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tv   Afrimaxx  Deutsche Welle  January 27, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm CET

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360 degrees. and explore fascinating. both heritage selling you world heritage. $360.00 mount stories come in as follow shapes and sizes. here as the vips onto the into had mistakes. there is a call to story to be told, an applicant on exhibition years in the baking. i'm here to share the story with you, but the full, we take a cheerfully curated to us. here as was on today. we find out how mcbride, cuz laurie and the movie and fashion design us is taking the namibian herrera addresses the international capital adventure through the beautiful city of my series in list to, to the vin flu, reno,
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my boss. so it shows us of talked to modernizing print for a brighter future and found them tenga, and you're watching a few megs, the i hope everyone is ready to meet the beast and african gaming legend, straight out of kenya, a growing, gaping hub, looking to take over the east sports scene led by you to side to in every sense of who would the, you know, i, in the years we were told that give me one of reasons and that if we needed to often food amounts to nothing, all we can see is that is far from the truth, meets brian the beast to a global on bus,
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the duffel east sports. that has traveled the world making a very lucrative living, playing games like we're not thinking bellows like a movie. it was more of an adventure, a lot of talent, disclose the crew of it basically, and nothing. so he had his tone to look for almost everything we had to fight slaves have had to fight for most of my life. like, i don't think they that they were disabled more than easy like the tell in the corner. i go, did you gave me as a kid about how i got into each one of fun. you 8 my i was those kids was i like movies. so most of the time my dad would come back into vcr. so i was looking around, boy, i was listening, i know it shows me all the time and it was like, i want to be like these guys and i go up and then one day and my uncle comes back with the consulate or maybe it was close tell me later on in tindle, but he's had to give him cold shirts and ducks, and
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a ton of tools got so point include should something on the screen and being that people used by movie they load. i'm sure to hear you and then i can see something in this kind of stuff like that. now we're heading in the right direction. in the fact started gave me sufficient in 2019 kenya was run to the most popular gaming hub in africa with the local markets projected to reach a $118000000.00 in printing to up from 60 $3000000.00 in 2017. according to p, w. c, the industries quickly speaking of the narrative that gave me peace for kids. and i the excuse me and i struggle because uh, i remember initially back from there and get that in 20142015. good one was uh, i will take the tournament to yes, but 1st of all, i guess the knowledge i had like watching videos on land cli is 2 different things . so, to actualize look to see if we do it on youtube, we have actually played people some of the little before into more playing with
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call that a lot of defined, cling sci fi and easy to have general tournaments or them. but they need to have money, so i think they are on the one of the best things that came model inform that was to me, i ended up because the beast goes so violence, blame when i was this guy. so if i put you in the corner top, if you leave the corner. so guys i like or that gave a piece of my using my my being here to inspire other games for and i tried to be impacted every game i go to the to and i meant that is hosted that how and even if it's not by me i want to meet again. my friend showed them stuff. i was not sure i to this gets there. i don't even throw them away. i'm class. i'm disliked. it doesn't matter. but what they want them to know is how important. what then doing can be in the future. hi, internet penetration, a useful population fast adoption of technology and endorsements from the pocket
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sponsors are among the key reasons for the rise of east coast in king. my 1st highlights is the 1st time i was told them, and i remember i want to 15000 can assume exempt state or you just check it cutting that thing home like i just kind of did like this. like i wanted everyone to see like, you know, guys, i know, display ridiculous, i read the beast has re present the kenya on regional and global east sports competitions. and is one of the country's most celebrated model calm. but please, if you're asking me where i saw myself in 5 years a, i don't know how windows, so that goes, they'll put in it. is this big for me if you live in, in the next 2 to the support and help a lot of young applicants express themselves advice? i wouldn't be part of the youth wanting to bring to is us is one. it's of fading
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weiss decision because where the world is more than the right now. if you look at the news in terms of what is made, the video game, music and sports like you have to go find sports and music to make a found to watch video game stuff. you don't have to be at the sports. i delete that. so being able to do this after lying, these gave me so you can try but the for free and it's hard for the sea and gave me is that the new griffin gives the cost a degree of from the beginning of the set of gaming events. and the organizing gaming events is that, like the lease is ever less so it seems that the sports event lucrative team of income and a great and fun way of making a living soul controls up and have fun are not just a game a, not just a witness, the beast is a growing force to be reckoned with in the gaming world. he was at east quote,
