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tv   Rewriting Chiles Constitution  Deutsche Welle  January 27, 2024 8:15pm-9:01pm CET

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1000000 people who were murdered at the camp ignacio spitefully and that that showed up to date, but to stay with us for adult film and was up next. and that's after the break. i'm the massage as well. thank you so much for being with us. the cost for on the sponsored 0, it's one of the sale when he knows how to use it and pretend this guy knows about energy in a way that these as a bunch structures have no idea what doesn't look behind because it started this energy time. tell us gas from russia to musical wetland dots, february 3rd on dw, the julian's are struggling to come up with a new constitution. they're all games and they're all lost. but on one issue,
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this units, the current p, no say era constitution must go right now we but the regular people on the street have the chance to influence it so that it's not just the politicians who are making decision. i get the money to turn in some of the begins, look at what we're entering a new era for to these history, but also for the world. and so you have many, for here there's been to base about most certainly the wording of the constitution . so it's about who should revise cents for the election. the room people would pick to be members of the constitutional convention. the constitution should be with by ex, but by people who know what they're doing. if i don't see it. okay, let me get on some i think there's a lot of fear of change. i got a 1st draft was written on the to full up the last time this bit and tells the
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story of the failure. one that could be the beginning of a new to the in constitution. the in 2021. this became a place of hope for many to be in the constitutional convention. valentino miranda's one of it's the 155 elected members. instead of attending university lexus, the student is helping right. she lays new constitutions. you know that every do now, you know the bunch of see it was on to the good being a youngest person in a place like this at 21 is the kind of brutal. i feel the weight of responsibility on my shoulders and it is heavy representing the you isn't easy just because we're
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also different is it's super complicated to define what we're all about and we're totally rebellious. but also super moralistic a. it's really hard to set a good example bilateral to him. flow is, so would it be facing valentino miranda comes from one of the poorest parts of the country for money on me, she experienced how unequal the distribution of money and opportunity throughout. sheila really is where basic services like education and health care. i'll privatized look and remember to your football? no. i guess the biggest shock was when my mom suddenly had to pay 3 times the previous rent. the constitution doesn't guarantee a rate of residence. so there's a lot of speculation of apartments and houses that turns out. unbelievable profits . we almost lost our apartment and my mom had to sell the car so we could pay what
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we owed, avoided by them. so i told them it wasn't meant to read it. i'm really sorry, tell me what time do they get it. oh gosh. and i noticed in school too that the education system was geared towards those who could spend money on it the same with the health system. i don't know when i was sick, but i didn't get what i had hoped for. it's all really sad. and i realized it's all a structural problem for a limited real good. i mean, a school university hospital pension. they will cost money if you can afford it, you pay for a good education, good health care. if not, you either run up that will puts up with a poorly equipped public system. a
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melon gina miranda's fighting this to see a society what would need those was money. you have prospect and whether state doesn't care for those who need help. one moment let me see the bus. oh gosh, the scene go. i've been waiting for an abdominal examination for 5 years to find out what i've got. and i still don't have an appointment 5 years. and that's the norm for people who get by day to day. at some point, that makes you angry. a generic right here. in 2019 a slight increase in trans thoughtfulness and students storming the metro and the conflict. so some channels for many from the poorer district the rates hike was too much you know, new equipment. so the only thing i thought was crap, there are so few of us against the world globally difficult. we're fighting a giant. and i remember when we took to the streets in 2019,
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there was so few of us and i'm double a pc. but the majority of demonstrates is, remains peaceful, but some rated supermarkets in riots and metro station. you're going to be in the ceiling, fans, people, gate level of the system. the role of the pro test is very important that the social mobilization was a massive all encompassing protests without political parties or organizations in church. it was a spontaneous act of the people from samuel to idea. hundreds of thousands took to the streets by then it was about much more than just the cost of public transport. it was about performing the health system education, the rights of women, minorities, and indigenous people to protest. last it for months. the entire system was in question with close to end the piano share, a constitution man. the
