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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 27, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CET

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the, the, you're watching need of your new life, somebody in the will as a member of the holocaust survivors of po short steps can take part in the settlement. a mocking international hold of thoughts to a member of the day of nazi germany, motors more than a 1000000 people that jordan was. want to also coming up. israel presses it's offensive in casa, often being towards. but then you went soft costs to prevent genocide. black as the pressure of one, hospices in the city of con eunice audit, breaking point and canyons to monde. and, and to fantasize people though the government enough is enough of to hundreds of
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women and goes like huge by that box knows or thoughts close to them the number such as well. thank you for joining us. a set of many has been held at the farmer house with step scans to mock into nash. so total cost remembrance day somebody will sleep, can move and memory off over to $1000000.00 people who were tortured and killed and i'll shoot with under the orders. so for you dollars pick low on the said 1945 full rich forces liberated at the camp and not c o 2 by phone and the largest, and then use to concentration and extermination gap in total nazi germany systematically modeled an estimate of 6000000 chosen the costs, in addition to little minds since the people, homosexuals, people with disabilities and political opponents. earlier in the ceremony hall across the wire, we're heading
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a bit in bell and made connections between the photos of the foster and the events unfolding and the world. today. i missed your call. i'm this is virginia. you'll get good. my. so the duration i lived a long life. religious, you know, um good money. yes. you terrible. i do for you the suffering, the suffering of the people today. right now. nothing better, but you can do, will it be? it was, you know, could i that is this, but barrick russian invasion on ukraine, that's not there. is this about a buzzing scale and these variable barbaric attacks conducted by a loss for everyone. daughters and sons affording that was the those few useful lose the job with born to you today. it was happening in this new, the country you up with bill. just come see if it's right. and you can see those
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demonstration right in front of the nature of the, against jews against the state of israel. let me so as i said, we're going out for me personally as it is an extension of, oh, sure, it's the same in the usa. students from such important universities as columbia, harvard, the show thing on the streets, desk to jews and draft to the state of his route in your most the slow but that we should. and they are doing that in the name of freedom of speech, the sanctified freedom of speech, and it's about killing others. it's about hatred towards others, you know, follow humans. now do you guys use chief political editor, mckayla, cough know, join me and was told you earlier to share her reaction to that speech as well. this is a reminder that and yes, it may be 79 years ago that also it's was live races. but for those who,
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who were lucky enough to escape this extermination, it's been a constant nightmare and the rise and anti semitism. also what happened on october 7th, the attack on israel, that is something that is haunting survivors and from a pos that they had hoped they had to escape from. also the b and hud from the is ready and basset to poland speaking a bit later than the spend down there. and he said that october 7th, the attack out of gaza by him. us on israel. it was a reminder for one day what the holocaust must have been like so many people don't agree with that. a correlation, but that's the, the image she used. so it just shows how the past isn't over. not for the do is people, but also not for mankind with the atrocities still being possible. the survivors are still here to see the signs of beach humanize ation of people and to know what
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it can lead to that. what do you got? the chief political editor mechanic who's not talking to me audio. now another hold of cost of why ever nestali fuels shift hit shed. his story with need up is a for him as well as a message of hope for the world. for over 50 years after surviving the holocaust, natalie 1st did not speak about his experiences. now he's found strength in sharing his story. he's done so publicly since 2005, including in germany. very busy, especially with the supply. i think it's important to tell them my story and been a shame loving because so many people don't even believe that the holland calls happened at all. sure. there are a lot of holocaust deniers. i got a bill today in 2024 and there were
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a few holocaust survivors who are able to tell me what really happened as me a kind of any had been since i'm still in reasonable health. and therefore, i feel obliged to tell my story. is that so that the holocaust won't be forgotten? the fish is a sure there's a lunch for the 91 year old was separated from his parents at the irish wits birkenau death camp. he then survived a death march to book invalid and has written the book about his experience. together to show people can tell about the whole cost, but nobody can feel what i felt when you were in the whole of cost. how frightened i was because how hungry i was, and how lonely i was without my parents only i can feel that the name of this here enough tale says he's reflecting on his experience differently in light of the october $70.00. what for the cause grand daughter and her family were caught up in the terror that day. they spent over 20 hours hiding and shelter as the
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a tax unfolded in there to books in southern israel before finally being rescued by is really soldiers. that gives us a so it's a sofa. we can say that october 7th was a disaster. go through a terrible catastrophe that it was unbelievable missive, but it was not a whole lot cost got it. i think i want to say that we will overcome this tragedy as well, the same. and that human beings in the, by their very nature, should want to continue living. and that we have to find a good way to get along. and to be good and happy people, your machine to feed the most of you. and he hopes that him talking about his experience will serve as a less than a warning to the history never repeats itself. filaments on so off shows has