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advocate champion, now loading joining us as juliet salts in the senior to re, to act when to discuss the museum. what goes into preparing for an exhibition, unhealthy, a giving voice to african, odd tvs. thank you for making time for us today. can you give us a brief history on web and how it evolved into what it is today? there was a previous iteration of what his now, when for from the early, maybe the middle 19 seventy's proved and that's was elsewhere in kansas and it was much smaller. and it was really accessible only for students and stuff. you know, it was, it was the university institute ended operations very well for 30 years or so, but then coast in the early, 2, thousands as a university underway and typically reorganization. and then for 10 years, the developments and fundraising process happens. and so a 2012,
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when this innovation was launched, and we have now had a 10th anniversary celebration. a lot of weird goes on behind the scenes. tell us a bit more about what you have been working on. there's a lot of behind the scenes work, which includes acquiring work from all sorts of different sources, going to be bias. we've given it to people, believe it to us as the quest and all of that or to it has to get into, into a connection. starship base, which is a sophisticated to for managing it, has to get properly housed and stored, you know, trying to control and store ins to make sure that the us works. the tree take into the connection, opposite tool. longevity for future generations to come, your children and my children will be able to visit them. what is whims, ultimate gold? encouraging and definitive paying and appreciation of the arts of africa among
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people mobile, at least that is beautiful. you know what, i am looking forward to appreciating all the unique voices represented here. so thank you for your time. you're very welcome. as it is, sounds to us to meet a man that is preserving traditions by reviving a special fashion. it is time for mcbride cavaliere, and who special and the movie in her river addresses to grab the fashion world by the horns. due to hi, my name is mcbride provided and that may be an impression design. and my dream impression is to take our beautiful hetero address, do international god work. it is wedding season in namibia, but it wouldn't be of proper namibian waiting without mcbride godaddy. he is the icon of hetero session putting his unix pin on the traditional address known as the hold oak about the flow, sweeping him lines, puffy,
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sleeves and petticoats. unmistakably victorian. it was german missionary. so 1st order canada were meant to weigh these tiles the peaceful just as soon became a point of pride for the head of the people. the editor own special touches a colorful printed fabrics and had secured resembling the phones of cattle. and so they turn to human nature into a triumph. corvalle continues this tradition with a modern twist. the sleep a bit more than just to make. the young lady feels comfortable and also free. so and also coming to the skirt underneath it. since it's play, just to give a beautiful young lady of flexibility of movement, you know. and again, with the go homestead though she gave her the head gear. the head piece is just to represent our kids of each one is custom made and is usually one just once. so it's
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no surprise, but hetero gatherings, double as a special show of sort cuz that expression is on the train. because motor headed addresses have priest cash flows across the continent and you're even just missing the movies for the miss universe. competition provided grew up and then took, and it's always been a special needs to when he was 13. his mom bought him his 1st sewing machine by 16, he had already booked his 1st international fashion show. featuring headed addresses, now more and more designed as a taking inspiration from cub bodies look book. i feel like i'm pretty safe. i feel beautiful. makes me very much confident and i just loved to embrace it. love to embrace interest and the culture. besides the thing beautifully and making me look beautiful. um brands. uh a big thing though. we loved friends as youngsters. now the youngsters in the yellow was, so i went to like
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a brand new address just to feel good and to look great. the. it's because of the, you know, so that's, i wanted something more than and that's exactly what he gave me every interest. tell us a story. it's the traditional canada article that tells the tale of 100 years of oppression, but also one of resilience, redemption, self determination. and identity and passionate young design. this like nebraska body, i'm making sure that these stories will be passed on to future generations. those colorful herero jayce is definitely going to be a global sensation to sir, the exploring the exhibition we catch up with good find no more, jack, the curator of the african outs collections to discuss the one key exposition, cassandra, and thank you for making time for us today, what is one julie key and what does that mean?