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conservative government spoke of who and sent the ministry on to the street. so the 1st time since the piano shea dictatorship, a state of emergency was declared in santiago, the move. and so the people, the cute, thousands injured many with the injuries. according to human rights organizations, security forces used to robert bullets to target people. spaces, excuse me, for the stuff that i'm the, the big delay, the following. the protests in 2019 the conservative alter right. that had always blocked major changes to the constitution. accepted that it needed change. the great unity for peace was a long process, but i think the 2019 protests and those that came before me were crucial to make
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the conservative elite understand that in order to preserve the stability of the country, it needed to change and the data it by that and changing the constitution was the most structural option we want to do. so 98 at the my in november 29 team president sebastian can yet i gives into the pressure on the street. it's time to allow that people to have the safe on whether a new constitution is needed. a referendum takes place a few months later. posing the question, do you want a new constitution? the majority of those polled 78 percent says yes. when also to should write the constitution, 79 percent, say it should be the job as a civilian assembly and not left to a mix of civilians and rule. make the the,
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the see this now to ceiling a week and get to get them on the weekends. okay. mean, so they can be at least $318.00 liberals i'm being were entering a new era for t loose history, but also for the world. and we're a part of that, we want a democratic solution that way and are seeking answers in the time of great home searching the way the at the inputting safety only the tuesday, not the doors. another member of the constitutional convention. the micro biologist comes from northern t lake, one of the driest regions in the world, and whatnot, and also drop me an e mail. and then let's see if the web care, but it has the nation been and we put our say we live in it, is it to go
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a place where by definition there was already very little natural was improve the power adults is that this is a mining region and extracting those role materials takes a lot of water and water in the ship and the effect on the environment is meant instead, the mental and okay, you do have doors, parts of the governmental organization, the national commission for scientific and technological research, and does campaigning for the right to drinking voltage, that's because water sources and sheila oldest o privatized. unlike nearly anywhere else in the world, christina, don't have to remembers the impact of water shortages in the 1980s. that's what i'm investigating. i grew up here on the kona a closer look very different today. back then it was
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a very simple house because i'm being then making unit navea. i was a little of the we didn't have also every day, maybe once every 2 days. so we always have to collect pool, so like everywhere in the north license, things go to bit better and these days for, for a supply to the village from a do sell a nation plant setting. you saw them before but not all part. so she may have profited from such technical progress and even where process isn't supply. it's often very expensive, too expensive, in some places, trucks to clean drinking water, to the villages. here walters, the commodity with them on to tubman's the price and a free markets. it's a basic tennis of the constitution set in stone by the piano, shay dictatorship. in taylor for the simple reason. i mean, now since the 10 that a, in the 1980 constitution left the julian state with a very weak all set the dna. so it'd be so that's what i me up on the sick thought
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. it only intervenes when the private sector can no longer guarantee certain surfaces that the population has a right to significant. i'm you guys to a bit of bundled service, this relationship between the economy and the state would be changed if we had a social state or if the state starts promoting social rights on the me and they'll call and they set that up with you and protect it ok, i don't see it on the see what and in an an equal society like t link that could be a decisive step to reducing the gap between rich and poor. collaborative, to have a sort of back expect them into those who kind of food. it's by indefinite rights to vote and hold them legally, all sell them. but under the system, only few profits. the knowledge, agricultural funds that pump up ground water for business growing avocados for
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export to europe and elsewhere, it is especially will turn intensive the united nations has declared access to most of the human rights, but it's not according to the julian constitution. the thought i saw was robot. uh who's do not do how doors coming to the conventions and they'll be full. so right. several others here have been competing for g is for free access to both the, the assume the head and decided that it's one of the 1st thing we want is to make war to a human rights. everyone must have on hand to access to water. and that's not currently guaranteed, that means human rights are being violated. and sheila is said,
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because anyone who is this the but has no money to buy water, doesn't drink. that is terrible and simply undignified in the, the other side. out the human rights of what is included in the draft constitution, but what will happen to the licenses that have already been issued for bains? i'm clear. oh your main thing click. i'm been on my list. federal, you guess within 31 and ma'am. then they can get that be able to assess here is the resolution also includes the sustainable economic model yes. into that 15 environment and climate change. so we are just as highly prioritized as human beings. obviously that raises the question, but whether that would cause economic problems because of the impact on she lays most important economic sector. my name in the to the alyssa, but i don't think so. i think the resolution is very fair. a mean that's a step forward. not only with regards to water rights that but also natural