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called on people in germany to stand up against racism and anti semitism. he set the principles of toilet and since you manatee, of the cornerstones of the countries democracy owns the demo, cut the new york democracy has millions of faces. the dr. munoz bar never again has millions of voices. the young opens to january 27th reminds us to keep being seen, to keep being haired as most against anti semitism against racism, against hatred, ones we've done far our democracy. never again is every day and talk. now collaborations, remembering the whole of costs, have also been held across germany. do some of the golgi enjoying the can life procession. huge and the capital, the berlin light and the tumble in memory of the millions of pixels of the whole course. that's what people came out to do tonight's, to in buttons northern districts. and it's just a mock 79 years since the liberation of the not to death come to us. since it was,
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it was important to commemorate the victims on to say, i'm just, i'm, i'm to racism, especially these days when the fall royce is again, gaining ground in germany. he got through that many guardianship ordering for effect. that's on our attention now to the water and got them. these fairly ministry says it has accused quotes, numerous palestinian militants and fuels fighting and southern cigars of city of con eunice. the unabated hostility escaped my day off to the international court of justice in the heck ordered is ready to do everything in its power to prevent genocide and the guard booth strip. now, according to the world health organization, hospitals that are running out of fuel and food and supplies. ip addresses is fighting to destroy from us with several states consider attack just organizations to the hospital on the brink of collapse, overcrowded with injured patients. the situation in hon unit is growing
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increasingly desperate. the trauma ward is packed, wounded people here are being treated on a floor splashed with lot of based on the most injured people coming to the hospital or from schools and residential areas. i mean, we're not trying to treat them any more. i mean, we're just trying to keep them alive. i think we're good, but it is all. it's really for says have advanced deeper into hun eunice in recent days. guys and house officials say dozens of people have been killed in the fighting, which has come very close to the hospital and the milk formula, no doctors to treat the patients, no food or medication for children. a many you had helped for things to take a different town on friday when the united nations top court ruled on a case against israel as offensive in gaza. a majority of the judges called on israel to protect civilians and allow the entry of desperately needed too many,
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terry and aiden to the strip. the case. the court is acutely aware of the extent of the human tragedy that as an unfolding in the region, and is deeply concerned about the continuing loss of life and human suffering. the popular but the judge has stopped short of ordering the urgent request of south africa, which had brought the case against israel, an immediate cease fire disability of the ruling on. so that for cause allegation that israel is committing genocide against palestinians and gaza will likely take years, suggests palestinians broadly welcomed fridays ruling. but it offered no respite for the people of garza. let's take a quick look now. some of the other stories making headlines that are on the world . the us and several other countries have temporarily hosted funding for the u one spot us to noon refugee agency. that's off auto and ralph. i are several employees,
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allegedly involved in the october 7th pedo attacks by how much the agency says and investigation is underway. under office rules, i previously said that authority to deliver it is on the brink of collapse. yelman's whole piece are both said, they have hit a buddhist oil tank cove with a miss island because of aiden near the red sea. the ship saw for you to set the fire had broken owls on board, but that none of the crew were insured. the whole teeth have been attacked in shipping for months now, so you can get some sort of data do with the palestinians and got so of the u. s. government has approved the sale of more f. 16 fighter jets to talk you. that's also the book as follow him and finally back sweden's 5th to join nato. following, are you out of the list, talk expressive, invested by a bad to on, had linked his country support for stockholm, joining the alliance to the judge due to on the now 4 to 7 taking place in kenya. following, he'll be able to do killings of them and i miss the international says more than
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500 cases of famine side of the killing of feminine goes happen between 201620. 20 . treat many by that off. no. so all those known to them, thousands of people have marched full streets of night, will be calling for an end to the violence as bob does and go full victims on the streets of night will be hundreds of women and girls have been murdered in can you in the last 5 years, and the killings continue at least voting. women and girls have been killed since the you'll begin women's rights activists say it has to stop. now, we've been out the majority in this country. why do we have to imagine the lights and the political so should they put on the truck so, so we have then we have that. and that's such a barrier matching to say add family size and women was monta. monta. what the government sometimes it helps out the diffusion definitely have not been able to
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make the appointment. here is a mine because my country's most safe prices are gonna take my wife does not say by cleveland by delta dental. i'm here because the vision exactly how sons of men and women have much insight data to be the victims of family sites in the country. the routing call has been the needs to solve the killing of women and dollars. actually, we did not have any time to ask for the government. ok, now that the field has that very because in the week of the reasons came in for just as much to the office of the president, the parliament and supreme court calling for justice for the victims. they want all forms of gender related violence to be punished swiftly and an end to the environment of impunity. those on the streets, they hope the voices, the push, the government to create a safe for kenya for women. is a quick reminder for adults starting sets. east side of many has taken place of a former house was death kept a mock into
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a national motor costs remembering somebody was lift standards for the more than 1000000 people who were murdered at that camp in nazi occupied for them. and with that showed up to date, but do sticker on for the photo that's coming up next i'm number such as well. thank you for being with us. the prices got issues with a lot say what the inside gaza. it's been more than 100 days since the last tier attacks on israel dw reporter mohammed collude lives and works in the gaza strip. he has been
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documenting life there since the outbreak.


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