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so web galaxy means you all welcome and is acosta. and it is a project that the museum undertook to welcome people back into the space of those coup. it's 19 condemning, locked down. so we looked through our store rooms and we selected some of the work that had been acquired or accepted for donation. and we just wanted to welcome people back into the space of to the long shut down periods, but to also have an opportunity to show people the work that has been happening, although the museum has been closed. what is unique about the way this exhibition celebrates african ok? so i think one important thing about this audience pm is that we offer an opportunity for people to see all the works of different mediums at the same time. we give the same sort of fancy way to all the works with the it is screen prints, paintings of foss, khatri, sculpture,
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speed work. and so people are able to see like a 2 dimensional work like painting on the wall right next to a beadwork in the same expression. i cannot ways to come and visit and try my hand in ox features. sure, thank you so much for making south west cling to a country with in a country this through to is often overlooked as a destination, the hot spot. so let's head over to my su 45 things that you both want to miss when planning do nice holiday and and, and this is a small little of the country and claims by side. that's okay. which is right, a full with a oh, hello. my name is for to is it? i'm a poet, an actress, a singer, and then active it. and this is my home country. the kingdom in this guy. welcome
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to my fire favorite things to do. when you're in the search of the photos, the population of just over 2000000 people with an estimated 400000 citizens being mark up work. i still live in south africa. mustang, such as capital city is on the west and board of the country and was originally established as a police count and was then later assigned as a capital city. in 1869. let's start off with a place with huge historical importance for best. so to, and the region pretty well so to must make at least one pilgrimage in their lives, to this place to home. i saw some of those who is worried about such a nation was 1st founded under king refresher, in the 1800. when he off, essentially to people seems shut up from the southeast and any benefits from the south west of africa. the main pathway has been paved almost all the way to the top,
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but is repeating a different adventure is can always ask for the more adventurous ation true. but for this one, we're taking the easy out. but we'll see what is so important to us subtle because it is a reminder of who we are, the boss, people. so to brown, have a long history of providing century in the 60s through the 90s. this, which was a common 1st stop for people seeing political persecution from a parted south africa. this is the throne. this is a place where he would sit, where he would offer century tubes misplaced people. the one thing you'll notice when you're on the search, it's the mountains, beautiful mountains,
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just behind me. a lot of list such as unique advantages because of our beautiful mountains the as fresh, sort of as i've seen. and the middle of the mountains provides the sweetest tasting water you ever come across. and not just always wanted to slip through. by the way, the 1st the best, the guys with the down was the 2nd feeder down to the so to highlands want to pressure as was known back then, which has been designed to provide water to south africa using gravity to pull the water down from dams. to a network of pipes from them. one of the 2 mountains about an hour and a bit out of my thing is modern lodge, which started out as a residential base camp supporting the construction of the damn lot. as all of timing i have really worked up in advertise, and right now we're here to pay any price rather in the whole of this country to see because of
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a great buy that is in the patio. and these ones are made from the police store. 100 percent. okay. and it's grass good piece because of the amount any of the terrain over the so to the best of to people actually do get around using cost that it's like this one and don't change whether you're in the city or the mountains. someone nearby, we'll have our alternative transportation available, either for a short or long ride. marcell less oh, cool. and will guide. oh, the cut in river as they call it. and so that's okay, right next door to do. so that's again. but i guess by now you get the picture despite its complications with only one neighboring country. is soto as always, been an independent state and was recognized as such before south africa