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resources taking economic steps and reflecting water rates at the same time. so by defining water as a public commodity and regulating see if that has to be written into legislation and policy making later. but i think as a 1st step to ensuring a fair economic growth for me. and so this is very good. if you do that, i'm able to afford my, i have a separate one on the car. and so you can all make model is the legacy of the military dictatorship under our coastal p. know, she's the general seized power in the 1973 crew, toppling the socialist governments of salvador allende. 17 years of authoritarian dictatorship followed
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the move in 3000 people were killed or disappeared under chaise rules. almost 40000 with torches even today the atrocities of the piano shay era haven't all been addressed. and an amnesty load that long shielded nursery from prosecution still exists. in 19 a, c p, no shape halston, new neo liberal constitution. it was the brainchild of ch in the, in the columbus educated in the united states, they aimed to keep stace intervention, to a minimum, leaving the bulk of the rest, the economic boom beneficial to tiny elite. since the transition to democracy, they have been minor reforms, but the core of the piano shake constitution has remained largely and changed. now that will be a new constitution. and then i would say list is one of those tasks with creasing
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it. he's a member of t lays conservative political the leads and is a founding member of the policy of national renewal. if that's the same as i feel i 5 or a level measuring plenty of as soon as here. i always back to the constitutional process. i pulled myself forward as a candidate who would come up with a good tax. oh wow. so you know, obviously if it seems to have, so i'm a lawyer and one of the conventions deputy presidents. and it's my intention. it's my duty not to fail, but to come out of this with a decent constitution. and also i got it for people so on and i was like, i don't know when you say, you know, a tech game i've been when i made a turmoil, i belong to the motor at bride when lab us. yes. if you ask me about sexual diversity, for example, i respect the right to gay marriage, sex filing, and i say one i think is right for us as a conservative party,
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but it's to be open to such change. it slipped off of that nature. if that i've had a plus apple official from the members of the constitutional convention are elected directly. they have a here to come up with a new draft. the assembly is formed by t lays. people also women off on the 17 places all reserved for members of indigenous communities from which the 1st chair of the assembly has chosen the basic you would have all my history a and that's the moment. so no 7 divided society like ours doesn't find his way back together overnight. we have a lot of work ahead of us and for the night at last we have this meeting of tea,
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lays diverse people severely. we see that it was who have been disenfranchised until nobody indigenous peoples. these people who travel from remove parts of the country noted by more than 40 percent or under 40 my they have for women quite in supplement. all sexual orientations are represented in order. they wouldn't daniels and let me decimal. there's never been a police of dialogue like this issue with this representation. when i started present something you know, and despite the difficulties, it is a good start. i come up the l a when, when he meets the next is taiwan was elected. so one of the seats was for indigenous people. he's a member of them approaching to take policies, moved from the country side to the capital, some town and
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also to come up with the name of could somebody this a few the alias. i see you that full. they give us. we might put a must accept the challenge to raise our voices one that was previously on her a couple of minutes since it is so sadly set it up on a leather club. but my, let me see that it came up to you. what do you need from me? the new constitution must be multi national and intercultural. indigenous peoples must be given recognition. without that, there was no new constitution. so let's see. and i know i have plenty to say to my poochie or she leaves biggest indigenous group within the car and the constitution, the not mentioned once for years, that has been sometimes violent conflict between them. a pushy, i'm actually in states. alexis kawan once a different approach to the left, the way that i can pull it, he 93, then it would be the 1st time that indigenous people were put on
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a level with everyone else. and in this case, on a level with those in political power with a month now, we can make our demands directly and not be hidden behind a shadow, a bureaucracy discrimination prejudice. that's what a new constitution means to me. you know, i posted but right from the beginning, that's controversy of, of who should write this new draft constitution. so he said, what took us and when equal or did i know they did, people get back then when i went to the center, it's often said that this is the only assembly of its kind in the world to ride the constitution. what am i and yes, the selection of its members was totally inadequate. a constitution should be written by ex, but by people who understand the subject matter of the old or at least by upon them and whose job is only 2 right across that you should be a when i want people. sure. hold on. i can
