distributed winter clothes and copper because as i speak to you, it's tend to increase out. and the children that i have met, they have literally nothing to to, you know, to keep them home. so it is absolutely crucial to have that a being delivered with many challenges are, you know, on our way one is a situation with the intensity of, of the funding. it's extremely difficult to reach so nor so if they've got history,
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for example, we have issues when it comes to communication limited. so network, we kind of cool to a seems to be with our partners. and then there is nothing of trucks and to, to run those trucks to, to, to reach the people they need. so the, the a is being delivered. but we have to understand that when we have 1300000 people here in an offer. and so it's such a small stretch of land, they kind of keep on human. these items have known. and what, what is needed is in commercial trucks, for example, to come in with fruits and vegetables because the prices of ask high real quick is 45 price. so the price is pre crisis before the school. busy if, if that doesn't happen, well, very, very worried that severe current cases of nutrition that will take place and
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children might start doing some tricks with figuring assess reporting the talking to us from draft. and so i think guys are thank you so much. i now states including the u. s. u k, and canada have halted funding for the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees. that software is really less that some of the agencies stoffers were involved in the october 7th federal tax by him us. the agency and dressers had filed the was on the suspicion and that investigation was underway. the us, what's the relief organizations biggest financial backup? the agency has previously said its ability to deliver it to gaza is on the verge of collapse. let's take a look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world. humans who to you that booth said they have had to do this oil tank, cold with the messiah and in the gulf of eden, near the red feet. the ship's operators set that a fire had broken owls on board, but that none of the crew, but you can judge the who t's has been attacked in shipping. seeing if,
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since all the data do with the palestinians and gazza, the us government has approved the sale of more at 165 to the jets, to talk you. that's also the dorcas parliament finally back sweden's bit to join natal following or your deal is talk as president got to fire and on had linked his country support for sa, home joining the alliance to the jet diesel on the new york. judy has ordered, former us president donald trump's to phase right to gene cat or $83000000.00 in damages for defamation. sorry i lost your phone, trump liable for sexually assaulting capital in 1996. and for the framing help i came in, she lied about the assault. trump has vowed to appeal this latest during eclipse. reminder for top, sorry, no. such as i said of many has taken place of the former. i wish with desk i'm to mock into national one across remembered sam. somebody was lit kansas for the more
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than 1000000 people who were murdered at the camp ignacio spitefully. and that, that showed up to date, but to stay with us for adult filling with ops next. and that's after the break i'm number such as thoughts. thank you so much for being with us the past from sponsored 0. so it's wanted to say a web and he knows how to use it. this guy knows about energy in a way that these as a bunch structures have no idea what doesn't look behind because it started this energy time. tell us gas come precious political wedding. don't say reset, i'm dw the
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city and so struggling to come up with a new constitution.


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