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was but so to pre cove, it used to travel across the border front of payment, had locked down into those borders, meant to booming, local tourism and attainment. fair, lots of expected things to do when you're in the search to that is ever you find yourself in my sales? no god for the gig guides. maybe you might just catch me at one of my favorite spots, giving it the form is like today we're here at the bank. yeah. the news about to do my shows me this without plastics from conception. granting mission ration basically held by degree, but they produce and know how like this. i want to tell them she's got my
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so is jason at the subway, special everyone needs to experience the sunsets the history. the culture has no way quite like it. florinda, my boss, to is the pretoria base print jamaica with a mission to revive and showcase the unique aspects of historic africa in modern times. enjoy up to date, your space with african home day cool. using modernized, tribal arts prisons and pets in so this is one of the patterns that i'll be sampling today, because i have to check for color and just to see how the impact and i actually get some thoughts on the actual fabric. lorina include your, my boss, so a multi talented print design is passionate about preserving and documenting african history through how modern visual archives as the founder of renaissance design, how, what can be seen in various well known restaurant, commercial spaces,
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and fashion pieces. pet designs reflect what she called the essence of ancient africa. i don't think i'll ever be able to say, okay, i don't have inspiration. we have over 50 countries on the continent and in one country these how many cultures, those cultures have subcultures, those subcultures have some tribes. so they is so much to unravel the end of taking on that responsibility to be the mouthpiece. and to also translate what i derive from those cultures and bring it alive in designs, and then bring it to a market in a form of product. the. the beauty of lorina designs is the ability to live on a number of mediums from will pay, puts a fabric and anything in between the welcome to my home
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studio. this is latrene, the way all the magic happens west off my research. and i've actually started to collect a couple of books on africa. ancient african african tribes and a few lives very important because a lot of the cultures, the tribes, which is vanishing, and a lot of that information gets lost or just really forgotten. and research starts from books for me, watching documentary in the world of design. i definitely see myself as an ancient voice in a modern world here to revive african history and heritage. prince lorina documents, ancient tribal textures, and more seeing in architecture, nature and culture from across the continent. because of my background and interior design, i always have this passion for architecture, like ancient african architecture. i decided to focus
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a little bit on what was going on the picture. it's the most sustainable i can pick check in inches can move in. so to have my inspiration for this print, it was inspired by the xle saved of the hat. i usually use very bright colors, but this time i wanted to go for something maybe muted. you still have a bit of color, but maybe bring to oranges and retrieve the blue presenting more time because obviously you're gonna have to mix water with them. i to, let's create the structure. so we're presenting what tabs the statue. and if you look at the pipes and as well, i did a little bit of the look like curves, but they actually were present in prints from your, from your finger tips because they create the actual stuck to the hand. so i'll be printing this pattern on scheduled questions today, and also sampling of the silk for some scouts. how are you?
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fine and 9, john, if you're not happy with the color and the face fabric car came on, i think i'm happy with the base separate. i think the cartoon absorbs the color very beautiful, and i love also the rich, but our ins, i think we can do a final print marino's fantastic trends. and of course they're offering software and it gets printed throughout print onto stopped the amazing paper. and we're going to take it to our 1st so i think he praised the actual ink from the supplementation paper gets pressed onto the fabric that during a charge and her friends going to come off nicely onto the fabric the
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see my leg on excellent products. oh, in people spaces is quite interesting for me because i think i focus a lot on the process, but seeing how it gets received by people that i absolutely don't even know is very special to me because it says that what i do has that. and it has meaning to other people, so it also encourages me to keep going and to keep on doing that research about into the africa because people are living in the modern world. so people want these type of stories in the spaces. so i'll continue just finding modern ways to sort of find a place and a space for them. thank you for joining us today. i am about to explore more of this beautiful od. remember, to share your thoughts and d, w dot com, forward slash feedbacks cool. see you soon, the
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