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get you want to put them in a hugh, the medical ne, admitted the complete, i mean the dental a decepticon and i think this is with the 1st mistake was made the cmc and the direct election of the members. i give them the indian to, you know, other elections from local to call them entry to presidential elections. there is a different election system, but in the end, up working on it with a direct election makes it much easier for independent candidates. going to independent. the court and people voted to these independent candidates because they've had enough of the body come up and they handle a headache. so there was a massive biased towards the independence and seats reserved for the indigenous people. if that is how we should do. and that's why i think there is no way this is a representative constitution name of the uh, the matter to get noise when they're going to do some and mean, gosh, will a representative of you? i'm with tab. i think i'm on the conservative. there were agreed reservations about
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turning sheila into a multinational state, but it's crucial for indigenous people to be represented in the constitutional convention. they show that several nations living together does not have to mean the division of the country act and it's the opposite. this is about actively recognizing important parts of society that just did my food chaise native land as in southern sheeley for centuries, no one, no buddhist. here to my poochie, held out for more than 300 years against spanish colonialism and remained autonomous. it wasn't until she, they gained its independence from spain, that julian troops took them, approached the land by force. in the map to doing good language, my poor james, people of the land, a connection to nature, remain central to the way of life. the
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something alexis taiwan agrees to see the and also to the girl with the she knew the mia amazing. i mean, most one of our central demands is the return of our illegally seasoned territories . and the far as that have been cut down and our sights of spiritual significance that are not respected. looking at the 108 o 2. now the several again, where should i have culture live? where can we connect to it when they're in a world full of concrete? that's impossible. a majority of them. i push it. people have no space, you can use it on, but they will not put you the documents 1st. that needs to be returned. is it possible to believe the team to give they wanted the original, far as were turned into plantations,
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and power stations and trash thumbs were built on places once sacred to them approaching. as a result, the standoff between my pushy and the to lee and government often leads to conflict . but the constitutional reform process doesn't have the support of holes in the food chain. some see it that the current situation won't change and they'd rather fight for their autonomy. radical groups cool for armed resistance, there are repeated attacks on logging companies with trucks. that's on file. yeah. and the houses spend most of the 2 weeks or something, but let me think so more hentaker give you the form to assess. typically we might put j, r people who want to talk and to achieve something. but we want to do that with parliamentary representation, which we haven't had so far, so to keep them approach had always been peaceful. they would have been wiped out sooner. it does it mean most of you to the level to so we have a duty to recognize the struggle and the way other groups think. even if we don't
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share the same ideas, it doesn't mean their struggle is any less legitimate. that isn't a significant enough. so don't know if it's empty, if i'm you a alexis chi wellness taking a different approach to the teacher. musician wants to be part of the dialog on a new constitution, and they'll give them a pushy, an active role into the in politics. they want to be heard and have rights as a minority. and sheila, for as long as alexis kawan can remember, that's not how it's been. and we do not seem to relate to what i was born in a dictatorship and lived through it. it's somebody the hunger april, the days, the poverty physically mean us young, the discrimination, you see one of the, any quality, the deluxe, i don't see it on the list. okay. well, you know me that i'm really fit into the level at the and the sort of piloting
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the most accurate avenue video. i know, but i really said that we will not put you on the phone or do they get into the yeah, today we want to equal opportunity as competence. we might put a and other indigenous groups are just as capable as other 2 lands. we have to get out of this vicious cycle. everyone should have the chance to evolve. not just a certain group of people who seem important, the support, that's it, all the settling. it was all the members of the constitutional convention bringing their own concerns to the table. there will dispute some conflict. ultimately they have to agree on this, such as common words and ideas, principles and practicalities. what is truly made on and what needs to be written firmly into the constitution. what can be left to legislation, hours of conventions sessions, improved cost live to show everyone how the new constitution is being drafted.
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somewhat too often during the debate when everyone is speaking very technically, you start to lose the thread, but then i read up on it and understand what they mean. then i form my opinion and can have my say, the people out there right to me on social media saying, i understand what you said. but when so and so a lawyer spoke. i didn't understand a thing. you translated it into everyday language, not court jurgen. and you understood what they were saying. the plenary votes and rewrites the draft in the final phase. that also means working right into the 9th the the
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let's see what that means. vincent though, let's look into it so much to do. it was a really exhausting. we didn't get much sleep, we worked weekends and not into it was really intense and emotionally draining. i meant that the men williamson from the, the draft constitution is finished with celebrations. and i'm toes the guest on the road here. and i'm going to ask you, it was emotional and moving to be able to be here and share that with the others. they go, i'm grateful for the work that we've done well. the,
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the new constitution has $388.00 the coast. a lot and it will needs to be explained to the people because all through it is they who will decide whether it will be pulsed and implemented. lines foam as people wait to see the text. the draft constitution becomes the best seller, the if you're not invented by some of the say, 20000 to the annual data with this draft. and we finally managed to get away from the new liberal ideals. but over the past few decades have prevented the social states guaranteeing certain and writes you and they've gone through me. so it's over a mobile income. i've sold directly at least a little more. now, if, if we were to guess what do you that is based on the european state model,
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it's meant to ensure that everyone has access to impulse and social services, education, health, pension funds. the shift away from the new liberal model of the nursery era. in the very 1st off, the cold, sheila is described as multinational and ecological special rights are recorded to indigenous groups and environmental protection, a strength of this to be a 50 percent female. closer for many public sector jones and full. valentina miranda, most importantly condo even walk this out, but all that it is that it's expelling the most emotional moment for me was when we secured the right to sexual self determination and the legalize ation of abortion. at 1st, we couldn't believe it. going to boy, i want to know that the congressional know i told it's a feminist draft. abortion is controversial in the society,
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dominated by church and patriarchy. a complete found on the force and had been eased and she lay in 2017 but it was still in the allowed and exceptional cases for he is active is tough, been cooling for move women's right. but even just working on the constitution brings risk. women all verbally abused and get death threats to participate and fake news stops making the rounds. this type of the human that a typical example they said the right to property would no longer be guaranteed, and people would lose their houses, the dispossessed, and there'd be no more private health insurance and private schools would have to close to all these lies were spread by the right wing. unfortunately, their campaign focused on undermining the constitutional reform process. the so you will move to fake news if one of them find them from them instead of meant the the sheet that there was lots of fake news in
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a campaign that took place mostly online may have been and that really damaged the new constitution because people get their news from social media and don't check the facts across the set by side. so say not there's a massive amount of distorted and one sided information led to people thinking, well, i'd rather stick with the old constitution. we know what we've got there on the, on the some of the data time how much the text is played by vague formulations. and i'm, so it's, and see of a health and lose can be implemented. the biggest of the colors t lays conservative societies. one major controversial issue is the recognition of indigenous groups and the definition of sheila as a states of diverse people. for many, it's a step too far. it ok, we must stop this constitution with everything we've got. it's designed to divide us completely. national state will destroy a nation under, you know,
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so the way one learns one people. one, no, no, we don't have different territories here. the name on that, so let me, let me try and look at the name of the constitution meet as one of the strongest economies in latin america known if maybe you meant to do, i don't want any experiment, like you'll be ruled by globalization in the united nations, if i wrote enough to know, can i, you don't know themselves. one of the 3 national states, i mean, i'd be on the phone here, you'll come out of it if you need to get a guess. what is the new constitution is past one or 6 that own this up to be a disaster? sit on this on the be me? no, i saw it
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during the final few months of the constitutional reform process. there's a mocked drop in support for the new draft. well, most people initially backed it. now the majority of poses is it seems to lee and so i'll just stop to side was not in the, the results, but the reform process to, despite making it as transparent as possible with life broad costs of the sessions . the directly elective members of the constitutional assembly are considered by many to be those of the pos, of a political bubble with nothing in common with the efforts this has to and it's decision, day 3, he is off to protests again. more than 15000000. julian's going to have the same
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will say adult to draw that's been created by members of the convention. for the 1st time, and he is 13, is compulsory. turnouts is 86 percent. the full valentino miranda, the new draft addresses the injustices of the dictatorship. the how silly sits fluid as this the reform process in his eyes. the new constitution doesn't represent every one you have to allow see on the test. so i'm going to turn it down. it's key because a central right ideas when taken into account at all with glossy, the proposals were almost entirely rejected. one looked up request to see the
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constitution is really just a project endorsed by various left wing groups to bring it to the corner. one day i don't know where to go and they love us, so he's getting negative. i will get on some more outcomes. the more drop you and we're like i yeah, the eco gallagher assessing deal. and sheila, yeah, there's a great beer of rapid and radical change. recently there's been a lot of change over a short time and that's causing a lot of uncertainty. the constitutional reform process began in 2019, and then we had the pen, democrat, a son of a little equity c. so sell the similar last while the in the causes of the 2019 crisis, we're only exacerbated canada social inequality, etc,
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email miser manually. so i'm going to send that one. so then came the economic crisis that many countries are going through and huge uncertainty any lower level. i'm them yet. do you know, can walk on so plans that like if you see economic on do we have a dealer in criminality has risen to the maybe not good evening so with yeah, yeah, so on when the lesson so sunday, so with yeah, um instead of the united is a victim and they are letting all of that makes people reject the change in and you're in 1st ability instead, then the better to look at less percent of his kind of the 5th best of spaces. even the fools accounts finished. it's clear that's the majority used against the new constitution. so that's what happens when people are excluded. the indians. 38 percent of people approve the new draft text. 62 percent are against it
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. majorities across the pumps of sheila opposed to draw the reason we want a new constitution implemented the test everyone on board i when no one is included, most of the one that has done well the seat under natalie the lies one out over democracy. but we will carry on. we are meeting now with members of the youth organization. you can stop the process now. just beginning. that was a lesson for g. like what are the,
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what is the result mean for now? firstly, the p know share a constitution stays in place. but surveys show the majority doesn't ones that either the student does not have for a new improved constitution. they also going to talk about getting in and out, as i said, allow the most of what of this next stage will be a stage of agreement from like the time of the social protests at the end of 2019. when we treated an acute crisis with a decision to write a new constitutional act that when a 20 percent nice arrow gets to, you cannot create a constitution overnight. it's a link the process. so this referendum is unlikely to be the end of it for the simple to fix up but it's still, i'm certain what that new reform process will look like. who will write the 2nd draft? how much of the 1st draft will remain the newly elected governments on to the left
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wing president gabrielle bar? it wants to carry on the secret. ok, a depend on we have a mutual stuck on what so now we know exactly how not to do things in a cynthia of this how i'm just looking know the most of them being could ok when i get the whole process was a big experiment. fortunately and society to work on a dialogue and learning exactly what a constitution actually is and what proposals are needed for such a task. simple, when we start a new process, it can, it won't be from 0 and send us a better face. said when i was actually getting this not to be honest with you. no, no, no, i love there's plenty of i'm so sick 30 you bought a challenge now is to carry on because we need to reach everyone even yet. and then to present the points that are important for us and a new draft constitution, sheila has to be a country of equal opportunities and any other going to college and flurry
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nationalism or the rights of the historically disadvantaged. indigenous people are recognized as struggle that we young people began a long time ago and will continue. well, yeah, that it was right now. we're side tables that that will only last a day later, no problem. we'll have a beer. and then we'll start again. tomorrow is a new day outside of the box, the overriding feeling now at the end of this process that began in 2019 and prematurely ended in 2022 to disappointment as an lost opportunities. well hope that change is still to come. the majority and she may want some new basic older. it wants to bid farewell to the piano shamrock constitution. a 1st attempt has failed, but at least for now the door of his open for not like a the,
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the the key is shrinking up. so gaming, young guys, i don't display ridiculously, we response into the life of brian at the beach. beyond the canyon he's sports legend is proving controllers can change lives. the support and help a lot of young casa comes express themselves. in such a few minutes, v w. a fateful encounter. in the late 19 seventy's former concentration camp inmates shlomo smiles,
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not met the man who had to maintain him. go stop bog now. 2 years later, vaux now was dead. was it suicide? rise to down. what really happened? the goldsmith to nazi and 19 minutes on d. w. the words people have to say that's why we listen. we chose to every weekend on d w. the
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or you're watching the dr. news life, somebody in the was remember the holocaust survivor, most of people should read steps can take fault in the settlement. a mocking international hold of thoughts to a member of the day of nazi germany, motors more than a 1000000 people. deb jordan was want to also coming up. israel presses it's offensive in casa, often being towards by that you install costs to prevent dental fire blocks. as the push of one hospitals and the city of con units, audit breaking point, and canyons demand and, and defend the site. people though the government enough is enough of to 100 so payment and goes like huge by the boss knows or thoughts close to them.


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